Attack of the Clones: Games similar to GTA. The best games like GTA The best games like GTA

The GTA series has become one of the most successful gaming franchises, adding an open world, unbridled freedom of action and many features to the single-player campaign gameplay, which is now commonly referred to as “GTA-like.” It’s no wonder that many copycat games soon appeared, and even independent large projects borrowed some game design solutions and finds from GTA.

Especially for you, we have compiled the top 10 games similar to GTA 5 with an open world. So, let's start exploring the list!

The Godfather series - what happened?

The game series is based on the film trilogy “The Godfather” by Francis Ford Coppola, which, in turn, is based on the novel of the same name by Mario Puzo. The significance of these works for modern culture is difficult to overestimate, but what did the game makers from Electronic Arts come up with?

Plot narration of The Godfather

New heroes were introduced into the narrative, and the game tells exactly about them, when the heroes of the original story are relegated to secondary roles, and the original plot has undergone a number of changes. You will develop your own crime family with the blessing of Don Corleone and personally participate in some of the events of the film. In terms of plot, there are no complaints against the authors; it can be called a good fanfic based on The Godfather.

Atmosphere and gameplay

But the gameplay leaves much to be desired. The GTA-like feel is noticeable in many parts of the gameplay, but it does more harm than good to the game. Open world, shootouts, car rides - everything seems to be in order, but the difficulty of the tasks is close to zero, the opponents are just whipping dummies, and the cars behave like cardboard boxes.

It was also not possible to convey the atmosphere of the original, not to mention the fact that in the game you can exterminate all the competing bosses and their accomplices with your own hands, thereby solving most of the problems. Alas, the game is not suitable as an embodiment of “The Godfather”; among the ideological heirs of GTA there are better projects. That’s why The Godfather series only ranks tenth in our top.

Total Overdose - Mexican flavor

Tequila, cacti, bandits and... what, GTA again? In the first minutes of playing Total Overdose, you run the risk of not noticing the difference at all, they are so similar. But as soon as the action starts, with slowmo and time rewinding, you risk falling in love with it and getting stuck in this Mexican flavor and cool shootouts for a long time.

What about the plot in the game?

According to the plot of the game, Ernesto Cruz, an agent of the Department of Drug Enforcement, works undercover in a large drug cartel, but fails and is killed by being thrown from a plane. Ernesto's son, Tommy Cruz, begins to investigate his father's murder, and for this he will need the help of his younger brother Ramiro, who is in prison...

Reminds me of the plot of a Mexican TV series, doesn't it? But it would be more correct to say, a Mexican action movie. Total Overdose is, of course, a GTA clone, but the creators added some drive to the game, borrowed various features and tricks from Max Payne, and it turned out tolerable. As they later admitted, when creating it, they parodied the Mexican trilogy directed by Robert Rodriguez.

Is it a good parody?

Was the result successful? We can say yes. But Total Overdose clearly does not reach serious places in our top. A similar GTA with Mexican flavor and slowmo takes ninth place in our top.

True Crime: Streets of LA was one of the first games similar to GTA 3, but acquired a number of its own gameplay solutions that allow it to stand out and not be attributed to faceless clones. Its main character is Nick Wilson, a policeman known for his quarrelsome character, disobedience to his superiors and radical methods of catching criminals, often associated with devastating consequences. An ideal hero candidate for an open world action movie.

How's the plot going?

Nick is sent on a special mission to Chinatown (the hero is half Chinese), where a series of pogroms take place, and the local residents are not particularly eager to cooperate with the police. As the action progresses, the plot twists and becomes more and more confusing, and we get to know Nick more and more and understand why he became like this. An interesting protagonist is the main advantage of the game.

Gameplay True Crime

The gameplay of True Crime is similar to GTA, except for the interesting mechanics of ethics. The hero is a police officer, which means he can lawfully use force, detain suspects and even kill, but if you engage in police lawlessness, handcuff innocent citizens and use violence against everyone, you will quickly slide down the path of a “bad cop” who will not reveal the true truth to you. the end of the game. And in the worst case scenario, you will be fired from the police altogether, and welcome to the criminal world.

The second part of the game, True Crime: New York City, tells the story of black police officer Marcus Reed. The story was more action-packed, and new interesting elements were added to the gameplay, but overall these games are similar, and for their generation they became the GTA cop game. The True Crime series is ideal for weak PCs. Eighth place.

The Saboteur - fighting the Nazis

If the previous game series was a GTA in which you play as a cop, then The Saboteur is a GTA in which you fight the Nazis. And you fight in the best traditions of Tarantino’s “Inglorious Basterds.”

What is the game about?

Sean Devlin is a national Irish car mechanic and racing driver who is part of the Vittore Morini racing team along with his best friend Jules and his sister Veronica. There are promising races ahead on the border of France and Germany, but shortly before them, the heroes come into conflict in a bar with the Nazi Kurt Decker, who tried to molest Veronica.

As a result, the Gestapo begins to pursue them, they lose everything they have, and Jules dies from Kurt's bullet. Sean manages to escape, and he directs his righteous anger and hatred into the fight against the Nazis and becomes a member of the Resistance...

Gameplay Features

This is a sandbox game, initially painted in gray tones - this is how the developers convey the influence of the Nazis on the world, and as the Resistance succeeds and the regions are cleansed of the Nazi infection, they will gradually be painted in bright colors. This decision gives the game its own style and atmosphere. How can we paint the world with bright colors again?

There are many ways. Sean can become a smuggler and deliver the necessary goods to the Resistance, sometimes stolen from under the noses of the Nazis, you can engage in sabotage activities or even openly shoot Nazi patrols on the streets. If in the GTA lawlessness that attracted the attention of the police throughout the city was a criminal act, then here it is fair and pleasant to stir up the Nazis’ hornet’s nest.

Is it possible to play?

The game turned out to be both tragic and funny, but most importantly, lively. For this, we can forgive her technical flaws and some unsuccessful decisions and place her in a worthy seventh place in our top.

Saints Row IV, and what does GTA have to do with it?

If you are not familiar with this series, the events taking place in it may seem completely insane to you. Firstly, the game is made in the style of retrofuturism, that is, it is based on the ideas of science fiction writers of the beginning of the last century about the future, which has now become our present. Secondly, the President of the United States is the leader of the criminal group "3rd Street Saints", and to understand how this happened, you will have to play the previous parts of the series. Thirdly, aliens are attacking Earth... So, wait, what does GTA have to do with it?

Gameplay and story

Genre Saints Row IV is an open-world action-adventure game in the best traditions of GTA, but in its own crazy setting. If you are used to rational and realistic plots, then the story of Saints Row IV will seem to you written under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms and hard drugs, but the main thing in this game is not the plot, it’s entertainment. And it copes with the entertainment function one hundred percent. What you can do in Saints Row IV cannot be compared to the street mayhem in GTA, because GTA heroes only have fists and weapons, but here they have superpowers. Oh yes, some more!

Should I take it?

If this description does not scare you away, but interests you, try it. You'll like it. And from us - sixth place.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - GTA in the wild west

A textbook masterpiece from RockStar Games. In other words, from the creators of GTA. Can we say that Red Dead Redemption 2 is GTA 5 in the Wild West? Yes, this is partly true, but only partly. It is for this reason that we cannot give RDR2 a place higher than fifth, despite the fact that it is one of the best games of our time.

What is the game about?

The game's plot revolves around Dutch Van der Linde's gang terrorizing an alternative version of the American Wild West. Alternative, because RDR2 does not use the real names of US cities and states, but at the same time, analogies and prototypes are easy to read.

The game is imbued with the atmosphere of a Western, in which you will not just have fun, but truly live. No, not in the sense that RDR2, like Korean MMORPGs, requires you to grind every day. You simply won't want to leave this atmospheric, mesmerizing and open-to-exploration world.

What to do in RDR2?

Is it possible to be rowdy and riotous here, like in GTA? Yes, of course, and if you are the fastest shooter on the entire frontier, you can deal with anyone who tries to stop you. Another thing is that bad deeds entail a bad reputation, and if the fame of a notorious thug and scoundrel sticks to your hero, the attitude of city residents towards you will be accordingly. However, if you like it when people hate you, but are afraid to say it out loud, why not? You can also make a character into “Clint Eastwood”, it all depends on your actions.

Is it required to read?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great game with a great atmosphere, exhilarating adventures and memorable characters. You can bypass it only if you can’t stand Westerns; in all other cases, it’s a must to play. Unfortunately, you can only play it on a PS4 or Xbox One console. But in 2020 it should appear on PC.

Just Cause series - real chaos

The adventure series from Avalanche Studios already has four games, each of which tells about different armed groups vying for power over a small tropical country. The prototype of the country was Panama, and the name of the game itself comes from Operation Just Cause, the code name for the invasion of Panama by American troops in 1989, which resulted in numerous casualties among the civilian population of the country.

What is it about?

However, it is the player’s choice to terrorize local residents and take control of regions through intimidation and violence, or choose the path of cooperation and help. The hero of the series is always Rico Rodriguez, a CIA agent dedicated to overthrowing dictators. Together with him, the player travels around the country by car, performs various missions, breaks the law from time to time, and acquires allies and enemies. Each game in the series has been compared to GTA, but to call Just Cause its clone would be incorrect; it is an independent project with its own characteristics and atmosphere.

Where to look and which part to play?

Which part of the series should I choose to play? If your goal is to cause real chaos, choose the third. If you are interested in a fascinating plot, it is better to go through the games sequentially, starting with the first. The easiest way to find games in the series is on Steam, or you know where. And from us the whole series gets fourth place.

Watch Dogs series about noble hackers

Open-world action-adventure Watch Dogs opens the top three. This is a major project from Ubisoft, which was followed by several story additions and a full-fledged independent sequel. Both the first and second parts of the game are characterized by a very GTA-like freedom of action, the ability to complete the same mission in several ways and many optional activities in the open world.

If the events of GTA are associated with a robber and bandit stealing cars in front of hundreds of witnesses, then Watch Dogs immerses the player in the world of information warfare, cyber terrorism and counteraction from freedom-loving hackers and large corporations. In the world of Watch Dogs, Chicago of the future is controlled by the ctOS operating system, which controls all processes in the city and has information about all its residents.

The weapons of the main characters, skilled hacker Aiden Pearce in the first part and young Marcus Holloway in the second, are surveillance and hacking. Turning off the power, taking control of communications, switching traffic lights... The creators clearly loved the film “Hackers” with a young Angelina Jolie.

Should I install it on a hard drive?

Unlike GTA, Watch Dogs encourages stealth missions without unnecessary sacrifices. There is shooting, but you are unlikely to achieve much success with brute violence; after all, this is a game about hackers, not thugs. Do you like this gameplay? Then start with the first part, it has never become outdated.

The Mafia game series is a great alternative to GTA (excluding the 3rd part)

Anyone who loved GTA and was looking for alternatives to it came across the Mafia series of games from the Czech company Illusion Softworks, which later turned into Hangar 13 Czech. The plot of the first game in a cinematic style tells the story of an ordinary driver, Thomas Angelo, who accidentally got involved in criminal disputes and became an influential member of the mafia, after which, due to a number of circumstances, he betrayed his former accomplices.

The first game was followed by the second and then the third part, and all of them were distinguished by a fascinating crime plot and memorable main and secondary characters.

What about the gameplay?

From a gameplay point of view, Mafia is a calm and measured game, and an attempt to cause mayhem on the street in the spirit of GTA most often ends disastrously for the hero. However, all the elements typical of GTA are here too: an open world, driving a car, a city thought out to detail.

Who will like it?

Mafia takes second place in our top. If you primarily loved GTA for its fascinating story, you will definitely like it. If the need to play tricks on the streets and beat up passers-by is more important to you, it’s better to find another game. Or prepare for big troubles.

Sleeping Dogs - GTA for kung fu lovers

By analogy with GTA: San Andreas, it could be called Sleeping Dogs GTA: Hong Kong. Although Sleeping Dogs was originally conceived as a continuation of the True Crime series and was called True Crime: Hong Kong, only the game's copyright holders changed, and the number one Hong Kong action movie in the gaming industry failed to become a continuation of True Crime. But did he suffer because of this? Not at all!

What awaits us in Sleeping Dogs?

The main character of the game, Wei Shen, is a policeman from Hong Kong who has to infiltrate a large crime syndicate. The Asian mafia is famous for its cunning and cruelty, but our hero is no slouch - a shooter, driver, martial artist... By the way, an important part of the game mechanics and plot is devoted to martial arts in the game, in contrast to the mediocre implementation of hand-to-hand combat in GTA, kung fans are here -fu will be able to turn around to glory.

When the game came out, everyone immediately noticed its similarity to GTA, and it did not work in favor of GTA. In 2012, it was fashionable to criticize Rockstar Games for mistakes, but the developers of Sleeping Dogs managed to avoid all these mistakes, presenting to the world a cool adventure about police officers, kung fu and the merciless Triad. Of all the games similar to GTA, it is the one that deserves victory in our top. First place!

Many game makers tried to imitate GTA, but most of the imitations turned out to be dull, disposable clones. We have selected for you only those games that are distinguished by their individuality, interesting plot or new features. There are probably other projects that are not in our top that are similar to GTA, but you can always create your own.

At first, GTA was just not the most famous arcade entertainment, but quickly became the most popular of the offerings in recent years. It is believed that Rockstar Games has created a unique product that goes beyond the action genre. This series of games, depicting different eras in the United States, is talked about in the news and references are made in films. The huge success of the project lies in the presence of an open world in which you can do whatever you want: complete missions, take part in races, have fun in the city and improve your apartment.

Celebrities from Hollywood themselves want to voice popular characters. The time periods from the 1990s to the beginning of 2010 are described especially carefully, taking into account all the little details, from the appearance of the characters to the musical soundtracks and also advertising on billboards. She became a representative of a new genre, which spawned a large number of similar projects. It is about games similar to GTA that we will talk about in this article.

Admiration for the Grand Theft Auto series of games is based on a sparkling sense of humor, freedom in choosing a strategy, and memorable main and secondary characters. So that you can pick up something worthwhile after the adventures of Trevor Philips, Niko Bellic and Carl Johnson, in this article you will find games similar to GTA 5 for PC.

The action games of Dead Rising with many exciting adventures are reminiscent of GTA only in some elements. For example, the Grand Theft Auto series does not feature the living dead, and Dead Rising does not have a very well-designed world. And yet there are common features: the ability to travel through open space, use transport, choose how to complete quests, the ability to explore the game world, looking for collectible surprises, and not just deal with the main plot line. For those who like to kill in huge quantities, this offer will seem like a good option for a great time. Because there are a lot of zombies here.


This duology will make you feel like the most powerful mafioso, controlling the entire criminal world. The Godfather was created taking into account the films of the same name. In games you can meet those heroes who are loved in cult films. The developers did an excellent job of bringing the popular “Godfather” to the gaming world. The game world contains many exciting tasks, an interesting plot and the opportunity to build your own criminal business. For this reason the game is included in the list.

An interesting innovation in the gameplay is the ability to receive money from the owners of small shops and shops. They can be intimidated, but this system must be used skillfully so that the victim does not lose control of himself. Otherwise there will be no profit. The city itself is quite spacious with various elements, including car designs, characteristic of the forties in America, when gangsters ruled everywhere.

In this series, the player will be able to imagine himself as a police officer, first in Los Angeles, and then in New York. The plot tells about the difficult work of a bad cop who does not strictly adhere to work instructions, using dirty methods such as brutal interrogations, the use of firearms, and high-speed chases. No one here treats shady types politely or draws up protocols.

This duology features a lot of side quests, the opportunity to explore an open world, and hip-hop as a licensed theme song. The player can also choose a behavioral strategy: a cop acting according to instructions, or breaking all laws to catch criminals. If the player chooses a police officer with moral principles, he handcuffs the criminals. And in the case of the opposite role, the hero kills enemies by shooting them.

The choice of behavior strategy affects the receipt of one of three endings. During the gameplay, players will be able to see the streets of Los Angeles that are almost identical to the real ones, for example, the same Santa Monica and Beverly Hills. The reconstructed territory is 620 kilometers, which at that time was quite a significant figure.

This series tells about the fate of mercenaries who take on absolutely all the dirty deeds offered. This series is similar to GTA due to the presence of a wide selection of weapons, a wide variety of vehicles, as well as vast open space. There is a lot of action here - after all, we are talking about soldiers of fortune. The sequel, which was also released on PC, and not just on PlayStation and Xbox, like the first part, is interesting with even more explosions with numerous destructions, as well as the ability to use nuclear and air strikes for those who want to destroy cities. The plot is simple, but no one is interested in it, because the main thing is that you can comfortably sit in a tank and start destroying everything around.

In the provided duology, the character is capable of using supernatural powers. With the help of hands that turn into tentacles and the ability to imitate any person, the main character achieves his goals. Cars become redundant because the character is able to jump over high-rise buildings and move at great speed throughout the game space. The hero has to fight a corporation that not only contributed to his change, but also makes the walking dead out of people. In the open world you can complete a variety of tasks.


The game describes German-occupied Paris and the heroes of the French Resistance. It has everything: a lot of action, various mission options, an open world. When any blocks were knocked out from the Nazis, the colors of the buildings become brighter. And those places where enemies have settled are painted in monochrome with red details.

The story quest and the opportunity to explore the open world are perfectly balanced. You can fight the fascists face to face or sneak up from a position of stealth. Before us appears a warrior with extensive experience and the ability to drive various types of transport. The missions in this universe are spiced up by the Resistance base - the brothel. So the player will always be pleased to be at the base during the mission-free time.

9. Total Overdose

An exceptionally reckless copy of GTA with an attractive musical score, an incomparable character and a Mexican-style design. The leading line turns out to be the hero's revenge for his murdered father. The protagonist must cope with a dangerous drug cartel for the DEA, not forget about his personal life and destroy a huge number of opponents.

Total Overdose satirically explores the stereotypes that arise when thinking about Mexico. This game differs from GTA 5, where the shortcomings of society are critically shown. These are wrestlers, sombreros, bullfights and other moments of the usual life of local residents. There is also a lot of action and jokes. The disadvantage is that the graphics are not of very high quality, which is due to the appearance of the project in 2005. You can play Total Overdose only on weak computers. However, fans who miss vivid memories will still appreciate it.

8. APB: Reloaded

Another GTA clone for free use, in which the main plot is regular battles between criminals and police on the same territory. The customization system is at a high level, which allows the multiplayer game to successfully compete with GTA Online, high-quality PvP action. An open world presupposes freedom of choice of activities. Naturally, you still won’t get full pleasure without investing money. So before you download this game, think about whether you are ready to part with money.

The series of these games would not have been on the list if the third part had not been released. The very first ones also allow you to explore the open world and provide, to some extent, complete freedom in choosing actions. But still they are not too similar to Grand Theft Auto.

And in fact, this proposal is quite worthy, so she herself can be imitated. Since this game was created at the same time as work on GTA 3, these games are completely different. The main character is a taxi driver named Thomas, who became involved in gangster intrigues. The story takes place in a fictional city very reminiscent of Chicago and New York in the thirties. In the Mafia you can find the elements required for a gangster story: intrigue, danger, love. The weapons and vehicles of that time period complement the atmosphere well; many people fell in love with the mafia because of this.
The third part of the game can be called a copy of GTA. In Mafia 3 you can kill cops, steal cars and enjoy the memorable background music and atmosphere of the 60s America. The plot will also interest players, as will the cut scenes with high-quality directorial work.

Those who created GTA also released this game, which allows you to feel like a real rule breaker. In it you can try on the usual role of a schoolchild: lessons and homework. Or visit discos, have affairs with girls and start fights with other students.

The main plot allows you to spend a year at school with a boy named Jimmy Hopkins. This year, the rule breaker needs to become one of the groups of schoolchildren, find the girl of his dreams and deal with new enemies. The topic may seem childish, but it deeply depicts the problems of growing up and current social issues. Mini-games and exciting quests add interest to the gameplay.

This series has a vast open world, many different vehicles to move around, beautiful graphics with bright colors and many different quests. The main theme in this series is supposed to be the victory over the next ruler who has seized power over ordinary residents in lagging countries and oppresses them.
The main character of the trilogy is Rico Rodriguez, who works for the CIA. He is capable of driving any vehicle and shooting any type of weapon. To covertly enter objects, Rico uses a grappling hook. The main plot in each game is a revolutionary confrontation with various dictators who not only enslaved their people, but also seek to take over the whole world. In addition to the main story mission, the player can race cars, explore the open world and sneak into enemy bases. The game is available in multiplayer for playing together with friends.

The very first game in this series was presented by Ubisoft as the main competitor to GTA. And yet the first part could not become more popular than GTA. And yet the plot in the game is interesting, there is an open world and exciting combat scenes. The main character is also an experienced hacker.
The sequel came out with much more thoughtful RPG details, high-quality action, and the ability to choose methods for completing quests. The expanses of an open world with NPCs who seem almost real people change sensitively from any influence of the player. San Francisco, where the game takes place, is made with careful attention to every detail. So the player will be able to explore a real city, recreated almost entirely, with all the sights. And Watch Dogs 2 is really not inferior to GTA 5, despite the fact that the first part was in many ways inferior to the famous game.

2. Sleeping Dogs

The True Crime series mentioned above was supposed to continue, but production of a new game stopped. However, Square Enix acquired the created materials from Activision Blizzard. And the new project has a different name, because the previous publisher has the rights to the series.
The main storyline of Sleeping Dogs is the life story of a policeman who plans to destroy a Hong Kong gang by infiltrating it undercover. The game examines the moral aspects of certain actions. And the plot itself suddenly changes, surprising the player. The protagonist must constantly fight using the art of martial arts, using unfair techniques. The player can throw enemies, slamming their heads into air conditioners and aquariums. Another advantage of the game world is the carefully recreated Hong Kong.

This series of games is even more chaotic than GTA. Here the player can commit cruel acts and also find himself in incredible situations. Here you can deal with gangs, destroy aliens and even find yourself in Heaven and Hell. The weapons are also presented with all the richness of the developers’ imagination: a lightsaber, a cannon that shoots dubstep, a plunger shooter. There are also traditional submachine guns for fans of classic weapons for any action movie.
Despite the plot twists that are truly amazing, the proposed series is a good copy of GTA with various missions, shootouts, pursuits and collectible surprises hidden in different locations. The character editor is of high quality and has a wide range of customization options. Here you can create a copy of your beloved brother or sister.

Saints Row 2 has style points that are needed to unlock new missions. But this game has certain technical difficulties, including physics shortcomings.

The first toy in the series was released in 1997, the last in September 2013. In between, twelve more exciting action games were released, in each of which the gamer was asked to try on the role of a real criminal. It was necessary to attack passers-by, steal cars, rob banks and even commit contract killings. The name of this specific series of entertainment was the term Grand Theft Auto, which is often used in American jurisprudence, which means theft of a vehicle.

Almost all of its parts became real bestsellers, received dozens of rave reviews and acquired thousands of fans around the world. The brightest stars of American show business consider it an honor to take part in their voice acting or otherwise be sketched next to them. At one time, the main characters in GTA games were voiced by actors similar to them who starred in similar action films. Among them were such stars as Samuel Leeroy Jackson, Michael Madsen, James Woods, and other equally famous personalities.

Of course, games similar to GTA, which we bring to your attention, are not as popular as their famous predecessors. But no less interesting. You can easily verify this yourself by starting to play any game. The criminal world of America will gladly accept everyone into its hot embrace, which instantly turns into a vice as soon as it occurs to someone to leave it.

In the footsteps of Al Capone

All games like GTA have a similar plot: a provincial from a distant state arrives in a large metropolis and begins to build a career in the world of organized crime. As a starting position, he is usually offered the proud title of “senior wherever they will send him.” Together with the main character of the game, made in the GTA style, the gamer will first have to perform the duties of a courier, running from one end of the city to the other, the boss’s personal driver, his valet and other, not particularly important assignments.

If you manage to prove yourself as a smart and dedicated performer, you will be allowed to rise one step higher and be tasked with stealing a car. Then blow up a car full of passengers. Then it will be the turn to eliminate unwanted people, so you will have to turn into an experienced and cold-blooded killer. So, gradually, step by step moving from level to level, you will complete increasingly complex missions of a game similar to GTA until you become one of the leaders of a mafia clan. Provided, of course, that your competitors or your own “brothers in arms” don’t kill you first.

By the way, about weapons. It is not freely available on the screen. To arm your ward, you will have to really rack your brains. A Mauser or rifle can be received as a reward for a job well done, found in a cache, or taken from another game character.

When starting to play games like GTA, do not forget to always monitor two character characteristics: level of life and armor. If the first one falls sharply, your hero runs the risk of ending up in the hospital, being run over by a car, being beaten up by random thugs, and a bunch of other similar troubles could happen to him. If the armor needs pumping, any of the above incidents could cost him his life, and you could be kicked out of the game. Try to avoid such mistakes, because they delay the main game goal - to become the most famous and respected mafioso in the city.

Year of manufacture: 2005
Genre: Action, Shooter, Racing
Developer: Rockstar North
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Developer website: n/a

Voice language: English
Platform: PC
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz, AMD Athlon 64 2400+
RAM: 1 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista / 7)
Video card: Nvidia Geforce 7600 or Radeon X1600
Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible Free hard disk space: 5 GB
Description: John McClane is back in action - this time he confronts a new generation of terrorism...


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas MultiPlayer v0.3e (RePack)

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Action, 3D, 3rd Person

Publisher: Take 2 Games
Interface language: Russian, English
Platform: PC

Description: GTA: San Andreas is a new game in the Grand Theft Auto universe, claiming to set new standards in the genre. The action of San Andreas takes place in the early 90s of the last century in a huge...



Genre: Action
Developer: Downloader17
Publisher: Rockstar
Interface language: English+Multilingual
Platform: PC
System requirements: AMD A-10 4600M (4 cores 2.3GHz) or better, 3GB RAM or better, ATI Radeon HD 7670 M discrete graphics card or better,
Description: GTA IV pirate + GTA V mods and additions After starting the game, the “Error: APP crash” window will appear, you close it with a cross, another error will appear - click “ok”, the game will start, play))) 1.Added switching between three characters, like in GTA V, added switch...


GTA San Andreas/GTA Modern City

Year of manufacture: 2005-2013
Genre: Action
Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar North
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian, English
Platform: PC
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7
Processor: CPU 2.0 GHz,
RAM: 2 Gb,
Video card: 1 Gb Video
Description: The assembly is based on the GTA San Andreas license
Installation procedure: 1) Download the game from a torrent 2) Run gtamc.exe 3) Select the installation path 4) A shortcut will appear on the desktop If you want to play with your safe, be sure to patch it with...


GTA: Vice City Deluxe

INFORMATION: Game release date: May 13, 2003 Game release date in
Russia: October 9, 2009
Genre: Action (Shooter) / Arcade / Racing (Cars / Motorcycles) / 3D / 3rd Person
Game site: ViceCity.Com Ru game site: GTA-ViceCity.Ru
Developer: Rockstar North
Publisher: Rockstar Games Publisher in
Russia: 1C
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Edition type: Repack
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
Processor: 1 GHz
RAM: 128 MB
Video card: 32 MB
Sound card: DirectX® 8.1c compatible Hard disk space: 1.24 GB...


GTA San Andreas + MultiPlayer SA-MP 0.3z

Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Action, Online, GTA
Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Take 2 Games
Interface language: RU
Platform: PC
System requirements:
Operating system: Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Processor: Intel® Core2Duo® 2.2 GHz+
RAM: 256 Mb+
Video card: 256 Mb+, OpenGL 1.2+
Sound card: Sound device compatible with DirectX® 9.0c Free hard disk space: 1500 Mb
Description: Grand Theft Auto: SA-MP is a multiplayer mod for GTA: San Andreas, played by hundreds of thousands of players around the world! On a huge number of servers you can not only...


GTA Vice city Ultimate

Year of manufacture: 2003
Genre: Action
Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian/English
Platform: PC (Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7)
System requirements:
Operating system: Microsoft® Windows® 2000 (SP3) / XP
Processor: 1 GHz
RAM: 128 MB
Video card: 32 MB
Sound card: DirectX® 8.1c compatible Free hard disk space: 1.54 GB
Description: GTA - Vice City Deluxe is a global addition to the original game, which completely upgrades all vehicles in GTA to cutting-edge models...


Grand Theft Auto San Andreas + MultiPlayer

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Action, 3D, 3rd Person
Developer: Rockstar Games / Take 2 Games
Publisher: Take 2 Games
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian + English
Platform: PC
System requirements: * Windows 2000 or Windows XP * Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP Processor * 384MB RAM * 16x DVD-ROM * 4.7GB free hard disk space * 128MB video card * DirectX 9 compatible sound card
Description: GTA: San Andreas is a new game in the Grand Theft Auto universe, claiming to set new standards in the genre. San Andreas takes place at the beginning...


GTA San Andreas + MultiPlayer v0.3e

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Action
Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Take 2 Games
Developer website:
Interface language: RU + EN
Platform: PC
System requirements: * Windows 2000 or Windows XP * Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP Processor * 384MB RAM * 16x DVD-ROM * 4.7GB free hard disk space * 128MB video card * DirectX 9 compatible sound card
Description: GTA: San Andreas is a new game in the Grand Theft Auto universe, claiming to set new standards in the genre. The action of San Andreas takes place in the early 90s of the last century in a huge...


GTA Vice City Collection 14in1 (Repack by KOPER) (2003-2012)

Year of manufacture: 2003
Genre: Action
Developer: Rockstar North
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Developer's website:
Interface language: English, Russian, etc.
Platform: Microsoft Windows
System requirements: √
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7 √
Processor: Intel Pentium III 1.6 GHz, AMD Athlon XP 1600+ √
RAM: 512 MB (XP) / 1 GB (Vista / 7) √
Video card: Nvidia Geforce 7600 or Radeon X1600 √
Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Description: Events take place in 1986. Tommy Vercetti, who came out last...


GTA Anthology (23 in 1)

The anthology includes Grand Theft Auto + GTA: London 1969 - pirate (quality) (381 MB (400,192,382 bytes)) Grand Theft Auto 2: Mayhem - license (744 MB (780,465,080 bytes)) GTA4 - license (13, 9 GB (14,962,261,029 bytes)) GTA3 - packed license (350 MB (367,909,598 bytes)) GTA3_Liberty City Deluxe - pirate (974 MB (1,021,791,528 bytes)) GTA San Andreas - license (3.95 GB) (4,247,329,296 bytes)) GTA San Andreas_Night Crimes - pirate (1.18 GB (1,269,592,607 bytes)) GTA San Andreas_Resident Evil - pirate (2.51 GB (2,696,545,769 bytes)) GTA San Andreas_Return to Los Santos - pirate (1...


Grand Theft Auto Anthology (License) [1998-2010, Action/Shooter/Racing]

Grand Theft Auto
Year of manufacture: 1998
Genre: Action
Developer: DMA Design
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Publication type: License
Interface language:
Voice language:
Tablet: Not required
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows 9598
Processor: 75 MHz Pentium
RAM: 16 Mb
Video card: 8 MB
Sound card: DirectX® compatible sound device Free hard disk space: 400 MB
Description: By playing Grand Theft Auto, you need to increase your authority in the eyes of your bosses. You have to steal cars, sell drugs, kidnap and kill people. Actually...

From a small arcade game, GTA has grown into one of the most notable game series of the last decade. You can no longer talk about GTA as a representative of the action genre. In fact, the RockStar company gave birth to its own genre, which immediately had imitators. We dedicated our top ten to them.

You might also be interested in 10 things to expect from GTA VI and 7 reasons why we're looking forward to Red Dead 3 more than GTA VI.

So, I ask you to love and favor - 10 GTA clones that tried to oust the king of the genre on the throne, 10 best attempts to surpass RockStar.

10. Driver

In 10th place we have a dropped series. Having debuted back in 1998, the game became a real event in the world of the auto racing genre.

The plot was in the spirit of old police films, and the gameplay was full of action and dashing chases. But after the success of the third GTA, the developers chose Rockstar's masterpiece as a standard to follow - and this was their mistake.

In Part 3, Driver turned from an exciting arcade race into a gray and dull clone, where the hero also stole cars and shot with a pistol.

Neither the excellent graphics for its time, nor the excellent car damage model, nor the game’s other numerous advantages helped it win a place in gamers’ hearts from GTA.

Part 4 once again proved that the development of the series has gone down the wrong road, and apparently nothing good awaits this game.

9. The Godfather

The Godfather was a little more lucky. Whatever you say, the developers initially set themselves a very difficult task - to create a game based on the legendary work The Godfather - this is not the same as the gameization of some Spiderman.

Developer-created scenes and storylines were present in abundance, as were familiar characters like Michael Carlione.

An interesting feature of the game was the system of intimidating shopkeepers, grocers and other traders in order to make a profit. Each of the small businessmen required a special approach, and as soon as the strength was slightly miscalculated, the distraught victim lost his composure, and we lost our profit.

One of the advantages of the game was the rather large city, filled with the gangster romance of the 40s and cars typical of that era.

8. True Crime

One of the first signs of GTA cloning. Unlike the original source and contrary to the title, True Crime told the story of a tough police officer who fights crime using its own methods.

The player’s actions greatly influenced the plot, and even determined which of the three endings the user would see in the finale.

Having chosen the style of a good cop, you carefully handcuff the bandits, while in the role of a bad cop you shoot them without further ado.

The advantage of the game was the recreated streets of Los Angeles. The developers were not too lazy to transfer the streets of Beverly Seals and Santa Monica to our screens. The total territory was 620 square kilometers, which was a lot for those times.

In addition to the chases familiar from the third GTA, True Crime had decent elements of a beatmap with the obligatory practice of strikes.

Even despite the absence of Rockstar clones at that time, True Crime failed to find much fame. GTA was superior to Activision's game in every way.

7. Saints Row 2

This game could be an excellent GTA version. Actually, the first part of the game became such in its time. And although the banal plot about the confrontation between city gangs was not a new word, at least the developers were able to make a worthy copy of GTA.

However, the lack of optimization, problems with physics and a number of other technical problems make the game unsuitable for completion - even despite the discovery of style points, which are summed up by the plot respect necessary to access new missions.

It’s unlikely that a good character editor, in which you can create the brother of your dreams - or sister, can save the game.

6. Mercenaries

As with Sens Road, the first part of Mercenaris will forever remain a console story. However, the players did not have any misunderstandings with the story. In the second part, they simply replaced North Korea with Venezuela, and the plot remained an auxiliary part of the game.

Almost every GTA clone has its own feature that allows you to say - “look, only I have this!” IN Mercenaries destructibility became such a feature. Well, the craving for destruction of buildings can be quite satisfied here.

Otherwise, this is a GTA about war - military equipment, warring factions, boring side missions.

5. Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico

5th place was taken by the hot Mexican guy Romiro Cruz, who appeared in the most crazy GTA clone - Total Overdos or in common people - Total Overdose.

Even though the city in the game was not as big as we would like, and the plot was banal, Romiro could do so many things that no hero of GTA-like games had ever dreamed of.

The guy knew a decent number of tricks with guns, which allowed him to mow down crowds of drug dealers not only quickly, but also beautifully. Even while performing acrobatic feats, Romiro's weapon did not stop taking one life after another.

Like the Prince of Persia, Romiro Cruz had complete power over time, having the ability to rewind time.

And although Total Overdose became a bright and memorable clone of GTA, it never managed to linger in the memory of players for long.

4. ScarFase

Another clone, based on the cult film. This time such an honor fell to the film “Scarface” directed by Brian De Palma.

Developers Scar Phase They turned out to be bolder than the developers of The Godfather and decided to complete the story of Tony Montano. By the will of the writers, the hero did not die in his home. In Scar Phase, Tony successfully shoots back and survives. True, at the same time his empire collapses, and the player will have to rise again to the top of the criminal Olympus, and then brutally punish all those responsible for his problems.

Drug dealing, shootouts with competitors and bribing police officers are a standard daily routine for games similar to GTA.

True, the player was required to constantly fill the reputation scale. Lack of respect from the lads prevented the player from gaining access to story missions. However, the boring and monotonous gameplay prevented the game from becoming quite a good average game.

3. Just Cause

The top three is opened by the hot-tempered Tsarist official Rick Rodriguez, who pacifies the army of the dictator of a fictional state.

The local government is suspected of producing weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, we need to overthrow the terrorist regime, and then figure out whether there were weapons of mass destruction there or not. In general, everything is in the best traditions of the USA.

In addition to the highly politicized plot, Just Cause It was also very different from other GTA clones in terms of its location. The ordinary stone jungle was replaced by an ordinary jungle with palm trees, sand and sea.

Rico could jump with a parachute and steal cars literally on the move. The number of missions also inspired respect - there were about 300 of them, but a little more than 20 of them were plot-based, which is certainly not enough for a game trying to claim GTA laurels.

The Just Cause programmers also deserve a fair amount of criticism for overlooking a fair number of bugs. But overall the game left a pleasant impression, largely due to its unusual setting.

2. The GUN

Colton White, a dashing cowboy from Gan, the most unusual GTA clone, took second place with a fight. Instead of streets there are prairies, instead of cars there are horses. And only frequent showdowns with legally dubious individuals were not much different from ordinary representatives of the genre.

Of course, Gan was replete with a large number of additional missions. There was an opportunity to even feel like a sheriff, finding and shooting especially dangerous criminals.

As for the plot, although the story began quite banally - with the murder of Colton's father, it soon began to twist quite wildly. Many colorful characters made the game's story bright and interesting.

1. Mafia

The most offensive thing for Mafia the fact that she is considered a GTA clone, although she herself is quite worthy of cloning.

Yes, although the legendary “Mafia” contains features of GTA, only a very short-sighted player can confuse these two games. In addition, it was developed almost simultaneously with the third GTA, so formally the games are different.

The game is an interesting and well-presented story about an ordinary guy, Thomas, a taxi driver who, by the will of fate, found himself drawn into a showdown between the Italian mafia operating in the territory of a fictional city. Copied from New York and Chicago in the 1930s.

The Mafia plot had all the elements necessary for a gangster story: intrigue, betrayal, love. The weapons and cars of those years successfully complemented the gangster atmosphere of America, which is why the Mafia was so loved by everyone who played it at least once.