System error 221 occurred while performing controls. Setting up trust relationships in Windows. Solving the certificate error

Every system administrator encounters the error “A trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain could not be established” from time to time. But not everyone understands the causes and mechanisms of the processes leading to its occurrence. Because without understanding the meaning of current events, meaningful administration is impossible, which is replaced by mindless execution of instructions.

Computer accounts, like user accounts, are domain security principals. Each security principal is automatically assigned a security identifier (SID) at which level it can access domain resources.

Before you grant an account access to a domain, you must verify its authenticity. Each security participant must have its own account and password, and a computer account is no exception. When you join a computer to Active Directory, a Computer account is created for it and a password is set. Trust at this level is ensured by the fact that this operation is performed by a domain administrator or other user who has explicit authority to do so.

Subsequently, each time the computer logs into the domain, it establishes a secure channel with the domain controller and provides it with its credentials. Thus, a trust relationship is established between the computer and the domain and further interaction occurs in accordance with the security policies and access rights set by the administrator.

The computer account password is valid for 30 days and is automatically changed thereafter. It is important to understand that the password change is initiated by the computer. This is similar to the process of changing a user password. Having discovered that the current password has expired, the computer will replace it the next time you log into the domain. Therefore, even if you have not turned on the computer for several months, the trust relationship in the domain will remain, and the password will be changed the first time you log in after a long break.

Trust is broken when a computer attempts to authenticate to a domain with an invalid password. How can this happen? The easiest way is to roll back the state of the computer, for example, using a standard system restore utility. The same effect can be achieved when restoring from an image, snapshot (for virtual machines), etc.

Another option is to change the account with another computer with the same name. The situation is quite rare, but sometimes it happens, for example, when an employee’s PC was changed while the name was saved, the old one was removed from the domain, and then they were reintroduced to the domain, forgetting to rename it. In this case, when the old PC is re-entered into the domain, it will change the password of the computer's account and the new PC will no longer be able to log in, since it will not be able to establish a trust relationship.

What actions should you take if you encounter this error? First of all, establish the reason for the violation of trust. If it was a rollback, then by whom, when and how it was performed; if the password was changed by another computer, then again we need to find out when and under what circumstances this happened.

A simple example: an old computer was renamed and given to another department, after which it crashed and automatically rolled back to the last checkpoint. After which this PC will try to authenticate in the domain under the old name and will naturally receive an error establishing a trust relationship. The correct action in this case would be to rename the computer as it should be called, create a new checkpoint and delete the old ones.

And only after making sure that the violation of trust was caused by objectively necessary actions and that it is for this computer that you can begin to restore trust. There are several ways to do this.

Active Directory Users and Computers

This is the simplest, but not the fastest and most convenient way. Open the snap-in on any domain controller Active Directory Users and Computers, find the required computer account and, by right-clicking, select Reset account.

Then we log in on the computer that has lost the trust relationship under local administrator and remove the machine from the domain.

Then we enter it back; you can skip the reboot between these two actions. After re-entering the domain, reboot and log in under a domain account. The computer's password will be changed when the computer is rejoined to the domain.

The disadvantage of this method is that the machine needs to be taken out of the domain, as well as the need for two (one) reboots.

Netdom utility

This utility has been included in Windows Server since the 2008 edition; it can be installed on user PCs as part of the RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) package. To use it, log in to the target system local administrator and run the command:

Netdom resetpwd /Server:DomainController /UserD:Administrator /PasswordD:Password

Let's look at the command options:

  • Server- name of any domain controller
  • UserD- domain administrator account name
  • PasswordD- domain administrator password

Once the command is completed successfully, no reboot is required, just log out of your local account and log in to your domain account.

PowerShell 3.0 cmdlet

Unlike the Netdom utility, PowerShell 3.0 is included in the system starting from Windows 8 / Server 2012, for older systems it can be installed manually, Windows 7, Server 2008 and Server 2008 R2 are supported. Net Framework 4.0 or later is required as a dependency.

Similarly, log on to the system for which you want to restore trust as a local administrator, launch the PowerShell console and run the command:

Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Server DomainController -Credential Domain\Admin

  • Server- name of any domain controller
  • Credential- domain name / domain administrator account

When you execute this command, an authorization window will appear in which you will have to enter the password for the domain administrator account you specified.

The cmdlet does not display any message when it completes successfully, so just change the account, no reboot is required.

As you can see, restoring trust relationships in a domain is quite simple; the main thing is to correctly determine the cause of this problem, since different cases will require different methods. Therefore, we never tire of repeating: when any problem occurs, you first need to identify the cause, and only then take measures to correct it, instead of mindlessly repeating the first instruction found on the network.

In this article, we’ll talk about what a serious relationship between a man and a woman is built on.

Serious relationships between men and women are built, of course, on trust.

Without trust = a serious relationship is a priori, in principle, impossible!

Trust = this is the foundation on which relationships are built. House = without a foundation (proper foundation) = impossible to build, it will fall apart, the same is true in relationships with a man and a woman.

If you don’t trust your partner = sooner or later = everything will fall apart (destroy), because relationships with fear, anxiety, worries, stress, pain, quarrels, etc. will not last long.

What is trust and its absence?

Trust knows no doubt; where doubt begins, trust dies.

This is what trust in a partner is (the absence of doubts) and this is what the lack of trust is (the presence of doubts). Trust in a relationship must be complete and mutual. If this is not the case, one of the partners does not have trust = there are nagging doubts, etc. - there will be no serious relationship (without solving this problem), such a relationship will have no future, it will be doomed to failure.

So what is the solution in this situation? In my opinion, there are 2 ways to solve the problem:

  • 1st, build trust (if it has been lost) with your partner. (difficult, but possible, and if it’s worth it (it makes sense, read more in the article: “Is it worth saving the relationship”) - it really needs to be done, both partners, relationships are work!).
  • 2nd, separate and don’t suffer. (easy, simple, know comments, nothing to even say here).

Ask yourself, do you trust your partner? If not, can you trust him(hey) again?

If your answer is “no,” then the most correct thing to do would be to end this relationship and not complicate each other’s lives by wasting priceless time, energy, and other resources on all this, making each other more unhappy.

The point of a relationship is to make each other stronger. I talked about this in more detail in the article: “The meaning of the relationship between a man and a woman.” If this is not the case, then the relationship is meaningless.

Sooner or later = without complete trust = the end will come anyway, couples separate, so why waste time, the main resource in the life of any person? Why suffer, make each other more unhappy, postpone this moment? I had a girl in whom I lost trust after her joke.

I still don't know if it was a joke or not (love is blinding), but it was imprinted on my brain = very, very strongly, to the point that it would be very difficult for me to start trusting hey again.

But. However, in my case, it would be possible to try to figure out everything and fix it (but not exactly, no).

Only you yourself know the answer to the question - whether you can trust him again or not, because each case is individual and we are all, in principle, individual individuals. Understand?

If it’s definitely “no,” then there’s only one way out, just move on without torturing yourself and your partner.

But, if you still have doubts, and your answer, perhaps, maybe, etc. = then, in order to renew trust = the daily desired work of both partners in this direction will be required.

Relationships are constant work between two partners. This is work. Job. And once again work. Daily. And not only in terms of trust, but also many other components that we are not talking about now...

If this work does not exist, then, alas, there will not be harmonious, integral, correct relationships.

To try to regain your partner’s trust, first of all, you need to sit down and discuss everything with your partner in as much detail as possible, all your doubts, thoughts, fears, complaints, etc. towards your partner in a sincere and honest manner. Complete sincerity, freedom and honesty are important. Without this nothing will work.

P.S. Trust is closely related to honesty, sincerity and integrity.

And it is extremely important to do this, and not avoid it, thinking that everything will pass/be forgotten. No! The longer everything drags on, the longer everything is kept inside = the more “feces” then come out.

All doubts, fears, insecurities, etc. need to be told to your partner. Tell him (hey) what you don’t like in your relationship, in her (him), tell him where you feel discomfort, displeasure, and so on. You need to discuss and express absolutely everything to each other at all times, throughout the development of your relationship - and not on “holidays” (when things have already boiled over).

In our case, regarding trust, you need to open up completely and lay it all out. Feelings and all your emotions = without being shy, without fear, without holding back ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING!

All fears, actions, actions, claims, problems, desires, etc., etc. everything you want = needs to be discussed. Everything from start to finish in one sitting. And after all this, we need to create a concrete plan of joint action together and start working with each other, together, starting to develop trust, how? => getting rid of all these doubts, fears, problems, claims and other components together.

Learn to trust each other, learn to admit your mistakes, learn to take blame (responsibility), in my understanding, this means that you need to be ready to correct what happened through your fault, learn to forgive/ask for forgiveness, repent, learn to seek compromises , learn to talk (communicate) with each other (where, how, with whom, when, calls/sms, complete openness, full access), you need to be completely sincere and honest with each other. All “this” is yours = joint actions.

Why are they important? Because when work (actions, actions) take place in an organized manner TOGETHER (with each other) = the report (that same connection) is also established (the connection is established through joint actions) = which means trust is also established. Report (communication) = trust. Remember this like our father.

And of course, don’t forget about the expression “patience and work = grind.” If you really both want to be with each other = if you want = a strong, happy, harmonious, holistic relationship = then work on it = with each other, together, every single day and you will be rewarded according to your merits. That's all for me.

But the best thing is to prevent a loss of trust in principle, then you won’t have to solve the problem. However, everyone makes mistakes, according to rumors even Robots =) the topic was very close to me today...

Congratulations, administrator.

Cryptographic utilities CryptoPro are used in many programs created by Russian developers. Their purpose is to sign various electronic documents, organize PKI, and manipulate certificates. In this article we will look at the error that appears as a result of working with a certificate - “A system error occurred while checking trust relationships.”

The reason for the error in CryptoPro

The appearance of a system error message is often associated with conflicting versions of Windows and CryptoPro. Users tend to quickly become familiar with the system requirements of the software, its properties and capabilities. That is why you have to study the instructions and forums in more detail only after a failure has occurred.

Often the software itself is installed on the system with errors. There are plenty of reasons for this:

  • Problems in the Windows system registry;
  • The hard drive is filled with junk that prevents other software from working properly;
  • The presence of viruses in the system and so on.

Solving the certificate error

A system failure occurred in the CryptoPro software product: “A system error occurred while checking trust relationships.” Let's try to solve this problem. In some cases, the program may display a message on the screen if the system does not have the appropriate updates. You may also receive an error if you are using CryptoPro version 3.6 on the Windows 8.1 operating system. For this OS you must use version 4 or higher. But to install a new one, you need to uninstall the old version.

All important data from the previous version must be copied to removable media or a separate Windows folder.

Then you need to visit the official website and download the latest version of the utility package, download them and install them on your computer. Go to the address - When installing, temporarily disable the Windows Firewall and other programs or antiviruses that may block the operation of CryptoPro.

You can install a new product using your personal account on the website. To do this you need to log in and log in.

  1. Then go to your personal account;
  2. Open the “Service Management” tab at the top;
  3. Go to the “Automated Workplace” section;
  4. Then find the item “Plugins and add-ons” and click on one of the versions of CryptoPro.

Installing a personal certificate

Next, you need to install the certificate in the CryptoPro utility to resolve the certificate failure - there was a failure when checking trust relationships. Run the software as administrator. The best way to do this is from the Start menu.

Other methods to resolve the error when checking trust relationships

If you are using CryptoPro version 4, but the error still appears, try simply reinstalling the program. In many cases, these actions helped users. It is also possible that your hard drive is full of unnecessary files and needs to be deleted. Standard Windows utilities will help us with this.

  1. Open Explorer (WIN+E) and select one of the local drives with RMB;
  2. Click on “Properties”;
  3. Under the image of used disk space, find and click the “Clean” button;
  4. Then a window will appear where you need to select the files to be deleted;
  5. You can select all the items and click “Ok”.

This instruction must be followed for all local drives on your computer. Next, follow the following instructions to check Windows files

  1. Open the Start menu;
  2. Enter “Command Prompt” in the search bar;
  3. Select this line with RMB and use the mouse to point to “On behalf of administrator”;
  4. Enter the command in this window to start scanning “sfc /scannow”;
  5. Press ENTER.

Wait for this process to complete. If the utility finds problems with the file system, you will see this in the final message. Close all windows and try to launch the CryptoPro program to make sure that the error “A certificate error occurred while checking trust relationships” has already been resolved. For special cases, there is a software technical support number - 8 800 555 02 75.

The purpose of this article is to provide step-by-step instructions for creating external trust relationships between two domains Windows 2000. It would seem that everything necessary to set up a trust relationship is there, there are rights, the tools for creating trust are known, but in practice simple instructions do not always work. Let's try to figure it out together.

If we speak in dry terms, we remember that trusting relationships is a logical relationship between domains that provides end-to-end authentication where trusting domain accepts authentication performed in trusted domain. In this case, user accounts and global groups defined in the trusted domain can obtain rights and permissions to resources in the trustor domain even when those accounts do not exist in the trustor domain's reference database.

When is it necessary to create trust? The first answer is that users of one enterprise (a domain in one forest) need to use resources from another enterprise (another domain in a different forest) or vice versa, then trust relationships are required when migrating security objects from one domain to another (for example, when using the ADMT v2 tool from Microsoft) and in many other life work conditions.

An external trust can be created to form a one-way or two-way intransitive trust (that is, a relationship in a multi-domain environment limited to only two domains) with domains outside the forest. External trusts are sometimes used when users need to access resources located in a Windows domain located inside another forest, as shown in the figure.

When trust is established between a domain in a particular forest and a domain outside that forest, security principals (which can be a user, group, or computer) in the outer domain can access resources in the inner domain. creates an "external security principal object" in the internal domain to represent each security principal from the external trusted domain. These external security principals can become members of domain local groups in the internal trusting domain. Domain local groups (typically used to assign permissions to resources) can include security principals from domains outside the forest.

Having defined the concepts, let's proceed to establishing external one-way trust relationships from domain D01 to domain D04.

Systems configuration:

Typically, both domains are deployed on different networks and communication between them is carried out through gateways. Sometimes, for these purposes, a second network card is added to domain controllers, establishing a connection to external networks through them. In this example, I used the simplest case where both domains are located on the same subnet. In this case, it is possible to establish trust relationships simply by specifying NETBIOS domain names and the specified calculations are unnecessary, however, as the network structure becomes more complex (different domain subnets, communication through gateways and virtual private networks), trust cannot be set up so easily. Then you should implement the additional network settings given below.

Let's draw up an action plan to create trusting relationships:

  • checking connections between two servers
  • checking the settings of each domain
  • setting up name resolution for external domains
  • creating a connection on the part of the trusting domain
  • creating a connection from a trusted domain
  • verification of established one-way relationships
  • creating two-way trust (if necessary)

Everything is not as complicated as it might seem. The key points in this list are the first three points, the correct implementation of which directly affects the final result. I also note that all actions are performed on behalf of the administrator accounts of the corresponding domains, who have all the necessary rights for this.

Let's get started.

The first thing to do is back up your System State everyone domain controllers in both domains (and system directories as well).

And only then start making changes. So, make sure that communication can be established between the two servers:

  • From the Server01 server, we will make sure that it is accessible from the Server04 server (
    It is important to establish connections by IP address to avoid errors related to name resolution.
    On the command line we enter: ping
    Should receive responses from the remote address. If the answer is no, analyze your network infrastructure and resolve the issues.
  • From the Server04 server, we will make sure that it is accessible from the Server01 server (
    On the command line we enter: ping
    Should receive responses from the remote server address Server01.

If everything is in order, move on to the next step, checking domain settings.

Of all the settings, we will only check the configuration of the primary DNS zone that supports each Active Directory domain. Because it is the data from this zone that contains domain resource records and allows you to determine the location and addresses of the corresponding domain services.

Let's execute commands on each server ipconfig.exe /all And nslookup.exe(screen 1 and 2).

Ipconfig displays the TCP/IP protocol configuration – IP addresses, gateway addresses and DNS servers for the controller. If the DNS infrastructure is configured correctly, nslookup displays a list of domain controller IP addresses when querying the DNS name of the local domain. If it is not possible to obtain controller addresses for the local domain, check the primary DNS server configuration and the contents of the DNS server forward lookup zone (Figure 3).

Please note that the system does not have any information on the external domain (error message when trying to resolve by the name of a remote domain - screens 1 and 2), and therefore searching for controllers to establish communication with external domains will be extremely difficult. In this situation, attempting to create a connection to a trusted domain will result in an error message (Figure 4).

Now let's start resolving this situation. Let's configure DNS name resolution for external domains on each server.

What needs to be done? We need to achieve name resolution and obtain resource records for the external domain. All this is possible by setting up the local server to be able to access a DNS zone that supports the external domain and is capable of resolving the required queries. I would like to note right away that an attempt to solve this problem by simply adding the IP address of an external DNS server as an alternative in the TCP/IP settings is doomed to failure. Let's take the right steps for this situation.

On the local DNS server in each domain, we will create an additional zone containing a copy of the primary DNS zone of the external domain. As a result, this server can return responses from both queries about the local domain and records from the additional zone about an external domain.

I will give an example of creating an additional zone for the Server01 server; on Server04 the sequence of actions is similar.

Let's change the parameters of the primary DNS zone transfers on the remote server.

On (Server04), open the DNS snap-in window (via the Start menu, then Programs and Administrative Tools).

Right-click the DNS zone and select Properties.

On the Zone Transfers tab, select the Allow zone transfers check box.

Allow zone transfers only to certain DNS servers and select the option only to servers from this list, and then specify the IP addresses of the DNS servers of the first domain (in our case this will be IP Server01 - screen 5).

In this case, a simpler setting is possible, allowing transfers to any server, but this leads to a decrease in security. In addition, for example, it is much more efficient to set this IP address in the list of name servers for the current zone.

  • Let's enable notifications for additional zones on other DNS servers

Click the Notify button on the Zone Transfers tab.

Make sure the Automatically notify box is selected.

Select the Only specified servers option and add the servers' IP addresses to the required notification list.

To do this, in the notification list, enter the server IP address from the previous paragraph ( in the IP address field and click the Add button (screen 6).

  • Let's create an Additional DNS zone on the local server.

On (Server01), open the DNS window.

In the console tree, right-click the DNS server and select New Zone to open the New Zone Wizard (Figure 7).

Select the zone type Additional, enter its name (D04. local) and the IP address of the main server (IP in the IP address field and click the Add button.

Once the zone is created, it will take some time to receive data from the primary server (at which point the primary zones should look like Figure 8).

  • Let's check the new DNS server configuration.

On (Server01) open a command prompt window, run the command nslookup.exe and enter a query for the DNS name of the external domain D04. local – and the result of the IP addresses of this domain controllers (Screen 9).

This is what we wanted - now, when creating a trust relationship, the current domain will be able to determine the necessary service addresses of the external domain.

Of course, the above calculations can be implemented in domains with default settings. If your network has special DNS settings, you should change these items to suit your requirements.

Now it is necessary to repeat the previous steps on another controller in a trusted domain (Server04) so ​​that this controller can also obtain name resolutions and obtain a list of services for the first domain (Screen 10).

Once both domain names can be resolved through the DNS server, we can proceed with the standard procedure of creating a direct external one-way trust relationship.

  • Let's create a connection from the trusting domain side (d01. local)

On the controller (Server01), open the “Active Directory - Domains and Trusts” snap-in (via the Start menu, then Programs and Administrative Tools).

In the console tree, right-click the domain node you want to manage (D01.local) and select Properties (Figure 11).

Select the Trusts tab.

Select Domains this domain trusts, and then click Add.

Enter the full DNS name of the domain, i.e. D04. local (for a Windows NT domain, just the name - screen 12).

Enter your password (for example, 12 W#$r) for a given trust relationship. The password must be valid in both domains: the principal domain and the trusted domain. The password itself is used only for the duration of the establishment of a trust relationship; after it is established, the password will be deleted.

Moreover, since we are establishing only one of the two necessary connections, it is impossible to immediately check the trust relationship (screen 13). You should create a similar, but feedback from the trusted domain.

While in this mode, you can view the properties of the created outgoing connection (Screen 14).

Let's repeat this procedure for the domain that makes up the other part of the direct trust relationship.

Let's create a connection from the side of the trusted domain (d04. local)

On the controller (Server04), open the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in.

In the console tree, right-click the domain node you want to manage (D04.local) and select Properties.

Select the Trusts tab (Screen 15).

Select Domains that trust this domain, and then click Add.

Enter the full DNS domain name - D01. local.

Enter the password for this trust that you specified earlier (12 W#$ r - screen 16).

Because If we have configured the opposite relationship for our trust relationship, we need to test the new relationship (Screen 17).

To do this, you must specify a user account that has the right to change trust relationships from the opposite domain D01. local, those are the Domain Administrator record d01 (Screen 18).

If the credentials are correct, the relationship is pinged and the trust is established (Figure 19).

Now let's look at how to check external trust relationships. For example, let's check the relationship from the trusting domain (D01.local)

To test the trust relationship:

Open Active Directory Domains and Trusts.

In the console tree, right-click the domain that participates in the trust you want to verify (D01.local), and then click Properties.

Select the Trusts tab.

In the Domains Trusted by This Domain list, select the trust relationship you want to check (D04. local) and click Edit (Screen 20).

Click the Check button.

In the dialog box that appears, you must enter the credentials of the user who has the right to change the trust relationship, that is, the External Domain Administrator record d04 and his password (screen 21).

Just as before, if the registration data is correct and the relationship is operational, a confirmation message is displayed (Screen 22).

In case of errors, check your network structure (settings of gateways, firewalls, routers, separating domain subnets), DNS infrastructure settings, the functionality of physical connections between domain controllers, as well as possible errors within Active Directory domains (by analyzing Event Logs on domain controllers).

Once trust has been established from a trusted domain, it is now possible to view resources in the trusting domain using the authentication of Authenticated users (those members of the ALL group special group).

Let's make sure that we can use security principal objects from the trusted domain in the trustor domain (accounts from the D04. local domain). To do this, we will create a shared resource in domain D01 and provide access to it to the global group “Domain Users” from the trusted domain D04.

Create D01 in domain. local shared folder on domain controller Server01.

Thus, from the trusted domain D04 we gained access to a resource in the trustor domain D01, which is what we needed.

If necessary, it is possible to configure trust relationships in the opposite direction, from domain D04 to D01. That is, the domain D04 will become the trusting domain. local, and the trusted domain will already be D01. local.