Promo posts on VK. Promotional posts - a new type of advertising in VK: review. What kind of warmth does traffic come from promotional posts in comparison with direct, side targeting and advertising in groups?

Editor's note: This article has been a long time coming. And although Ukrainian users no longer have the official opportunity to log into VK, our blog is read in Kazakhstan, Belarus, and the Russian Federation. So we decided to publish the article.

Until now, many specialists and business owners underestimate the VKontakte social network and believe that there are no sales there. This is far from true. Especially after the appearance of promotional posts. We'll talk about them today.

In this article we will look at:

What is a promotional post?

What to pay attention to when creating promotional posts.

What is a promotional post?

A promotional post is a post that is shown on behalf of the community; it can be hidden or posted in a group to users selected by targeting means.

To put it simply and in ordinary words, this is an entry that you keep in your news feed, but marked as an advertising entry. And you see it because the advertiser believes that you are his potential client.

Why is a promotional post so important for an advertiser?

1. It's noticeable.

And here's what the promo post looks like:

2. Display on mobile devices is only available in promotional posts. Your message will be seen on both desktop and mobile. And as you know, the share of mobile is only growing.

3. In a promo post, you can manually control the number of impressions per person from 1 to 20.

4. Promo posts are not seen by bots, so there is no need to clean the database again.

Who are promotional posts suitable for?

Promo posts should be used for absolutely all niches. Because users see them in the news feed. And who exactly sees the post depends only on us and our understanding of the target audience and the mechanics of their search.

Therefore, if you haven’t tried it yet, go ahead! And in the article you will find recipes on how to prepare and address the promotional post correctly.

How to write an effective promotional post?

Let's look at the structure of a promotional post using an example.

First of all, we see here

1. Appeal to the target audience, pressure on pain.

2. Link. We all know that when there is a lot of text in a post, when it is published, it seems to be “collapsed”. It is very important for us that this does not happen (neither in the desktop version nor in the mobile version). If this could not be avoided, then the link should be visible immediately, before the text “Show in full...”

3. Body, basic information

How to choose a bid for a promotional post?

If you have a huge target audience, then I recommend starting with a small bet. For narrow target audiences, the story is different - you can start with a big bet. Don’t forget that you must measure the intensity of the spin (coverage) and adjust the rate.

P.S. The rate is purely individual for each situation and project, and for each period of time, place a rate and look at the result, and use KAIROS to automate the management of rates.

Finding the target audience on VKontakte

Option 1

Use the Pepper Ninja parser. It's fast and convenient, searches by profiles and groups. What should be done? Open the tab: “Who is my client 3.0”.

This is a new filter that does it for you:

Analyze the target audience and show detailed analytics

Selects communities where potential clients are located

Option 2

What is lookalike? This is a functionality that allows you to find an audience similar to the sample audience we have specified. For example, we have an audience that visited the site. You can use lookalike to find people similar to these people. Similarity is determined by the internal aglorhythms of the social network. This way we expand the audience we can target.

Option 3

Look-a-like by hand. I suggest using another parser, Targethunter.

1. We collect a “target target sample”. Users who left reviews for you or competitors / are members of 10+ groups on your topic / were active in the last 5 posts on your topic. An ideal sample size is 400-2000 people.

2. Upload to the “Search for Communities” section (“Target Communities”)

3. Download the file in *.csv

4. Open the file, sort by SMART (weight, intersection) and begin grouping communities by topic and size

5. We save our groupings by topic into separate files.

6. Load into the parser

7. We collect an audience that consists of 2 (1,3) groups from the sample

This algorithm allows you to find many new target audience segments that need to be tested.

Option 4

Collect users who are in 3 groups on your topic

Option 5

Collect users who have been active in thematic public pages that comprise our target audience over the past month.

But you can also not bother and tune in separately to groups or categories of interests. But you need to be careful and constantly monitor the results.

How many impressions per person?

For cold audiences, first 1 impression per person, as 80% of the audience is covered, we switch to 2 impressions.

In warm audiences, we start with 2-3 impressions per person.

How to react to promotional post statistics - hiding/complaints? When to be scared, and what is the norm?

When working with promotional posts, in addition to the cost of a click, you also need to take into account hiding/complaints. They affect CPM. The more complaints and hiding, the higher the CPM. If your post is relevant and useful to the audience, then there will be less hiding and complaining. If you haven’t reached your target audience and advertise to everyone, get ready for the fact that there will be more complaints and hiding than clicks, entries, likes, and reposts. This is an alarming sign that means that you did not reach your audience with this post. We need to work on the quality of the audience and the post too.

How to illustrate promotional posts: banner requirements

The banner should convey the essence. If you are not a brand, you don’t have to bother with the design and don’t “polish” your banner too much. Moreover, a banner made in 5 minutes in an online editor can work better than a designer one made according to all the canons.

Text on banners always improves their click-through rate

When is it advisable to hire a targetologist, and when should you set it up yourself?

At this point I would like to answer all the questions that business often asks me. Outsourced targetologists (or, more correctly, specialists in targeted advertising) are the topic of a separate article. The most common question I get asked is:

If you hire a third-party target specialist, do you need to take into account the budget and niche? Is it hard to study on your own? How long does it take to study? What should I ask a specialist if he has been running ads for half a year, and now I want to do it myself?

It all depends on the amount of time you have: for training and running an advertising campaign. If the first depends on your background and the speed of grasping new information, then the second will definitely eat up a lot of time at first. In any case, in order to be able to identify unscrupulous and illiterate specialists, you still need to have a certain level of understanding in configuration.

From the editor: about a certain level of understanding and training, we are ready to help. First of all, my blog and I have a lot of excellent articles and webinars regarding target settings. And secondly, we invite you to the courses!

The advantage of a targetologist may be that he has already worked with your niche and therefore he will need smaller advertising budgets for testing; he will be able to suggest from practice which elements of your landing page work better and which ones worse. And if he doesn’t give you a hint, you’ll have to go through trial and error on your own (which will affect the budget).

- Audiences. What audiences were used by the targetologist? This is usually indicated in the report, which he must provide to you. From this report, you should clearly understand which segments of the target audience performed better. If this is not clear to you, then ask again. There is a possibility that no one has conducted a meaningful analysis.

- Audience burnout rate. Audience burnout is the case when, after some time, advertising ceases to show good results. This is a completely common occurrence, since advertising tends to become familiar. Therefore, you need to know how long the advertisement was shown to a certain audience. Otherwise, it may be that everything that the specialist tested will stop working in a couple of days. Then you will have to quickly update your audiences or reassemble them. To understand this for yourself, just look at the audience counter indicated in the ad statistics and compare it with the total number of coverage received during the test period.

In any case, after some time (maybe even very quickly), you will have to update the databases or look for new ones, as well as update banners and teasers. And in order to do this, you need to learn this. In other words, a one-time test setup will not be enough for six months without additional effort.

What kind of traffic comes from promotional posts compared to direct, side targeting and advertising in groups?

The peculiarity of promotional posts is that they can play not only the role of a teaser (that is, not just a banal attraction of attention in order to go to a site/group), but can also sell. If you are good at copywriting, know your target audience, its pains, needs, then you can write a text in which you can immediately sell your product/service.

At the same time, sometimes you can even lead a person not to the landing page, but directly to the page for performing the target action (leave a request\email\phone). Thus, many targetologists lead people after a promotional post to a Google form, where the person simply enters their data. Thus, thanks to a significantly larger number of characters, promotional posts can quickly “warm up” the target action.

Another important feature of promotional posts, along with advertising in groups, is the following. Despite the large number of characters, the promotional post remains precisely targeted advertising that can be shown to a narrow circle of people chosen by us. This is not possible when advertising in groups. There we show it to all people in this community (and, accordingly, spend more on the advertising campaign).

All about betting: where to start, how to do it, how to understand the effectiveness of your decisions?

First of all, you need to develop the habit of setting limits - everywhere and on everything. Limits are a lifesaver in cases where there is a very wide audience and the advertisement runs very quickly. Otherwise, you can unprofitably spend the entire test budget in a short period of time. In any case, at first you will spend more time in your office to get used to tracking indicators. However, with experience and based on the results of the configured campaigns, you will need to check advertising campaigns less often.

When unscrewing, you should always focus on the final indicator that can be tracked. This could be applications on the website, subscriptions to a public page or group, or messages to DMs. Click-through rate, cost per click - this is what you need to pay attention to after. Or to optimize existing indicators.

So, the cost of a click can be quite high, but the targeted action is cheap. For example, a click on one ad may cost 6 rubles, and the conversion cost is 200 rubles, while a click on another ad may cost 19 rubles, but the conversion cost 96 rubles.

How many promotional posts should be tested, and what to do next if they don’t work?

You can only understand how many promotional posts you need to test empirically - make a certain number of them and look at the cost and number of targeted actions. If everything suits you, then we have done enough; if not, we continue to do more.

It should be noted that tested promotional posts should be different from each other, they should have different messages. Otherwise, you can make many posts with one message and in the end nothing will work. We need variety.

What to do if nothing works? We need to look for reasons. They may be:

Inconsistency between the message of the promotional post and the audience we are targeting. Then we try other messages, more diverse

The image has poor potential to break through banner blindness. The picture should be rich and bright and attract attention. Large font, bright colors.

Unfinished site. The website or public page to which we lead people from a promotional post may not convert well into the target action. This usually happens when there are a lot of clicks and they are cheap. The issue of analyzing a website and/or public is quite broad; a separate article could be written on it, but two points can be noted about each. For the site we can look at the bounce rate and web viewer data, and for the group/public we must check the community for all selling elements (avatar/cover, pinned post, first 2-3 posts in the feed)

Last fall, a new advertising format on VKontakte was released - “advertising post” (although among specialists it is more often called “promo post”). Initially, advertising records were allowed only in closed testing with a budget of 100,000 rubles and through special moderation. Now this format is available to a wide audience with a budget of 1000 rubles.

When the format was released, the coverage was cheap: users were not used to such advertising and responded well to it (provided that the advertising was truly thematic). There was some negativity, but mainly with thematic advertising of large brands.

Literally 2 months ago, VKontakte added a new targeting option separately for the mobile and desktop versions of the feed. Considering that some segments of audiences (for example, “moms”) access the social network mainly from mobile devices, this format opens up even more interesting opportunities for advertisers.

In this article I want to tell you how working with this format can help small businesses and how small and large companies are using this format now, six months later. I also tried to highlight the main nuances of the work and pitfalls.

Let's start with the pitfalls:

1. Very complex statistics and outcome metrics. When the format first appeared, post statistics were given with a very large error. Now VK has more or less improved the situation, but I recommend that in advertising campaigns, first of all, focus not on the internal statistics of the post, but on the cost indicators of target actions in Yandex.Metrica.

In campaigns aimed at attracting new subscribers, the situation is much more complicated: internal post statistics take into account only part of the subscribers, and if other advertising is carried out, statistics on growth from this source have to be calculated manually.

Approximate formula: daily growth - (organic growth + growth from other sources) = growth from post.

2. We cannot create many posts at once to test different audience segments. This will disrupt the content plan, or VK moderation will not like the abundance of advertising content.

In addition, the audiences and the cost of the target action from each of them can be calculated only by testing the sources one by one. This creates quite a challenge when we need a lot of traffic - for example, for an event in a short time. It’s not possible to subtly segment here.

If the goal is to attract subscribers, there is still a way to make it easier. The “Group Audience Comparison” application will help with this.

The essence of the idea: upload targeting to many publics at once into a promotional post, having previously measured the overlap of the target public and those that we uploaded to the target. Then repeat the procedure daily. The dynamics of intersectionality will be our growth from this public per day. And you can record this in an Excel spreadsheet.
The error of this method will be about 20-30%, but it is much better and faster than testing each public page in turn.

3. The need for content intervention. If a client writes content on his own, as a rule, he is against interference in his content plan (it is difficult to convince him of the need to publish posts with a commercial message).

Although VKontakte has already promised hidden publication of “promos,” they have not yet added it.

If we ignore the above difficulties, then this advertising format is the very case when 20% of efforts bring 80% of the results. A promotional post may well bring 80% of the required campaign result.


Case No. 1

The first was an online dress store. Then I didn’t think about creating separate posts for advertising, I simply downloaded a bunch of posts from the public, published as part of a regular content plan (more than 30) and saw which ones worked.

But only one worked. 12,000 rubles were spent on the post, about 1,500 subscribers were attracted (unfortunately, there is no exact figure).

As you can see, there is a difference in the statistics, but the conversion price alone shows how good and cheap our traffic was. I focused mainly on competitors and public pages with a target audience.

Case No. 2

An example is more interesting and substantive - we drove traffic to the site and, using promotional codes, tracked real customers who reached the restaurant and bought at least a sandwich for 150 rubles (but I believe that the average bill was higher).

We posted an announcement of a promotion from Burger King in one of our public pages. The promotional code could be reactivated (or transferred to another person), we mentioned this in the post. The advertisement was actively running for about 3-4 days among the fast food audience: Burger King, Macdonald’s and KFC. The promotion lasted about 2 weeks, and even after the advertising campaign was turned off, we still received stable traffic.

As a result, we received about 700 promotional code activations with an activation cost of about 12 rubles per client.

Case No. 3

A promotional post for a beauty salon was broadcast to a wide audience of women aged 21-35 from the city of Izhevsk with a lucrative offer.

We received 56 applications and 48 clients who actually came to the salon, with 2,000 rubles spent in 3 days of promotion - that is, the client’s price was about 40 rubles.

  • A short text (a few sentences) describing the essence. It is important that a person understands his benefit from your offer in a couple of seconds.
  • Intriguing subtext that makes you click on the link: i.e. a person must understand that this is a teaser, and there is a “main” page where everything is described in more detail.
  • Multiple links per post, especially when targeting mobile devices. It will help a person click quickly and not miss the link.
  • “Loud”, screaming title and bright picture. It will help focus a person’s gaze and draw his attention to the proposal.

By the way, the main mistake of all the people who considered promotional posts ineffective was precisely that they perceived them as posts, as a unit of content that provides useful information. Whereas a promotional post fulfills the tasks of an advertisement and requires the same approach as when creating advertisements.

Today we’ll talk about promotional posts on VKontakte, or advertising in the news feed - how to place them, where it’s best to use them, and we’ll also share tips on how to increase conversion and, accordingly, bring more clients for less money.

Promotional posts appeared relatively recently: about a year and a half ago, but they have already gained the trust of advertisers and affiliate marketers, as well as those who independently promote their communities and even online stores.

This is what a promo post looks like in the VKontakte news feed. As you can see, a promotional post differs from a regular post in that it is marked “Advertising post” and there are no comments on them, even if they are included in the promoted community.

You can view promotional posts of competitors, find suitable ones by keywords, popularity and other indicators using the advertising post monitoring service

What is their advantage?

What benefits in relation to the side banner:

  • works both in the mobile version and in the desktop version (teasers only work when you are on a computer)
  • Scrolling through the feed, users perceive such posts as native content, and not as advertising, and accordingly pay more attention to them
  • promotional posts can be used for different purposes: both to attract subscribers to your public page and to attract traffic to the site
  • this format provides more opportunities for experimentation: you can use audio, video, surveys, etc.

What are the benefits in relation to posting in public pages:

  • you can segment your audience and target those who might be interested in this news
  • you can edit the post depending on the audience response: change the text, picture, add music, etc.

Naturally, there were some pitfalls:

Firstly, there are very complex statistics and outcome metrics.

When the format first appeared, post statistics were given with a strong error. Now Vkontakte has managed to regulate the situation a little, but the system is still far from perfect. For the most accurate analysis, we recommend using the cost indicators for target actions in Yandex-Metrica.

For those who create similar campaigns with the aim of attracting new subscribers, the situation is even more complicated: the internal statistics of the post take into account only a part of the subscribers and, if advertising is also carried out from other sources, statistics on growth have to be calculated manually.

Approximate formula: daily growth - (organic growth + growth from other sources) = growth from post.

Secondly, you cannot create many posts at once in order to test different audience segments.

VK moderation will most likely not like the abundance of advertising content.

In addition, as mentioned above, the audience and the cost of the target action from each campaign can only be calculated by testing the sources one by one. This can be a big problem if we need a lot of traffic in a short time - for example, to attract people to an event, etc.

If the goal is to attract subscribers, there is still a way to make it easier. The “” application will help with this.

The point is to upload targeting into the promotional post immediately for all the publics in which we advertise, having previously measured the overlap of the target public and those that we uploaded to the target.

Then you will need to repeat the procedure daily. The dynamics of traffic will be our growth from this public per day. And you can record this, for example, in Excel or GoogleDoc.

Of course, this method is not accurate - its error will be about 20-30%, but it is much more effective than testing each public page in turn.

However, both in the success of the creative and the advertising campaign as a whole, much depends on the actions of the arbitrator himself.

How to make and launch a promotional post on VKontakte

To create a promotional post, you need to have your own public page or VK group with normal design and minimal content. Previously, the requirements for communities allowed to use this tool were very strict, a minimum of 5,000 subscribers and a budget in the advertising account of 1,000 rubles, but now these requirements do not exist.

There are two types of promotional posts:

  • Promoting an existing post in a group;
  • Promoting a hidden post on behalf of the group (subscribers will not see it, only your target audience to whom the advertisement is running will see it in their feed).

To create a promotional post, go to the VKontakte advertising booth at , click “Create an ad”, then select “Post in the community” and copy the link of the post from your group that you want to advertise in the news feed of VKontakte users. To copy the link of the desired post, right-click on the date and time the post was posted and select “Copy link”.

You can also create a new post in your advertising account; in this case, your subscribers will not see it and it will not be in the group, but in the users’ news feed it will be shown on behalf of your group. This can be useful if you want to test a large number of similar posts, or to create different promotional posts for different audiences.

You can find examples of ready-made promotional posts for your topic in the service. It saves promotional posts that have already been shown, you can find interesting ideas for advertising and look at competitors’ ads.

Now we’ll tell you and share our observations on how to make a promotional post as effective as possible:

Life hack first: video format or gifs

About 90% of the feed consists of various pictures and photographs, so videos or gifs will attract more attention - such posts are still new to people.

And if the video is not just downloaded from the Internet, but also cut using video editors (for example, SonyVegas or Camtasia), then there will be no price for it.

On average, at the moment, a video or GIF format converts 1.5 times better than an image (although, of course, it all depends on the creative itself in the first place).

Lifehack two: user-generated content

So-called “user-generated content” is very effective. That is, not professionally taken photos or videos, but taken, say, on a smartphone:

Such techniques increase the trust of the audience: people have always liked to “spy” on what other users are doing. This also explains the demand for vloggers.

However, this method has not yet gained widespread popularity - we spotted this idea at one of the conferences

Life hack three: “useful” content

Another good idea would be a post with some kind of culinary recipe, inviting you to subscribe to a group on a relevant topic or, for example, a music selection:

Advertising “on the forehead” with a large inscription BUY-BUY has not evoked the response we need from the audience for a long time, because such offers have been pouring in on users like from a cornucopia for at least a decade. Our task is to interest the client, and then carefully offer him the product. This scheme can be successfully pulled off with the help of well-made promotional posts.


Promo posts took the best from both targeted advertising and public pages. However, they have their own specifics and weaknesses: difficulties with analytics and moderation, as well as the high cost of a click. But, with proper use and a creative approach, they can also become an effective tool for promoting any business and communities.

Watch this video to learn how to launch promotional posts on VK:

Hello, hello, dear arbitrators and arbitrators!

Today we’ll talk about VKontakte promotional posts - how and where it’s best to use them, and we’ll also share tips on how to increase conversion and, accordingly, bring more clients for less money.

Promotional posts appeared relatively recently: about a year and a half ago, but they have already gained the trust of affiliate marketers, as well as those people who promote their communities and even online stores.

What is their advantage?

What benefits in relation to the side banner:

Works both in the mobile version and in the desktop version (teasers only work when you are on a computer);
scrolling through the feed, users perceive such posts as native content, and not as advertising, and accordingly pay more attention to them;
promotional posts can be used for different purposes: both to attract subscribers to your public page and to attract traffic to the site;
this format provides more opportunities for experimentation: you can use audio, video, surveys, etc.

What are the benefits compared to public posting?:

You can segment your audience and target those who may be interested in this news;
you can edit the post depending on the audience response: change the text, picture, add music, etc.

Naturally, there were some pitfalls:

Firstly, there are very complex statistics and outcome metrics. When the format first appeared, post statistics were given with a strong error. Now Vkontakte has managed to regulate the situation a little, but the system is still far from perfect. For the most accurate analysis, we recommend using the cost indicators for target actions in Yandex-Metrica.

For those who create similar campaigns with the aim of attracting new subscribers, the situation is even more complicated: the internal statistics of the post take into account only a part of the subscribers and, if advertising is also carried out from other sources, the growth statistics have to be calculated manually.

Approximate formula: daily growth - (organic growth + growth from other sources) = growth from post.

Secondly, you cannot create many posts at once in order to test different audience segments.

VK moderation will most likely not like the abundance of advertising content. In addition, as mentioned above, the audience and the cost of the target action from each campaign can only be calculated by testing the sources one by one. This can be a big problem if we need a lot of traffic in a short time - for example, to attract people to an event, etc.

If the goal is to attract subscribers, there is still a way to make it easier. The “Group Audience Comparison” application will help with this.

The point is to upload targeting into the promotional post immediately for all the publics in which we advertise, having previously measured the overlap of the target public and those that we uploaded to the target. Then you will need to repeat the procedure daily. The dynamics of traffic will be our growth from this public per day. And you can record this, for example, in Excel or GoogleDoc. Of course, this method is not accurate - its error will be about 20-30%, but it is much more effective than testing each public page in turn.

However, both in the success of the creative and the advertising campaign as a whole, much depends on the actions of the arbitrator himself.

How to make a promotional post as effective as possible

Life hack first: video format or gifs

About 90% of the feed consists of various pictures and photographs, so videos or gifs will attract more attention - such posts are still new to people. And if the video is not just downloaded from the Internet, but also cut using video editors (for example, SonyVegas or Camtasia), then there will be no price for it. On average, at the moment, a video or GIF format converts 1.5 times better than an image (although, of course, it all depends on the creative itself in the first place).

Life hack second: user generated content

So-called “user-generated content” is very effective. That is, not professionally taken photos or videos, but taken, say, on a smartphone:

Such techniques increase the trust of the audience: people have always liked to “spy” on what other users are doing. This also explains the demand for vloggers. However, this method has not yet gained wide popularity - we spotted this idea at one of the conferences :)

Lifehack three: “useful” content

Another good idea would be a post with some kind of culinary recipe, inviting you to subscribe to a group on a relevant topic or, for example, a music selection:

Or attract people’s attention with new interesting information, as, for example, was done in this promotional post:

Advertising “on the forehead” with a large inscription BUY-BUY has not evoked the response we need from the audience for a long time, because such offers have been pouring in on users like from a cornucopia for at least a decade. Our task is to interest the client, and then carefully offer him the product. This scheme can be successfully pulled off with the help of well-made promotional posts.


Promo posts took the best from both targeted advertising and public pages. However, they have their own specifics and weaknesses: difficulties with analytics and moderation, as well as the high cost of a click. But, with proper use and a creative approach, they can also become an effective tool for selling goods.

Article taken from CPA network resources

This is not only a fundamentally different ad format, but also an opportunity to reach those people who access VK only through the mobile version or have installed adblocks that hide ads.

There are practically no projects where we do not use promotional posts. In addition, it often turns out to be the most effective channel, generating the largest number of applications.

The promo post looks something like this:


The setup process is practically no different from the advertisements on the left. We just create a post, select an audience and launch ads. The main difference is that they are not shown on the left, but in the news feed, regardless of whether a person is subscribed to our community or not.

Another plus is that you can choose platforms for displays - computers or mobile devices. Sometimes this is necessary. For example, when a client’s website is not adapted for mobile devices. Then the traffic can be divided - people from the desktop version can be sent to the landing page, and people from the mobile version can be sent to the community.

But in general, if for some reason your client’s landing page still doesn’t have a mobile version, you need to create one urgently. More and more people access the Internet primarily from their phones.

You can attach video, audio, photos, documents to the recording, which allows you to convey information in the most convenient way for your future clients.

The proposal should be as clear as possible and aimed at the target audience.

The post can be short, then we immediately let the person know within a couple of seconds what he will receive by clicking on our ad. No vague formulations, specific benefits. Example:


It can be long, sell smoothly, through history. Example – a post to travel public subscribers:


Such posts often receive more shares, virality and group memberships, but writing them requires experience.

There are many models for writing ads - AIDA, ACCA, selling stories, etc.

In short, with the help of a banner and a headline, we attract the user’s attention. For example, by asking a question that is important to him. Next, we arouse interest and desire by describing the benefits that he will receive by taking advantage of our offer, and how they will positively affect the realization of his desires. The last one is a call to action. Here we encourage a person to leave a request, download instructions or reserve a place.

ACCA – Attention → Comprehension → Conviction → Action. The model is similar to the previous one, only here we use logic more than emotions.

The choice of model depends on the project we are advertising.

When creating posts, I always keep the following formula in mind:

  1. The purpose of the banner is to hook you and make you read the headline.
  2. The purpose of the headline is to get you to read the first sentence
  3. The purpose of the first sentence is to make the second one read
  4. The purpose of the first paragraph is to make you read the second
  5. The purpose of all the text is to force people to click on a link or take another action we need.

This approach allows you to write without water and get a good conversion.

One of the main components is the title. Give them special attention. The title should be clear and clearly communicate the essence of the proposal. At least a third of the success of a post depends on the title. You can read more about writing headlines in my articles "4U headers" And "30 Heading Ideas"

And here are 10 proven formulas that I most often use when writing titles for promotional posts on social networks.

A headline in the form of an intriguing question:

  • Meet me tonight?
  • Can you repeat this in the shower?
  • Why did I pay Yandex 300,000 rubles?

Header containing reasons:

  • 5 reasons to enable retargeting on your website
  • 3 reasons why you shouldn't run in the morning

News Headline:

  • A new type of advertising on VKontakte. Use it first!
  • Yandex introduced the Baden-Baden algorithm. What will happen to SEO?
  • 8 out of 9 will now miss their chance. What will you do?
  • I won't write any more articles

Heading showing the value of the material:

  • Improve your vision with this video tutorial
  • How to increase your height by 10 cm at home?

Header containing numbers:

  • 57 tips for doing business with China
  • 23 cases of targeted advertising

Personalized Headers:

  • Arbitrator? This article is for you!
  • 17 useful books for raw foodists

Headlines with reviews and results:

  • How did our student Sergey earn 3,000,000 from VKontakte advertising?
  • How did a 100-kilogram woman lose weight with algae and become a model?
  • Why does my morning start with Jacobs coffee?

Stunning Headlines:

  • Headless body in a strip club
  • Dying billionaire reveals the secret of his fortune

A title describing how to do something:

  • How to renovate an apartment with your own hands and save 70% of money
  • How to teach a dog to give paw
  • How to master the profession of social network manager from scratch and start earning money on the Internet from 50 thousand rubles per month

After the title, the reader moves on to the text.

  1. Facts and figures. People tend to trust numbers and facts. It's hard to argue with them. Provide real numbers regarding your product in the text.
  2. Benefit and transformation. When writing text, remember that people don't need your product. Most often they are looking for transformation. They buy a new iPhone/BMW X6/gainers to gain muscle mass not because of its functions/comfort/improved health, but simply to satisfy their sense of self-importance. The entire advertising industry is built on this.
  3. Relevance and scarcity. Explain to the person why they need to act now. Why now is the best time to purchase your product. And why might he later regret it greatly if he doesn’t take advantage of the offer and misses his chance.
  4. Authoritative opinion. If there are reviews about your services from famous personalities, use this in the text. Especially when you show ads to their subscribers.
  5. Melting benefit. For example, it could be a discount that decreases every day - today 30%, tomorrow 25%, the day after tomorrow 20%, etc. Or special bonuses that are given to the first people to pay.
  6. Guarantee. Give people a guarantee. Show that they can get their money back if they don't like the quality of the advertised product. This is important because many of them are seeing your site/community for the first time and don’t know what kind of person is behind this business.

Don't be afraid to write big posts and long stories. If the post is really interesting and useful, then most likely they will read it to the end. In addition, such an audience is more warmed up and is more likely to leave a request and subscribe to your public page.

. .
Use bright photos. They attract attention.


Both people's faces and graphics work well. If appropriate, use photos of the company founder or the face of the brand. You can take one image or attach up to 9 photos.

By the way, I do this, it gives additional interest and friend requests. Example post above.


Show the audience symbolswith whom she associates herself.


Show the transformation from using your product.


Remember that e always good design = high conversion. Sometimes a regular selfie or phone photo will work much better than an image purchased from a stock photo.

The more the picture resembles an advertisement, the more it is rejected by visitors. It is simply blocked by our internal anti-advertising filters. And vice versa - ordinary photos from a phone resemble those posted by friends, and do not meet with such rejection.


Sometimes you can use pictures with small details. For example, tables with salaries. People, out of habit, click on the image to enlarge it, but instead end up on the site.

The main disadvantage of this approach is that it results in a lot of untargeted traffic.



2. Click on the “Advertise” icon in the post itself


It is important to consider:

  • An advertising post may be rejected if it does not correspond to the topic of the community on behalf of which it is being promoted.
  • You can only create one ad per entry. To launch the same post to different audiences, you need to copy this post in your advertising account. It will not be displayed in the public. Only in the news feed of users for whom advertising is targeted.
  • Only the community administrator can advertise and create a post. If you're setting up ads for a client, ask them to give you admin rights in the community.
  • You cannot promote reposts from other communities or profiles.

How to set up an ad?

What bets should I place?

It is also possible to set the frequency of impressions per person from 1 to 20. In most cases, I limit myself to one impression, but at the same time I launch 2-3 different variations of posts for one audience.

If the frequency of impressions is greater than one, the same advertising entry is shown in the user’s feed no earlier than after 12 hours.

How to evaluate effectiveness?

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the recording, you need to click on the ad in your account and go down to the “Statistics” section.

In the screenshot above you can see that VK provides fairly detailed statistics for each post, but this is not enough to track the cost of the application.


Please note that in link clicks, all clicks only on external links specified in the post are counted in total. If the post text contains direct links to wiki pages, communities, applications, etc., they will not be counted in conversion statistics.

I wish you good results, Pavel Shiryaev.