Reviews about the Mango-Office service. Mango Telecom personal account How to delete your personal account

I’ll tell you a little about how I met mangoes. I opened a split system store; during the season there was a large number of requests; six mobile phones for three managers was not very convenient. A lot of money was spent on communications. I was looking for an alternative, but there was almost no time to deal with just this issue. One fine day, when the sun was at its zenith, and it was possible to go outside only to then go back into the office, a manager from some mango called me, there was no time, he asked me to call back later, after hours. In the evening, when I could already be on the street and breathe easy, this salesman called me and started offering a single phone number that can receive at least 10 calls simultaneously and at the same time set up various functions on this number. Of all this, I was most interested in recording calls, so You don’t have time to simply write down information. We talked productively for about 15 minutes, but I still had questions about how it would all work, so they offered me a meeting where he promised to show everything clearly. I understood that something had to be done with incoming calls and I agreed. They arrived at my office the next day in the morning, and the engineer started showing me on his laptop what essentially I needed. He technically explained how this would all happen and calculated the cost. I asked for time to think and evaluate the real benefits. After sitting at home and assessing the situation that was developing during the season, I realized that what I was looking for had come to me. Two days later the call. The mango manager called and found out if everything was clear to me. After talking with him, we came to the conclusion that I decided to connect and try. Frankly, my work was greatly relieved, now I had one phone number, which received the entire flow of calls that managers processed on special phones, even missed calls from clients who did not wait for an answer, we could process, since there is some kind of statistics that show all received calls. Well, to summarize everything, I entered the “battle” with a shield and sword. Now, of course, it’s not the season anymore, time has appeared and I decided to see what other people are writing. Honestly, I don’t understand where the negativity comes from. It’s probably easier for someone to sit on a mobile number and look in a narrow direction, but for such people it’s difficult to twirl around their personal account a little and try to figure it out on their own. In summing up, I want to say one thing - for those who want to go up, it is enough to expand their boundaries and follow innovations. Maybe someone will find this review useful. I believe that it is not so difficult to give a little money from your budget to try something new and see how it will work, and you can always switch off, even if it doesn’t work. Thank you for reading my review.

VATS is a tool for telephony and increasing efficiency.

With the MANGO OFFICE Virtual PBX you will receive more requests from clients, giving them a choice of how to contact your company, including using toll-free numbers. The voice menu will create the image of a serious company and will help keep the client on the line, and the correct distribution of these calls within the company will increase the efficiency of their processing. Reports and statistics will provide the necessary information about handling customer calls in your company, and recording conversations will allow you to monitor and train salespeople.

CRM is a source of vital customer information.

CRM MANGO OFFICE is a source of vital information about the company's clients. You will save it from the first contact and will supplement it at all stages, building long-term relationships with the client. This is an indispensable upselling tool - because those who have already chosen your company once are more willing to make repeat purchases. Analytical reports will show you a complete picture of the company's sales funnel and help you improve your work by showing strengths and weaknesses.

TsOV – control, processing and reports in real time.

With the MANGO OFFICE Call Center you can see all calls and conversations in the company online. This will allow you to control the workload of employees so that calls are not lost. VIP clients will be served out of turn, because their loyalty is important for the company. You can join the conversation of any employee to help or monitor. You will be able to receive useful reports to evaluate the performance of employees. Now telephony will no longer be a “black box”

The Mango Telecom company at this stage of work showed itself to be quite good. Today, in reality, not many operators can cope with all the tasks assigned to them, but against all odds, Mango copes with everything. And it has already won an audience of thousands. A good advantage is the provision of Personal Account service to subscribers, so let’s look at its functionality and capabilities.

You can gain access to your Mango Telecom Personal Account by concluding an agreement with the company for the supply of services. When signing the contract, the subscriber receives a personal card, where the login and access password are indicated. You can also conclude an agreement online, in which case the registration data will be sent by email.

Forget password or login? What to do? This is also not a big problem for Mango. The company tries to please subscribers in everything, and therefore an express password and login recovery service is available. To do this, you will need to fill out the prepared recovery form and send it to the company’s official email. It is important to note that if you are a legal entity, the application must have the seal of the organization it represents and the signature of the general director. In case of data recovery by an individual, you will need to provide a copy of your passport. Everything needs to be sent by email [email protected]

The system for logging into your Personal Account is quite simple. We go to the official website (after which we click on the “Personal Account” button or go directly to the link, enter personal data, and click the login button.

Possibilities Personal account MANGO Telecom

Now let’s look directly at the cabinet’s capabilities. What functions does it perform:

  • Obtaining complete financial information regarding your account.
  • Allows you to obtain and print information on financial expenses and documents for accounting.
  • Allows you to top up your account online.
  • View a printout of calls, incoming/outgoing/missed.
  • Connecting new numbers and services.
  • Setting up the service.
  • Changing the product version.

These are the opportunities you can get using your Mango Telecom personal account.

Official website MANGO:

Login to your Mango Telecom personal account:

Customer support hotline: tel. 8 846 300 40 66

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Today the Internet is available in almost every apartment and every owner of a modern smartphone. It provides many benefits in a variety of areas. For example, having access to the network, it is much easier and more comfortable to be served by telecommunications companies, because this makes it possible to manage your personal account online and independently, rather than constantly traveling to offices for the smallest issues.

Mango Telecom, which is one of the best SIP providers in Russia, has a personal account. All clients have free access to the service. To do this, they only need to have their own identifiers - login and password.

How to register a Mango Telecom personal account

Login and password are provided immediately after registration. Many will probably mistakenly assume that this is a long and complicated procedure. In fact, everything is quite the opposite. Registration ends when you enter into an agreement with Mango Telecom. It specifies all the basic rules of service and specifies the identifiers from the service for remote work with a personal account.

Login to your Mango Telecom personal account

The personal account service is located on the official website of the Mango Telecom company. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is switch to it. Next, you simply enter your username and password in the empty fields of the authorization form. If the IDs were entered correctly, when you click on the “Login” button, you will be in your account.

There is also an opportunity to use the password recovery option. This is specifically provided by the developers, since clients often lose or forget their unique identifiers.

Login to your Mango Telecom personal account-

Features of your Mango Telecom personal account

Considering the possibilities of the Mango Telecom personal account evokes only positive emotions. After all, with the help of the service you can do a variety of things. It implements the following functions:
- Obtaining comprehensive financial information on a personal account;
- View the history of payments and expenses, print statements;
- Call details and viewing statistics for other services;
- Top up your account online;
- Flexible configuration of the service at your own request;
- Connecting new options and services, changing versions of certain products and much more.

Every businessman strives to reduce expenses and increase income. This is one of the most important aspirations of business in general. An entrepreneur in pursuit of profit is looking for the cheapest office, saving on staff salaries and much more. And I was recently also interested in the question of a possible reduction in costs for business technical support, which could generate income. While searching for an answer, I came across an article that talks about IP telephony Mango office. I liked the budget and functionality, which is quite large.

Often, no one manages to save on communications, and being constantly online is necessary for business. It is simply impossible to give up your phone, especially if your organization is considered a medium and large business. But there is now a way out of this situation.

Previously, many companies resorted to simply installing one telephone in their office or organizing their own small PBX within the enterprise, which still could not solve all the tasks assigned to it. It would seem that it serves one number. And 8 and even 16 people use it, but this is only an imaginary benefit. The fact is that the costs will be not only for communication, but also for the installation and purchase of equipment. How long will it take to set up the connection, conduct it throughout the enterprise, how long will it take to install it and purchase a number? All these are time and financial costs, which are in principle comparable to the costs of mobile communications. Thus, money is slowly but surely flowing out of your business, and it is extremely difficult to stop this process.

Agree that it may happen that after some time even 16 communication lines in your company will not be enough, and then you will have to expand the network, and this is also an additional expense. This is how all savings on communications evaporate. However, now there is a way to save a huge amount on communications - the Mango-office virtual PBX.

Review of IP telephony Mango-office

Mango office is a specialized service that operates via the Internet. It has a number of advantages over the usual methods of organizing communications in business.

Firstly, if you use IP telephony Mango office, then you do not need to create a complex infrastructure within your organization and spend time and money on it. All you need is a computer that will be connected to the Internet. Every modern office is already equipped with such a computer. The special equipment that will have to be purchased comes down to only purchasing a telephone set. However, even this is not necessary to maintain a telephone connection.

In case of use IP telephony Mango office the system will independently carry out the work of creating a network of subscribers, connecting, making calls and other things on the server provided by the provider. You don't have to worry about being left without connection in case of any problems on the server. In this case, there are a huge number of protective systems that will not allow the quality of communication to deteriorate. To correctly select, install and start using a virtual PBX you need no more than an hour of your time. This cannot be compared with the time spent installing a mini-PBX in your organization, which will take at least a week.

Secondly, the smallest capacity of a virtual PBX is 100 subscribers. And not 8, as is the case with a mini-PBX. This means that 100 people can call your number at once, and none of them will hear “busy”. This is very important for a business that is growing rapidly.

In a typical organization, the likelihood of channel congestion occurring is quite low. But even in case of overload, there is an immediate solution that will help you. You can simply connect a second, third, fourth, and so on line of also 100 subscribers. Such functionality is generally impossible when using a conventional PBX, and the costs to achieve such a result are simply incommensurable. At the same time, the virtual analog differs for the better in terms of mobility.

Thirdly, a virtual PBX has a lot of functionality. The software with which this PBX operates provides the ability to record, listen to and save calls. Among other things, the company owner has access to all statistical information on calls for any period. The number of incoming, outgoing and missed calls per day, week, month or over the entire history of the organization. ATK you will be able to monitor the effectiveness of each individual employee in your business, as well as track seasonal and other fluctuations in demand. A regular PBX does not have such capabilities.

I don’t see any point in listing all the functionality here, because a virtual PBX can provide about 800 different functions. Even the most high-tech, innovative and expensive automatic telephone exchange cannot compare with it in these indicators. The most popular of these functions: an advertising number that starts at 8-800 (free for residents of Russia), voice menu, automatic forwarding, voice mail, sending recorded telephone conversations as files to email, video calling and much more. Each of these functions can be activated at any time in a few clicks. These functions are managed in your personal account via the Internet by the user himself. Needless to say, video communication or voice menu are not available when using a regular PBX?

Fourthly, just think about the risks of moving from one office to another when you usually use a PBX. Dismantling the system, transporting it, installing it in a new office, which will take a lot of time and take a lot of financial resources. In addition, the equipment may be damaged on the road, in which case it will take a long time to find the fault, and it will also require money to fix it. In this regard, the virtual PBX Mango-office also compares favorably with the usual one. All you need to do is move your computer to a new location. You will not need to change the phone number that your customers are used to, so the costs of new advertising campaigns, etc. will be reduced.

Fifthly, if you use the Mango Office virtual PBX, then you have the opportunity to unite all your branches, employees who work from home, as well as departments into one common network. When using a regular PBX, this is much more difficult to do. A unified number plan will allow you to constantly monitor your employees. You can set up calls to regular mobile and home phone numbers, as well as Skype. And these are just the main reasons why you should use the Mango-Office virtual PBX instead of the usual one.

The cost of using virtual PBX services depends on the tariff. When choosing the “Initial” tariff, the monthly fee will be 740 rubles. However, the functionality remains almost the same. The initial costs when purchasing a 100-channel number, together with the cost of one month of communication, will be about 2,500 rubles. For medium and large businesses, this is a drop in the ocean, which can turn into a huge benefit for you.