Games with beautiful graphics on PC. The most beautiful games for PC Top 5 most beautiful games

Hi all. For you, I have selected the top 16 most beautiful games on PC, with beautiful and atmospheric graphics and an amazing world.

Bioshock series

Release date: 2007-2013

The Bioshock games are sci-fi first-person shooters with RPG elements. The series is the spiritual successor to System Shock and draws many gameplay elements from there, but is not connected to it plot-wise. All three parts of Bioshock were created on the improved Unreal Engine 3, which even by today's standards (and the first part of the series was released almost 10 years ago) produces very solid graphics. The main difference between all games is the atmosphere. In the first two parts we explore the underwater world. Infinite flying city

The gameplay in all parts of Bioshock is strongly “involved” in the use of so-called “Plasmids”, with the help of which the hero can obtain certain superpowers (telekinesis, electric shock, etc.). There are also RPG-like improvements to both the character's abilities and his weapons. In terms of graphics, all parts of the game look very beautiful, and not least of all, the unique style of the surrounding world plays a role here.

Crysis series

Release date: 2007-2013

Genre: first person shooter

Sci-fi first-person shooters with incredibly beautiful graphics, in which the main characters in special exosuits fight both people and aliens. All parts of the series are made in the style of the so-called “Sandbox”, when the player can choose where to go or who to attack. Moreover, the plot here is completely linear.

The very first Crysis actually made a revolution in graphics (in order for the game to run at maximum speed, very powerful hardware with Windows Vista installed on it was required), while the third part, in which the developers used their new CryEngine 3 engine, looks even more gorgeous and easily displays the most modern graphic effects on the screen.

Dear Esther

Release date: 2012

Game only for PlayStation 3 and 4 platforms

One of us- An incredibly beautiful and atmospheric game made in the action-adventure genre with elements of stealth and survival horror. According to the plot, the cordyceps fungus has dangerously mutated and infected most of humanity, turning it into some kind of zombie. In the center of the story are the smuggler Joel and the girl Ellie, who must cross the continent, constantly encountering both victims of the epidemic and equally dangerous looters, bandits, cannibals, etc.

The game is characterized by high complexity and a shortage of ammunition, traditional for the survival horror genre. Often it is generally better to avoid meeting enemies than to go ahead. The project received a lot of positive reviews, and most recently an upcoming sequel was announced. The largest resources and publications gave the game maximum ratings. Most critics agreed that projects of this level are released very, very rarely, which means that it is definitely worth playing.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Release date: 2014

Games of the quest genre today do not enjoy the popularity that they had before, however, even now they include decent, atmospheric and incredibly beautiful projects. Such projects include The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, the plot of which tells about the adventures of a private detective with mystical powers who goes in search of a missing boy.

Our protagonist’s investigation leads him to a town called “Red Brook Valley,” where some kind of devilry is going on. Actually, this is what you have to figure out. The game boasts very beautiful graphics and a completely open world in which (with rare artificial restrictions) you can travel. The game does not lead you by the hand, but invites you to explore the world on your own and solve the puzzles that arise. Inspect crime scenes, create a chronology of events and finally figure out what is happening in this small remote town.

Never Alone

Release date: 2014

An incredibly stylish and atmospheric indie game, made in the genre of a puzzle platformer and designed for both one and two players. The game features two characters - a girl and an arctic fox, between whom you can switch at any time. Together, the heroes overcome obstacles and solve puzzles, with each character having their own unique abilities and skills.

Get ready to visit dangerous locations in the Arctic - from the tundra to the mysterious forest. Meet blizzards, stormy winds and deceptive mountains, as well as representatives of Inupiat folklore: the Murderer, little people, helping spirits, etc. You can complete the game either by yourself or in the company of a second player, even if you started independent passage, a second player can join you at any time.

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Release date: 2015

Another game from the Tomb Raider series, in which the main character goes to Siberia, where she will have to fight with members of the secret Trinity order, as well as various wild animals, and find a valuable artifact. In terms of gameplay, the game copies the previous part of the series, but the technical component has been significantly improved (for example, the animation has been redesigned, becoming even smoother and more realistic).

In addition to acrobatics and battles, the game contains many puzzles that vary in difficulty. In addition, there are elements of survival here, in particular, Lara will constantly have to obtain various resources for herself and create new equipment. Many puzzles are multi-step, often based on the use of physics. Some of the puzzles exactly copy tasks from previous parts (a kind of tribute to the classic Tomb Raider games).

Ori and the Blind Forest

Release date: 2015

An incredibly colorful indie platformer released on the free Unity engine. The player takes control of Ori, a fabulous snow-white creature that resembles a cross between a fox, a squirrel and a wild cat. You can also play as Sein, a protective spirit who constantly revolves around Ori. And if Ori initially only knows how to jump (and later learn to climb walls, soar in the air and dive under water), then Sein is able to attack enemies with the help of so-called “Spiritual Flame Charges”.

Game locations are various parts of the forest in which the player can go wherever he wants. However, if a certain area has not yet been opened, the player will not be able to get there. Interestingly, there is no training or tutorial in the game, so you will have to figure everything out on your own (when Ori finds Sein, you can get some tips from him).

Just Cause 3

Release date: 2015

An excellent third-person action game with excellent graphics and a completely open world in which the player controls Rico Rodriguez, an agent who must confront the dictator General Sebastiano di Ravello. In fact, the game uses all the successful gameplay developments from previous parts, significantly improving their mechanics and implementation. Creating chaos on a fictional island has become much more interesting and fun.

In fact, many critics gave this project high marks for its wide possibilities for creating chaos. Among the negative aspects, poor optimization and a number of technical problems were noted, which, however, were corrected by patches. It is also worth noting the destructibility of objects. The main character can not only destroy people and equipment and houses, but also, for example, bridges or statues.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Release date: 2015

An exciting action game with excellent graphics and a completely open world. The game tells the story of events that took place in the Stone Age, and the main character is a prehistoric hunter named Takkar, whose tribe was destroyed. Now our protagonist travels through the country of Urus, hoping to avenge his people and find a new home.

The game lacks the usual weapons and vehicles. Since the game takes place in prehistoric times, we will have access to spears, clubs, bows, etc., which we also need to craft ourselves, using available materials for this. There is also the possibility of taming wild animals, which can both attack the enemy and play the role of a scout. It is also worth noting that all dialogues are written in a primitive language, which can only be understood with the help of subtitles. This is done to make players more immersed in what is happening on the screen.

Quantum Break

Release date: 2016

Genre: third person shooter,

An original first-person shooter, the gameplay of which involves time manipulation. According to the plot, an experiment with time was conducted at the fictional American university Riverport, which ended extremely unsuccessfully. As a result, the main characters of the game discovered superpowers (for example, our main protagonist Jack Johnson learned to stop time).

The developers approached the plot, and especially time travel, as responsibly as possible, hiring a consultant from CERN who explained to them some aspects of classical and quantum physics. In general, the project was received very warmly. The game has excellent graphics, and everything that happens on the screen is very cinematic.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Release date: 2016

Genre: first person shooter,

A first-person cyberpunk action game with elements of role-playing and stealth, which is a continuation of Deus Ex: Human Revolution (two years have passed since the events of the original game). In general, the game uses all the same mechanics as in the previous part, and the real changes affected only the combat system, in which an automatically replenished energy scale now appeared (previously, energy reserves had to be found).

In general, Mankind Divided is a kind of “work on the mistakes” made in the last part of the game. So, for example, if in Human Revolution bosses could only be killed, then in this part it became possible to pass them undetected. Graphically the game looks very bright. The palette is dominated by black and gold colors. The environment is very elaborate and detailed.

Watch Dogs 2

Release date: 2016

Genre: stealth action, open world

An action-adventure game with cutting-edge graphics and a completely open world, which tells the story of hacking and hacking activities in San Francisco. According to the plot, the main character Marcus Holloway, who arrived in San Francisco, teams up with like-minded people from the DedSec group to confront greedy corporations and their puppets in high-ranking positions.

Unlike the previous part, the game contains many gameplay innovations. For example, the hacking system was updated, new high-tech gadgets appeared, and parkour was significantly improved. The project turned out to be head and shoulders above its predecessor, largely thanks to the impressive work on bugs. Many publications that gave Watch Dogs high marks noted that this is exactly what the first part should have been.

Beautiful online games

Black Desert

Release date: 2014

Genre: MMORPG, open world, beautiful graphics

A high-quality MMORPG with incredibly beautiful graphics, as well as full implementation of changing the time of day, dynamic weather (not tied to a specific location) and many other features. The game world is large and seamless, and its design is made in the spirit of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. There are many races and classes here, and leveling up characters is not limited in any way. Those. literally, there is no maximum character level in the game!


The combat system here requires special attention. In particular, it does not use auto-select an enemy; in addition, players must independently dodge enemy attacks or press the key responsible for blocking damage. In general, most of the skills are tied to keyboard keys, so in battles it is often the player’s skill that decides, not his leveling up.

Royal Quest

Release date: 2012

An MMORPG game from the creators of “Space Rangers” and “Legend of the Knight”, it features exciting gameplay and pleasant (if not the most technically advanced) animated graphics. The events of the game take place in a world where magic, technology and alchemy are closely intertwined, but this world is in danger and only we can save it!


The game has four starting classes, fairly deep customization of the character's appearance, as well as the ability to choose one of two specializations for your class at later levels of the game. The gameplay here is based on completing quests, killing monsters, exploring dungeons and other activities traditional for the genre. However, despite some secondary nature, the game is capable of captivating, especially since the developer’s signature humor is present here in abundance.

Blade and Soul

Release date: 2013


A fantasy massively multiplayer role-playing game with nice graphics and traditional features for the genre. The game has four races, 10 classes, many quests, crafting, resource extraction and other activities. The developers placed the main emphasis on the e-sports component, which is developed here at the proper level. At the same time, battles between players do not take place “crowd against crowd” but in 3 on 3 and 1 on 1 formats.


It is interesting that initially the project received mixed reviews from critics, who noted that its graphics were not the best and were somewhat secondary (i.e. the game could not surprise players with anything), however, the developers refined the engine, improved the graphics and relied on PvP battles for very real and pretty good cash prizes. Needless to say, the game instantly took off and even now there is a lot of activity on the project’s servers!

I would like to address the readers. What other beautiful games do you think are available for PC? Write in the comments. It will be interesting to know what I missed.

The computing power of today's gaming systems allows developers to create real miracles. But some 20 years ago everyone dropped their jaws to the floor because of the picture of the original Quake! In general, the notorious “graphene” is now a universal measure of the quality of almost any game: gamers like technologically advanced projects in which the shadows fall evenly, and the circles scatter in the water according to physics, and so that that vase in the far corner of the room, in which even You can’t go in, there were no “ladders” at the throat. The developers realized this, and therefore, in many AAA projects, stupid scripts, annoying music, faceless and spineless characters, or simple gameplay began to appear, which are reliably plastered with a good layer of 4K textures, advanced physics and ultra shaders, which sometimes make you want to scream. But some truly justify their graphicness, and that’s what we’ll talk about today. Here are the top 10 games that will load your video card to its limits.

Halo 5: Guardians (XONE)

343 Industries, 2015

The latest installation in the series about the adventures of a galaxy-famous Spartan has a good plot, but what primarily attracts attention is its chic graphic design. And this is logical, because the series is famous not only for its deep and detailed universe, but also for its high level of technology. The story cutscenes running on the game engine look simply impressive, and the game itself is a little inferior in terms of detail and level of polish, but the difference is so insignificant that you don’t even notice it. Especially when everything is racing at 60 frames per second.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux (PC, PS4)

The Astronauts, 2015

This forest walk simulator was created on Unreal Engine 4, which allowed the developers to create a beautiful and highly detailed world with simply fantastic drawing distance and picturesque panorama, which, despite its visual splendor, still harbors a piece of a dark and frightening atmosphere. Something sinister is clearly hidden behind the marvelous facade, and wandering through the forest, riding an old tram and rummaging through the rubbish of dilapidated houses of an abandoned village, thanks to realistic graphics, you are immersed in this world headlong.

Forza Horizon 3 (PC, XONE)

Playground Games, 2016

One of the most beautiful racing games of the current generation, which perfectly demonstrates the capabilities of the Xbox One console - Forza Horizon 3. The game takes place in Australia, and the artists from Playground and Turn 10 were able to very convincingly convey all the beauty of this continent, with its dry deserts, dense jungles and cozy towns. Not to mention the weather effects, physics model and simply stunning coastal sunsets.

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC, PS4, XONE)

CD Projekt RED, 2015

CD Projekt RED, the authors of the already legendary Witcher trilogy, wrote their own engine during the development process, called REDEngine. “Wild Hunt” looks endlessly beautiful with its mysterious backwaters, snow-capped mountain peaks, tiny villages and picturesque thickets. And reverent attention to even the smallest details, beautiful special effects of spells, water physics and other barely noticeable, but so important for immersion little things, make the world truly alive.

Battlefield 1 (PC, PS4, XONE)

EA DICE, 2016

DICE games have always looked great (thanks, Frostbite Engine), but this first-person action game set during World War I raises the bar even higher than usual. Dirty trenches, sun-scorched deserts and dense forests; menacing tanks, terrifying armored trains and huge airships - it’s as if you really are on the front line and the outcome of the war can depend on your every step. For complete immersion, you can completely disable the interface.

Batman: Arkham Knight (PC, PS4, XONE)

Rocksteady Studios, 2015

Despite a very tough start, associated with hundreds of angry reviews from owners of the broken PC version, and even a halt in sales on Steam, this story about a crime fighter in tight latex was remembered by many. The transition of Bats from one generation of gaming systems to another gave developers access to significantly greater computing power, which, as in the case of Assassin's Creed, for example, made it possible to create a larger and more detailed world that was fully able to convey the dark tone of a world mired in crime and the lawlessness of Arkham.And all the visual power of the game is demonstrated by the size of Batman's carriage, which takes up 160 gigabytes on your hard drive.

Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)

Guerilla Games, 2017

This is an amazingly beautiful game set in the distant future, where people share their world with various robots. Guerilla Games has been working with the hardware of Sony consoles for a long time, so it was not difficult for them to create a stunning 4K world with flora and fauna previously unseen in any game - a kind of symbiosis of primitiveness and post-apocalypse. Well, all these brilliant cyberbeasts, which you can watch for hours, discourage German game makers from releasing another simulator of hunting poor wild boars - here it’s much more fun to do it.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)

Naughty Dog, 2016

Sometimes it seems that Uncharted 4 uses the resources of the PS4 at 100 percent and even finds some hidden reserves of the system that even the company's engineers were not aware of. There is no other way to explain how the game even manages to work with all that level of insane detail in almost every cobblestone. Textures, work with light and shadows, special effects, physics - everything in this game is done at a phenomenal level. Now we are waiting for Naughty Dog to not let us down with the Crash Bandicoot remaster - these components are no less important there.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PC, PS4, XONE)
Ubisoft, 2017

The new game in the Ghost Recon series about an advanced squad of Ghosts and a good fight against powerful drug cartels caught the attention of players back at E3 2015. A spectacular video, Imagine Dragons, dynamic gameplay and a beautiful picture are just candy, not a game. There were, of course, concerns, because Ubisoft like to embellish their presentations, but they were dispelled at the release: Wildlands in practice looks no worse than in its trailers. Moreover, the Anvil game engine allows you to render 16 square kilometers of stunning, unique terrain, partially procedurally generated. At the GDC conference there was even a whole lecture dedicated to the tools of developers from Ubisoft.


Good day, dear readers!
Now the time has come to draw a line under the next material from the “TOP 10: Your Choice” series, the theme of which was the most beautiful computer games. If anyone missed the beginning, let us remind you that the choice of the top ten was done exclusively by our users, who first proposed their options on the forum, and then voted for the very best. Our task now is to talk about the results in this material and, in fact, show them in the video attached to the article. That's what we'll do.
So, let’s meet the most beautiful computer games according to our users!

First part Far Cry set a certain quality level for the gaming industry - remember how back in 2004 everyone literally idolized tropical islands, the scorching sun and the shiny surface of the water. Well, they deservedly cried at the sight of system requirements and optimization, when even top computers could barely cope with the “iron” appetite of the game.

Far Cry 2, of course, did not become as big a revelation as the first part. Everyone had already seen enough of the lush tropical flora and fauna - it was very difficult to imagine something better and more beautiful. But Far Cry 2 fully allowed me to feel the African heat on my own skin, look at the luxurious savannahs with exhausted grass vegetation and wander around highly detailed Africa to my heart’s content. At the same time, owners of hi-end hardware did not have to fall to their knees and cry helplessly - the French wizards did not forget about optimization. Still, it’s better to admire the beauty at 30-40 fps than at the tortured 10-16.

Devil May Cry 4 pioneered the DMC series on current generation consoles. Before the release of the fourth part, Comrade Dante lived exclusively on the PlayStation 2. However, even on the old console, the game always looked damn good.

DMC 4 I haven’t lowered the quality bar. The medieval scenery here was literally bursting with the number of polygons, the characters shone with their colorful designer costumes, and finding a sharp corner that spoiled the whole impression was very problematic. In the humble opinion of many publications, 4 became the most beautiful game of last year - not only thanks to the excellent work with the engine and squeezing out all the technological power from the consoles, but also for the work of the art team Capcom, which is worth respecting only for the fight with a hefty fire demon.

Take a look at the entire top. Don't notice anything? But in vain. 4: Oblivion is the only game that has already passed three and a half years since its official release. All the other inhabitants of the top are “fresh”, released a maximum of two years ago. And yet – fifth place.

You can argue a lot about why the smart intelligence from the staged videos turned out to be not smart at all, why the combat system is so simple, but when you get into the world, then about all the contradictions and omissions from the outside Bethesda Softworks you immediately forget. Otherwise it can not be. After all, before you is a moderately huge fantasy world, decorated with cities with their own architecture, their own customs and inhabitants. Oblivion- exactly that rare game where sometimes you just want to wander through the streets, look at towers or churches rising to the skies. And even after almost four years, this world looks very competitive.

Series Resident Evil began to mutate five years ago, having become infected with the fashionable TPS virus. Fresh result of metamorphoses - Resident Evil 5. Instead of dark and unfriendly European estates, mansions and urban landscapes - bright Africa. Instead of a cloudy sky, there is a friendly sun, illuminating a pumped-up and very dark-skinned race of infected.

Some took these changes with hostility, some resigned themselves to the inevitable, and some patted them on the back Capcom for a rather unusual setting for RE. But from a technological point of view, there are no complaints - Chris Redfield's muscles and jaw inspire respect, the explosions of fuel tanks are realistic, slimy balls of biomass at least try to scare, and towards the end of the game we finally find ourselves in those favorite laboratories where evil corporations grow terrible viruses. Thank you for this. Fourth place - RE5 It was just a little short of the top three.

Grand Theft Auto 4 is not the smoothest game from a visual point of view. But show me a person who will compare the number of polygons on Niko Belic's head and on Ivy's chest from Soul Calibur 4? A stupid thing to do, especially when the hefty Liberty City stretches out before you - a city of opportunity, red lanterns and twinkling lights as night approaches.

Rockstar Games practically created a city of dreams. The piercing tops of skyscrapers against the backdrop of bright sunsets always make you want to get out of the car and admire the handiwork. Each chase turns into a set of scenes cut out of some big-budget Hollywood blockbuster with picturesque explosions, furious shootouts and the obligatory headshot test at the end. Why, some loyal fans still live in Liberty City to this day - just ask our brothers Honor and respect are expressed by third place.

A couple of compliments to Crysis has already been noticed at the level of 10th place. What can I say – you won’t find more realistic jungles and subtropical climates anywhere. Revolutionaries with German passports from Crytek created a great technological miracle called CryEngine 2, which often refused to work at maximum settings. You don't have enough RAM, young man. The video card is weak - please buy more!

Those who haven't seen Crysis in all its glory, they scratch their heads and always ask: “What’s beautiful here?” For those who have seen, such questions do not arise by default. Palm trees swaying from gunshots, sunbeams running across sights, poor shacks and stunning water, coupled with a visual feast, giant fiery explosions - all the merits are there. A silver cup is awarded for beauty and realism Crytek.

This is not the first time that the clever French have climbed to the top. Not without the help of his faithful comrade, the assassin eliminated all competitors and blissfully prostrated himself in first place.

Such a high rating can be explained very simply - Ubisoft very carefully recreated the atmosphere of the Middle East during the Crusades. She rebuilt the ancient city of Acre and Damascus brick by brick, surrounded the cities with huge walls with her own hands, and worked a lot on the infrastructure so that all the cities seemed alive. Even though death reigns supreme outside the massive urban paradise and you won’t find anything interesting while riding a horse, cities full of life, which it’s not a sin to climb and study in detail, atone for all other sins.

It may not have become the perfect game that many imagined, but there is always a chance that Assassin's Creed 2 will correct all errors. Well, he will show us no less beautiful and charming Italy.

The Golden Cup goes back to the offices Ubisoft.

Well, that’s all for today regarding texts, but there is still excellent video material ahead, which you will find just below. All we can do is say thank you for your participation and say goodbye until December 1st. I was with you today Evgeniy “Mumby” Molodov.

In addition, we remind you that right at this moment the first stage of preparation of the next material from the series “TOP-10: Your choice” began, in which you can take part. The topic was the best domestic computer games.

Games are countless virtual worlds that allow us to become what we want, but cannot in real life. However, among these worlds there are those that have earned the title of the best, both from gamers and from impartial critics.

To select the best games on PC, we studied popular Russian-language resources, such as Iwantgames, Stopgame And Kanobu, and also read reviews of popular games on Metacritic. This is how a list of 20 best PC games of all time which we present to your attention. Game ratings are based on data StopGame.

Genre: MMORPG.

Release date: 2004-present.

Platform: Mac, PC.

One of the best online games for PC offers not only an epic confrontation between two opposing alliances - the Alliance and the Horde, but also a beautiful, very large world, interesting quests, a carefully crafted story and raids.

In them you will be able to fully demonstrate your talent as a healer, melee or ranged fighter, or a powerful defender. Or just kiss squirrels in the nearest forest, if your soul lies only in peaceful pursuits.

The game is quite old by today's standards, but additions are regularly released to it. Next up – Battle for Azeroth will be released on August 14th.

19. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Rating: 8.8.

Genre: Shooter, addon.

Release date: 2015

Platform: PC, PS4, XONE.

According to many players, this is the most realistic and intense tactical first-person shooter. The game does not have a solo campaign, but there is exciting team play. The task of the attacking side is to take the opponents by storm, and the team playing on defense must strengthen its positions as much as possible and set cunning traps for the enemy.

The plot is based on real events that took place during counter-terrorism operations.

Rating: 8.8.

Genre: Shooter.

Release date: 2011

Platform: PC, PS3, X360

As bullets whiz overhead and explosions hurl you to the ground, the battlefield feels more realistic than ever before. In Battlefield 3, players will temporarily transform into elite US Marines. Dangerous missions await them, both solo and cooperative.

Excellent graphics, a wide variety of vehicles, a well-designed environment and pleasant rewards for good team play - this is what even very picky gaming publications praise Battlefield 3 for.

Rating: 8.8.

Genre: Arcade.

Release date: 2015

Platform: PC, X360, XONE

This is perhaps the most beautiful platform arcade game in our game rating. From the very first minutes, its unusual graphics attract attention and do not let go until the game is completed. An atmospheric world, a pleasant and unobtrusive soundtrack, RPG elements, a cute hero who will appeal to both young and adult gamers - what else is needed to while away a couple of evenings in front of the computer?

Rating: 8.9.

Genre: Strategy.

Release date: 2017

Platform: Mac, PC.

For many people, the sci-fi strategy game StarCraft represents one of the greatest computer games of all time. And StarCraft: Remastered lives up to the high bar set by its predecessor. With stunning new Ultra HD visuals, re-recorded audio and updated online support, this game comes highly recommended.

15. Assassin's Creed 2

Rating: 8.9.

Genre: Action

Release date: 2009.

Platform: PC, PS3, X360.

The product of more than two years of intensive work and part of the popular Assassin's Creed franchise. In a vast open world environment, the game invites you to play as Ezio, a young nobleman living during the Renaissance. An interesting story of revenge and retribution is successfully complemented by a variety of missions, unusual gameplay elements, a wide selection of weapons and character development, which fans of the original Assassin’s Creed love so much.

Rating: 9.0.

Genre: Shooter.

Release date: 2007

Platform: Mac, PC, PS3, WII, X360.

This game was amazing for its time, thanks to the atmosphere of a real war, a clear plot, an exciting multiplayer mode, hundreds of beautiful scenes and a meticulous design of the game environment. Even now, the military blockbuster Modern Warfare can provide several hours of exciting gameplay.

Rating: 9.0.

Genre: Action

Release date: 2012

Platform: PC, PS3, PS4, X360, XONE

The main character of the game is Jason Brody, a man stuck on a mysterious tropical island. In this wild paradise, where lawlessness and violence reign supreme, Brody will determine the outcome of the war between rebels and pirates for control of the island.

Rating: 9.1.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 2017

Platform: PC, PS4, XONE

Twenty hours into this RPG, you'll still be discovering new mechanics you never knew about. In this regard, Original Sin 2 is not very friendly to beginners, and requires some persistence and patience from them.

At the same time, the huge number of quests and secrets, the non-linearity of the game, and its world, which is almost unparalleled in terms of scale and detail, are an experience that should not be missed.

Rating: 9.2.

Genre: Action, RPG.

Release date: 2010

Platform: PC, PS3, X360.

This exciting space saga takes players to unknown alien civilizations and battles with aliens, mercenaries and sentient robots. Additionally, it offers one of the most interesting and well-designed characters in RPG games.

Rating: 9.2.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 2011.

Platform: PC, PS3, X360.

Bethesda Game Studios' open-world adventure doesn't boast the best combat or magic systems, or even better graphics, than the competition. Instead, it offers something much more - one of the biggest, richest and most immersive worlds you've ever seen.

Traveling through locations in Skyrim will take so much time that you can lose sleep, take time off from work, and test the patience of family and friends while playing.

Rating: 9.2.

Genre: Action, racing

Release date: 2013

Platform: PC, PS3, PS4, X360, XONE

The best games of all time would not be complete without this superbly optimized, atmospheric game. Its action takes place in the sunny city of Los Santos, in which a criminal trio operates:

  • Franklin, a young thief looking for an opportunity to get his hands on some serious money.
  • Michael, a former bank robber whose retirement wasn't as rosy as he thought it would be.
  • Trevor, a violent guy suffering from a mental disorder.

Players can switch between characters at any time, and it's definitely worth doing. After all, each character has his own set of quests, as well as primary and secondary skills that help him survive and get the most out of the world of GTA5.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: Strategy.

Release date: 1999

Platform: PC.

This legendary game has become the most popular title in the Heroes of Might and Magic series. Compared to previous parts, it offered new types of cities, seven small story campaigns for each faction, and at the same time ran even on low-power computers. Thanks to good localization, The Restoration of Erathia was a huge success in Russia.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 2009

Platform: Mac, PC, PS3, X360.

As the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, one of the most successful role-playing games in the industry, Dragon Age: Origins combines the best elements of fantasy with stunning visuals. It cannot be called a revolution in the RPG genre, but rather an evolution.

The story of Dragon Age: Origins is exciting and action-packed, the characters are unforgettable, and the journey through the game world inhabited by people, dwarves and elves is something that will captivate you and will not let you go until the very end.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: Puzzle.

Release date: 2011

Platform: Mac, PC, PS3, X360.

Valve has created a fun puzzle game with excellent gameplay mechanics. It offers players not only a single-player game for the main character Chelsea, who has to escape from the Aperture laboratory, but also a co-op mode for two players. The main characters in it will be the robots Atlas and P-Body. The storyline of the co-op mode does not intersect with the plot of the single-player mode, which leads to unexpected endings.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: Action, racing.

Release date: 2002

Platform: PC

One of the best games in history still evokes warm and nostalgic feelings among those who played it. And those who did not pass can do so for three main reasons:

  1. The huge map of Lost Haven is filled with diverse and magnificent places. Each area has a unique appearance, has its own unique atmosphere and even musical accompaniment.
  2. The core gameplay can be summarized by simply saying that it consists of shooting and driving from a third-person perspective. However, in reality it offers much more: from a variety of missions to dialogues and interactions with many NPCs that inhabit the streets of The City of Lost Heaven.
  3. An unusual and very beautiful main musical theme, created under the direction of the Czech composer Vladimir Simunek, and with the participation of the Bohemian Symphony Orchestra.

The only weak thing in the game is the imperfect AI of the heroes' enemies and companions. On the other hand, the fact that Los Have Haven's police officers are not geniuses further enhances the realism.

Rating: 9.3.

Genre: Shooter.

Release date: 2004

Platform: PC.

This game was very loved, and fans of the series are still waiting for the release of the third part. Half-Life 2's graphics engine was so realistic that players felt like they were in the movie. Excellent character animation, an original way of presenting the plot, a variety of environments and ways to interact with them, and most importantly, a charismatic protagonist made the first-person shooter Half-Life 2 what it is to this day. Namely, one of the most popular games in history.

Rating: 9.4.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 1998

Platform: PC.

An amazing atmosphere, great music, and an exciting story make Fallout 2 a diamond of the RPG genre. This is a real non-linear game that allows you to do whatever you want in a world full of mutants, radiation, and hundreds of other dangers.

Rating: 9.5.

Genre: RPG.

Release date: 2015

Platform: Mac, PC, PS4, XONE.

The game about the adventures of Geralt of Rivia set a new standard for quality in open-world RPG games. Diverse and exciting locations, full of important decisions, interesting characters, and cruel enemies, excellent graphics and music, a thoughtful plot, funny and dramatic moments - all this gave players more than 100 exciting hours of gameplay.

For anyone who doesn't know the magical universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher 3 explains the history of all the important characters and what connects them to Geralt. This way, even beginners quickly get up to speed.

Rating: 9.6.

Genre: Addon, RPG.

Release date: 2016

Platform: PC, PS4, XONE.

The Witcher 3 is one of the highest rated games on PC. And its Blood and Wine addon is better made than most games released in 2016. Even players who have spent hundreds of hours in The Witcher greeted the new addition with an interesting storyline with surprise and delight. It is an excellent ending to the story about the White Wolf.

The quantity and quality of content in this addon is simply stunning, making it a full-fledged game. Many quests, dialogues and, of course, monsters await you in the new Toussaint location.

Months of persuasion and daily savings on school lunches throughout the year finally bore fruit - your parents bought you a monstrous computer system capable of clicking “Crises” like nuts. Naturally, you immediately turned up the graphics settings in Minecraft to maximum and fell out of your chair in surprise. The changes were so unnoticeable compared to the minimal settings...

But how can you not show your friends from the next door the square faces of the main characters and the sprite jungle with greetings from the nineties? I want to show them a picture so realistic that they will choke on their own drool. And then we appear on a white horse with a list of the most beautiful games for PC. Install them on your beast and enjoy the envy of your school friends.

Now you can expand the list, but for now we’ve jumped off to compile a rating of the most soulful gaming projects for those who are ready to put up with even pixel graphics, as long as the game has that same atmosphere.

11. Crisis

  • Developer Studio: Crytek
  • Engine: CryEngine 2
  • Release date: November 2007

A real legend among schoolchildren of the mid-2000s (the current generation of students is already praying for Crysis 3) and the main counter-argument for PC boyars when arguing with console players. The fact is that this project is a PC-exclusive (we are talking about the original project, since the game was released on consoles with a different engine) and even after 9 years it looks like a cucumber. Clear textures, divine sun rays, incredible detail - all this creates a beautiful picture, which, however, has become a little outdated over the years, which is why Crysis did not make it to the top of our rating.

If you were born after the release of this game, but consider yourself a true follower of Vanomas, then completing Crysis should be at the top of your priority list for the coming weekend. Even though many people criticize it for its boring gameplay, ill-conceived balance and banal plot, it doesn’t matter, because where else can you pick up a highly detailed turtle and throw it into the azure waters of the ocean?

10. Battlefield 4

  • Development studio: DICE
  • Engine: Frostbite 3
  • Release date: October 2013

For a long time, the Battlefield series was revered by millions of schoolchildren around the world for its graphic perfection, and the fourth part is no exception to the rule. This tradition will certainly be continued by Battlefield 1. So, what can this multiplayer shooter offer us? Large-scale battles involving several dozen soldiers and pieces of equipment, an advanced destruction system, high-quality textures and a huge number of bugs. At the time of release, the game was almost unplayable, and the frame rate rarely exceeded 30fps even on the most powerful gaming systems. True, today most of these errors have been eliminated.

Battlefield 4's system requirements still look pretty daunting, and there's a good reason for that. The fact is that it has such an option as a resolution scale, which allows you to increase the clarity of all textures in the game. Naturally, it “eats” a huge amount of resources, but at the same time it allows the project to demonstrate an excellent picture.

9. Far Cry: Primal

  • Development studio: Ubisoft Montreal
  • Engine: Dunia Engine 2
  • Release date: March 2016

Although in the new part of Far Cry we have to play as a caveman, modern hardware is required to run it at maximum settings. The game boasts good lighting, detailed environments and clear textures. In addition, Far Cry: Primal on PC uses the latest Nvidia technologies, which can plunge even “top” video cards into a swamp with low fps.

Otherwise, this project is a classic conveyor product with a minimum of innovations and a maximum of borrowings. Even the original setting is not able to dispel the boredom of tedious collecting flowers and killing cute saber-toothed cats with believable fur (thanks again to Nvidia). But you can see in detail the evil faces of the Neanderthals. Why not exotic?

8. Just Cause 3

  • Developer Studio: Avalanche Studios
  • Engine: Avalanche Engine
  • Release date: November 2015

Dictators beware! Rico Rodriguez is back on the hunt. This time he decided to go to his homeland - the fictional Medici Island - to deal with another tyrant who dreams of world domination. Just Cause 3 is worth buying for those players who adore vast spaces and tropical landscapes. The area of ​​the game world here is almost 1000 square kilometers, and the lighting and visual effects are so good that, at times, it feels as if the hero is in real paradise. At least, it seems so, until the realization comes that every resident of the island wants to send the protagonist to the next world.

Another advantage of the game is its very advanced physics, which allows you to destroy large objects and launch opponents into the air, tying them to gas cylinders. True, the realism here is a little difficult - you understand this when the main character, as if nothing had happened, jumps from one jet plane to another right in the air, and then attaches it to a helicopter and arranges a cheerful aerial carousel.

7. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

  • Development studio: Ubisoft Quebec
  • Engine: AnvilNext
  • Release date: November 2015

In the middle of the 19th century in Great Britain, things were not very good for workers - they had to work 12 hours in a factory to earn money for food. Now those who want to buy a computer capable of running Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate at maximum settings have to work for so many hours. It tells a very interesting story about the Fry twins, who are trying to put together a gang of ordinary London workers in order to throw the elite, who are also Templars, from their homes.

In addition to a good plot, there is the classic gameplay of the series and good visuals that immerse players in the atmosphere of Victorian London. High-resolution textures, excellent play of light and shadow, excellent animation of movements - allow you to believe in what is happening on the screen and truly empathize with the main characters. In addition, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate on PC got rid of all the software “sores” that plagued the previous part.

6. Rise of the Tomb Raider

  • Developer studio: Crystal Dynamics
  • Engine: Foundation
  • Release date: January 2016

What can Lara Croft fans expect from the developers of the next games featuring new adventures of the Tomb Raider? Exciting gameplay? Original locations to explore? Abstruse puzzles and complex riddles? Of course not - everyone is waiting for a better model of the main character, and Crystal Dynamics did not disappoint the fans. The 2016 PC version of Rise of the Tomb Raider features the most detailed model of Lara in the series' history. Just look at these rounded shapes of magnificent natural landscapes. Where else can you see such beauty?

The only pity is that PC users had to wait several months before the game appeared on computers. Let's hope that the next part will be released on all platforms at once and will delight players with even better “landscapes”.

5. Metro: Last Light Redux

  • Development studio: 4A Games
  • Engine: 4A
  • Release date: August 2014

The first Crysis was considered the most graphically advanced and hardware-intensive game for several years until the release of Metro 2033, which amazed many with its perfectly simulated subway and beautiful lighting. Metro: Last Light Redux is the latest installment in the series and continues its tradition by pushing players' systems to the max and presenting them with incredibly realistic locations. All thanks to the use of geometric tessellation, volumetric fog, advanced PhysX, clear textures and complex smoke effects.

However, in open locations this game still loses to the other heavyweights in the rating, which is why it is only in 5th place.

4. Crysis 3

  • Developer Studio: Crytek
  • Engine: CryEngine 3
  • Release date: February 2013

If the original Crysis blew everyone's minds with its mind-blowing graphics at that time, then the second part looked like a poorly made console port. Adherents of the PC cult accused the developers of all mortal sins and promised them a separate cauldron in Hell. Crytek got scared of the enraged occultists and released another game that melted any video card at the moment of its launch. Even now, running Crysis 3 on ultra settings requires an expensive graphics accelerator.

What can surprise the third part of the seasoned PC boyars? Firstly, a huge number of heavy visual effects and believable physics. Secondly, using tessellation. Thirdly, the use of high-resolution textures. All this still produces a wonderful picture, which is why Crysis 3 took such a high position on our list.

3. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

  • Developer studio: CD Projekt RED
  • Engine: REDengine 3
  • Release date: May 2015

Who would have thought that the Poles are masters not only in pickling cucumbers, but also in creating large-budget role-playing projects. A striking example of this is The Witcher series. The second part could well have made it into our rating if the third had not existed, since even it shows an excellent picture, although it was released about 5 years ago. As for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, it may be inferior in terms of realistic graphics to Star Wars: Battlefront or Crysis 3, but in terms of atmosphere it is much ahead of them.

There is an incredible feeling when you stand in a clearing in the middle of blossoming apple trees and see in the distance the white caps of mighty mountains, which are not ordinary decorations, but real objects that you can reach on your own two feet. Plus, don’t forget about mods for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which can significantly improve the lighting and quality of textures in the game.

2. Star War: Battlefront

  • Development studio: EA DICE
  • Engine: Frostbite 3
  • Release date: November 2015

Photorealistic images, spectacular shootouts, as well as familiar scenery and characters - what else do Star Wars fans need to be happy? Oh yes, the presence of a single-player campaign, the absence of paid DLC, the total cost of which exceeds the price of the game itself, the presence of a larger number of planets, vehicles, characters, maps and other game elements... However, we digress from the topic, because in terms of graphics, Star Wars: Battlefront on PC is incomparable, which is why it is one of the three most beautiful games.

The forests of Endor amaze with their dense vegetation and tall trees, the rocky surfaces of Tatooine look as if they came out of the photographs of a professional photographer, and the wastelands of Sallost, covered with lava veins, are just asking to be put on your desktop as wallpaper. But most importantly, you don’t have to have a super-powerful “machine” to enjoy all these beauties, because the developers managed to perfectly optimize their game. However, Titan owners should not be upset about this, because they can always turn up the resolution scale to 200 percent and see even the smallest grains of sand on the ground.

1. ?

There is no first place. Why is that? It's simple - most TOPs are a subjective assessment of one person trying to present his point of view as objectively as possible. However, the first place should represent a kind of ideal, and, as you know, even the sun has spots. Therefore, each player’s rating will always be topped by his own game. In some cases it may coincide with the author's choice, but in others it may not. For example, I personally would place Gothic 3 at the top, which at one time amazed me graphically more than Crysis. It was quite difficult to get used to the fact that only a year ago we saw characters with shovel hands in games (hello GTA: San Andreas), and a few months later we were walking through the beautiful forests of Myrtana. Which game would you put in first place?