How to update Adobe Flash Player. Complete instructions! How to remove Adobe Flash Player and why you need to do it Adobe Flash Player why you need it

Adobe Flash Player– Instructions

1. General concepts about Adobe Flash Player
To make everything clear to everyone, I’ll start with the fact that there are three types of such Flash players, and for every browser – your personal one, namely:
- Required for Internet Explorer Adobe Flash Player ActiveX install_ flash_ player_ ax. exe). Essentially this player is ActiveX-component (i.e. plugin) for playing Flash in the Internet Explorer browser .
- For Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape or Opera you need Adobe Flash Player Plugin(the installation file is called install_ flash_ player. exe). This player is also a plugin for playing Flash using browsers compatible with this plugin component.
- And finally, just Adobe Flash Player, which is not intended for browsers at all, but purely for viewing flash videos in the window of this particular player.

If you use multiple browsers, then you must have both options installed on your computer. Adobe Flash Player(a) – for different browsers.

In addition, these “browser” players are also used for viewing animations and videos from the Internet (i.e. directly on website pages).

And of course, your computer must have a regularAdobe Flash Player. In this case, there is no need to view flash files (swf) using browsers. Just click on the video file 2 times andAdobe Flash Playerhe will connect and start playing this videoswf-file.

2. Testing the browser for availabilityAdobe Flash Player and its versions

In order to find out whether Adobe Flash Player is installed in your browser and what version is installed for it, you need to use this browser to go to the tests page of the official website: http://www. /software/flash/about/ . This page looks like this:" width="479" height="345 src=">

1. The presence of a red icon on the page means that the player for this browser is installed.

2. The small sign on the right shows the version of the installed player.

3. The table below shows the latest versions of Adobe Flash Player(s) available for installation for each operating system and each browser.

On this page you can always find out if you need to install a new player.

3. Where and how to install automaticallyAdobe Flash Player(plugin)

You can install Adobe Flash Player for free on the official website, but first you need to select the version of the flash player specifically for your OS (Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Solaris) and for your browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera).

For example, on the date November 1, 2010. Players available for Windows:

Version available for Win98/ME

Version available for 7/Vista/XP/2008/2003/2000

(Version called Adobe Flash Player Installer/Uninstaller)

For example, if you have Internet Explorer and Firefox (Mozilla, Netscape or Opera) browsers installed, then you need to download and install both flash players.

But before installing a new version of Adobe Flash Player, you need to uninstall the old one; to do this, you need to download the uninstaller on the official website. Attention! In version and higher the uninstaller is already built in. But all this will be discussed below in the text (at the end).

So, on the page http://get. /ru/flashplayer/otherversions/ select the version of Adobe Flash Player:

Virus" href="/text/category/virus/" rel="bookmark">virus scanner.

If you do not need these programs, then do not forget to uncheck the additional installation item (if such an item appears). By the way, installation Google Toolbar also entails advantages: you will have a very good translator in your browser, with which you will always be satisfied.

After installation you will need restart browser and check the player's performance on the tests page. If everything turns out unsuccessfully, then you need to reinstall the player (uninstall and install again). In this case, it is advisable to install the player from a computer. Then test again...

4. How to downloadAdobe Flash Player (plugin) without automatic installation

To prevent the official server from immediately offering to install the player, you should do this: download the player installer for Internet Explorer using any other browser, for example, Opera or Firefox. To do this, go to the office. site Opera or Firefox, and select Internet Explorer.

And, conversely, download the installer for other browsers using the Internet Explorer browser.

It is clear that you need to have any of these browsers on your computer (Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape or Opera).

In this case, the page of. the site will look like this:

Do you want changes to be made to this computer?", click Yes.

6. Restart your computer.

7. Go to the tests page of. website: http://www. /software/flash/about/ to check if Adobe Flash Player has been removed. If on the right side of the tests page you see information like the one in the picture below in a small window, this means that the player was not deleted:

7. LocationAdobe Flash Playeron your computer

By default, the “secret location” of both of these Flash Player(s) in the depths of your computer is located at the following address: C:\ WINDOWS\ system32\ Macromed\ Flash\

8. Adobe Flash Player - to viewSWF videos outside the browser

Personally, I don’t like watching video clips in a browser window; I prefer to do it in Adobe Flash Player(e), which is designed specifically for viewing such videos.

It's much faster and easier. You just double-click on the swf video file you want to view, and this player connects itself and starts playing the video in its own window.

Installing such a Flash Player(s) is quite simple:

1. In the downloaded archive, find the “Flash Players” folder and copy the “FlashPlayer - for viewing SWF” folder into it (inside the file FlashPlayer. exe).

2. Place this folder in the directory on drive C, where all installed programs are located.

3. Open this folder and run the file FlashPlayer. exe 2 clicks.

4. That's it! You don't need to do anything else! And no shortcuts to the desktop!!!

Thus, Adobe Flash Player is activated on your computer and from now on will “stand guard” over all SWF format files. You just need to double-click on such a video file and Adobe Flash Player will automatically connect to it and play this SWF file.

As you can see, in this case, no browsers are needed to view swf videos... Very convenient!

Note! Important! Do not under any circumstances place or run (i.e. activate) the file FlashPlayer. exe on your desktop! Otherwise, you will not be able to remove this file from the desktop; it will remain there. First, think about whether you need extra icons on your desktop that you will never use...?

9. Conclusion:

In the download archive in the “Players” folder you will find all three types of Adobe Flash Player(s) described above + uninstaller (only for both types of “browser” plug-in players!).


Player testing page: http://www. /software/flash/about/

Player download page: http://get. /ru/flashplayer/otherversions/

Uninstaller download page: http:///cps/141/tn_14157.html

Location of “browser” Flash Player(s) on the computer: C:\ WINDOWS\ system32\ Macromed\ Flash\

Surely you have heard about such a player as Adobe Flash Player, opinions about which are quite ambiguous: some believe that this is one of the most important software that should be installed on every computer, while others claim that Flash Player is a very unsafe thing. Today we will take a closer look at what Adobe Flash Player is needed for.

We, as Internet users, are already accustomed to the fact that on the Internet you can watch online videos, listen to music, play games directly in the browser window, without thinking that in most cases it is Flash technology that allows this task to be accomplished.

Adobe Flash is a technology that allows you to create multimedia content, i.e. information containing video, audio, animation, games, etc. After this content is posted on sites, the user has access to play it, however, it has its own file format (usually SWF, FLV and F4V ), which, as with any other file format, requires its own software to play.

And now we smoothly come to the main question - what is Flash Player. As a rule, browsers by default do not know how to play Flash content, however, they can be taught to do so if special software is integrated into them.

In this case, we are talking about Adobe Flash Player, which is a multimedia player aimed at playing Flash content, which is usually posted on the Internet.

Flash content is still quite common on the Internet to this day, however, they are trying to abandon it in favor of HTML5 technology, since the Flash Player itself has a number of disadvantages:

1. Flash content puts a serious load on your computer. If you open a site that hosts, for example, a Flash video, set it to play, and then go to the “Task Manager,” you will notice how much more the browser has begun to consume system resources. Old and weak computers especially suffer in this case.

2. Incorrect operation of Flash Player. When using Flash Player, errors often occur in the plugin's operation, which can lead to the browser completely closing.

3. High level of vulnerability. Perhaps the most significant reason for the worldwide rejection of Flash Player is because... It is this plugin that becomes the main target of attackers due to the presence of a huge number of vulnerabilities that allow viruses to easily penetrate user computers.

It is for this reason that many popular browsers, such as Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox, are going to completely abandon support for Flash Player in the near future, which will close one of the main browser vulnerabilities.

Is it worth installing Flash Player?

If you visit web resources where the browser requires the installation of Flash Player to play content, this software can be installed on your computer, but you should download the player distribution package exclusively from the developer’s official website.

What is Adobe Flash Player and what is it for?

Until recently, this issue was quite relevant for many new Internet users, but every year the importance of this technology is fading, and the World Wide Web is gradually starting to do without the usual tool. However, many resources still continue to use outdated technology, which means you still need to have an idea about it.

Thanks to Adobe Flash, once Macromedia Flash or simply Flash, multimedia content was once widely distributed on the Internet, which could be viewed in real time without first downloading to your computer. The technology made it possible to create special web applications, multimedia presentations, spectacular banners, animation, games, as well as play audio and video on web pages. Adobe Flash allowed developers to work not only with raster and vector graphics, but also with three-dimensional ones.

In recent years, the popularity of flash technology has begun to decline significantly, the reason for which is the high load of such applications on the resources of ordinary users’ devices, which, in particular, affects the loading speed of Internet pages. In addition, errors within Flash applications could cause Internet browsers to fail, and many experts were critical of the unsafe use of Adobe Flash. This is also why it is recommended to regularly install the latest Flash Player updates, which can always be done from the official Adobe website.

Some browsers, like Google Chrome, automatically update Flash Player when a new release is released, saving the user a lot of hassle. However, in some cases you have to update yourself (Chrome itself needs to be updated periodically).

Flash technologies are rapidly being replaced by the HTML5 video playback format; some use Silverlight from Microsoft. In particular, iOS devices generally do not use Flash Player, and on Android, Adobe has stopped releasing updates to its player since September 2013. Moreover, starting from the fifth version of Android, in principle, there was no flash, although third-party developers continue to offer alternative versions of the old technology, which is probably doubly unsafe.

In 2016, Flash technology itself turned 20 years old, 11 of which were spent under the reliable wing of Adobe. However, even the popular video viewing service YouTube began to abandon previous standards a couple of years ago, switching to HTML5 by default. Moreover, manufacturers of popular browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have already announced that they will block Flash content when visiting those portals where Flash is not important for a particular site as a whole. And starting from 2017, all Flash content on websites will be launched with the additional consent of the user.

Therefore, if you have only recently become acquainted with Internet technologies, then do not rush to install Adobe Flash Player at all costs. Most authoritative resources have either already switched to HTML5 or will do so in the near future. And the new format, in principle, does not require you to install additional applications (unless you are using a browser that is five years old and has never been updated), and is faster and safer.

Most users don't need it. They understand perfectly well: without this applet, playing any multimedia content posted on the Internet is not possible. However, for those users who are just learning the basics of operating systems and web browsers, here are some tips for using this extension. But first, let's look at what it is.

What is Flash Player?

This applet was originally developed by Sun Microsystems. It was only much later that a similar software product from Macromedia appeared. Ultimately, seeing such popularity of the program, the IT giant Adobe took advantage of the purchase of everything related to developments in the field of multimedia, including the consolidation of subsidiaries under its wing.

But what is Flash Player in its original sense? At the dawn of the development of flash technologies, the player was created in the form of a separately installed player for playing animated videos in this particular format. Over time, Flash Player for Windows has undergone qualitative changes, becoming exclusively a plug-in for browsers installed on systems.

But Apple decided not to stop there, releasing a universal player and a plug-in in one package called QuickTime. It is to this that today, in most cases, the SWF extension is associated, as well as additional formats like FLA or image objects.

What is this extension for?

Speaking about what Flash Player is, we cannot ignore the question of how it became a browser add-on. The fact is that with the development of Internet technologies with the possibility of publishing multimedia content on websites, no one thought much, preferring to use exclusively the text part. And when it came to the understanding that the user entering the page wants not only to read the text, but also watch a video or listen to music, the attitude towards this plugin changed dramatically.

How does Flash Player for Windows work?

Now the main applet began to work exclusively as an extension installed for web browsers. Finding it today as a standalone player is quite problematic.

Sometimes you may need to manually enable the installed plugin if this does not happen automatically.

But precisely when integrated into browsers (and automatically into all), you don’t have to worry about playing content. You don’t even need to manually launch the player itself, since playback starts when you simply press the corresponding button or without it, and the plugin is loaded in accordance with the content being played. This add-on does not have its own interface, although on the sites themselves, when playing audio or video, a completely different graphical shell, developed directly by the creators of the Internet resource, may be displayed.

On Windows 10, Flash Player works exactly the same on all other systems. In this case, neither the browser used nor the operating system matters. Only the architecture is taken into account during the installation or upgrade process. If you look at the development of systems of this type, specialists from Microsoft could have created a similar tool long ago and included it in standard tools, however, apparently, they are in no hurry to engage in such developments. And really, why, if there is a ready-made solution nearby? Another thing is that a corporation could buy this development and then establish its own copyright for it. But Microsoft cannot compete with Adobe.

Plugin installation issues

But we digress a little. Let's see how to install Flash Player on Windows 10, since it is not included in the initial package after the first installation of the system.

The first thing you need to do is download the installation distribution from the official website and under no circumstances use third-party resources that may contain what appears to be the latest version of the player. You can easily pick up viruses there.

Actually, whether you install Flash Player for Windows 7 or for another system is not so important. The fact is that upon entering the developer’s resource, the architecture and type of operating system will be determined automatically. The main thing here is to pay attention to the fact that when you go through several steps, one of them may be given a recommendation to install additional software. Here you just need to uncheck the corresponding item. If you don’t do this, then you shouldn’t be surprised that some kind of antivirus or something else will appear on your system.

Further, when the main file is downloaded, in Windows 7 Adobe Flash Player may require permission for correct installation. Therefore, the installation package must initially be run as an administrator, and then just wait for the installation to complete. All browsers and programs that can use this applet (such as the sidebar) should be completely disabled at this time.


As for updates, when installing the player itself, a special service is integrated into the system that monitors the release of fresh updates. It is added to the startup section and starts with the system.

Some people disable this service. Nothing wrong with that. It will be possible to detect that the plugin is out of date quite simply when on a certain site, when trying to play multimedia or run scripts, the resource displays an error message and the need to install the latest version of the player.

Again, you will be redirected to the official website of the developer. But here's what's interesting. Updates are not performed automatically. Roughly speaking, you need to download the distribution again and install the plugin yourself, having previously refused to install additional affiliate software.

What else can you use?

This concludes our consideration of the question of what Flash Player is. However, if you don’t like this plugin, you can use a similar development from Macromedia in the form of the Shockwave Flash extension, which is in no way inferior to the original player.

Such ancient technologies as Adobe Flash Player are already slowly losing ground to more modern algorithms built on HTML 5, which is already being implemented by large portals such as YouTube.

The departure from this technology is also indicated by the fact that the Android mobile operating system, starting with version 4, no longer supports Adobe Flash Player and installing it there is quite problematic.

However, Adobe Flash Player is still used on many sites that provide video and gaming content in Flash format, which forces many users to install Adobe Flash Player on PC and mobile devices.

Where to download Adobe Flash Player

You can learn more about this technology, how it works, how to properly install and download Adobe Flash Player on the website Open the link in the browser you want to install the plugin in, as the installer automatically selects the version for each browser. Well, then we will briefly talk about what it is and what it is needed for.

What is Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player is a special multimedia content player in Flash format with advanced functionality that allows you to implement even a wide variety of games.

Flash technology goes far beyond simple video playback, it implements various multimedia functions with interactive control using a keyboard and mouse.

Adobe Flash Player is installed as an add-on (extension or plugin) to the browser and there is a version for all modern browsers.

Do you need Adobe Flash Player

The technology is widely used in browser games, from publishers such as and others. If you play such games, then you cannot do without Adobe Flash Player; you will have to install it in your browser.

Even if you don’t play games in a browser, you will most likely still need Adobe Flash Player, since it provides additional functionality on some popular sites, including social networks.

Without this plugin, you simply will not be able to use all the features of popular resources. Therefore, Adobe Flash Player is usually included in the required package of system components that are installed first after installing Windows.

Which browsers have Adobe Flash Player?

The Google Chrome browser contains a basic version of Adobe Flash Player. For most other popular browsers, Adobe Flash Player must be installed separately.

Each browser has its own version of Adobe Flash Player and must be installed in each browser you use. But this happens quite simply, in just a few clicks.

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