Cheap unlimited internet tele2. Is there unlimited Tele2 Internet without traffic restrictions? Unlimited Internet from Tele2

Mobile operator Tele2 has introduced a new tariff in Moscow and the Moscow region - “Internet for devices”. The tariff plan is designed for a 3G/4G modem, wifi router or tablet and does not provide free dial-up of minutes and SMS. Depending on the volume of traffic, you can connect to an Internet package of your choice. Connected services allow you to actively use the Internet at high speed (3G/4G) in Moscow and roaming throughout Russia.

Tele2 “Internet for devices” - tariff description

  • When switching to the “Internet for Devices” tariff plan, by default the Internet package service is activated for 299 rubles/month, which includes 7 GB of Internet. If the amount of traffic provided is not enough, 15 GB for 499 rubles per month or 20 GB (699 rubles), or 50 GB (999 rubles) of traffic are at your service. Once the packet traffic is exhausted, you can restore access to the network by connecting additional options.
  • By connecting 20 Gb or 50 Gb, the subscriber additionally receives nightly unlimited Internet access as a bonus.
  • Calls to all phones in the Moscow region are charged at 1.80 rubles per minute. Prices increase sharply if you have to call other regions of the Russian Federation: a minute of conversation with Tele2 subscribers is 2.50 rubles, with other telecom operators - 10 rubles.
  • The cost of sending SMS to all mobile phones within the Moscow region is 1.80 rubles per unit, outside the Moscow Region - 2.50 rubles per SMS. An outgoing text message abroad will deduct 5.50 rubles from your account.
  • Calls to neighboring countries are charged per minute. Communication prices are as follows: CIS - 30 rubles, Europe and the Baltics - 49 rubles, other countries - 69 rubles, space radio communications - 240 rubles / min.
  • When one of the connected Internet packages is deactivated, the fee for each Megabyte of data transfer to MO will be 1.80 rubles.

How to activate the “Internet for Devices” tariff on Tele2

The cost of connecting to an Internet tariff in the Moscow region from another operator will be 40 rubles. For existing Tele2 subscribers who have not changed their tariff plan during the last month, there is no fee for switching to the tariff. To quickly connect to the “Internet for Devices” tariff, use one of the methods described below:

  • Call to a separate number. You need to dial number 630 from your mobile phone and use the voice prompts to confirm the transition to the desired tariff. There is no additional activation fee.
  • USSD request. Execute a special command through the speed dial menu *630*12#. There is a notification about the tariff connection status.
  • Personal Area. Go to the official Tele2 website, then enter “My Tele2”. The system will require you to enter a phone number followed by confirmation in the form of an SMS code.
  • Tele2 communication salon. Visit the nearest point of sale of starter packages or a Tele2 communication salon, where consultants will quickly help you connect your tariff.

How to extend traffic on Tele2 “Internet for devices”

Tele2 has provided the possibility of an optional extension of Internet traffic after the main volume is exhausted:

  • “Add 500 MB” for 50 rubles until 00:00 by entering the command *155*171#.
  • “Add 3 GB” for 150 rubles for 30 days, using the combination *155*181#.
  • “Add 5 GB” for 250 rubles for 30 days by executing the USSD command *155*231#.

After spending additional traffic, access to the network can be resumed by topping up the balance in an amount equal to the cost of connecting to one of the main Internet packages.

An alternative mobile operator has updated the range of tariffs offered. As before, in the TP list you can find profitable options for every occasion. Do you like to communicate a lot or surf the Internet, or maybe communication by sending short messages is more enjoyable? Then choose! Fans of traveling around Russia will also like the operator’s tariff plans, because they will no longer have to disconnect from the network in order to save on roaming. We will look at what Tele2 tariffs with unlimited internet are presented in the operator’s official line in the current article.

What does the operator offer?

In order to attract new customers and offer more interesting conditions for using services to existing subscribers, the operator has updated the range of tariffs available for connection.

Now you can choose a tariff without the Internet and the included volume of services - its name speaks for itself (“ Classical") with payment for actually used minutes, megabytes, messages, and a tariff providing unlimited Internet to Tele2 without traffic restrictions. Moreover, for subscribers using a SIM card of this operator in a tablet or modem, there is a separate offer - “ Internet for devices" This TP does not involve connecting voice services.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that traffic used by social networks and instant messengers such as WhatsApp and Viber is not paid for. Thus, a subscriber of an alternative operator receives truly unlimited access to the Internet.

Tele2 tariffs with unlimited internet

Let's take a closer look at the tariff plans that are available for use and connection and provide access to unlimited Internet. Under what conditions is Tele2 unlimited Internet provided without traffic restrictions and what additional service packages are available to the subscriber?

The Tele2 line includes several TPs that are considered unlimited:

  1. Daily Billing: This plan does not include voice or text packages. It is ideal for those subscribers who use the Internet more often and are not interested in other services or are interested, but to a lesser extent, and they are not ready to pay for them additionally. The daily fee is charged in the amount of 7 rubles. For 210 rubles per month, therefore, 5 gigabytes of Internet are provided plus unlimited access to currently popular social networks and instant messengers, as well as to the operator’s Tele2 TV and Sound applications. Connection speed is provided in Tele2 4G mode. Tariffs (unlimited Internet + voice and short message packages), which will be discussed below, also imply a similar bonus from the operator.
  2. With monthly payment and a full set of services: Internet + voice communication + message package. For subscribers who equally use all the services of a cellular company, a tariff plan for 199 rubles will be interesting. Payment for it is debited once a month - at the time of connection to it, and then exactly one month later. Tele2 tariffs with unlimited Internet, in addition to those discussed in paragraph 1, have a similar payment system. For TP " My conversation» available: traffic - 2 gigabytes, communication - 200 minutes, messages - 50 pcs. Thanks to the “Advanced Settings” service, the tariff can be modified: increasing traffic by 50%, activating unlimited SMS sending, or adding 100 minutes. The subscription fee in case of using modifiers will be increased in accordance with the selected add-on.
  3. For more demanding subscribers, a larger volume of services is available: calls, SMS and unlimited Internet “Tele2”. The price of this tariff is 399 rubles per month. The packages contain: 12 gigabytes of Internet, five hundred minutes for calls to any numbers in your home region and fifty messages.
  4. The maximum volume of included services is the “My Online” TP: 30 gigabytes of Internet, 1500 minutes and 50 messages. The tariff fee is debited from the balance in the amount of 799 rubles.

Internet from the operator for modems

If you want to connect unlimited Internet “Tele2” to the modem, then you should select “ Internet for devices" What makes it different from other plans?

Firstly, the ability to connect options for the tablet, and secondly, the high cost of voice communication services. At the same time, for 299 rubles the subscriber receives 7 gigabytes of Internet traffic. Unlike the previous TPs discussed above, traffic from social networks and instant messengers is taken into account, i.e. there is no unlimited use of them.

Internet connection options

If you don’t want to connect to Tele2 tariffs with unlimited internet, you can use one of the offered options:

  • 299 rub. - 7 gigabytes of traffic will be available to the subscriber per month.
  • 699 rub. - 20 gigabytes will be available when the option is activated;
  • 999 rub. - 50 gigabyte package - is the maximum in terms of traffic volume.

If you need unlimited Internet for a laptop from Tele2, it makes sense to choose the second or third option.

For a tablet, an option can be used for 499 rubles, providing 15 gigabytes of traffic.

Connection options

Activation of selected options or change of tariff can be carried out in any way convenient for the operator’s client:

  1. Application in the device (smartphone, tablet) - managing the list of services and editing the terms of the tariff plan is carried out here in a few clicks.
  2. The web version of your personal account offers more tools for managing your account compared to the mobile application.
  3. Call technical support - the client manager will help you change the terms of service online.
  4. Short command service. For each option or tariff, there is a certain combination of symbols with which you can quickly manage them.

Internet terms and conditions

  • Service packages included in the tariff plan (relevant for tariff plans with a subscription fee) are saved for the next billing period if they have not been fully used. At the same time, the main requirement for maintaining balances is timely replenishment of the balance in order to write off the next payment according to the tariff. Otherwise, the balances from the ended billing period will “burn out”, and new ones will become available only after money is credited to the account and the monthly payment is written off.
  • At the end of the paid traffic within the billing period, you can buy an additional volume of megabytes (such packages can either be valid until the end of the day or purchased for 30 days; the packages expire when the deactivation date or the end of the service volume occurs).
  • For options worth 699 rubles. and 999 rub. The opportunity to use the Internet unlimitedly at night is available, i.e. the traffic included in the package will not be consumed.
  • Options cannot be used in conjunction with tariff plans with included data amounts. Thus, not all options and tariffs are compatible. Unlimited 4G Internet “Tele2”, provided as part of the options, is available only with a positive balance.

Roaming: using unlimited Internet when traveling around the country and the world

For subscribers of an alternative operator, whose prices for tariff plans and services attract more and more customers every year, it was great news that when going to other cities in the country, you no longer need to think about how you can save money by using the Internet. After all, by connecting to one tariff plan, you can gain access to the Global Network on the same terms, whether in roaming or in your home region. Thus, Tele2 provides unlimited Internet throughout Russia without additional fees. It is enough to choose the most suitable service packages and switch to new favorable conditions.

Which unlimited internet option should I choose?

To correctly choose the most suitable tariff/option, you should answer a few simple questions:

  • Are additional services required: voice communication, messages - or will unlimited Internet be enough?
  • What volume of services are you planning to use?

A frequently asked question among Tele2 subscribers is: “How to connect to unlimited Internet for a month and is it possible?” Of course, the duration of use of the service is determined by the subscriber himself. He can connect both a tariff, changing it after a month or another period of time, and an additional option for the Internet, which, after the required period has expired, can simply be disabled without changing the terms of his TP.

It is also worth remembering that the tariff plans offered by the operator can be modified by adding the required amount of traffic, minute packages and messages. On the operator’s official website, when choosing a tariff plan, you can independently determine the terms of service by adding the necessary packages to the “default” options.


Regardless of what device the subscriber uses to access the Internet - a smartphone, tablet or modem - Tele2 unlimited Internet will be equally beneficial in each case. A large selection of tariff plans and additional options will allow you to determine a truly interesting offer for each subscriber. And the absence of a fee for changing the tariff (provided that more than a month has passed since the last change in the terms of service) will be a pleasant surprise for those subscribers who often like to experiment.

The favorable cost of communication services and a large selection of options and tariffs for the Internet are the main competitive advantages of the Tele2 operator.

The cellular operator “Tele2” is distinguished by the fact that it offers its subscribers low prices for communication services when compared with the tariffs of the “Big Three” operators. At the same time, the quality of communication remains quite decent. In addition, today the Tele 2 operator provides nightly unlimited Internet in 3G and 4G networks.

Tele2 operator operates in more than 60 regions of Russia. The established tariffs are so low that they cause strong demand among many potential subscribers. Moreover, subscribers are equally interested in both the cost of voice calls and the cost of data services, which is associated with the widespread use of smartphones and tablet PCs. Especially for those who prefer to be constantly connected to the network, the Tele2 operator has prepared several tariff options. They are intended for a wide range of users armed with regular phones, smartphones and tablets, as well as laptops and desktop PCs.

Unfortunately, there is no complete unlimited on Tele2, just as other operators do not have it. But you can take advantage of the night unlimited within the framework of the newest options “20 GB” (connected with the command *155*691#) and “50 GB” (connected with the command *155*701#).

“Internet from your phone” from Tele 2

The “Internet from Phone” tariff option is intended for users who actively use regular phones, smartphones and tablets. It provides the ability to access the Internet for daily subscription fee - seven rubles per day. This subscription fee includes a certain traffic quota - 100 MB per day. If the quota is exceeded, Internet access is suspended. You can use the provided quota in all regions of Tele2 Russia operation. The tariff option is optimal for users who frequently communicate on social networks and work with email.

The terms of service and the volume of traffic provided within the quota may vary depending on the specific region selected. To check the remaining unused traffic, you must use the USSD command *155*15#.

Connecting to the “Internet from phone” tariff option is carried out in two ways. The first method involves connecting the option through your personal account “My Tele2”. As for the second method, it involves dialing USSD commands *155*151#. In order to disable the “Internet from phone” tariff option of Tele 2, you need to dial the USSD command *155*150#, or use the “My Tele2” personal account.

In order to use the mobile Internet through this option, you need to configure your phone. In particular, here you need to install the access point, leaving the “Username” and “Password” fields empty. You can see how to do this in the video on this page. If necessary, you can order automatic settings by calling 679. Smartphones and tablets are configured automatically in most cases.

“A Day on the Net” – internet for a day from Tele2

This tariff option is aimed at users accessing the network using PCs and laptops. In addition, it is suitable for tablet owners who need unlimited access to the Tele2 Internet from a tablet. True, the traffic quota here is limited, but the volume is 300 MB per day should be sufficient for most needs. Once the quota is used up, Internet access will be suspended. The “Day on the Network” tariff option is valid throughout the entire coverage area of ​​Tele2 Russia. The subscription fee is 20 rubles per day. A distinctive feature of this option is that payment for it is charged only if there was a registered connection to the Internet within the current day. If there is no connection, no subscription fee is charged. Thus, the option is optimal for those who need to connect to the network only occasionally, not every day.

The terms of provision of the “Day on the Network” service and the size of the allocated quota may vary depending on the region of connection to the network. You can get information about the remaining unused traffic using the USSD command *155*16#.

To activate the “Day on the Network” tariff option, you need to dial the USSD command *155*161# on your phone, or use your “My Tele2” personal account. Disabling the option is done in the same way - using the USSD command *155*160#, or using the “My Tele2” service. In order to use this option, you must make connection settings. In particular, when creating a connection to the network, you need to specify the access point A similar access point is set in the tablet PC. Step-by-step instructions for creating and setting up a connection can be found on the official website of the Tele2 operator or watch in the video at the end of this article.

"Unlimited Opera Mini" Tele2

The Opera Mini browser was born almost 10 years ago. Since then, it has gained immense popularity, as it allows you to quickly open sites that are not viewable in standard wap browsers on phones running J2ME-based applications. The “Unlimited Opera Mini” option offered by the cellular operator Tele2 allows network subscribers to use the mobile Internet through the Opera Mini application under special conditions - without traffic tariffs. It should be noted that downloading files and using other applications is subject to full tariffs in accordance with the current tariff plan. Payment for the “Unlimited Opera Mini” tariff option is debited daily and equals 4.5 rubles per day.

Opera and Opera Mobile applications do not work with this tariff option. The tariff option works exclusively with Opera Mini browsers of any version, including the oldest ones. The option is available for connection on all offered tariff plans. Conditions for providing this option may vary in different regions. Payment for incoming MMS not Tele2 will be charged separately

To connect Opera mini on Tele 2, you need to dial the USSD command *155*11#, or use your personal account “My Tele2”. The cost of connection - both the first and subsequent ones - will be 10 rubles. The option can be disabled either through the “My Tele2” service or using the USSD command *155*10#. In order to use this service, you must set up a GPRS connection. You can do this yourself by specifying the access point in the connection properties (see video on this page), or by calling 679 to order automatic settings. You also need to download the Opera Mini application from the official website. No special settings are required to launch the application.

Calls to number 679 are free of charge.

The mobile operator Tele2 offers fairly balanced tariff options for accessing the Internet. However, truly unlimited network access is provided only within the “Opera Mini Unlimited” option (exclusively when using the Opera Mini application). Subscribers who want to get unlimited Internet for a smartphone or unlimited Internet for a tablet must choose a different telecom operator. The question of how to add traffic to Tele2 was discussed in detail in a special review.

To access the Internet, you can use tariffs with traffic packages. A typical example of this is the “My Online” tariff plan, which includes 12 GB of Internet and unlimited traffic for social networks and instant messengers.

Today we have to figure out how to connect unlimited to "Tele 2". In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. The specified operator is available in almost every city in Russia. Every place has its own tariff plans. More precisely, they are the same in all cities. But the cost of providing services will differ. What options can I use for unlimited Internet or communication? What will help active telephone users? How to connect certain services? More on all this later. In reality, everyone has the right to choose to activate certain capabilities. What to choose from and how to activate unlimited options?

For modem and tablets

For example, you can pay attention to unlimited Internet for tablets and other devices. That is, not for phones. U Tele2 has a special option that allows you to use the Internet without any problems. True, it cannot be called unlimited. Only to some extent.

How to connect unlimited to "Tele 2"? It all depends on how this term is understood. The Internet for Devices offer offers pay per megabyte of traffic. But there are no restrictions on the amount of information downloaded. As long as you have enough money, you can work with the Internet. On average, 1 MB of traffic costs 1.8-2 rubles.

There are several ways to get started. How to connect unlimited to "Tele 2"? The "Internet for Devices" service is offered to be activated by:

  1. Purchasing a SIM card with the specified tariff plan. In any office "Tele2" you can find this offer.
  2. Using the official website of the company. From clients "Tele2" has a "Personal Account". In it, tariff plans can be connected without much difficulty.
  3. By calling a specific number. In this case it is 630.

Switching to the tariff is free for all subscribers "Tele2" who have been using the operator's services for more than 30 days. Otherwise you will have to pay 40 rubles. Next, calls and Internet traffic are paid according to the tariffs in a particular city.


The next scenario is unlimited communication via SMS messages. The thing is that there are still some restrictions. But among the offers from the operator, there are some very useful and attractive functions. For a fee, 300 SMS per day are offered.

In fact, this is unlimited communication. For just 5-10 rubles (depending on your region of residence), you can easily exchange messages. Incoming emails are free. And outgoing too! You will have to pay according to the tariff on your phone only when the limit of 300 SMS per day is exhausted. In practice there are no such situations.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about how you can connect unlimited SMS to "Tele 2". The "SMS freedom" option is suitable for this. The service is activated in several ways. This:

  1. Using the “Personal Account” on the Tele2 website.
  2. Dial a special USSD command. To connect yourself to “SMS freedom” on “Tele2”, you need to dial and “ring” the combination *155*21#.

There is nothing difficult or special about it. But when enabling this option, it is worth taking into account the fact that, if necessary, the user must understand how to refuse such a service.

Opting out of SMS

Accordingly, there are several ways to disable the SMS Freedom package. As a rule, the same principles are used as when connecting the option. You can use the “Personal Account” on the cellular operator’s website and disable all unnecessary packages there. Not necessarily SMS. Or use a special request.

Which one exactly? Disabling unlimited messages on “Tele2” occurs after the combination *155*20# is “ringed”.

Nothing difficult or special. However, these are not all the possibilities that allow you to communicate without any restrictions. How to connect mobile unlimited to "Tele 2"? What other options for developments can be considered?

Unlimited Opera

For example, it is recommended to pay attention to the Internet. Modern subscribers use the mobile network very actively. You might think about how to connect unlimited to "Tele2" on the Internet. There are several options - either find a profitable tariff plan, or use additional options.

Have "Tele2" service called "Unlimited Opera". With its help you can use the Internet without traffic restrictions. But only in the home region.

How to connect this unlimited to "Tele 2"? This is not as difficult to do as it seems. Required:

  1. Configure your phone or tablet to work with GPRS.
  2. Download the official Opera Mini application. Next, the program is installed on the mobile device.
  3. Activate the option. You can, as already mentioned, use the official website "Tele2" and "Personal Account". Or activate the service by dialing a USSD combination. To connect you need to dial *155*11#.

From now on, a certain amount will be debited from your account every day. For example, 3.5 rubles. And all traffic downloaded through Opera Mini will be free. No need to think about how to connect night unlimited to "Tele 2". After all, with this option you can work online from your mobile phone at any time.


And now a little about how to communicate on the phone without restrictions through calls. U Tele2 has several very profitable offers. They all connect approximately the same way. Therefore, you should first understand exactly what tariff plans are offered to the population.

The first option is the "Black" tariff. Allows you to communicate with subscribers "Tele2" within the home region without any restrictions. Internet traffic is included in the package. Namely - 200 MB per month. Countrywide call Tele2 gives you 50 minutes per month for free. Next you will have to pay for the conversation. With subscribers of the specified operator - 2 rubles, for others - 8 rubles. If we are talking about a dialogue with subscribers of other operators within the home region, you will have to pay only 1.2 rubles per minute.

How to connect unlimited "Black" to "Tele2"? Can:

  1. Buy a SIM card with the specified tariff plan. This option is relevant for all tariffs, so it should not be mentioned again. Just contact the office "Tele2" and buy a SIM card there with the "Black" tariff plan.
  2. Use a phone call. Just dial 630. Then, following the instructions from the answering machine, the tariff change is activated.
  3. Use the request. The connection command is *630*1#.

The connection cost is 150 rubles. No fee will be charged if the subscriber uses the services for more than a month "Tele 2". "Black" requires a subscription fee of 100 to 250 rubles per month, depending on the region of residence.

"Very black"

But that is not all. It's all about what you have Tele2 has several better offers. They allow you to communicate virtually without restrictions. How to connect unlimited to "Tele 2"? The next offer is a tariff called "Very Black".

You can talk to subscribers within your home region Tele2 is free. Also, 250 minutes of free dialogue within the home region and on "Tele2" in Russia. Additionally, 250 SMS per month and 2 GB of Internet are provided. After the specified traffic is exhausted, traffic packages of 500 MB each will be connected one by one. In total there are 5 of them per month. Total - another 2.5 GB of traffic.

How does "Very Black" connect? Either a call to the previously specified number (630) or a USSD command will help. To switch to a tariff plan, you can use the combination *630*2#. All of the listed offers (among the tariffs) additionally offer unlimited traffic in the Tele2 TV and Zvooq applications.

"The most black"

The next sentence is "The Blackest". What does it allow you to do? It is offered to use 4 GB of Internet traffic and 600 SMS throughout the country. You can also use unlimited communication on social networks and watch 50 TV channels from "Tele2 TV". Within Russia, free calls are provided in the amount of 600 minutes per month. Next, you will have to pay 1.5 rubles for calls to all operators except your own, within the home region. In Russia - 3 rubles.

WITH Tele2 allows you to communicate throughout the country absolutely free of charge, without restrictions. Now this looks like unlimited. The average subscription fee for “The Blackest” is 300-400 rubles. How to activate this offer?

You can use all the previously listed standard methods. Only the command for changing the tariff will be slightly changed. You need to dial *630*3# on your mobile device. The transition, as already mentioned, will cost 150 rubles. But this is only for new subscribers. Those who are more than a month old Tele2 can change their tariff plan for free at any time.

"Infinitely Black"

This is how unlimited is provided for "Tele2" for a month. How to connect the next offer called “Infinitely Black”? This is another tariff that allows you to communicate on fairly favorable terms. It is worth paying attention to the fact that some restrictions still apply here.

"Infinitely Black" offers unlimited Internet on your phone. But at the same time, it additionally provides 200 minutes of free conversation with "Tele2" in Russia and 200 SMS messages per month. A kind of unlimited. For just 300 rubles (sometimes more) you can use the Internet and communicate on favorable terms. Once the specified minute limits have been reached, Tele2 communications within Russia will remain unlimited. But when calling numbers of other operators you will have to pay. Within the home region - 1.5 rubles, in Russia - 8 rubles per minute.

How to connect unlimited to "Tele2", or rather, the "Infinitely Black" tariff? To do this, dial the code *630*5# and click on the “Call” button. A few minutes of waiting - and the tariff plan will be changed. How to activate unlimited calls on Tele2? This is already clear! All you have to do is choose the right tariff! What other offers does the operator have?


The last option is to connect to the "Super Black" tariff. For a certain fee, he will allow, as in all other cases, to enjoy very favorable terms of communication. Namely:

  • 1,400 bonus minutes are allocated for calls per month;
  • 1,400 SMS throughout the country per month do not require payment;
  • 8 GB Internet traffic;
  • unlimited for social networks and Tele2 TV.

After exhausting the limits for "Tele2", as in all other cases, calls within Russia will remain free, within the home region you can call other numbers for 1.5 rubles per minute, within the Russian Federation - for 3 rubles. Connect by request *630*4#.


Now it’s clear what proposals are found in "Tele 2". Connection of unlimited services in one case or another can occur:

  1. Purchasing a SIM card with one or another option. Relevant for new Tele2 subscribers.
  2. Using the self-service service (number 630). This is not a very common method, but it is perfect for connecting services yourself and changing the tariff.
  3. By typing a USSD command of one type or another. The method is used both for connecting services and for refusing them.
  4. Through the official website and “Personal Account”. Relevant for all subscribers "Tele 2". It is enough to find an option on the website, go through authorization, click on “Connect” in the description of this or that opportunity and confirm the operation.

Today, most people cannot imagine their lives being complete without the Internet. Therefore, you need to take care of connecting to an operator that will provide uninterrupted access to high-speed Internet at a minimal price. One of such operators is Tele 2, which provides tariff plans for mobile and modem Internet on the most favorable terms. You can learn more about such tariff plans in this article.

Review of the most favorable Internet tariffs for a mobile phone

All tariff plans with a subscription fee provided by Tele 2 include packages with Internet traffic and unlimited access to various social networks and instant messengers. This allows subscribers not only to access the network, but also to use communication services. These tariff plans include the following options:

  1. My Tele This tariff is designed for accessing the network from your phone and calling other users within the network. Here you can get 5 GB for 5 rubles per day.
  2. My conversation. This tariff includes only 2 GB of traffic, but in addition it provides 250 minutes for any calls and 50SMS. Cost - 150 rub./month.
  3. Mine is online. Here the subscriber is provided with 10 GB of traffic, 450 minutes and 50SMS. Cost - 250 rub./month.
  4. My online +. Expanded version of the previous sentence. In this case, the subscriber receives 15 gigabytes, 600 minutes and 50SMS. Cost - 380 rubles per month.
  5. Internet on a tablet. A special tariff plan designed for owners of tablet devices. It also has unlimited access to social networks and offers 12 gigabytes of traffic. Subscription fee - 290 rub./month.

It remains to understand how to make unlimited Internet on TV2

Choosing an attractive tariff plan for your modem

For modem users, the operator has 2 tariff plans with unlimited night Internet. Both tariffs have the same conditions and differ only in the number of gigabytes included in the package and the size of the subscription fee. So in the first option, 20 GB are offered for 450 rubles per month, and in the second, 40 GB for 750 rubles per month.

All unused gigabytes are transferred to the next month, which is a significant advantage that only the Tele 2 operator has. If the subscriber runs out of traffic, he can always purchase additional packages of 100 rubles, each of which has 1 GB. If you have any questions, then you can.

Representatives of the companies will tell you which unlimited Internet on Tele2 is suitable for the user.

How to connect to the Internet - active combinations

First of all, in order to connect to the Internet from Tele 2, you need to purchase a SIM card from this operator. When purchasing, you can immediately select the desired tariff plan and you will have access to the network. However, if you already have a SIM card and want to switch to another internet plan, you can do this using the following methods:

In your personal account

This method is the most convenient, since here you can familiarize yourself with each tariff plan in detail and choose the appropriate one. After which you can easily connect to the selected tariff.

Connection process:

  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. Go to the "Tariffs" section.
  3. Choose the option that suits you.
  4. Click the connect button.
  5. Confirm the connection by entering the password from the SMS.

You can connect Tele2 unlimited Internet to your phone through your personal account or using SMS commands.

Special combination set

This method is the fastest way to switch to a tariff. However, you need to select the desired offer and read its terms and conditions in advance. After this, you need to top up your phone balance with the required amount (its amount depends on the selected tariff). Then you can proceed to the connection:

  1. Take your phone.
  2. Dial the combination to connect.
  3. Confirm the transition using the password from the SMS.

Each sentence has its own combination of numbers. You can find out what combination you need to enter on the website


Each tariff plan has its own conditions and costs for various communication services. So, if you want to familiarize yourself with the terms of use in detail, then go to the website and select the tariff you need.

Standard conditions for mobile phone tariff plans:

  • All tariffs with a subscription fee provide unlimited access to social networks. networks and instant messengers;
  • unused traffic, minutes and messages are transferred to the next month (if you top up your account on time);
  • calls to Tele 2 numbers are provided free of charge and without time restrictions;
  • minutes and messages can be exchanged for traffic.

The new Tele2 tariff with unlimited internet will allow everyone to save money.

Unlimited Internet from Tele2 in roaming

If you are going to travel outside of Russia and want to always have unlimited access to the network, you can activate the “Unlimited Internet Abroad” service. With its help, the subscriber gets access to the Internet in different countries of the world. In addition, by activating this service, the subscription fee for using the main tariff will no longer be charged.

Terms of service:

  • cost - 350 rubles per day;
  • connection is free;
  • operates in 81 countries around the world.

You can activate this service in your personal account. You can also dial the combination *143*71#. To disable the service, you can use the combination *143*70 #.

Video “Infinitely black - Unlimited from Tele 2”