Getting rid of the annoying captcha on VKontakte. ReCAPTCHA - the simplest captcha I am not a robot from Google How to remove you are not a robot

According to statistics, almost half of the traffic on the Internet is bots. Various programs and viruses visit sites, spoil statistics, and in some cases cause damage to sites. There are bots for cheating links, comments and much more, so almost every site has a captcha.

How to disable captcha? A pressing question, because people are already tired of solving symbols from pictures.

Some website owners install captchas not because their resources are being attacked by bots, but because it is fashionable. What about their visitors who, due to frequent repeated actions, have to enter numbers and letters from pictures.

How to disable captcha in Advego Plagiatus and other programs?

Any software that makes numerous requests to different systems is classified as a bot. Advego Plagiatus is a program for checking texts for uniqueness.

Through it, requests are submitted to search engines, and if there are too many of them, a captcha appears. This is protection from automated systems, which is also available on many other sites.

So that program users do not have to constantly enter characters, they were invented. In them, everyone is invited to solve the captcha and receive a penny for it. There are many people who want it, so you can add money to your balance and calmly go about your business.

Using the example of Advego Plagiatus, let's look at how to disable captcha. We go to the special site Rucaptcha, where beginners earn money. First you need to top up your balance, deposit 50 rubles, this will last for a long time if you do not actively use bots.

Then go to the webmaster API tab, to get a special key:

It is indicated not only in Plagiatus, but also in any other programs that support Anti-captcha. Now go to the settings of the Advego program:

At the very bottom you can select a service for automatically checking captcha and there is also a field for entering the received captcha KEY:

Decapper saves a lot of time, but if you often check texts, you will have to constantly send money to pay the performers. Recently, up to 10 captchas appear when checking one text of 3-4 thousand characters.

How to disable captcha in Google and Yandex?

There is another method to get rid of the annoying symbol solving. It is suitable not only for search engines, it is used in general for all sites. The method is complicated, you will have to use a proxy or order a dynamic IP address from your Internet provider.

How do systems detect bots? They monitor actions from the same IP addresses; if the same actions are performed too often, a check begins, i.e. you must enter the captcha. Do you understand why you need a dynamic IP or proxy? To constantly change it!

In the connection settings (or the proxy program Proxy Switcher), you must set the automatic address change with a minimum time interval. Even if the address changes every second, the program manages to perform many actions during this time, but it doesn’t get to the captcha.

A somewhat complicated option, but it is guaranteed to work and you don’t have to constantly throw in money. It is enough to pay your provider once for a dynamic IP service or buy a high-quality proxy database.

Anywhere you can disable VK captcha, Plagiarism, search engines. This check is not perfect; bypass methods help even bots to act calmly.


Often, many computer users are faced with a situation where, when trying to find some information on the Internet, in the browser window, instead of search results, they see a picture asking them to confirm that they are not a robot. And to continue surfing the Internet, unfortunate users have to type a captcha or peer closely at blurry pictures, in general, waste time to prove that they are not robots, but just people who wanted to go online. In this article, I propose to understand why this happens and how to deal with this problem.

For those who are more accustomed to watching and listening than reading, this article is posted on YouTube at this address.

Why is this happening?

First, let's figure out why this happens. Firstly, this problem occurs because some search engines have taken upon themselves the responsibility of monitoring the “behavior” of users on the Internet. This is usually done to prevent the use of specialized programs that imitate the actions of ordinary Internet users visiting various sites.

Secondly, a similar situation can arise when Internet users excessively often use the services of various anonymizers, VPN clients, and also use other tricks to hide information about the Internet user or replace it with another (real or virtual).

In which browsers does this happen?

This can happen in any browser that uses Google or Yandex search engines. Moreover, the Google search engine is very malicious in this matter. Figure 1 shows the appearance of the “distrust” to the user from the Google search engine. In Fig. 2 there is a similar situation with the Yandex search engine.

Figure 2 (see 1 Figure 2) shows an example of a captcha for identifying an Internet user in the Yandex search engine. Figure 3 shows an example of identification in the Google search engine.

To combat this situation, different users use different methods. Some people persistently peer at the proposed text or picture, type this text or click on the “correct” images, some fight this problem with the help of specialized programs, and some simply don’t give a damn about this situation and stop trying to find the answer on the Internet to a question that interests him.

But the solution to this problem is extremely simple (at least at the moment).

Ways to get around the “I’m not a robot” problem when searching for information on the Internet

First, reduce the use of various anonymizers, VPN clients, etc. to the necessary minimum.

Secondly, as noted above, this problem does not depend on the browser used, but only on the search engine. It follows from this - just switch to another search engine. At the moment, the most reliable and unbiased search engines in this matter are “DucDucGo”, “Yahoo” and “Bing”. There are other search engines that, in an effort to block search spam (manual and machine), are not yet trying to mock Internet users who, for some reason, disguise themselves “too intensely.” If you do not want to change the settings of the search engines and browsers on your computer that you once selected, simply install links to the above search engines in the bookmarks bar of your favorite browsers. And when Google or Yandex ask you to prove that you are not a robot, simply open any of these links and enter your search query in the search bar again.

I do not provide direct links to the specified search engines, because... they (links) may change periodically, and it is quite difficult to keep track of the changes, much less remember in which article and in what place this link was used. You can always find these links on the Internet.

Thirdly, if you still have an urgent need to use the Google or Yandex search engines when searching on the Internet (for example, you were blocked on some site), then when searching, use not a search phrase, but a specific URL. Google, unlike Yandex, loves this very much.

Well, in conclusion, as I said above and in the article “,” you should not excessively, unnecessarily use the services of anonymizers, VPN clients, etc. and hiding on the Internet too often. Firstly, it is easy to calculate. Secondly, despite the fact that distributors of “anonymous surfing” services shout in unison that their services are absolutely safe, this is far from the case. Who can be sure that when you install a VPN client on your computer, you are not installing some kind of Trojan along with it? Who can be 100% sure that anonymizers’ servers do not keep a log of your actions through their server? And in general, how did you check the reliability of companies that provide anonymous surfing?

There are other ways to disable the I'm not a robot identification system. I suggested one of them and, in my opinion, the simplest. I don't know how long it will work, because... Recently, most search engines have become too fond of “keeping their finger on the pulse” (more precisely, on the throat) of their users and force them to constantly register and give them their confidential information.

Itsenko Alexander Ivanovich

Greetings, dear friends! We are all active users of social networks - some use them to communicate and search for information, while others try to use these platforms to earn money. However, regardless of what goals each of us pursues when entering a social network, we all, one way or another, have to deal with such an unpleasant thing as captcha. Agree, sometimes this set of characters interferes with your work so much that you want to give up everything and just close the browser. Today we will talk about how to remove the captcha and thereby save yourself from the need to waste time deciphering the codes.

Captcha: what is it?

So, captcha- this is nothing more than a special picture containing a verification code to determine who exactly is trying to perform a certain action on the network - a person or a robot. Most often, they offer to decrypt the code in cases where the same request is executed multiple times on the service. For example, search engines like Yandex or Google regularly offer us to decipher captcha when we ask them the same questions. Captcha cannot be called a rare guest in the environment of scripts: parsers, clickers, posters, and so on.

The main task of captcha is preventing robots from automatically acting. To weed out bots, services ask users to unravel the code encrypted in an ornate design. Only real users can cope with this goal; bots, alas, cannot do this. That is why, when working with scripts, captcha becomes a real problem that does not allow you to interact with a large amount of data. However, do not despair and give up. Every problem is solvable, and entering captcha is no exception.

Why does captcha appear?

As you know, in order to get rid of a disease, you need to know the cause of its occurrence. This rule also works in the case of captcha: in order to get rid of constantly pop-up windows with an encrypted code, we need to understand Why the system is so zealously trying to test us for “humanity”.

The whole point is that same actions, executed one after another, makes sites suspicious. Therefore, they strive to weed out those performed by robots.

For example, your attempt to send messages containing the same information to your friends is regarded by the social network as spam mailing. That is why VKontakte requires us to perform captcha recognition and confirm that this action was performed by a living person. If the distribution of messages does not stop, the system may even temporarily block your account.

You also have to deal with pop-up windows in cases where the social network’s security system decides to check whether you are using any prohibited or promoting your own page. In this case, we are talking about special software that can automatically generate likes, send out invitations to friends, and so on. These programs include popular and sobot , which are actively used to create popular communities and public pages. Just imagine what a dump VKontakte would become if it didn’t filter out hacking, advertising and spam!

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot

Learning to remove captcha

I am sure that most of you are now seriously puzzled about how to bypass the VKontakte captcha. Unfortunately, It is currently impossible to ignore entering a code. Technologies that protect the service by decrypting the character set are a mandatory security measure for a social network that you cannot hide or simply remove.

All you can do to reduce the frequency of encounters with an intrusive code is to provide VKontakte with maximum information about yourself by filling out the appropriate fields in the user profile. The more “human” your page is, the less often you will have to perform captcha recognition. Make sure that your social network page is linked to your email and real mobile number.

Setting up a VK profile

To protect yourself from possible hacking of your VKontakte page, I would recommend that you visit the “ Safety", which is located in the section " My settings" Here you can connect the most powerful and reliable protection system, in the form of SMS confirmation codes sent to your specified mobile phone. In addition, I would like to draw your attention to the field “ Activity history».

If your account ends up in the hands of fraudsters, you will find out about this by checking “ Activity history" If in the list of addresses you find third-party IPs and browsers that you have never used, this means that your account has been hacked and, most likely, was used for spam mailing. To correct the current situation, you should " End all sessions"except the current one you are in, and then change password access to your profile.

As for how to remove the captcha completely, here you have no choice but to unravel the encrypted set of symbols and enter it into a special field located next to the picture. Agree that we do not always have the ability to recognize captcha in real time. This is especially problematic in cases where we run a script and perform large volumes of work. As soon as search engines notice multiple requests, we will immediately begin to deal with captchas that pop up again and again.

This problem is very close to webmasters and those who actively work with posters, spammers and other automated programs. To get rid of annoying codes that interfere with your work, you can use the help of captcha recognition services.

Popular automatic captcha recognition services

Today on the Internet you can find many sites that offer their captcha entry services for money. Some of the most popular services in the Runet segment are rucaptcha and anti-captcha. I propose to examine each of them in more detail:

  1. anti-captcha – many people know this site as anti-gate captcha. The service has been working stably for 10 years. Here you have to pay for auto-entering captcha in dollars. Every thousand codes solved will cost you 40 cents. You will learn how to work with this site a little later.
  2. rucaptcha is a popular service where captcha solving is done manually. With its help, you can provide automatic captcha entry on your projects. To do this, you need to have a special key that will be sent through the service to real people working on the site for its subsequent recognition. The cost of such a service is only 40 rubles for every thousand pictures solved. The principle of the service is quite simple: real people register on the site and provide for themselves. That is, over the course of a day, more and more new orders for deciphering codes come to the site, and ordinary Internet users solve them and receive a monetary reward for this

Use a top anti-captcha service

Deciphering captchas from instructions for working with the service

To rid yourself once and for all of annoying pop-up images with encrypted characters, simply use the following instructions for working with the anti-captcha service:

  • Register Online
  • Top up your account balance. For 2-3 weeks of active and fruitful work, 5 dollars will be enough for you
  • Save the key generated for you and copy it to your parsing and cheating services
  • When your balance approaches zero, top up your account again

In what cases is it necessary to avoid captcha bypass keys?

Many users of prohibited programs naively believe that they do not need to use captcha recognition services. However, there are a number of programs whose operation will be simply impossible without captcha recognition. These can safely include:

How can you make money by recognizing captcha?

Many beginners are interested in how realistic it is to make money by entering captchas. I can say that everything here depends on how much time will be devoted to deciphering the codes. By and large, working on anti-captcha services cannot be called the main activity. Even if you spend the whole day at the computer, continuously deciphering one captcha after another, the maximum you will be able to earn is 2-3 dollars. Agree, this is not at all the money on which you can live for a whole month. However, you may well use this activity as part-time jobs. The money you earn will be enough to pay for the Internet or top up your mobile account.

A win-win option for increasing earnings on captcha recognition sites is to participate in affiliate programs of services. If you have experience in promoting referral links, then you can easily make anti-captcha sites a source of receiving passive income. All that is required of you is to attract new users to work on the services, who will decipher the codes and receive their referral fees. You can find out more detailed information about how you make money from affiliate programs in my separate article.


At the end of today’s review, I would like to note that automatic captcha entry services are irreplaceable helpers all webmasters. If you still spend a lot of time decrypting captcha yourself, your work is constantly paralyzed by new codes, you simply need to entrust the decoding of symbols to specialized sites. In the comments under this post I ask you leave your feedback about anti-captcha services that you have worked with. Share your impressions and don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

If you find an error in the text, please select a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter. Thanks for helping my blog get better!

To be fair, we can say that captcha is an excellent type of protection for any resource on the Internet from spammers, bots and other types of robotic programs. A captcha is a randomly generated set of distorted (twisted, crossed out, etc.) symbols of different colors and registers, which only a person can recognize. It happens that captcha authors become so sophisticated that it becomes extremely difficult for the user to read it. The annoying test of humanity pops up here and there, annoying and taking up time to parse the sometimes almost hieroglyphic symbols. Very often, users want to disable captcha, but do not know how to do it.

But there is another side that justifies the existence of this protection mechanism. Automatic programs clutter up resources with advertising, flooding, spam forums, and bore you with other unnecessary, and sometimes harmful, garbage. It is worth noting that today captcha is a very simple and at the same time effective way to protect your website from such automatic programs.

However, the excessive zeal of website creators in the widespread use of captcha is very annoying for users. For some reason, the owners of Internet resources believe that this is not only a way to protect the site, but the squeak of modern fashion on the Internet, and they follow it with enviable tenacity.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that as resource protection evolves, so do methods of bypassing and hacking them, that is, fraudulent methods. So if you are tired of constantly entering these corrupted codes, then you can get rid of them without any problems and very quickly. To do this, you need to learn how to use just a couple of ways to disable captcha.

What are the types of captchas?

In addition to the fact that a typical captcha involves entering distorted numbers, there are other types of this computer test.

These include:

  • a combination of letters and numbers in different fonts and registers in the code, both Russian and English;
  • an arithmetic operation, most often elementary, but sometimes quite complex. Typically, complex captchas are placed on serious resources, into which entry for bots is completely limited, and not a single spam will leak into such a system. But users complain that solving such an algebraic captcha requires knowledge of mathematical analysis;
  • Pictures. Everything is simple here: a picture appears in front of you in the wrong location, by pressing a button you put it in the correct position. Another option is to select images that are related in meaning by clicking on them with the mouse.

It is also necessary to note the fact that the more complex the captcha, the better protected the site or other resource. Don’t forget that today you can register, that is, create a captcha yourself. It’s not difficult, the main thing is to follow the correct, step-by-step and precise instructions, in which everything is explained and shown in detail. In order not to bother with writing a captcha for your website yourself, you can easily order such a service for a small fee. But sometimes the problem is not writing or purchasing reliable protection for the site, but, on the contrary, getting rid of it.

There are several ways to disable captcha; we’ll look at which ones now.

Getting rid of captcha

Sometimes the anti-spam mechanism can do a disservice, for example, making it difficult for real users to register on the site. It’s especially offensive when these visitors are attracted and very long-awaited clients. There have been cases when the captcha settings on the site were lost and instead of the “Simple” level, “Complex” was automatically selected. People, unable to solve the security code, simply left the site.

In order not to intimidate users and, most importantly, not to be nervous yourself, when with every action on the Internet you need to prove to the system that you are not a robot, you need to know methods of getting rid of captchas.

So, let's take a closer look at how to remove captcha through the site's admin panel:

  1. First you need to go to the editor of the resource itself.
  2. After that, in the column on the right, select the function called “Settings”.
  3. Now in the settings we will need to select “comments and messages”. Here, to the question “Use word checking?”, you must give a negative answer and click on the button with the answer “no”. In this case, a positive answer is set by the system by default.

The reason for spam and what to do to prevent captcha from annoying ordinary users

Most often, it is feedback forms that are spammed, since the purpose of this attack is to send an advertising-type message to the site owner. Spam pours in bags directly to the recipient, sometimes even bypassing the captcha by guessing. Extremely annoying and malicious advertisers do not hesitate to work on the weekend: by Monday they can drop several hundred letters into the mailbox.

The negative consequences of this can be not only the loss of time sorting mail. In the process of separating the grains from the husks, you may inadvertently remove an important letter. The worst thing is that there is a real chance of getting blacklisted by the hosting provider on whose site your mailbox is located.

It should be noted that forms are besieged not just by spammers, but also by doorway developers who do not distinguish feedback form from the message or comment form. Therefore, everything falls under spam. Disabling captcha means getting rid of the protection, so before doing this, think about whether you need it.

To protect your website from spam attacks, but at the same time not irritate ordinary users with constant captchas, you can use the so-called invisible field. To do this, you need to create the simplest input field, but at the same time, hide it through the CSS system. Then an ordinary user simply will not have to fill it out, because this code will be invisible to his eye, but a spam bot will not be able to pass such a check.

Video - What to do if Google or Yandex constantly asks you to enter a captcha

How to get rid of captcha

First method: dynamic IP address

There is a simple and effective way to get rid of captcha - order a dynamic IP address in a virtual private network. This service is usually paid, and its cost depends on the prices of the VPN provider. But it will help protect the user from surveillance and ensure complete anonymity - no one will know what Internet resources you visit. And the site will not understand who visited it at all. Your IP address will change every time you connect to the Internet from any device - be it a laptop, PC or smartphone.

This method is guaranteed to save you from the annoying captcha - which means you won’t need to sigh irritably every time the program decides to check your humanity.

Second method: special services

You can use the services special services, which will enter the captcha for you automatically. The most famous of them are anti-captcha and rucaptcha. This is a paid service, but it is inexpensive - for solving 1000 pictures the system will charge 40-50 rubles (according to Rucaptcha tariffs).

There are real people on this service earn money by entering captcha for reward. And by paying for their services, you will receive a special key that will help you not bother with captcha.

Third way: dig into the settings

First of all, you need to find out why captcha appears so often? It makes sense for Google Chrome users to check extensions. For example, if you disable the ad-blocking extension AdBlock or the RDS bar plugin, then most likely the captcha will no longer appear.

Captcha (CAPTCHA), which requires you to prove that “I am not a robot,” is appearing on an increasing number of sites and services, and is annoying users. There are several reasons why sites mistake visitors for bots and require verification characters to be entered. Is it possible to get rid of the repeated check, what needs to be changed in the browser settings and the page on VKontakte, how to bypass the captcha using VPN services?

What is captcha?

CAPTCHA is an automated public Turing test. It allows you to identify a bot among website visitors. A mechanism for protecting web services from spam was developed in 2000 by a team at Carnegie Mellon University. The idea of ​​the test is that the proposed task is easy to perform by people, but inaccessible to machines.

Most often, users need to enter characters from a picture. They are depicted with noise, or are translucent, so that the machine cannot recognize them. Initially, the system worked well, reduced the load on sites, and freed them from fake comments.

Seven years after the creation of the Turing test, a modification appeared - reCAPTCHA. People were asked to recognize words from scanned editions of The New York Times. Spam protection simultaneously helped to digitize the publication.

But computers became more powerful and became capable of recognizing characters. Therefore, other options appeared: searching for cats, road signs in pictures, or checking the box next to the phrase “I’m not a robot.”

A test that was useful for website administration began to irritate users. Sometimes you have to enter the captcha several times to see a certain page. A separate problem is the captcha on VKontakte.

There are several reasons why a user has to constantly prove that he is not a robot. Even if a person does not spam, but simply leaves comments or communicates on social networks, he may be haunted by entering characters.

Suspicious traffic from the computer. Browser extensions or viruses on the user's device can become part of a bot network. For this, reCAPTCHA blocks his IP address.

Bad Company. Providers allocate one real IP for a group of subscribers. Therefore, if one of them is a bot, he is blocked, and the entire group is blacklisted.

Disabling JavaScript on your smartphone. The reCAPTCHA mechanism is the JavaScript code on the site. The codes are used not only by services, but also by scammers, which is why JavaScript is disabled in browsers on smartphones for security. This causes reCAPTCHA to malfunction.

How to get rid of captcha

Changing settings

Google Chrome users can get rid of annoying protection by disabling a number of extensions. The ad blocking extension AdBlock or the RDS Bar plugin often leads to the appearance of a captcha.

Another option for computers is to reconnect to the Internet. After rebooting the modem or router, the user can get a new external address and get rid of the annoying check.

iPhone owners can open the “Add-ons” tab in the Safari settings and enable JavaScript. For Android users on Chrome, you need to click on the three dot menu, go to Settings, open Site Settings and also enable JavaScript. Another option for mobile phones is to briefly turn on airplane mode, after which the smartphone will be re-registered on the network and will be able to receive an untainted IP.

You can get rid of the VKontakte captcha in a few minutes. In the page settings, go to the “Security” section, click on “Show activity history”. A pop-up window will show the history of visits to the site and the IP from which you logged in.

If there is an address in the list that differs from the user's address, you need to click "End all sessions." And then change the password. In addition, captcha appears less frequently if the page is linked to a phone number.

Special services

If you are too lazy to enter a captcha even occasionally, other users will do it for a fee. Specialized web services will charge you approximately 40 rubles for solving thousands of pictures. The user will receive a special key that allows him to forget about the annoying test.

Dynamic IP

If tinkering with the settings doesn’t help, you’ll have to use VPN services. Large companies provide this service for a fee. But there are also free services with a good interface and easy to use. For example, the CyberGhost VPN () program.

The service works with all popular browsers and is perfectly protected thanks to the OpenVPN protocol with 256-bit AES encryption. Free to run on one device only. The user will have access to 37 servers in 12 countries, works without interruption for about three hours, after which he must connect again and continue working.