Doctor's story dead by daylight. Dead by Daylight perks, their translation and description in Russian. Those that didn't make it to the assembly, but are worth mentioning

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First I'll say:

Type 1 - Physiotherapist

This doctor can prescribe a variety of treatments for you, regardless of your complaints. From drying on a hook to drenching your body with electric current. Moreover, his diagnosis is unpredictable. You have a chance of going crazy, but it's equal to the chance of just becoming a little crazy.

In the game, such doctors prefer the tactic of giving an electric shock and then chasing with a stick. Can use torture mode to find a survivor. It's not often they take you to stage 3 insanity.

Type 2 - Dentist

Dentists prefer to work with clients in a physical way, but the mental health of dentists is not entirely in order. You definitely won't feel good, both mentally and physically. The most terrible sight is the inspection. Because in the world of essence there are no chairs for inspection; they use hooks for inspection (ordinary hooks). You just hang on the hook, and the doctor, without moving, stands right in front of your face. Many may think that he is just mindlessly standing in front of you, but in fact, the dentist is looking at your teeth, and he does not let strangers into the hook, because... doesn't want people to see what's going on in your mouth.

Such doctors use shock more as a passive ability, preferring a stick in pursuit. Usually the dentist has 1-2 survivors who never progress to phase 2 of madness.

Type 3 - Neurologist

Neurologists are almost the exact opposite of dentists. They often use psychic methods in treatment, but sometimes they can tap their spiked stick on their knee to test their reflexes. They promote a very effective exercise - squat down and bring your palms to your head. Some clients need to do the exercise or they just can't perform.

If such a doctor chased you, then most likely you will get stage 3 when you run away (or don’t run away). The primary task for him is not to kill the survivor, but to drive him to madness.

Type 4 - Surgeon

Unlike all other doctors, the surgeon almost always walks with his instrument, without causing any oddities. Such a doctor will not part with his stick. However, surgeons have most in common with other employees of the entity. You will be lying in the surgeon's office all the time, but... the entity has not provided a bed, you will lie on the floor.

The surgeon does not consider shock to be such a useful ability. He can only sometimes give you 1 stage, but usually no more. Oblique doctors who are not very accurate also become surgeons.

Type 5 - Psychologist

Again, a psychologist is the complete opposite of a surgeon. They have a huge impact on clients' mental health. reversed. After a long conversation with a psychologist, the patient is already a completely different person. This doctor will not touch your body parts or listen to your organs except your brain. Psychologists don’t approve of the neurologists’ exercise, so they simply won’t let you do it. They understand people well, so they quickly find them. Although it seems that this doctor is useless, some psychologists manage to earn a lot.

If you play against such a doctor, be careful and distrustful. If he has addons for effects (most likely he does), then try not to be deceived. You will spend about a third of the entire game in phase 3, don’t forget to reset it.

Today we will look at one of the paid maniacs in Dead by Daylight, which only if assembled correctly can bring success and joy to its owner. The Doctor was added in the Spark of Madness update last May. Throughout its existence, it has experienced all sorts of changes and balance adjustments.

The Doctor is one of the most effective maniacs at ranks 10-20, who was added in the chapter “The Spark of Madness” for a modest 175 rubles on Steam. This killer differs from his brothers in that, as a rule, his main ability is quite weak, and his personal perks (except for one) are not suitable for his playstyle.

Therefore, you need to be sure to supplement his main ability with skills.

The Doctor's Strengths

  • He has one useful and extremely effective build, which is known to most of the Dead by Daylight players who have ever sat down to play for him.
  • Allows you not to strain too much in searching for survivors. Unless they're hiding in closets. After all, its current reveals the position of the victim, who is within the radius of terror.
  • Having reached phase 3, the survivor no longer becomes so toxic, because he cannot perform a number of actions: heal, shine a flashlight. Sometimes survivors in the third phase begin to scream, which gives away their location and allows the Doctor to not miss the target after a moment of confusion.
  • There is no speed penalty when moving from the healing phase to the punishment phase and vice versa.
  • You can “electrify” a lying surva by simply standing with its mortal body.

The Doctor's Weaknesses

  • His main ability is weak without any buffs. Therefore, you should immediately take care of useful perks for this maniac.
  • Playing this maniac causes your attention to become dull, as most players carelessly rely on electricity and forget to check local lockers that may contain a potential victim. And such players rarely look around either.

  • Personal perks are not for him (except for rebooting, which is a drag).
  • To introduce a survivor into the third phase, he must be able to be treated with electric shock (4-5 shocks, if you count from the first phase and 2-3 if you count from the second) and, you know, the victims are not vegetables of the highest grade and most often know how to get away from - under electric shock.

A few words about the Doctor's personal perks

Few people take “Unbearable Presence”, but I often recommend it in my builds, because this perk is not so weak. This skill should be combined with Sowing Fear, as it cuts the charge in objects quite well, but in other cases it is not particularly needed. Previously, it could have been useful against toxic survivors with flashlights included in the “Children of Light,” but now this trick doesn’t really work.

"Surveillance and Punishment." Just give this perk to Michael, he will be very happy, but for others it is very controversial. It reduces the terror radius by 8 meters when searching and expands the angle of view, but when chasing it increases the terror radius by 8 meters and removes the increased angle. Again: I recommend it in certain builds and situations, but not as an all-around survivor annihilator.

And the last universal and useful perk is “Reboot”. Many people remember very well how they could waste time for half an hour near three nearby generators, simply breaking them into pieces. Still would! After all, if the generator breaks down, the survivor who went to restore it will have to go through the most difficult skill in the game (it is less than the skill of the fragment). But again. Gaming maniacs with this perk rely heavily on it.

Collecting perks for the Doctor

From parsing the perks we move on to assembling them. We have only one, but he doesn’t need more.

"Ave Maria".
The holy build we'll need for this build is: Sowing Fear, Frightening Presence, and Corruption: Bane. The first perk will increase your terror radius, and therefore increase the distance of static electricity, while frightening presence reduces the size of the skill check and increases the chance of it appearing within the terror radius. Damage is sacred. The game always lasts longer with her. And you can occupy the last slot with whatever you want. Personally, I fill it with the Reboot, Insufferable Presence, or Deer Hunter perk.

As a result

A doctor without perks is very weak, so it’s worth providing him with the necessary set in advance to make the game a joy. Fortunately, he only needs one assembly, which is universal and does not depend on the situation.


Real Name: Herman Carter
Power: Carter Spark
Weapon: Club
DLC: Dead By Daylight - Spark Of Madness
Location: Lary Memorial Institute
Complexity: High

His personal skills: Surveillance and punishment

"It's hard for me to keep my sanity. Every day this world gives me new challenges. A man dressed in a doctor's coat crossed my path. From afar I watch him wander around, searching... But he is not... normal. Eyes and mouth he's open, painful and anxious. I don't trust him, he looks like he wants to bring pain, not healing. I'll stay away, that's the smartest thing to do."

- From Benedict's observations.


From an early age, Herman Carter understood the human psyche. Analyzing and deconstructing something as powerful as the human brain intrigued him. He was a bright student and attracted the attention of his teachers. German successfully completed high school and began publishing in the psychological newspaper Partizan. Within a year, Carter was selected into Yale University's Advanced Neuromedicine Program, which was actually a CIA front. Brains are a valuable resource if you want to conquer the world and defeat foreign enemies. The CIA understood this, which is why they needed intelligence and geniuses like Carter.

Carter and other high-level recruits were transferred from the university to a secret facility in Illinois called the Leary Memorial Institute. Every student needs a mentor, and it was in this role that Mr. Stamper played, teaching Carter that information is everything, and knowledge is power. He was given all the necessary tools, the right guidance, and more or less everything he could possibly need. He did not understand that there was too little sunlight in his life, because he, too, was kept in darkness. After all, knowledge not only gives you power, but also makes you a threat.

Obtaining information became his mission. Mr. Stamper forced Carter to go further and further and not consider his work as work in a normal medical institution - after all, no one was watching them, and there were no rules to follow. The agency simply pointed Carter in the right direction, but then backed away when they saw that Carter was moving just fine on his own.

Submissive subjects for experiments were replaced by living, active specimens - people who caused trouble for the medical establishment. Carter took on new responsibilities - Project Awakening took shape, and on paper Carter began to describe it as "a new experimental form of interrogation." The project was approved, and for several months no one bothered Carter. Screams and groans filled the corridor near his laboratory, but the military men working there did not notice them - after all, in the war they had seen other things - the main thing is that the enemy can be kept at bay. The fluorescent lights blinked faster and faster. Electroconvulsive therapy became a regular item on the menu.

The prisoners begged to be taken to any other laboratory - just not to Carter. But at first no one paid attention to the rumors. During his years at the institute, Carter began to be called simply "Doctor", and no one questioned whether he had a license or what happened to the prisoners after they told everything they knew.

It was only after contact with the Léry Memorial Institute was cut off for a week that the true horror of what had happened there came to light. Carter's experimental extraction of information turned into terrible and strange torture. Patients and prisoners were found dead or comatose with various types of head injuries. And in his office the most terrifying discovery was found - Mr. Stamper himself with a skinned head and various electrodes and sensors introduced into his still working, but destroyed brain. "Doctor" Herman Carter himself was nowhere to be seen, but his scientific papers indicated that he was using prisoners as subjects for his electroshock therapy in order to discover a panacea for mind control. The government didn't even want to know about it. The institution was abandoned, and all information about the Lery Institute was forever classified.

Carter's Spark - a gift or a curse? The entity has lit a dark and unquenchable spark in the Doctor's heart, which allows him to generate electrical charges at will. His sinister treatment drives everyone he touches mad. Victims who have experienced upon themselves the force of the shock of a spoiled spark, they begin to lose touch with reality, and under prolonged influence they become completely insane.

  • Allows you to switch between modes. Punishment Mode is used to deal physical damage to survivors. In Healing mode, you have access to the Static Field and Shock Therapy abilities.
  • Static Field: While in Heal mode, you generate a Static Field equal to your Terror Radius, causing survivors to increase their Insanity based on how close they are to the Doctor.
  • Survivors with Madness Level I scream, giving their positions away to the Doctor.
  • Survivors with Madness II suffer the same effects as Madness I. They suffer from general hallucinations.
  • Survivors with Madness III suffer the same effects as Madness II - general hallucinations, while their power increases, allowing the Doctor to read their Auras. The survivors constantly scream, giving their positions away to the Doctor. Survivors cannot interact with objects until they come to their senses.
  • With the help of improvements, survivors can be affected by various Mental disorders.


    • To more effectively detect survivors using a static field, you can:
      • Increase the radius of terror using the Surveillance and Punishment and Sowing Fear skills
      • Use Calm and Order class power upgrades
    • Madness thrown by the static field does not affect survivors in the closet
    • The location of survivors affected by Madness can be determined by the red aura they generate when they scream uncontrollably (when moving to a new level of Madness or when seeing a hallucination in the form of the Doctor)
    • When entering Healing mode, pursuit speed is slightly reduced
    • Unlike a static field, the Doctor's Shock Therapy ability operates on the same level as the killer (in other words, the "storey level" is respected - a survivor on the second floor is safe from a killer using Shock Therapy on the first floor)

"Surveillance and Punishment" is one of three unique Doctor perks that can still be accessed by other assassins after acquiring the training skill in Bloodweb or Temple of Secrets. The radius of terror during a chase increases by a certain number of meters. At the same time, the normal state reduces the terror radius by the same amount, but increases the viewing angle.

Note. Effects that affect the viewing angle will not be cumulative!

For "Surveillance and Punishment I":

  • The radius of terror during a chase increases by six meters.
  • The radius of terror in the normal state is reduced by six meters.
  • The viewing angle increases slightly.

For "Surveillance and Punishment II":

  • The radius of terror during a chase increases by seven meters.
  • The radius of terror in the normal state is reduced by seven meters.
  • The viewing angle increases moderately.

For "Surveillance and Punishment III":

  • The radius of terror during a chase increases by eight meters.
  • The radius of terror in the normal state is reduced by eight meters.
  • The viewing angle increases significantly.

More information about using the “Surveillance and Punishment” perk:

  • Does not require recharging, is passive.
  • Used throughout the game.

Unpleasant situation for a survivor

Among the skills that increase the viewing angle, it is worth highlighting the “Child of Darkness” of the Ghost killer.

"Overload"- the Doctor’s second unique skill, which can also be acquired by another maniac through the training perk “Bloody Web” or “Temple of Secrets”. Affects all survivors at once!

By activating the overload of the generator, destroying it, you will expose the next survivor. The character who begins to interact with the generator will see a complicated mini-game. If the survivor loses, this will cause the generator to regress by a certain percentage. On the other hand, successfully completing the mini-game will not give the desired effect, but will allow you to avoid an explosion.

For "Overload I":

  • The difficulty of repairing a generator increases moderately.
  • The generator's regression in case of failure is three percent.

For "Overload II":

  • The difficulty of repairing a generator increases significantly.
  • The generator's regression in case of failure is four percent.

For "Overload III":

  • The complexity of repairing a generator increases enormously.
  • The generator's regression in case of failure is five percent.

More information about using the “Overload” perk:

  • No need to recharge.
  • Used throughout the game as a passive skill.
  • To activate, you need to interact with the generator.
  • The complexity of repairs increases due to vibrations and the appearance of reaction tests in different parts of the screen.
  • Becomes effective if you use the skills “Corruption: Ruin” and “Frightening Presence”.
  • Needed to get the “Experienced Doctor” achievement.

"Unbearable Presence"- This is the Doctor's third unique perk that can be acquired by other assassins through the training skill from the "Bloody Web" or "Temple of Secrets".

The Doctor's presence brings fear to the survivors. Those survivors who fall within the radius of his terror lose their effectiveness in the game. We are talking about accelerating the consumption of items by a certain percentage.

For "Unbearable Presence I":

  • Items are consumed 40% faster if a survivor is within the Doctor's Terror range.
  • Items are consumed 45% faster if a survivor is within the Doctor's Terror range.

For "Unbearable Presence II":

  • Items are consumed 50% faster if a survivor is within the Doctor's Terror range.

More information about using the “Unbearable Presence” perk:

  • There is no need to recharge, the skill is passive and lasts throughout the game.
  • The skill has a negative effect on the survivor regardless of their condition.
  • While within the radius of the Doctor’s terror, an “Efficiency” scale (efficiency, skill) appears, which determines the degree of impact.
  • Required to obtain the “Experienced Doctor” achievement.

The Unbearable Presence perk reduces the effectiveness of the following skills for survivors:

  • My own doctor.
  • Crusher.
  • Knowledge of botany.
  • Lessons from the streets.

How to play as the Doctor

While controlling the Doctor, activate the Shock Therapy mode at the beginning of any match. Thanks to this, if you move near a survivor, you will provoke him to involuntarily shout out, thereby finding out where he is.

When the victim is discovered, hit him several times with your stun stick. Literally three or four successful hits will be enough for the survivor to gain the Madness III affect.

  • When moving from one stage of "Madness" to another, the survivors scream.
  • The first stage after screaming causes reaction checks to appear not in the center, as usual, but in any other parts of the screen.
  • The second stage will cause hallucinations in the form of illusions, and you will be able to see auras and find out approximately where the survivor is.
  • At this stage, the survivors will constantly scream and you will know where they are. Until the Insanity level is lowered, Survivors will not be able to perform actions or use items. No, they will still jump over obstacles and throw boards.

How to play against the Doctor

If the Doctor starts to catch up with you, he will try to hit you with an electric shock stick. At such moments, you should try to sharply change the direction of your movement, performing certain maneuvers to make it more difficult for the enemy to hit you.

If the stage of “Madness” has reached the second level, then avoid staying in the same position for a long time. Remember that the Doctor himself sees the hallucinations that appear (more precisely, their auras), which means he will know approximately where you are. At this point, simply walk around the map in a circle (optional).

At the third level "Madness" stage, your character will scream constantly. Try to run away from the Doctor as quickly as possible and hold down LMB while standing still to recover.