How to sell unnecessary things online? How and where to sell unnecessary things? How to sell an unnecessary item

Have you accumulated a lot of old things that would be nice to sell, or have you purchased a batch of some fairly high-quality or simply very popular product at a cheap price? It is not necessary to obsessively offer old but good children's things to everyone you know in the first case, or rent a retail outlet and stand behind the counter in the second. Everything can be sold online. But where to sell things and how? More on this later.

E-commerce market

Business is moving en masse to the Internet. Online sales in Russia today account for only 2.5% of goods, but in fact this is quite a lot. Many businessmen no longer wonder where to sell things. Most of all (in monetary terms) Russians buy household appliances and electronics, clothes and shoes, accessories, auto parts, perfumes and cosmetics online. In some product categories (for example, household appliances and electronics), the share of e-commerce reaches 17%. Where to sell things online is no longer a problem.

Resale of goods

Among those who sell something online, we can distinguish ordinary Russians who want to profitably get rid of unnecessary things, and businessmen who make money from resales. Buy cheaper, sell more expensive - this is the main principle. They also do not wonder where to sell things online, unlike ordinary Internet users.

You can really make money by reselling. And for this you don’t need to have specific knowledge at all, but you will need start-up capital. You can buy something cheap abroad (usually on Chinese online stores) or purchase a wholesale batch at the appropriate price. Retail sales will be more expensive. The difference is the businessman's profit.

Where can I sell things for real money if the item was purchased for resale? Not all merchants who make a profit in this way have their own online stores. Quite a lot of people sell exclusively through social networks or online message boards - according to some opinions, people buy more willingly there.

Demand assessment

There is a product planned to be purchased for subsequent resale, and the goal is not to sell unnecessary things; first you need to assess the demand for a certain product on the market. How to determine whether a product will sell and where is the best place to sell things? It is enough to post several advertisements on boards and social networks and wait for responses. Find a product, determine a sufficient markup, and add the final price to your ad. Don't forget about shipping costs. Photos can be taken from stocks, but you will need to come up with a description yourself.

Don’t be afraid that the product is out of stock - if someone wants to buy it, just reply that the item turned out to be too popular and everything has already been sold out, but the next delivery is expected soon. Be sure to invite the interested person to let him know when the product will be in stock. If he agrees, then you already have a potential buyer, if not, it’s okay, the main thing is that there was a response, there was interest and a willingness to buy, even if only “here and now.”

If there are no responses within a couple of days, it may be worth trying a different product or editing your ad.

Social media

Where to sell things? You can get rid of unnecessary things or sell a purchase lot on social networks - now many people make purchases there. You need to create a group on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook, a page on Instagram or Twitter. These social networks are quite enough for the “complete set”, although even Twitter for some products will not be very popular.

Today a VKontakte group can be set up as an entire online store. The social network has added the “Products” service, the ability to add a beautiful and very convenient wiki menu, respond to comments and messages on behalf of the community, and not from a personal page. There are fewer opportunities on Facebook and Odnoklassniki, but the audience is older and has a regular income. Instagram is an opportunity to show a product “tasty”, because this social network is focused on publishing photos.

For example, where to sell children's things that the child has already outgrown? In this case, it is completely impractical to create a separate Instagram account, but you can submit an ad in city groups for mommies on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. What if you have to sell a batch of high-quality diapers at an attractive price, onesies, useful accessories for mothers, and so on? You will need a whole group, which can then be advertised in the above-mentioned communities.

Notice boards

Where else can you sell things online? Online message boards are also suitable: local, regional, national, international. True, you will have to pay for publishing more than two or three advertisements on some resources or even in certain categories, so this is rather an answer to the question of where to sell unnecessary things - individually and from a private person - such publications are allowed in for free. For a business account you will have to pay extra to the service.

One-page business card website

If there are few products, a small website will do. One-pagers present only one product in all its glory, describing its features as usefully as possible. There is also an order and payment form, delivery terms, guarantees, and reviews. Business card sites are not suitable for selling unnecessary things - it’s too much hassle, but for selling batches of popular goods they will be an effective tool. True, in the latter case, proper promotion is also important.

Full site

A full-scale website, your own online store - this is for those who have decided to do business on the Internet seriously. Such a platform is another answer to the question of where to sell things in Moscow and the regions via the Internet. It will require significant investments and the assistance of specialists in the field of programming and marketing, but it will have its own platform for selling goods. To sell unnecessary or old items, this option is not suitable.


How to set the right price for old things? For clothing, for example, the following rule applies:

  • -15-20% of the initial cost - the item is in perfect condition, never worn;
  • -30-35% - the item has been used, but the condition is like new;
  • -50% - the item was worn quite often, the condition is estimated at about 4 out of 5;
  • -90% - item with defects;
  • things that were purchased in an online store several years ago (at the old dollar exchange rate), for example, for $200, can be valued differently: now it’s about 1200 rubles, but then it was 600, so put it up for 600 rubles.

The same rules can be followed when setting prices for goods of other categories. If the item was purchased for subsequent resale, you can set the average price on the market or 5-15% cheaper.

Product photos

Websites where you can sell things make it possible to add pictures of the product. High-quality photographs are the calling card of any online store or social network group that strives for successful sales. You can take a photo of a shipment of goods or unnecessary things that you want to get rid of, and even with a small financial benefit, yourself, for example, on a smartphone.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the advanced camera settings available. The difference between professional equipment and a good smartphone is clearly visible if you don’t adjust the camera at all. The options that can be turned on manually are usually limited to white balance, post-processing of the image, adjusting lighting parameters, depth of field and shutter speed, but this will be quite enough. If there are still no such functions, you should install a special application from the Play Market for the Android operating system or the Apple Store for Apple devices. Some sites that sell things have a built-in photo editor (usually social networks).

Care should be taken to ensure proper lighting. You need soft, diffused light. It is not intense, spreads softly, emphasizing the necessary details. You need to shoot near a window on a sunny day. It's good to use plain white paper to reflect the light in the right direction. You can also build your own soft box for shooting. It is enough to take an ordinary lunch container with transparent walls, put a sheet of paper inside, and set the lighting on the sides. To attract attention, it is better to use an unusual background. You can use a standard white background, some people choose black or staged photos. But a good background at home can be a piece of old board, laminate, white bricks and the like. This is worth experimenting with.

Post-editing is also important. You can change the basic settings: increasing the brightness will smooth out defects and add brightness to the image, increasing the contrast will lead to greater clarity of the image, increasing the clarity will highlight small details and improve the overall quality of the image.

Product description

The description of the product must be “catchy” and complete, answering all possible questions of the buyer and evoking a desire to purchase the product. All sites where you can successfully sell things give you the opportunity to add your own description, rather than fill out a standard form, which will not provide the buyer with the necessary information in sufficient volume.

Firstly, you need to write specifically for your target audience. If you don’t know your target audience, look at the visitor statistics: this function is available both on social networks and on full-fledged websites or one-pagers. For specialized products, up to 90% of the audience can be girls or men, young people or more mature. This is what you need to focus on when drawing up descriptions: in the most general case, for children's products you can highlight safety, men value accurate characteristics and reliability, women value the appearance and positive emotions that this or that purchase will bring them.

You also need to adhere to your own style, make the descriptions of products that are presented on the same platform equally complete.

When describing a product, it is important to emphasize its advantages, not its functionality. It is better to leave dry technical characteristics in a separate column, and indicate the advantages in the description. Roughly speaking, sell not a bicycle, but an opportunity to become healthy, spend more time with friends, and follow the principles of conservation. It is not the product itself that needs to be sold, but the emotion of using it - this is the basic rule of a good description.

After the text block describing the emotions from using the product, you can move on to the characteristics. It is better to format them in the form of a list or a simple table - this form of presenting information is easier to perceive.

Don't forget about keywords - these are the hooks that will allow buyers to find goods on sites where they can sell things. But in no case should the text consist entirely of keywords; you just need to mention them from time to time. How to choose keys? To do this, you can use the Yandex.Wordstat service. If there are many competitors in your area, choose low-frequency keywords - with these you will quickly get to the TOP of search results. It is important to remember that the text will be read not only by search engine robots, but also by real users, so the inclusion of keys should be natural and not hurt the eyes.


Advertising is the engine of sales. If you are selling old items, at least share your ad on social media pages. If we are talking about resale, you need to conduct an advertising campaign. Groups on social networks can be advertised in numerous local communities, competitions also provide good returns, but an online store needs to engage in comprehensive SEO promotion.

Communication with the buyer

You shouldn’t forget that business is business, but it’s all done for people. To meet the needs of buyers.

You need to have respect for customers - respond to messages as quickly as possible, communicate politely, find out about needs, perhaps include small gifts with orders (this increases loyalty to the seller). Then sales will go like clockwork.

Very often people complain about a lack of money, without noticing that the amount they need is simply “lying under their feet.” All they have to do is get off the couch.

How to quickly replenish the family budget or what to sell to earn money?

There are many ways to quickly increase your family's money. One of the simplest and most effective - you can sell things you don't need from home online. We are not talking about those things that you use constantly and that make your life much easier. By selling what you need, you will not increase your income, because after a while you will have to spend money on a new purchase again. Therefore, such an act is, at a minimum, not reasonable.

In fact, in every person’s house there will always be things, and more often - a whole heap of things that no one needs for a long time and no one uses them. This is exactly how you can sell them.

They lie like a dead weight, occupying half of the balcony and most of the shelves in the closet. You constantly stumble over them and often cannot find what you need. But you still don’t want to throw it away. Everything is correct. This is how man is made. You once paid your hard-earned money for them, maybe someone even gave them to you. And, you see, it’s a pity to give away what belongs to you. And it's not necessary! After all, you can sell them online without even leaving your home.

Not only will you make money from this, but you will also free up space in your apartment. It is not for nothing that Chinese sages like to remind us that we need to get rid of unnecessary things. This way you promote the flow of positive energy into the house and cleanse it of negativity. So why not “kill two birds with one stone”?

How to sell unnecessary things to make money?

There are some rules to help you to earn money on things you don't need relatively quickly. Your action plan should be something like this.

Make a list of unnecessary things

It's very easy to do.

And don’t indulge yourself with illusions. If you have never used it for such a long period of time, the chances that you will ever need it again tend to zero.

Any item that you have not used for more than two years is subject to urgent sale.

What item from home can be sold? Yes, whatever. If you once needed it, then now there is a person willing to pay money for it. This could be clothes, shoes that you haven’t worn for a long time, some interior element, jewelry, children’s toys and much more.

The best place to buy household appliances, furniture, and interior elements is on the Internet. You can also sell clothes and shoes quite successfully and for good money. Clothes for children are especially in great demand. After all, children quickly outgrow their new clothes. Money for their maintenance disappears much faster, so many mothers have to save.

Bring selected items into salable condition

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If necessary, wash, wash and clean them. Remove minor defects as much as possible. The product must attract the buyer. And, preferably, at first sight. Even if the defect can be easily eliminated, no one will want to pay money for such an item, but would rather buy it elsewhere. Well, unless... you're asking for too little money.

Decide on the price

To do this, look on the Internet how much the same new thing costs. Then pay attention to whether other people are offering a similar product for sale and how much money they want to get for it.

Do not set a low price, this may scare off a potential buyer.

Nowadays, few people believe the stories that you just need to sell quickly. The first thing that will come to the buyer’s mind in this case is that there is something wrong with your product.

But you shouldn’t demand too much money either. It has been proven that most often people buy goods in the middle price category.

Write your ad text correctly

That's half the battle. Describe your product in great detail. If you decide to sell clothes or shoes, be sure to indicate the size. You can even measure the length and width with a centimeter. If this is a household appliance, indicate in detail all its characteristics. There is no need to write in abstruse words, because you are selling to ordinary people. There is no point in highlighting shortcomings, but there is no point in keeping silent about them. All the same, your deception will be revealed. It’s better to immediately ask for less money, but honestly write why the price has been reduced.

Take a high-quality photo

This point is also very important. When a person sees what he is buying, it is much easier for him to make the right decision. Try to photograph the product from the best angle.

Enter your email

If you decide to post an ad online, be sure to include your email address. Many people find it much more convenient to write letters than to call.

How to bargain correctly

The man really loves discounts. That's the way he's built. And if you initially set a price a little higher than you expect to sell, but indicate that bargaining is possible, the number of people willing to buy your product will increase sharply. At the same time, you will earn as much money as you expected.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet Find out more than 50 ways to make money online

The best way to sell things from home is on the Internet using special resources. Now there are many free message boards. All you need to do is register and post the text. You can also use newspapers. But this method is much less effective and will take you longer than posting an ad on the Internet.

In conclusion, I would like to write one more trick. Many people make one mistake - they sell things out of season. And then they complain that they don’t buy anything from them.

Of course, you can try to sell skis in the summer, but simply no one will buy them. And if they buy it, it will be for very little money. It is much better to wait until winter and only then put them up for sale on the Internet.

Watch the webinar about sales on Avito:

Pets, flowers, and jewelry sell best around the holidays. Textbooks, atlases and other similar literature, respectively, before the start of the school season. Considering this point, you can earn more money.

Of course, it’s difficult to calculate how much money you can earn this way. However, considering that when selling online

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If you have decided to sell an item, but have never done this before, you need help. The language of the market is quite specific and exciting. You need to be able to both praise your product and tell them that you can’t find it better anywhere, even if your neighbor has exactly the same one nearby.

We present several effective conspiracies for selling things.

For quick sale

Take the largest bills you have at home. Point it at the item you want to sell and, waving a fan over it, say three times:

“Like a big bargain going on in the market square,
Everything you want is on sale:
Silks, furs, jewelry and (your item) and I am its seller.
The price of the thing (the price out loud) and whoever sees it wants to buy it.”

Patchouli spell

To cast a spell, use a patchouli incense stick. When fumigating a thing, say:

“Get the goods out quickly, turn around in your wallet and the coins will jingle.”

On an iron patch

Take the patch and place it on the window in the light of the growing moon. Say it like this:

“Pyatak, Pyatak Pyatokovich Pyatokov, give me growing luck, so that it will be without change.”

What should you do if everyone in the shopping aisle has a plot on an item?

Don’t worry and don’t even think about resorting to black sales magic to put a spoke in the wheels of your competitors. Remember that everything comes back to us doubly, including goodness. If an item is for sale, it means there is a need for it, and you cannot prevent your competitor from achieving his goal. But no one should interfere with achieving your goal.

Before you get angry at your competitor's plot. Look carefully:

  • Are your products similar at all? Maybe you shouldn't worry so much if you're selling a jacket and your competitor is selling tires?
  • What is the most important product you sell? If you have a product of daily demand, this is even good. Think that everyone in need will get this product and there will be no conflicts or dead-end solutions to problems around you;
  • Perhaps the competitor’s product is different from yours (the same, but with mother-of-pearl buttons). There is something for every buyer.

If you follow the rules of a good seller and do not plot against your “comrades in the market,” then everything in your life will bring you profit and positive emotions.

A conspiracy to sell can be a very good assistant in business.

What to do if an item has been lying around for a long time and is not for sale?

It happens that there is simply no demand for the thing you are selling: it’s not the season, there’s a crisis, or not everyone knows what to do with this product.

No problem! There is also a quick spell for a stale item. The plot should be read on the full moon closer to its waning.

“As the silvery moon shines in the dark sky, so my goods are visible in the light, my thing is so needed by everyone.

I’ll go out tomorrow and show (the name of the item), I won’t be able to hold it in the first hour. They want to buy it so much that they are ready to pay.”

While you are reading the plot to sell, you need to stroke and touch the thing, or stroke a photo depicting this thing.

Another conspiracy to sell an item if it has not been able to find its owner for a long time

Take all the new things you have and put between them the old ones that you have been trying to sell for a long time. Read this conspiracy:

“The house stood in an open field, the chopping block did not fall on the chopping block, but Maryana painted this house, fixed it up and sold it for a new one. The house has served the new owner for a century, just as my thing at (price) will serve its faithfully and delight.”

Do not despair in any situation and do not hesitate to resort to folk conspiracies. After all, there is nothing stronger than the Russian word in the world. The main thing is that this word for sale is spoken in the name of goodness and sweetness.

With the development of information technology, many more opportunities for earning money have appeared. If you organize your own online store, you can earn income without leaving home. How to sell things online? There is nothing easier even with minimal capital. The main thing is to find the target audience and approach the issue of communicating with potential buyers correctly.

Why is it worth selling things online?

Before you start thinking about how to sell things online, you should understand whether you want to do just such a thing. It should be remembered that any work requires perseverance and patience. You will have to communicate with a variety of people. Sometimes you have to find an approach even to not the most pleasant customers. If such difficulties do not stop a potential businessman, then only benefits await him in the future.

Firstly, products can be offered to a larger target audience via the Internet. Where can you sell things in real life? Only at the market or in the store. This means that the product will only be seen by people passing by. The World Wide Web provides many more opportunities. Many popular online stores were organized in the outback, and their owners began their careers sitting at their home computer.

What items are best to sell?

Selling clothes and shoes online is quite in demand today. This is due to the fact that online stores, as a rule, offer products at a reduced cost. But it is worth considering that men are more practical. They won't buy jeans or a shirt without trying them on. It’s easier for them to overpay, but be sure that the product is perfect. Products intended for women and children sell out much faster on the Internet.

What things to sell? First of all, you should pay attention to seasonality. No one will buy T-shirts and tank tops in winter and down jackets in summer. Before you sell things online, you should draw up a sound business plan. It is important to understand when sales will start. Based on this, it is worth purchasing goods. You can start selling summer items as early as mid-April, and winter items closer to October.

Practice shows that you can earn much more on clothes and shoes for children. Firstly, kids grow quickly, and parents have to regularly update their children’s wardrobe, and this can be done more profitably through the Internet. Secondly, mothers and fathers strive to dress their children in a truly fashionable manner. A seller who has good taste will be able to make good money.

Where to sell things?

There are several options for organizing online sales. Those who are just starting to run such a business should pay attention to social networks. You can create commercial pages here absolutely free of charge. But it is worth considering that the owners of sites such as Odnoklassniki or VKontakte do not welcome the organization of online sales with their help. Accounts are often blocked. Therefore, it is worth creating several profiles at once.

Another option is electronic bulletin boards. You can also start selling here for free. It’s worth choosing resources that offer rating systems. As the indicators increase, the number of buyers will increase. In addition, on such sites, as a rule, buyers can leave reviews.

Those who have already tried their hand at online sales and realized that they can do this kind of work well should not delay in organizing their own online store. It is not recommended to skimp in this matter. It is better to entrust the creation and promotion of your own website to a professional web studio. The costs will quickly pay off.

Photo preparation

How to sell things quickly? Everything is very simple! All you need to do is present the product in a favorable light. We are talking about photographs that will be posted on a bulletin board or in your own online store. Of course, it is much better if the product is filmed on a professional camera. But you can also take good pictures with a smartphone. If we are talking about clothes, then it is worth purchasing a mannequin. The product will look even better on a live model. You can ask someone you know to pose.

The background of the shooting also matters. If there is no suitable place indoors, it is better to photograph the product outside. Shoe models will look beautiful, for example, on green grass. It is recommended to photograph the product from several angles at once so that the buyer can examine it from all sides. Don't forget to write captions under the photos. How to quickly sell things online? It is necessary to provide the potential buyer with the most complete information (available sizes, seasonality, possible defects).

Marketing and advertising

The proverb “water does not flow under a lying stone” can also be applied to the sales field. If you don’t advertise your product and come up with interesting promotions to attract customers, you won’t be able to make money. How to present things? You need to declare yourself! At the initial stage, you will have to spend money on advertising on social networks. All electronic message boards also offer paid promotion. You will have to spend money to earn a good reputation. And in the future, word of mouth will work, but on the condition that a truly high-quality product will be offered at an affordable price.

Various promotions will also help increase sales. For example, you can offer free shipping with every third item purchased. Or you can have a sale every Friday, offering discounted items. People who buy an item on sale will want to cooperate with the store in the future.

How much to wind up?

In this matter, it is worth choosing a middle ground. Most offline stores set markup at 100%. That is, if an item in purchase costs 200 rubles, then the retail price will be 400 rubles. This is justified because you have to pay rent. Prices on the Internet are often much lower. The markup usually does not rise above 60%. And some sellers set a minimum price (add no more than 20%) and thereby increase sales significantly. You can make great money not thanks to the difference between the wholesale and retail prices, but thanks to sales volumes.

Things are a little different with branded items. For those who have decided to occupy this market segment, it is not advisable to set a minimum price for a product. Customers will decide that they are being offered a fake and will no longer want to return to the store.

What things can you sell online? Variety! There is always a buyer for every product. But the price must be appropriate. So, no one will buy a natural fur coat for 5,000 rubles or a knitted T-shirt made in China for 10,000 rubles.

Buyer Feedback

In order for the number of sales to increase, it is worth communicating correctly with potential buyers and answering any questions that arise. The larger the volume of products offered, the more time you will have to devote to the business. If you already have your own online store, it is worth creating a feedback window through which the buyer can find out all the necessary information from the sales manager. The process should be automated as much as possible. It is advisable to enable SMS notifications that will notify you when new messages arrive on the site.

Buyers need to create maximum convenient conditions. It is recommended to purchase several mobile phone numbers so that the client can call within his own operator. In addition, it is advisable to offer several payment options for the goods. The more extensive the service, the faster the number of customers will grow.

How to set up an online store?

How to sell things online? In order for a business to generate maximum income and a minimum of problems, it is worthwhile to formalize everything. This can not be done immediately, but several months after the start. It is worth making sure that the business is going really well and will continue to develop. Most entrepreneurs who sell things online operate on a single tax basis. Paperwork will not take much time. Financial costs will also be small. At the same time, it will be possible to avoid fines for illegal trade.

Once a quarter you will have to submit a tax return taking into account your income. For those who do not understand the nuances, it is better to entrust this work to an accountant. It is better to pay for the services of a professional than to pay a fine again.

How to earn more?

To earn even more income, you should think about opening a real store in your own city. This could be a showroom where anyone can come and see the product on offer. A potential buyer will only want to come to a real store once. In the future, he will only buy things online if the products are of good quality. In addition, it is worth considering that there are still people who are not computer friendly and do not know how to use the capabilities of the World Wide Web.

You can make good money selling online. You just have to delve into all the nuances, know how to sell things, study the market, see what products are already offered in the selected segment. To take an advantageous position, it is worth offering even more convenient conditions for a potential buyer. And, of course, you need to love your job.

Greetings! Do you believe in Feng Shui? Personally, I’m not very good. But you can still glean a couple of sound ideas there. For example, before the coming New Year, Feng Shui strongly recommends clearing out all the rubble in the house and throwing away all the accumulated trash. Esotericists believe that this quickly and effectively cleanses the energy of the apartment.

I don’t know about energy... But I know for sure that such a “shake-up” of cabinets and bedside tables usually ends with a mountain of unnecessary things on the floor. Which can be thrown into a landfill, given away to friends or donated for free to the nearest volunteer center. Or you can... sell it and buy everyone good gifts for the New Year.

Anyway, today I'm going to write about how to sell things online!

In principle, you can sell anything online! Clothes in good condition (especially children's), accessories, working gadgets, books and paintings, a collection of stamps or coins, furniture, bags and wallets, handmade items, toys and travel gadgets (such as a compass or tent).

As for the question, everything is a little more complicated. Each country has its own online flea markets.

Ukraine, first of all, is associated with the Aukro auction and the OLX platform (based on Slando, and a couple of other smaller sites).

Until recently, Russia could boast of a very high-quality online auction The site has been operating very successfully since 1999 (not only here, but also in neighboring countries). But on August 20, 2015, the website of Russia’s largest online auction was officially closed. Allegedly due to its low profitability...

Russian “flea dealers” had to urgently look for a replacement for their beloved “Hammer”. Many people switched to the site (online auction), (representative office of an American company) and (free classifieds site).

In addition, you can sell things online through thematic groups on any social networks. For some reason, there are especially many such groups on VKontakte.

Specifics of selling things online

Of course, each online platform has its own nuances: ways to protect the buyer and seller from fraud, the size of the commission, conditions for posting an ad, and much more.
But any sales via the Internet have their own general specifics. Here are the basic rules for online sales:

  • We look for analogues of our goods on this or other sites and set the price 5-10% below the average
  • We prepare the item for sale in advance (we wash, iron, polish, dry-clean)
  • We compose the ad correctly (more on this a little later)
  • We offer a bonus to the buyer (either something related to the main product, or just a nice little thing like a chocolate bar or a bottle of beer)
  • Before submitting an ad, carefully study the rules of a particular site.
  • Let's think through the nuances of payment and delivery
  • We update our ad periodically

How to sell things online quickly?

As many photos as possible

Proven by the experience of millions of users: things with clear, high-quality photos sell much faster than without them!

There should be many and different photographs. For example, if you are selling a suit, you will have to take photos from different angles and a few more close-ups (to assess the texture of the fabric and the quality of the seams). By the way, it is always better to photograph clothes on a live “model”, and not on a dull hanger on the wall.

Detailed description

It is worth writing in detail about the item being sold. If it’s clothing: where and when it was bought, size and color, fabric and accessories, how it differs from analogues. As an answer to the last question: “real Italy”, “handmade” or even “good energy”.

Yes, and don’t forget to indicate the reason why you are parting with such a treasure. For example: “the size didn’t fit”, “they gave it as a gift, it’s a good thing, but it’s not at all my style” or “they sent me something that wasn’t what I ordered.”

By the way, it is better to make descriptions accurate and honest, but not too formal. Well, of course, write down the details of payment and delivery in detail. This is where it’s best not to demonstrate your sense of humor.

Respond to potential buyers' questions as quickly as possible

Speed ​​of response is indeed very important when selling online. If you are not at the computer all the time, set up notifications for new emails on your phone. Often the seller's contact information includes a phone number. But as practice shows, many users find it easier to write a message on a website than to call a stranger.

Well, no one has canceled the basic rules of politeness either. Especially when you agree on a personal meeting or payment details. Are they asking for one more photo in daylight? Please! Need to estimate the weight of the table? No problem!

Set the price a little higher than what you really expect

And in the description of the ad, write “bargaining is appropriate.” It seems like a primitive and easily calculated move on the part of the seller, but buyers still like it.

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