Failed to open profile. Solved: Cannot get settings, Google Chrome error. "The Opera settings file cannot be read. Some functions may not be available. Settings changes will not be saved"

– an excellent modern browser with integrated Google search engine tools, claiming to be the fastest and most stable Internet browser. However, figuratively speaking, the stability, unshakable as a wall, has recently become covered with quite noticeable cracks. Recently, many browser users have encountered a constantly appearing error, which neither a restart nor a complete reinstallation of the browser can help get rid of:

"Your profile could not be loaded correctly. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have read/write permissions."

At the moment, there are several ways to eliminate this annoying error, and we will look at them one by one.

Method, race number


Conductor and press Enter (see screenshot)

Path for Windows XP:
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\

Path for Windows 7:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\

4. In the window that opens, you need to find and rename the folder "Default"(for example, in Default1 ).

5. Without closing Conductor, run Google Chrome, while the folder " Default" will be automatically recreated.

6. Go to the folder " Default1"and delete the file" Web Data ".

7. Copy all remaining files from the " Default1"to folder" Default ".

8. Delete the old folder " Default1 ".

Congratulations, after this the problem will be fixed.

Method, number “twos”

1. Close the Google Chrome browser if it is running.

2. Open File Explorer. You can do this by pressing the keyboard shortcut Win+E(The Win key is the one with the Windows icon on it).

3. Enter the folder address in the address bar Conductor and press Enter (see screenshot). Please note that the folder location is different for different operating systems.

Path for Windows XP:
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\

Path for Windows 7:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\

3. Find and delete the file " Web Data ".

This should also be enough so that the next time you start the browser, the error “Your profile could not be loaded correctly...” will disappear, however, if this does not happen, move on to the third method.

Method number three

1. Open " Task Manager " (to do this, press the key combination " Ctrl+Alt+Del" and select " Launch Task Manager »).

2. In the Task Manager, go to the " tab Processes ".

3. Sequentially select all processes containing " Chrome" and complete their work by clicking the " End the process » (see screenshot).

I hope that the above steps will help you restore normal operation of your browser and you will never encounter a similar error again.

When starting or running the Chrome browser (Google Chrome), sometimes an error message appears " The settings file is corrupted or invalid". In this case, as a rule, no methods help, even deleting and reinstalling the browser. There is only one way to correct the situation.

It is necessary to delete the file itself in which these settings are stored. After restarting the browser, it will create a new “correct” file and will work normally.

If the browser is damaged and the settings file is corrupted or invalid.

It's not difficult to fix this:

First you need to turn off your browser Google Chrome

Then find the same file in which all data about the browser settings is recorded.

The file is called " Preferences" and is stored in the folder where Chrome is installed.

You can usually find it by following the path: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Perhaps on yours it is stored on another disk and in another folder, it all depends on where you installed the browser during installation.

A similar situation with the browser can arise not only in Chrome, but also in other browsers.

So, for example, in the Opera browser, approximately the same thing often happens. In a similar situation, Opera displays the message:

"The Opera settings file cannot be read. Some functions may not be available. Settings changes will not be saved"

Read the article on how to fix this problem.

Almost half of Internet users liked the browser most - Google Chrome. Beginners especially love it for its simplicity.

While Google Chrome is strong in speed and usability, it has cracks in stability. One of them is the frequent appearance of messages: “Your profile could not be loaded correctly. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have read/write permissions."

Having received it, many people just lose their temper. They try to reinstall, but
The error cannot be cleared. Nothing helps. What to do? Where to run? How to load a profile correctly?

Do not worry? The problem is resolved quickly. Below are some specific recommendations. Read the article to the end and use the most suitable option for you.

By the way, this error appears with the profile in windows xp, windows 8, windows 7, vista and ubuntu, but only in chrome browsers.

To fix it (load the profile correctly) in Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista everything happens the same way, only in XP the paths are slightly different.

Since the profile is damaged, we will create a new one. To do this, if Google Chrome is open, close it.

Therefore, I suggest to you, . It is exactly the same in design (free), only without the absence of agents. It was developed by German programmers, but it is entirely in Russian, faster and more stable. Good luck.

Currently, among all browsers in the Russian-speaking region and not only Google Chrome is the leader. More and more users prefer it for its speed and simplicity of the user interface. However, errors happen even in the most reliable programs and Google Chrome is no exception. Since now almost any of the Internet browsers provided strive for greater personalization, which allows the user to work more optimally on the World Wide Web. One of the most common errors related specifically to browser personalization, which many users encounter, is incorrect profile loading. Typically, an error message like this looks like this.

Google Chrome Error

Or maybe it’s generally interesting and incomprehensible - there will be several similar notifications on the monitor at once.

No, this error does not globally affect the operation of the browser in particular and the computer in general. However, over time and such a failure occurs more than once, this whole situation begins to become quite annoying. To correct this situation, simply follow step by step what is written below.

To begin with, after the next error message appears, you should close it (or them, if there are several windows). After that, in the browser itself, in the upper right corner, find the icon with three horizontal stripes and click on it.

A list of options will appear on the monitor. You need to select "Settings" using the left mouse button.

In the settings window itself, near the bottom of the window there will be a “Delete user” button. Click on it.

After this, the program, through the next window, will inquire about the user’s confidence in deleting the user and all data about him without the possibility of recovery. Here you need to firmly stand your ground and confirm the deletion. You should not regret getting rid of the user profile, because this will in no way affect the speed or functionality of Google Chrome itself. It’s just that the browser itself will become more impersonal and stop collecting user data.

Yes, it is abnormal that a browser that claims to personalize its work specifically for a specific registered user is not able to correctly load data about him, which is sometimes particularly annoying. But, as mentioned above, no program can be completely protected from the appearance of seemingly the most unexpected errors. Their appearance is often due to the fact that any program is constantly being added to and improved. And this, in turn, can lead to the fact that some parts of the program code come into conflict and can block some previously working modules. And this is a personal decision for each user to continue using this product, because there are no global problems, or to search on the Internet for a more thoughtful software product with similar functions. If a person is happy with everything and personalization is not that important to him, then it would be more logical to simply delete the user’s profile using the method described above.

Quite often, the Opera browser, instead of working normally, begins to “show off” and fabulously pleases its users with the message: "The Opera settings file cannot be read; some functions may not be available. Settings changes will not be saved."

What's the matter, and why is it impossible to read the Opera settings file?

As a rule, the root cause is that the settings file is damaged. This happens due to the overly careful operation of the antivirus installed on your computer. He scans the system so “zealously” and is so concerned about your safety that sometimes he goes “where he can’t go.” As a result, it damages the browser's system files. This is basically why a message like: “Unable to read the Opera settings file (Opera)” pops up.

To be fair, it must be said that the same situation occurs with other browsers. For example, the settings of the Chrome browser are often damaged in this way and it displays the message: “The settings file is damaged or invalid.”

I previously wrote on the website how to solve this problem in Chrome in my article:.

Well, why are the settings files damaged or incorrect in Opera and how to solve the problem, read on.

And so, we settled on the fact that it is impossible to read the settings file

What to do?

The very first thing that comes to mind is to uninstall Opera and install it again. Of course this is an option, but unfortunately it rarely helps.

The fact is that when you remove any program from your computer (phone, smartphone, laptop), it is not completely deleted. The program leaves some files on the hard drive, including settings files, and Opera is no exception. Therefore, a regular reinstallation is unlikely to help here.

But fortunately, there is another option

If you assume that since the settings file is damaged and cannot be repaired, then you just need to delete it! Ask: what would we do without it?

It's okay, when the browser starts, it will detect that the file does not exist and create a new one. The only caveat is that all your browser settings will be irretrievably lost. You will have to make the settings “for yourself” in a new way.

What is the name of the settings file in Opera?

His name is "Preferences.ini"

Operaprefs ini where is it located and how to find it?

You can find the "Preferences.ini" file by following the path: C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Opera\Opera

But this is ideal.. The fact is that on different devices and operating systems this file is located in different places. The fastest way to find it is to launch Opera, go to the "About" section:

And look specifically at your storage path for the “Preferences.ini” file:

It is impossible to read the settings file, operaprefs ini how to delete?

Following the specified path, you need to find and delete the Opera settings file:

But keep in mind that Opera must be turned off!

In addition, there may be one more nuance. If you cannot find the "Preferences.ini" file in the specified folder, then it means that it is called a little differently. Sometimes the Opera settings file may be designated as "Preferences", that is, without specifying the ".ini" extension.