Command line as administrator. Command Prompt as Administrator Start your computer as administrator in windows 10

If you want to work with the command line on Windows 10, then it will be absolutely useful to learn how to run the command line as an administrator and we will tell you how to do this.

The transition to a new operating system sometimes causes some complications for many users. The fact is that this system is quite productive and efficient. But it takes some time to get used to it. For example, not every user will be able to immediately find out how to launch the command line as an administrator in Windows 10. Therefore, it is worth explaining and showing what methods can be used to work with this tool. In fact, this is important, since its use can seriously simplify the life of many users.

How to run Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10

First, you need to immediately indicate all possible ways to launch this:
  • Through "Start";
  • Using hot keys;
  • Through system search;
  • Open Explorer;
  • Some others.

So, the easiest method for many users will be to use the newly returned Start menu. That is, everything is simple - open this menu, find the corresponding item there and click on it. After this, a corresponding window with a familiar dark background will appear in front of you.

Another very convenient way to launch this tool is to use a specific key combination. Press “WIN + X” at the same time - that’s it! This is even easier than using the previous method.

When you completely forget all the methods described above and those that we will cover further, then know that Command Prompt as Administrator can be found in Windows 10 using the built-in search service. Usually the search bar is located directly on the desktop. But you can call it by pressing “WIN + S” at the same time. In the line that appears, enter “cmd”. The system itself will have to prompt you to match this request.

In some situations, it is quite possible to call such a tool using the standard system Explorer. Call it from the “File” menu, which should contain a link to launch PowerShell. This is the tool you are looking for. Please note that this is a very powerful tool that can not only improve the performance of your PC, but also literally break and destroy it.

There are also other non-false methods for launching the command line with high privileges. For example, it’s easy to find the startup file from the System32 directory itself. The Task Manager is also used for the same purposes, from which it is very easy to launch a new task.

Now you know how to run with maximum rights, however, this knowledge is worthless if you do not know how to use this functionality. Therefore, follow the link and find out. This will help you figure out what to enter to control your PC.

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  • Useful programs for Windows 10

Hello friends! If you remember, then in we talked about one interesting program for which it was necessary run as administrator in Windows 10. Now let’s expand our knowledge on this topic a little.

And the thing is that there is another cool way to make this setup once and for all. That is, after applying it, any application will launch with administrator rights in automatic mode.

Therefore, I propose to get down to business. The easiest way to give an application administrator rights is as follows. Right-click on the shortcut and select the appropriate item from the menu:

But there is one significant drawback in such a scheme. After all, you will need to perform this combination every time you start it. But there is another option with which you can correct this defect.

We do everything in two minutes. Again, right-click on the shortcut icon of the desired program and select the “Properties” section:

Then go to the "Compatibility" tab and check the box "Run this program as an administrator":

Click "OK" to accept the changes made and that's it. It is done. Now you know how to correctly and quickly run as administrator in Windows 10. Although in Win 7 and 8 everything is configured in a similar way.

That's all for now and see you again. And at the end of this small publication, I suggest watching a video about very big and strong people.

Hello, my curious readers!

Today in our article we will talk about the command line (cmd.exe) in Windows 10. The command line allows you to perform a variety of tasks that are not always possible to perform through the graphical interface. And when working in cmd, elevated rights may often be required. Now we will learn 8 ways how to open cmd with administrator rights in windows 10. This does not mean that these methods will not work in other versions of Windows. I personally tested all the methods described below to open cmd with administrator privileges on Windows 10 and they are fully working. If you have Windows 7 or 8, then check them on your system.

So, let's go!

1. Launch cmd from the Start context menu

Click on Start with the right mouse button or press the combination Win+X, and the keys are faster, I guarantee it;) A context menu will appear in which we select the item Command Line (Administrator). Ready!

2. Via task manager

If you have Task Manager running, you can open cmd directly from it. To do this, go to the menu File -> Start a new task.

Enter cmd and check the box just below Create a task with administrator rights. And then OK.

3. Through the task manager (the tricky way)

The third method is very similar to the second, but a little faster and not so well known.

The beginning is the same, that is, in the Task Manager we select File -> Run a new task, but when you click on this item, hold down the key Ctrl. In this case, cmd is immediately launched in administrator mode, without unnecessary conversations.

4. Launch cmd from Windows 10 search

Press the Win+S combination or aim with the left mouse button at the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Start button. In the search field you can enter either in English ‘ cmd‘ or in Russian enter the first 5-6 letters of the name ‘ Command line‘. Then right-click on the search result and select Run as administrator.

5. Launch cmd from the All applications menu

Open Start, click on All applications and look for System - Windows. It's usually hidden at the very bottom, so scroll your mouse wheel all the way down.

So, we found the System tools group, opened the list of programs inside and found the Command Prompt. Right-click on it, then Advanced, then Run as administrator.

6. Run from the Windows\System32 system directory

You can launch the command prompt directly from its native system32 folder. To do this, go to Explorer / My Computer, find the C drive, look for the Windows folder, go there, find the System32 folder, go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole and go into it. In the System32 folder we look for the file cmd.exe. Let's highlight it. And here two options appear.

The fastest and easiest: right-click on cmd.exe and select the one we already know Run as administrator.

The other option takes a little longer. When you select a file, Application Tools appears at the top. Click there with the left mouse button, another menu appears at the bottom, click on Run as administrator.

7. Launch cmd from any Explorer folder

This option for opening the command line is available from any folder in Windows 10 Explorer. Go to the location you need, go to the File menu -> Open Command Prompt -> Open command prompt as administrator.

8. Create an admin shortcut for cmd.exe

To quickly access the admin command line, do the following.

On an empty space on the desktop, right-click and select New -> Shortcut.

Enter cmd or cmd.exe, both options will work. Further.

Name the shortcut so that it is immediately clear, for example, cmd.exe (admin). Ready.

The shortcut has been created but not yet configured. Go to its properties (right-click on the shortcut and select Properties). Click the More button...

... and check the Run as administrator box. We save this whole thing and now we can always launch the cmd command line with administrator rights by simply launching the shortcut.

But you can speed up the launch even more ;)

Right-click the shortcut and select Pin to taskbar. Or Pin to Start screen as an option.

I have described here exactly those options that allow you to launch the command line with admin privileges. There are still ways to launch, but they are on behalf of a regular user, which does not fit into the topic of this article. For example, via Win+R or hold Shift when right-clicking on an application.

As you can see, the same action in Windows can be performed in different ways. Depending on the current specific situation, I can choose the most appropriate cmd launch option.

Were you familiar with all these methods? Or were some of them new?) Tell us in the comments.

Various types of software often require administrator rights. To help PC users run utilities with admin rights, we will look at various ways to launch them on the Windows 10 operating system.

How to log into applications with admin rights from the Start screen

For example, we installed two utilities CCleaner And VLC media player and put them on the home screen. The first utility is used to system cleaning, and the second one is quite popular video player. So let's get started. Let's go to the start screen and right-click on the application CCleaner. In the context menu that appears, go to “ Advanced / Run as administrator».

This is what startup looks like VLC media player.

Using this method, you can launch any application pinned to the Start screen.

How to log into a program as an administrator through the Start menu

If you go to the menu " Start" to the tab " All applications", we will be able to find our installed applications CCleaner and VLC media player. The principle of their launch is the same as in the first example. For utility CCleaner shown in the image below.

And for utility VLC media player in the following figure.

As you can see, the second and first examples are very similar. Therefore, use the option that is more convenient for you.

How to log into an application as an administrator via a shortcut on the desktop

To launch the application CCleaner Let's go to the context menu of its shortcut and select the appropriate item, as shown in the image below.

For the second program the example looks similar.

If you want these programs to run with admin rights in automatic mode, then perform the operations described below. Go to the shortcut properties tab Compatibility" and check the box next to the parameter responsible for run as administrator, as shown in the image below.

Also in the shortcut properties on the tab " Label"You can go to a window in which you can also select automatic launch with special privileges by clicking the Advanced button.

Running applications as administrator via search in Windows 10

Using the combination “Win” + “Q” or using the shortcut next to the “ button Start» let's launch search box Windows 10 and enter the name of the application we installed as shown below.

Let's click on the result found and select the item we are looking for. Working with the second utility looks the same way.

How to log into the program as an administrator via the console

To run programs with elevated privileges, we need to launch the console itself in admin mode. In Windows 10, you can launch the Command Prompt in this mode in three ways.

First method through the menu " Start».

Second by searching Windows 10 for the phrase " CMD».

AND third by right-clicking on the Start icon or typing the combination Win + X and selecting the appropriate item.

Let's choose one of the methods and run the program in administrator mode. Since the console runs in administrator mode, it will launch utilities in the same mode. For example, to run CCleaner you need to go to the directory in which the utility is installed. To do this, type the following command: cd c:\Program Files\CCleaner After that, type the command: Ccleaner.exe which will open the utility itself. The sequentially typed commands for the utility are shown in the image below.

For utility VLC media player you need to type the commands: cd C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC

In the same way, as shown in the example, you can launch any installed program.

Login under the "Administrator" account

Since for security reasons the Windows 10 operating system has restrictions on master accounts, we use additional options to launch utilities in the mode with special privileges. In order for all the capabilities of the account to be revealed, we need to go to the console as an administrator and type the following command in it:

Now you need to restart your computer and log in under the new entry that appears “ Administrator" In this account, all applications will run with elevated privileges.

This is easy to check. For example, let's run the program " Execute"Using the key combinations Win + R and enter the command " CMD", which we will do. After execution, the console will open in administrator mode, this can be seen at the top of the window.

If we opened the console as a regular administrator, then we can only log into it without extended rights.

After completing the steps described above, you will be able to access all utilities with extended privileges.

Getting access as a regular user

Sometimes there are situations when you need to run some utility with admin rights. For example, your computer is used by an employee at work and his account has restricted access to some programs. To don't give out your password, you can solve this problem remotely by logging into your PC and running the necessary utility with admin rights using your password.

Let's consider working with the uTorrent utility, which has limited access from a regular account. To do this, let’s go to the context menu of the uTorrent utility shortcut and, in a convenient way for you, execute the item responsible for admin rights.

After this, a window will open that will ask for the password for the admin account.

After entering the password, you will open the utility on a regular account, and the user will be able to use the utility.

Let's sum it up

This article discusses all types of starting programs in administrator mode. An example is also considered in which a Windows 10 account receives extended privileges for programs, allowing them to run in administrator mode without using additional options.

I would also like to note that this material will be especially useful novice system administrators and experienced PC users. We hope that our readers will gain useful information from our article that will help them solve their problem.

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