Poor Yota speed. Why the Internet or Yota modem does not work and how to fix it

People who need high-speed Internet use Iota. Subscribers who constantly conduct testing claim that Yota cuts the speed and can limit it, and the stated high figure is not true. Is this so and how to increase Yota Internet speed will be discussed below.

The speed of transmission is affected by influences that influence the change and acceleration of indicators. It would be wrong to say that it is possible to use a certain speed in different conditions. It may increase in some areas and decrease in others.

The influence turns out to be factors:

  • location;
  • coating;
  • tariff plan.

If we talk about the maximum values, then Yota provides 20 megabits per second. If we consider the indicators in practice, they can vary from 15 to 17 Mbit/s. Despite this, they are enough for normal use of the network, watching videos on YouTube and downloading information.

As for the maximum declared 3G parameters, here things are worse. 3G should work at 28 Mbps. Practice shows the opposite. Transmission occurs at 12-15 Mbit/sec, which is generally not bad for a provider. These indicators are relevant where there is good coverage. In remote areas, 3-5 megabits per second does not exceed.

Finally, I want to talk about 4G/LTE Internet. Yota 4G Internet actually reaches 20 megabits per second. Thanks to this, more and more users prefer LTE Internet.

Not all subscribers are satisfied with the company’s services; on the Internet, an increasing number of people are interested in how to increase Yota’s speed.

Magnification options

To control communication, regardless of the device, Yota has created an application that does not allow you to cut indicators. The program is called Yota speed controller. There are many versions of the application.

On the computer

When using communication services via a modem, users are wondering how to remove the Internet speed limit. Using a modem, you can make it interact with a regular SIM card. To do this, you just need to change the IMEI values ​​in the settings. Then, to bypass the limitation via a computer, you need to set the value TTL=65. When the modem is connected to the computer, the value is decreased by one. The subscriber will be able to improve communication in this way by accessing the network via a modem. In addition, you can change the speed by installing an external antenna, which will serve as an accelerator. You can do it yourself by placing the modem in the center.

On the phone

The Internet provided by the Yota provider is high-speed, but subscribers are still trying to find a way to bypass Yota’s speed limits. As mobile internet usage increases every year, new ways to improve performance are emerging. To answer the question of how to bypass the restriction, you should first change your tariff plan.

In addition, an increase in indicators can be achieved in the following ways:

  • configure your browser;
  • use third-party software;
  • optimize the connection.

Practice shows that it is possible to increase performance and circumvent restrictions.

Basically this can be achieved in the following ways:

  • install an antenna;
  • use special programs;
  • change parameters.


Thus, regardless of the device on which you use the Yota Internet, you can always find a way to improve performance and comfortable work on the network. If we talk about a modem for a PC, then the best option would be to use a signal amplifier by making a homemade antenna. But on a phone or tablet, it’s best to use special software and make optimization settings.

As one of the leading telecommunications companies, Yota, providing mobile communication services, strives to be a leader in promoting 4G LTE Internet in Russia. Already, its subscribers are several million Russians, which is explained by the availability of flexible tariff plans combined with high-speed Internet.

But not everyone is able to work stably at 4G speeds due to spontaneously arising problems with wireless communications. And they can manifest themselves for various reasons. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common reasons that answer the question: “Why does Yota Internet not work?”

Network failure

Connection and operation failures may occur due to:

  • weak signal;
  • excessive load on Iota;
  • problems with the device or SIM card.

Fortunately, the listed comments are easily identified experimentally: by checking the functionality in the next block or on another device.

People living in densely populated residential areas often complain about network failures, not understanding why the Internet is not working and blame the provider for this reason. In fact, the problem lies in the oversaturation of the surrounding space with radio waves that come, for example, from the Wi-Fi routers of neighbors. As a way out, you can get more powerful equipment or purchase a special signal amplifier.

If Yota does not work due to glitches, then the Internet settings in the device itself may have been deleted. You can order the latest settings for access to the Iota Internet network through your personal account or technical support of your mobile operator.

Bad weather

Weather can affect the transmission of radio signals in different ways. For example, clouds and clouds in dry weather improve the quality of data transmission over the air, thereby increasing the stability of wireless communications and the Internet. In this case, clouds act as a passive repeater, reflecting and spreading the signal from the transmitter over a greater distance. Conversely, thunderstorms and snowfall worsen communications, preventing the free passage of radio signals.

Problem with payment

Yota is a prepaid provider. This means that at the end of the billing period (30 days) and there is not enough money in the account to renew it, access to the Internet is terminated. The countdown of the new period will automatically begin from the moment you top up your account with the amount provided for in the starter package.

Limitation or lack of wireless Internet may be caused by exceeding the limit specified in the tariff plan. To resume work, you will have to remember the terms of your tariff and pay for additional megabytes.

No signal

No matter how hard cellular companies try to provide stable coverage, there are still enough gaps on the map of the Russian Federation where wireless Internet does not work. Nevertheless, the Yota company is rapidly developing its 4G network, installing the latest equipment not only in large cities, but also in the periphery. To help subscribers, the official Yota page provides a coverage map, which shows zones with a stable level of 2G, 3G, 4G.

When using a Yota modem (Wi-Fi router) for a computer, the cause of an unstable, intermittent signal may be poor placement of the equipment. First of all, this is the problem of building panel-type high-rise buildings with load-bearing reinforced partitions that perfectly dampen any radio signal. To ensure uniform coverage in all rooms, it is best to mount the router in the hallway, ensuring that the signal reaches all rooms through doorways.

Low quality network equipment

The speed of signal reception and transmission largely depends on the quality of the transmitting equipment, and therefore on its model and price. The user must understand that a router costing $50, manufactured according to new standards, will work better than its $20 counterpart, released 7 years ago. Providers, as a rule, have different models of network equipment in their arsenal and offer clients budget options with discounts and promotions.

It is not surprising that some cheap devices stop functioning normally in the first year of operation. For example, low voltage from the power supply leads to frequent malfunctions of the router. Without knowing this reason, you can complain for a long time about low speed due to anything, without suspecting a breakdown of the power supply.

Problem with settings

In addition to technical troubles, the reasons why the Internet from Yota may not work may be of a software nature:

  1. The data service is disabled on the tablet (smartphone). To activate it, the easiest way is to call Iota support.
  2. Malfunctions in the Wi-Fi access point, or more precisely in the proxy server settings. You should check and deactivate the proxy server on your smartphone.
  3. Changing the Wi-Fi password. You need to delete the current connection and then create a new one.
  4. After a temporary loss of connection, the gadget was unable to automatically register on the network. You should restart the device or manually search for available networks and then register in Yota.
  5. Problems with the USB modem. In this case, you need to update the driver.

Problem with smartphone

In order to save money, our compatriots order “gray” smartphones from China, which they then independently flash for their preferred operating system. But few people think about the operating frequency range (band) of the built-in radio module. The result is an inconsistency. At the hardware level, a smartphone cannot implement high-speed data transfer at the provider’s frequency.

For example, in Russia, LTE 4G operates on bands No. 7,20,38, and in China other frequencies are used, to which the “gray” smartphone is initially configured. It is impossible to reconfigure such a gadget, since some microprocessor manufacturers are already integrating a radio module with LTE support into the same chip with the processor.


No matter how hard programmers try to protect their software, viruses still manage to sneak into tablets and smartphones and interfere with their operation. If applications on your smartphone begin to respond inadequately to button presses, it is recommended to check the device for viruses. By the way, not only a virus, but also an anti-virus program can block the Yota Internet. To check if this is the case, you need to change the antivirus settings, access data transfer and restart the device.

Of course, there are other, more specific problems that may prevent Yota Internet from working on your smartphone or computer. In such cases, it is better to call or write to the mobile operator’s support service chat.

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We have been using the Internet from . This is an arctic fox, comrades. White and fluffy. Frankly speaking, I have never seen anything worse. We even tried to move the modem from the room to the street - it doesn’t help at all - yes, the signal-to-noise ratio increases by 20 dB, but the speed is still the same. Those. The problem is not that the signal is weak, but the channel capacity, and how many of us are so smart sitting at this base station.

Here's a partial list of what's happening:

  • The average speed is 50 Kb/s, sometimes increasing to 100, and very, very rarely to 200. This is if only a miracle happens, and download different files from different sites - if only from one - then read the first part of the phrase. But when you contact Iota, no, everything is fine with you, they say. To what mother, is it normal, damn it!??
  • The speed of sending data is generally ridiculous. 0.02 Mb/s. I contacted Iota - yes, they say there is a problem at the base station, as soon as we fix it, we will send you an SMS. Is it okay that even when there is no accident, it doesn’t rise above 20 kb/s?
  • Internet banking is buggy. Well, that is, to the point that it is generally impossible to get into it - and somehow selectively: it can take half an hour to log in from one computer, but not at all from another.
  • Half of the sites do not load. On my website, for example, it doesn’t want to load counters.
  • FTP only works in passive mode. Well, .
  • Videos from YouTube? Yes, I wish I could go there, damn FullHD!

In general, it gets ridiculous - sometimes you have to turn on your phone (with an MTS SIM card) to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, and reconnect the computer to it. He, in contrast, works quite well in the same place.

Right now I’m sitting here like a fool - the computer is connected via a telephone access point.

The only plus of iota is unlimited. All. The rest are cons. But such unlimited data at such speeds is a direct reason to think about connecting to the maximum MTS tariff and having a guaranteed 30 gigs per month.

Ochakovo-Matveevskoye district, if that happens.

In general, this can only be described in swear words, so I put a picture that describes what is happening the way it deserves - under the cat.

And they didn’t try Iota.

Run Forest run!

Okay, let's see, we'll follow up, in a couple of weeks I'll write again.

Upd. Two weeks passed. That’s it, there are no options other than to switch off. Today the channel has dropped to zero, technical support says - you have an accident, of course we will try as quickly as possible, but most likely it will be fixed within a week. WEEKS!

If you have a Yota provider, and suddenly you discover that the Internet is not working, then it’s time to figure out what the reason is. We offer several of the most common problems that you can easily handle on your own.

For Android

Sometimes the reason for this on Android is that the gadget spontaneously disconnects from the specified access point. This happens when you leave the operator's coverage area, and there is no automatic solution to this problem.

Try this:

  • reboot your device;
  • turn it on briefly and then immediately turn off the “Only 2G networks” option.

Such simple manipulations help solve the problem if it doesn’t work on Android. Such problems are relevant mainly in those regions where the operator’s coverage area is small.

Main reasons

Now let’s look at why the Internet does not work on a phone on Iota, and what can be done in each specific case.

  1. Network failure
    A rather banal story, however, one cannot discount it. This happens quite often with other providers, so if you have any suspicions, call technical support and find out. If there really was a problem, then just wait until it is fixed. You will definitely be informed that Eta has restored the connection, and you can move on with your life.
  2. Bad weather conditions
    Look out the window: it is possible that a hurricane is raging, and strong winds have damaged transmission lines, and you are not the only one left without the Internet. Usually, when the weather returns to normal, the quality of communication increases noticeably. But here again, it would be useful to contact the operator and find out if everything is in order. If these two reasons do not suit you or seem unconvincing, move on.
  3. Zero balance
    Yota Internet does not work on your phone even when you forget to pay for services and top up your balance (if the indicator is negative, of course, nothing will work). Correct this annoying misunderstanding and try connecting again. If you do not have enough funds, the operator suggests continuing to work at minimum speed. However, from time to time the Internet will still turn off, in order to avoid this, install.
  4. There seems to be no signal
    The system of Iota stations in your region may not yet be well developed, so moving away at a distance may negatively affect the signal level. This often happens with other mobile communication providers - in an underground parking lot or in a dense forest you can’t even hope for “five sticks”.
  5. Hardware problems
    Is Yota Internet still not working? Check the integrity of the connection equipment - the problem may be that . If all our methods don't help, it's likely that something is really broken and now needs repair. Antenna, for example. Contact the service center.
  6. Software problems
    If there is no Iota Internet on your computer, you should update the drivers (including the network card) and reinstall the Eta program. Restart your computer and check if there is any result. It is this procedure that allows you to eliminate most problems with the Network.
  7. Viruses
    If a large-scale software infection occurs, only professional service and repair will save you. But it’s much cheaper to ask an experienced friend to “fix” your operating system or try to do it yourself. You need to start, of course, with an antivirus scan. Then clean the registry. Do not forget to reboot and reinstall drivers in a timely manner.

If all of the above methods did not help you, then simply contact Iota support for detailed advice on your problem. Good luck!

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Questions on the topic

    Dmitry 03/15/2018 11:24

    We have been using Yota for 5 years now. The quality was normal, now it’s kind of terrible. Their phone number is blocked, yota.russia8 800 700 55 00, now I’m trying to call another number. I've been calling for 20 minutes, the robot says the waiting time is 1 minute, then 2 minutes, then 3 minutes, now it's already 5 minutes and says 5 minutes left. Well, great! Thanks to iota for the internet, which doesn’t work at all. Paid for a year, money wasted.

    Irina 09.18.2017 17:51

    I’ve been using this provider for 3 years now, but over the last 3 months problems have begun to appear more and more often - either the network disappears, or the Internet disappears, when it appears it doesn’t load at all, nothing helps, although I live in a 4g coverage area, other operators work excellently, it’s very disappointing, that the service has become so bad

    Kirill 09/01/2017 19:56

    The connection worked great for 6 years. 07/27/17 He simply refuses to work to this day. And besides, the provider doesn’t know what’s going on or they don’t want to tell me what’s going on. I would also have understood that I lived somewhere in the village and here it’s almost the center of Moscow, what kind of bullshit is really infuriating.

    Vladimir 09/01/2017 05:12

    Bring back the time when yota first appeared in Moscow! The quality of the Internet and communication was simply pleasing, but every month it became worse and worse and apparently soon we will have to return to the previous operator because the constant loss of packets even in normal weather is already boring (I checked with other SIM cards except MegaFon because it is also special) .

    Margarita 08/10/2017 02:44

    Yeah, I contacted support. A month of nothing but unsubscribes. Why am I asking before July 1, the Internet worked fine, but now it doesn’t work, if everything is fine with you on the BS. Where is the BS that I caught earlier, I remember the Cell Id number. So they are great, they came up with an excuse - or they write “well, you go online, so everything is fine” (well, yes, the modem is outside while the weather is good, but the ping is over 200, and the speed is up to 1 Mb/s, despite the fact that before it worked quietly in the room). Or they write “well, you don’t go online, that means the modem isn’t working.” Moreover, the fact that this supposedly idle modem worked quietly with another application created earlier and later than this one does not bother them. So we go in circles. Contact technical support! This will help...

While working or having fun on the Internet, you can sometimes notice unstable network operation. Pages take a long time to load, or the connection is even interrupted. A bad signal from mobile operators such as Yota is a common occurrence, but in some cases it can be fixed. Next, we will talk about what are the main communication problems with the Yota provider most often, and how to improve the quality of Internet reception.

Among the reasons why Yota mobile Internet does not work or works poorly, several main ones have been identified. The most common are accidents and network malfunctions, as well as lack of signal at the location due to poor coverage.

Accidents and network failures

No operator is immune from accidents and technical failures. When there is no network in a certain area of ​​the covered area, Yota engineers begin diagnosing and correcting the causes of the breakdown. Depending on how serious the accident occurred, the troubleshooting period can vary from several hours to several days. To make sure that there is no stable Yota signal and this is due to a technical malfunction, you need to call the hotline at 8-800-550-00-07 or write to the support service on the website. Operators will inform you about the reasons for the lack of communication and, possibly, provide an approximate time frame for its elimination. You will also receive a notification upon completion of repair work.

Poor coverage area or weather

When connecting to Yota for the first time, or if the Internet is used in a new location, it is recommended to check the network coverage map on the operator’s official website. If pages load poorly, sometimes the connection drops, or the Internet does not work at all on a working tablet or other device, this may be due to poor Yota coverage or its complete absence. It is enough to change the location, for example, go out into the corridor, bring the device to the window and check the signal quality. If it improves, then it's a matter of coverage. You can call the operator's hotline and report this, giving your location. Perhaps the operator will take this into account and after some time (in most cases, several weeks), the signal will improve.

To understand why Iota began to have difficulty catching a signal and working in its usual place, you can simply check the weather outside the window. During thunderstorms, strong winds or fog, the Internet may be slow. Usually, this problem goes away on its own as soon as weather conditions improve.

Phone breakdown or problem with SIM card

If operators report that there are no accidents or technical problems on their part, and the location is within the coverage area, the reason that the Internet from Iota does not work on a mobile phone may be a breakdown of the gadget itself or a problem with the SIM card. To make sure of this, just try to reboot the device. Often, at this stage, connection problems are eliminated. If this does not help, you can move the SIM card to another slot and check if it is tight. It is not recommended to use micro-SIM and nano-SIM in slots intended for standard-sized SIM cards, since the fit of the chip to the sensors may not be tight.

To check the serviceability of the slots, you can temporarily insert any other SIM card into your device and check the connection. If it is stable, then the problem lies in the SIM card itself. The SIM card chip is very fragile, often a scratch invisible to the eye can lead to a poor connection. In this case, it is recommended to visit the nearest Yota office (you can find out the address on the official website) with your passport and ask the manager to replace the SIM card.

Problem with payment

The Internet is turned off if there are not enough funds on the balance to connect the package. In your personal account or from the operators in the support service, you can find out the date of monthly debiting. To ensure uninterrupted access to the network, on this day or a day earlier you need to top up your personal account in the amount of the cost of the tariff for the next billing period. If the payment is made on time, you need to check the balance. Some payment systems, such as terminals, charge a commission, which means that funds could be credited without taking it into account, and they are not enough to activate the package for the next month. If the balance on your personal account is zero, you should contact the operator’s support service or technical support of the payment service through which the payment was made. If you have saved your payment receipt, it is recommended to prepare it and study it carefully before calling. Managers may need information about the full amount of payment (including commission and without), the date and time of payment.

Problem with settings or viruses

If you cannot access the network when connecting to the Internet from Yota, you may be infected with viruses. Some of them “intercept” traffic for their own purposes or block it completely. You can check for viruses on your device by downloading an antivirus, but you should remember that not all of them can signal with absolute certainty the presence or absence of certain malicious content. Complete diagnostics and virus removal can be carried out at specialized service centers. Experts work with professional equipment and software, which greatly increases the likelihood of detecting infected files and treating them.

Internet pages load poorly or the connection drops

If Yota’s Internet connection disappears, or the modem does not connect to the Internet at all, the problems may lie in the modem itself or the device that communicates with it. As a rule, this is expressed in the fact that Yota’s Internet works slowly, and the modem often freezes, displays the error: “There is no connection,” or the 4G router indicator lights up red. Contacting the operator’s technical support service or any of the communication shops will help you cope with this. During the conversation, you need to state the essence of the issue, for example: “The Yota 4G LTE modem turns on, but does not work when connected to a computer.” The operator will definitely clarify what exactly the problem is: the modem does not connect to the network, or the Internet connection is simply slow. Usually a small diagnostic, a verbal description of the symptoms of a problem, is enough for him to identify the error. The specialist may ask you to do things like remove the modem from the slot and then reinsert it, reboot the computer, and so on. You need to be prepared for these simple manipulations: first save all open documents, and also close programs so that the PC restarts faster. You can even remove several unnecessary processes from startup.

Low quality network equipment

If all of the above tips do not help, the Internet from Iota still works poorly, is slow and dull, or a stable network signal constantly disappears, you need to check the functionality of the network equipment. Only the operator’s technical specialists can diagnose it. You need to call the hotline, if you were unable to identify the breakdown yourself, or the problem was not resolved after the manager’s advice, you should arrange for a technician to come out. If your network equipment is faulty, replacing it will solve the problem. If you use your own equipment and there is no connection to the Internet, or the router does not distribute Wi-Fi, not only when using the Yota operator’s network, you need to test another device. For example, borrow a router from friends to check and connect through it. Has the problem been resolved? Then you will have to buy a new router.

Problem with the modem or its power supply

When using the modem, you need to thoroughly inspect it. If you are using a Yota 4G/LTE modem and it works intermittently, or the indicator does not light up, this means that the bad signal is associated with it. First of all, you need to check whether the device is connected to the network; this may be one of the main reasons that the router or modem does not turn on. To do this, just go to the web interface and check that the connection status says “Connected to Yota”. If the device is not detected, is not installed, and the computer freezes when connecting the Yota modem, making it impossible to enter the interface, then the equipment needs to be replaced.

To ensure that there are no problems with the Internet from the Yota operator and it works without interruptions, it is recommended to receive a signal SINR 2 RSRP -110 or better. To do this, you will need to walk around the house with the modem and find a place with the best reception. If the value is lower, the location is within the coverage area, you need to determine the status availability in the web interface.

If the status is unavailable, or the message “Please check the modem” appears, you need to make sure that it is connected to the computer without splitters or USB extension cables. They may be the main reason why the Yota modem does not connect to a home or work laptop. It is recommended to test it on another computer. If there are no connection problems on the other device, the gaps are due to the operation of the PC.

Often the modem does not have enough power to work properly, and it does not connect well to the network. This is due to the fact that it consumes 500 mA. You can solve this problem by disabling the storage device that is built into the modem:

  • in the Windows operating system, go to “Device Manager”;
  • select the “USB Controllers” category;
  • Find the modem storage device and disable it.

If the USB extension cable is too long or damaged, and the modem does not have enough power, this is the reason why the Yota modem does not connect to the 4G/LTE network.

If you are using a PC running MacOS, you must do the following:

  • go to “Programs” and the “Utilities” folder;
  • run disk utility;
  • In the left part of the window, find the connected storage device, click on the ⏏ button or right-click on the name and select “Stop”.

Updates and drivers

If the Yota modem, designed for use in 4G/LTE format, does not work on Windows 7 and 10, or the laptop does not find a router connected to the network, this may be due to a long lack of operating system or driver updates. In this case, it is recommended to download and install updated versions of drivers and check for system updates. This will also solve the problem of why the system constantly reboots when connecting the Yota 4G modem to the computer.

If, when connecting a Yota modem, the computer displays various errors, you need to update the software or firmware of the directly connected modem.

Improving the quality of reception

You can check why there is no Yota signal reception or the reason for its poor quality by connecting another device in the same place. If the signal is also weak, it means the problem is poor coverage. However, there are ways to improve it:

  • use a satellite, indoor antenna or reflective array;
  • apply boosters;
  • change the location of the modem (for example, raise it higher);
  • buy a modem with the ability to connect an external antenna.

We use boosters

A booster is a Wi-Fi signal amplifier for modems and routers, a kind of repeater in case the connection from Yota is poor. You need to connect an antenna to it, which will be installed on a hill or at a point where the signal is received best. The second antenna is located indoors in order to directly broadcast the signal itself to devices.

Among the main advantages of using boosters is an almost one hundred percent guarantee that the signal will be improved and the Internet speed will increase. The equipment will work automatically and will not require additional participation.

The downside is the high price of such equipment; the average cost ranges from 25 to 50 US dollars.

Homemade antenna amplifier

In order not to buy expensive equipment, you can assemble a signal amplifier antenna with your own hands from available and available materials. Using an antenna will solve the problem that the router does not pick up the Yota 4G signal. However, to ensure that the assembled device does not burn out, you must have certain knowledge about working with this type of device and strictly follow all assembly instructions.

To create an antenna, you will need a wire about 45 centimeters long, pliers (or round-nose pliers, which will be more convenient for making bends), a reflector measuring 135x120, a file, a plastic jar, scissors, insulating tape, a block on which the antenna will be attached, several screws, a soldering iron and two straws for cocktails.

Instructions for assembling the amplifier antenna.

  1. You need to take the wire, mark it at 53-55 millimeters and bend it so that you get an eight of two rhombuses. The wires in the center should not touch.
  2. Then you need to place the workpiece on the reflector and draw an obtuse angle, it should be 120° at both ends of the workpiece.
  3. It is necessary to drill a hole in the center in the reflector (the diameter is arbitrary, the main thing is that two wires with electrical tape fit into it), as well as two holes for self-tapping screws.
  4. You need to clean the ends of the wire with a file, etch them with acid and solder the lower ends.
  5. In a plastic jar (from gouache, for example), you need to measure about 36-40 millimeters from the bottom and cut holes in order to connect it to a reflector made from wire. You need to drill three holes in the bottom of the jar; they must be located in the same way and coincide with the holes on the reflector.
  6. Next, you need to connect the jar with the reflector and the block on which the antenna will be attached, and screw the structure with self-tapping screws. The block should also have a large central hole drilled for the wires.
  7. Strip the insulation from a 75 Ohm cable approximately 15 centimeters in size, you should get two wires. You need to clean them, narrow them and carefully solder each to its end of the reflector.
  8. You need to put tubes on the wires so that they do not touch each other. Then you will need to connect the antenna to the cable: one wire is soldered to the previously stripped and etched body of the adapter from the antenna, the second to the central core of the cable.

Installing such a Yota signal amplifier antenna will significantly improve the quality of communication. It is enough to catch the signal by turning it towards the guiding station or the city center, where coverage is better.