How to make colored business cards yourself in Word. How to create a business card: design tips, useful services. Placing a business card on a sheet using CorelDraw

Business cards in Word - how to create and print a business card

Almost every modern person needs a business card. It is convenient to give the interlocutor a small, neat piece of paper so that your name and patronymic will be in front of his eyes during the conversation and remain as a reminder after it. You can entrust the creation and printing of business cards to a company or printing house, but you can create a business card yourself in Word.

Business card in WordUsually, the vector editor CorelDraw is used to create a business card template - it really allows you to prepare a business card template better. But, firstly, this program costs a lot of money, and secondly, not every user knows how to work with it. Regular Word from the MS Office office suite will come to the rescue - it is installed on every computer and any user can work with it.
How to create a business card in Word

You will need a blank Word document. Via the menu File | Page Options... reduce margins to 1 cm, or even less.

Now you will need a table with one business card in each cell. Select menu Table | Insert | Table. In the Insert Table window that appears, specify the number of columns to be 2 and the number of rows to be 5. Click OK to insert the table into the document. She doesn't look very pretty yet.

Now you need to set the width and height for the business card. The standard size of a business card is 9x5 cm. Of course, there are no strict laws - you are free to make a business card of any size, but think about your interlocutors. All business card holders are designed for this standard business card size, and a larger business card may simply not fit into the business card holder. A smaller business card will be unusual to hold in your hands. So don’t get out of line - indicate the standard size of the business card. Select the table using the Table | Select | Table. Select menu Table | Table properties... On the “Row” tab, check the “Height” box, enter 5 cm. On the “Column” tab, check the “Width” box, enter 9 cm. Click OK to save the changes.

Select the Table menu again | Table properties... On the "Table" tab, click the "Options" button, specify all cell margins as 0 cm by default.

Now all that remains is to get rid of the black borders, otherwise the finished business card will have sloppy borders. But you can’t go without borders either – finished business cards will have to be cut out somehow. Let's make the borders a light color - then they will be visible when cutting out, but will be less visible on the finished business card. Select menu Format | Borders and fill..., on the “Border” tab, select the “all” type, the color “light yellow” or any other light (other line colors), select the width 0.25 cm. Advanced users can use the “Table” toolbar.

That's it, the basis for business cards is ready.

Now type the desired text. Typically, a business card contains the name of the company, last name, first name and patronymic of the owner, position and methods of communication - postal address, cell phone and work phone, fax, mail, icq, skype. All text should be easy to read. The full name must be large. Do not use elaborate handwritten texts - take pity on the person who will have difficulty reading this text. There is no need to spend a lot of time on design - a simple and neat business card is no worse than a pile of designer delights.

Leave some padding – do not type text close to the borders.

You have typed the text in one cell, now you need to multiply it throughout the table. You can, of course, copy and paste the text, but you can do it faster. Select the entire cell. To do this, you can click 3 times on the last line of text in the cell. Now press and hold the Ctrl key (located on the lower left of the keyboard), do not release, grab the selected text and drag it to the adjacent cell. Now you can select and drag 2 cells. After this 4 and so on until the table is completely filled.

Now your business card in Word is ready to print. Take thick paper and print your business card as usual.

Carefully cut out the business card along the borders. That's it, your free business cards are ready.

I hope you understand that business cards made in this way often look handicraft and can only be used in emergency cases when there is no time or money to order normal business cards from a printing house.

And in order not to bother with Word, use the Business Card Master program to create business cards and badges. To prepare a high-quality business card, you just need to provide your contact information, select a template and print the required quantity.

Creating your own business cards often requires specialized software that allows you to create business cards of any complexity. But what to do if there is no such program, but there is a need for such a card? In this case, you can use a non-standard tool for these purposes - the text editor MS Word.

First of all, MS Word is a word processor, that is, a program that provides a convenient way to work with text.

However, having shown some ingenuity and knowledge of the capabilities of this very processor, you can create business cards in it no worse than in special programs.

If you don't have MS Office installed yet, now is the time to install it.

Depending on which office you will use, the installation process may differ.

If you have subscribed to cloud office, then installation will require you to do three simple steps:

  1. Download office installer
  2. Run installer
  3. Wait for the installation to finish

Note. The installation time in this case will depend on the speed of your Internet connection.

Installing offline versions of MS Offica using the example of MS Office 2010

To install MS Offica 2010, you will need to insert the disc into the drive and run the installer.

Creating a business card in MS Word

Next, we will look at how to make business cards yourself in Word using the MS Office 365 Home office suite as an example. However, since the interface of the 2007, 2010 and 365 packages is similar, these instructions can be used for other versions of Office.

Despite the fact that MS Word does not have special tools, creating a business card in Word is quite simple.

Preparing a Blank Layout

First of all, we need to decide on the size of our card.

Any standard business card has dimensions of 50x90 mm (5x9 cm), which we will take as the basis for ours.

Now let's select a tool to create a layout. You can use either a table or a Rectangle object here.
The option with a table is convenient because we can immediately create several cells, which will be business cards. However, there may be a problem with the placement of design elements.

Therefore, we will use the “Rectangle” object. To do this, go to the “Insert” tab and select from the list of shapes.

Now let's draw an arbitrary rectangle on the sheet. After this, the “Format” tab will become available to us, where we indicate the dimensions of our future business card.

Here we set up the background. To do this, you can use the standard tools that are available in the “shape styles” group. Here you can choose a ready-made fill or texture option, or set your own.

So, the dimensions of the business card are set, the background is selected, which means our layout is ready.

Adding design elements and contact information

Now we need to decide what will be placed on our card.

Since business cards are needed so that we can provide contact information to a potential client in a convenient form, the first thing we need to do is decide what kind of information we want to place and where to place it.

For a more visual representation of your activities or your company, some thematic picture or company logo is placed on business cards.

For our business card, we will choose the following data placement scheme - in the upper part we will place the last name, first name and patronymic. There will be a picture on the left, and contact information on the right – phone, mail and address.

To make the business card look beautiful, we will use a WordArt object to display the last name, first name and patronymic.

Return to the “Insert” tab and click on the WordArt button. Here we select the appropriate design style and enter our last name, first name and patronymic.

Next, on the “Home” tab, reduce the font size, and also change the size of the inscription itself. To do this, use the “Format” tab, where we set the required dimensions. It would be logical to specify the length of the inscription equal to the length of the business card itself.

Also on the “Home” and “Format” tabs you can make additional settings for the font and display of the inscription.

Adding a logo

To add an image to a business card, go back to the “Insert” tab and click the “Picture” button. Next, select the desired image and add it to the form.

By default, the image has text wrapping set to “in text”, which is why our card will overlap the image. Therefore, we change the flow to any other, for example, “top and bottom”.

Now you can drag the image to the desired location on the business card form, and also change the size of the image.

And finally, we just need to post contact information.

To do this, it’s easier to use the “Inscription” object, which is located on the “Insert” tab, in the “Shapes” list. Having placed the inscription in the right place, fill in the information about yourself.

In order to remove borders and background, go to the “Format” tab and remove the shape outline and fill.

When all the design elements and all the information are ready, we select all the objects that make up the business card. To do this, press the Shift key and left-click on all objects. Next, press the right mouse button and group the selected objects.

Such an operation is necessary so that our business card does not “scatter” when we open it on another computer. Also, a grouped object is more convenient to copy

Now all that remains is to print business cards in Word.

Business cards (click to enlarge)

The business card has become a part of the daily life of a business person. It has become a means of making new acquaintances and expanding the circle of potential clients. Printing services for such products are provided by many printing houses with professional equipment. However, there are situations when it becomes necessary to print business cards at home.

In order to print a business card at home, you will need some equipment and supplies. In this article we will look in detail at how and on what paper modern business cards are printed.

The first thing people pay attention to is the design of the card. To create a unique and presentable business card, you need a good program.

The layout can be created in CorelDraw, Illustrator or Photoshop. You should know that for printing on digital machines CMYK color model should be used. Other printers will reproduce all shades of the RGB model without distortion. The process of creating a layout must take into account the sizes of all fields.

Another popular program is Business Card Master. It contains many templates, thanks to which you can create original business cards in a few minutes. The simplicity and functionality of the program makes it indispensable for both professionals and beginners.

Here are a few more programs: Business Card Office, Visit v1.08, Business Card Printery. You can also use the Microsoft Office function or the online designer at

With the assistant program, you can develop any type of business cards, which will significantly save money on designer services and help you show creativity. It will also solve the problems of printing a finished layout.

The only disadvantage of licensed programs is their high cost. But besides them, there are enough free utilities that can be found on the Internet.

You can see how to create a business card layout in the video below.


In addition to a wide range of densities, business card paper varies in texture. We will consider below which one will be better for paint and which one to choose.

The Epson Stylus Photo P50 is perfect. Not only business cards will be printed, but also photographs with documents.

If your budget allows, then you can take the Epson Stylus Photo R2000. This monster supports paper up to 850 g/m² and prints in formats up to A3. It is better to immediately purchase all printers with CISS to reduce the cost of a print.


A reciprocating cutter is suitable for cutting business cards at home. His advantage is that he can easily take up to 2-3 A4 at once. Mastering the cutting technique is not difficult - just follow the instructions. At first, you can cut it yourself.
On YouTube you can see how printing works at home.

Have fun printing business cards at home.

If you have your own business or are a public person providing certain services, then you definitely need business cards with contact information on them. Most people think that making them is not so easy, but this opinion is wrong. Yes, of course, special software for creating business cards will not hurt in this matter, but in this article we will talk about a non-standard approach - how to make business cards in Word. Fortunately, the program's huge range of tools will help us with this.


Despite the fact that Microsoft Word is a text editor, if you are smart, you can create a business card without extra effort that will not differ from those made in a professional program. So, let's move directly to the step-by-step instructions. How to make a business card in Word?

Let's start creating a business card

Further actions will be performed using the example of the 2016 program, but due to the fact that the interface of all versions is similar, the presented guide is also suitable for creating a business card in Word 2007 and other variations.

As in any other matter, when creating business cards in Word, you initially need to carry out some preparatory steps, in particular, you need to decide on the size of the cards themselves. If you are guided by GOST, then the dimensions of the business card should be as follows:

  • Height - 50 millimeters.
  • Length - 90 millimeters.

The article will consider an example with these values, but it is worth saying that you can use any other sizes, after all - this is your business card.

Creating a Layout

Having decided on the dimensions, you need to create a layout in the program. To do this, you can use two tools to choose from: rectangle or table. We will work with the first option, but it is worth making a note about the table - it is in some way more convenient to use, because you can create several business cards at once (one cell - one business card). However, in the future it will be problematic to place the remaining elements. By the way, the made layout can be used in the future as a business card template in Word.

So now you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab. In the Shapes tool group, select the Rectangle object. It is located in the section of the same name.
  2. With it selected, draw a rectangle on the work area. For now it can be of any size.
  3. Once you've done this, select it so that the Format tab appears in the toolbar.
  4. In this tab, in the “Size” tool group, enter the values ​​you need, in our case - 50 by 90.
  5. All that remains is to add a background to the object to make ours look beautiful and presentable. To do this, in the “Format” tab, select the appropriate tool from the “Shape Styles” group and click on the desired color or select the texture you like.

Making text design

We have made a layout of the future business card; now we need to place text information on it, namely contact information and key information that can interest a potential client, in a concise form. You should first decide what you will indicate and where exactly on the card. Also, many experts recommend adding thematic illustrations and logos to a business card, but we’ll talk about this later, now let’s focus on the text.

So, we propose the following model for placing text information: at the top will be the last name, first name and patronymic (if you are a private person) or the name of the company (if legal), and on the right side of the business card we will place contact information. We will leave the left part for the future logo or thematic picture.

Having figured out the placement of elements, you can get straight to the point. We will use WordArt objects as decoration. Here's what you need to do:

  1. In Word, open Tools from the Insert tab.
  2. Click on the WordArt button, which is located in the "Text" tool group.
  3. From the list of proposed styles, select the one you like by left-clicking on it.
  4. Now click the same button on the top of the business card and in the field that appears, enter the company name or last name, first name, patronymic.
  5. Resize the text field so that the entered text fits completely.
  6. Select a new style and enter your contact information on the right side of the business card, and then also edit the size of the text field.

If you do not change the text formatting, the inscription will most likely turn out awkward, because the default size and font are rarely suitable. That is why it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Select the text you just entered.
  2. Go to the "Home" tab.
  3. In the "Font" tool group, select a font and text size so that it matches the overall style of the business card.

Now we have figured out the second stage of the instructions “How to make a business card in Word.” The third and final stage is next.

Insert a picture or logo

As noted earlier, any business card will look more presentable if you add an image or logo, so that's what we'll do now. This will be the final stage of the instructions on how to make business cards in Word.

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab.
  2. In the "Illustrations" tool group, click the "Drawings" button.
  3. In the Explorer window that appears, go to the folder with the image and select it, then click “Insert”.

The image will be inserted, but you may notice that its size and location will not exactly match what you want. Therefore, it is necessary to hold down the LMB in the central part of the picture and, moving the cursor, move it to the desired place. And to change the size, you need to hover the cursor over its edge, hold down LMB and move the mouse. All that remains is to place the picture in its place, and that’s the end of the matter.

Final information

So you have learned how to make business cards in Word. Let us remind you that the instructions given can be modified by you, since it describes only general aspects and wishes. We hope the article was useful and you were able to find information in it that will help turn your plans into reality.

Every person who does business and works one-on-one with clients should carry a business card with him. A business card containing contact information and initials will help save time when working with a client and show the level of professionalism. To make a card design, you don’t have to go to a printing house and pay money for it. In this article we will tell you how to make a business card on your computer yourself.

Microsoft Word

The functionality of Microsoft Word is not limited to typing and formatting text. Using this program, you can design a business card and print it in a short time. For work we use the Microsoft Word 2013 editor:

  1. First, choose the background for the future card. Download a picture from the Internet or use a previously prepared one.
  2. Open Word → Insert → Pictures → Insert Picture.
  3. Make the necessary proportions. To do this: RMB on the picture → Picture format → Cropping.
  4. We set the width to 5.3 cm, length to 8.6 cm. If necessary, turn the image over. Going to Layout and Properties → Effects, apply filters to the photo to make the background look more impressive.
  5. The background is ready, now let's move on to the inscription. We write the necessary information next to the picture.
  6. After RMB on the background → Wrap text → Behind text → Place the text where needed.

In five minutes of work, we get a ready-made basis for a business card.

Online services

Free online services allow you to make a business card using only a browser. We'll talk about the two most popular and easy to use.


Logaster occupies a high position in the Russian-language segment of online services. It especially helps those who are just starting their business. Before creating a business card on Logaster, you need to create a logo. The variety of icons and fonts allows you to create very beautiful and interesting logos, on the basis of which business cards are created.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at the process of creating business cards using this service.

  1. Create a logo and register on the site.
    To create a logo, you just need to enter the company name and, if required, a slogan. Next, select the logo you like and save.

  2. Select a business card layout and enter your personal information.

  3. Pay for the designs you like to be able to download it

Business card

The online program “Business Card” is also popular. Creating business cards in it occurs as follows.

Important! In addition to text and online editors, business cards are created in graphic programs, such as Paint, Photoshop.

Video instruction

A clear example of how to create a card in the graphics editor Photoshop.