Rating of board games for a group of friends. Top 9 board games for companies. Why are such games needed?

The dull feasts, where the only entertainment was eating hearty dishes, have sunk into oblivion. Indeed, why be bored if you can have a good time. We have already written about Active actions are not to everyone’s taste, then there is a great alternative - take your favorite board game from the shelf, lay out a cardboard board and hand out multi-colored cards.

After some time, absolutely all team members will be involved in the process. It looks very funny when adults find out from each other who has earned more crystals or how many points are due for this or that maneuver. We present to your attention a selection of the 10 best board games for a fun company.

Description. “Munchkin” was created as a parody of the famous board game “Dungeons and Dragons” in geek circles. Unlike its prototype, the game has relatively simple rules and is completely devoid of serious notes. Reincarnate into one of three mythological races (elf, dwarf, halfling) or take the side of humanity. As you open the “doors,” you will encounter absurd monsters, and by defeating them, you will become the owner of unique loot. You have the right to be an exemplary opponent or not to disdain vile tricks. Conflicts and arguments are encouraged in Munchkin.

Number of players: from 2 (preferably 3) to 6 people when playing with a standard set without add-ons

Time per batch: the manufacturer claims that on average 45 minutes, but in personal experience we very rarely got less than 2 hours (and this is with 3 players)

Description . Today, the IT sector is experiencing an unprecedented rise. In the wake of the popularity of information technology, the board game “Startup” was developed. In it you will be able to see the entire kitchen from the inside and promote your own projects, going through the difficult path from a freelancer to a successful businessman. Please note that without communication skills and the ability to negotiate with competitors, it will be incredibly difficult to win. At first glance, the board game is just another way to while away the evening, but if you take a closer look, you will understand that the game allows you to improve your diplomacy skills and develop determination.

Number of players: from 2 (preferably 3) to 5 people

Time per batch: one hour, as the manufacturer promises, but again in reality it will be much longer (on average, the editorial team got 2-2.5 hours)

Description. Classics of the genre. Our parents played Monopoly even before the collapse of the Soviet Union. The essence is extremely simple - by throwing the dice and moving chips around the field, you will master ownerless cells until you become the sole owner of all material assets. After purchasing buildings, structures, industrial and retail space, this zone becomes your property and generates a fixed income. In addition to “factories and ships,” there are social cells that require you to pay a tax to the treasury or serve a prison sentence.

Number of players: from 2 to 6 people.

Time per batch: from 1 hour (if someone is really lucky) to infinity.

Description. The legend is this: a storm breaks out at sea, and you and the members of your company find yourself adrift in a flimsy boat through open, dangerous waters. A faithful comrade, an evil enemy and unfamiliar strange personalities are sailing with you. Resources are limited and must be shared and exchanged. The main goal is to get to the shore alive, secondary goals are to help a friend and destroy the enemy. The winner is determined based on the points scored after the fourth seagull appears on the horizon.

Number of players: from 4 to 6 people.

Time per batch: the minimum is 45 minutes.

5. Alias

Description. A game to develop logic and speed of thinking. The Alias ​​package includes a board, a cube, an hourglass and a set of cards. Of particular interest is the “Party” modification, in which, in addition to selecting synonyms and associations, you will be required to show pantomimes, express various emotions, and come up with interesting stories on the fly with unrelated words. Those who are interested in celebrity life will definitely like cards with celebrity names.

Number of players: from 4 people to infinity, because you can divide into teams.

Time per batch: 45 minutes.

Description. Do you dream of getting rich quick? – Then pay attention to the game “Saboter”. Only gnomes are able to quickly find gold-bearing veins in the bowels of the earth and dig up placers of gems. Players are divided into two teams representing bearded workers and malicious pests. The first ones are trying to build tunnels leading to treasures, and the second ones are trying to interfere with good people and get nuggets into their raking little hands. The game lasts three rounds (the path from the “Start” card to the “End” card), the participant who produces the most gold wins.

Number of players: from 3 to 10 people.

Time per batch: 30 minutes.

7. Dixit

Description. Associations to images best show what thoughts are hidden in a person’s head. Dixit is an amazing game for developing imagination. Participants take turns becoming storytellers and creating magical stories using beautifully illustrated cards. The presenter chooses the picture that appeals to him the most and comes up with a verbal, sound or facial characteristic for it. The remaining players offer their option according to the tip received. The cards are handed over to the storyteller secretly from the opponents, mixed and they try to guess which image marked the beginning of the associative series.

Number of players: from 3 to 6 people.

Time per batch: 30 minutes.

Description. The city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up. Civilians are panicking, gangsters have become insolent, and every night they create chaos in the streets, lying in wait and brutally killing innocent victims. A general meeting has been announced and civilians, with the help of the commissar, will have to identify the criminals. In the classic version, players are divided into 2 teams in a 2:1 ratio. Most act as ordinary residents, while the rest load machine guns and prepare to shoot unwanted people. There are two options for the outcome of events: either citizens transfer the criminals to prison cells, or they go to feed the fish.

Number of players: from 6 to 30 people.

Time per batch: 40 minutes.

Description. We are adults and we understand that not a single feast is complete without drinking alcoholic beverages. Instead of aggravating in the traditional way, it is better to approach the matter with enthusiasm and passion. Players choose drinks according to their own preferences and shuffle the deck. Then they take turns drawing cards, completing the written tasks (for refusal or in case of failure there is a “penalty”). You will be required to sing, dance, read poetry and pronounce tongue twisters. Keep in mind that sooner or later a polar bear will come and put an end to the fun. Victory is awarded to the player who scores the most sobriety points.

Number of players: from 4 to 9 people.

Time per batch: at least half an hour.

Description. No matter how soft and fluffy we might like to appear to others, deep down inside each of us lies a decent pig. “Svintus” provides an opportunity to release your inner pig. At the start, the deck is shuffled and 8 cards are dealt, now your goal is to get rid of the ballast at all costs. As you move up the career ladder, you are allowed to use prohibited techniques, of which there are plenty in the game. With one well-chosen card, you can drown your opponent in the mud and throw him far back.

Number of players: from 2 to 10 people.

Time per batch: from 15 minutes.

Have fun!

A board game is an ideal option for continuing the party when the feast is over and the drunken adventures have not yet begun. We have compiled for you the top of the most exciting board games that all those who like to host friendly gatherings should stock up on.

Uno or Svintus

Uno is the most popular and perhaps the best-selling board game in the world, capturing the hearts of millions of people. Svintus is its domestic analogue, in no way inferior to the original in humor and excitement. The game is intended for a company of two to ten people, the process is based on the thirst of the participants to get around and defeat others by any means. The motto of the Russian Svintus is “Put a pig on your comrade.” The names of the cards also sound very funny, for example: “Tikhohryun” and “Polysvin”. The point of this difficult game is to place the cards according to color on time and correctly, but it will not be easy. Your opponents will be on guard every second, and if you hesitate, someone will definitely screw you over. A cheerful group will certainly burst into laughter and play this board game again and again. Please note that Swintus has several different versions, each with its own unique features.


The game is very similar to Mafia, but with new interesting details and makes the participants think intently. Criminologist can be played by 4 to 12 players, each one will transform into one of the characters: an investigator, a killer, an accomplice, a witness and the criminologist himself, who here plays the role of the presenter. It is during this game that the hidden sides of your friends will be revealed - someone will turn out to be an excellent liar, someone will show talent in solving puzzles, and someone will show excellent knowledge of human psychology. Yes, yes, everything is so serious! Fans of the classic Mafia will definitely be delighted, and those who found the famous game uninteresting will perhaps discover an exciting version with more complex rules.


Non-drinking groups can certainly pass this game by, but those who like to brighten up the evening with alcoholic drinks will appreciate Ruff. From 4 to 9 people can participate and must be over 18 years old, since the game involves alcohol. The meaning of Ruff is this: from the deck, everyone takes turns drawing cards on which tricky tasks are written. If you refuse to complete the given task, then you... drink. The goal of the game is to stay sober, and believe me, this will not be an easy task, since some tasks put you at risk of getting thousands of views on YouTube. As a result, the bravest ones remain sober, while shy and bashful people get drunk. By the way, for completing a task you are entitled to an equally intriguing bonus - you can force any player to perform a certain action and he has no right to refuse, as this is required by the rules of the game. This tabletop has 2 versions - the classic Ruff and Ruff Bath.


Code Names was voted the world's best party game by the most respected board game site, BoardGameGeek, and received, among other numerous awards, the title of Game of the Year in Germany. The game already has a sequel, Code Names: Pictures, which is no worse than the first version. This board game teaches you to feel your native language, be smart and be sensitive to each other, because without mutual understanding it will be difficult for a team to win. One game flies by unnoticed, but you want to play again and again - some want to win back, while others want to prove that it is impossible to defeat them.

Honey mushrooms

This is one of the craziest board games you can find. You can play with a group of 3 to 7 people. There is a doctor and a patient suffering from hallucinations. They sit opposite each other, and behind the doctor are the patient’s Glitches, who are holding a large deck with words of different categories in their hands. When the countdown begins, the Glitches begin to depict the task, and the patient must guess it. As a result, the doctor must guess the category of the word, the patient must guess the word itself. With all this madness, it is important to remember that the Glucks are not for one thing - one helps the doctor, and the other helps the patient. To make it even more fun, the game process can be complicated with special cards - experimental drugs. A doctor can use one of them on a patient to prevent him, for example, from laughing or making a certain sound. With such a tabletop you are guaranteed to laugh until your stomach hurts!

Series of games Jenga and Tower

This is a very famous and loved game by many, the rules of which are explained in one minute. The meaning of the tabletop is extremely simple: you need to build a tower from 54 wooden blocks, which are removed from the base and placed on the top. The task is not to collapse this entire structure. Over time, the tower becomes unstable, and the one who brings it down is considered a loser. The winner is the player who moved second to last. Success in the game is guaranteed not only by sleight of hand, but also by ingenuity, because in order to win, you need to force the next player to remove the wrong block from the foundation. The games Jenga and Tower have many variations, including alcoholic ones. Choose the one that is most interesting for you and build your own skyscraper.

500 evil cards

A game for those who like to have a good laugh and are able to guffaw at vulgar and absurd jokes. The set includes 500 cards with questions and answers, and their content is such that the board is designed for a group over 18 years of age. From 3 to 8 players can participate. Everyone is dealt 10 cards with answers. The presenter draws a card with a question and reads it out, and the players deal their answer, chosen from the cards they have in their hands. The result is the most incredible combinations that can amaze with both wit and utter stupidity, but absolutely everything causes bursts of laughter. Each time the host chooses the best answer, and the player who gave it gets a bonus. At the end of the day, the participant who has collected the most of these bonuses wins. The board has 2 options: old and new, supplemented with fresh cards.


A game for small companies (4-6 players), similar to Mafia, but distinguished by a well-developed plot and greater peacefulness. The idea of ​​the game is simple: you need to get a boat to the nearest shore, since your ship has sunk. Together with you, your best friend, your worst enemy and some strange people are rowing to the shore. How is the game similar to Mafia? To win, you need to be able to negotiate. If diplomacy does not help, then according to the rules of the game you can start a fight - and this is the most interesting thing! Suddenly it turns out that the opponents called to battle have a weapon or an intercessor. The game is well thought out - each character has their own abilities and special skills that need to be taken into account during the game. A wonderful board game that develops communication skills and team spirit.


An amazing association game designed for 4 to 7 players. All participants are given cards with images. The illustrations, by the way, were drawn by artists with clearly extraordinary imagination, so get ready that you will want to look at each picture for a long time and with interest. You make an association on one of your cards and place it face down on the table. Other players select their picture based on the association you voiced and also place it on the table. The cards are then shuffled and turned face up. What happens next? Players guess who suggested which picture. This involves a subtle psychological game, knowledge of the people present, their thoughts and emotions. The loser in this circle is the one whose illustration was guessed by everyone or no one guessed. Over time, you will understand how to choose associations that are confusing, but at the same time clear enough that only half of the players will guess you.


The most popular card parlor game is, of course, “Mafia”. Its essence is as follows. Players are given cards on which their roles are written. Someone is a civilian, someone is a mafia, someone is a doctor, someone is a commissioner, etc. Every night the "mafia" kills one civilian. During the day, civilians try to figure out who the mafia is and kill the suspect. The goal of the civilians is to survive, the goal of the mafia is to kill all civilians. And a maniac may appear in the game, who eliminates one resident every night and makes each game completely unpredictable... There are a great many modifications of the rules of this exciting parlor board game, it will suit even those companies that have ardent opponents of “classic” board games.

"Uno." The name of this game comes from the Latin name for the number "one". Uno is a bit like the card game Three Hundred. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards by placing cards of the same color or value on the table. Cards such as “opponent skipping a turn”, “opponent taking 2 or 4 cards”, “changing colors”, “exchanging decks” or even “reversing the direction of the move” will add intrigue. And when a player is one step away from victory, that is, when he has 1 card left in his hands, he must shout “uno”. If he forgets, he takes two penalty cards. The game is great for any company; the more players, the more interesting it is. Yes, and the rules can be modified.

“Double” is another game of reaction and intelligence. The presenter distributes one card to the players, then begins to throw cards from the main deck into the center of the table. Each card has 8 images, and some of them are the same. The goal of the players is to find the same images on their card and the card they discard. Even children enjoy playing this exciting, dynamic and simple game. The main thing is not to crush the cards in a fit of excitement!

"Chameleon" is a bit like "Double". But the cards are completely different. Each card contains four elements. The goal of the players is to collect a “copy” of their card by finding similar elements in the discarded ones. The more sets a player collects, the greater his chances of winning.

“Set” is not as fun and crazy a game as the previous ones. This requires a bit of brainstorming. Players need to collect certain sequences from cards laid out on the playing field. The sequence, as the name suggests, should contain 3 cards. This game develops mathematical thinking and is suitable for an intellectual company.

“Erudite”, aka “Wordmaker”, aka “Scrabble” (option: “Scrabble”), on the contrary, is a very philological game. She became popular after one of the episodes of the animated series “Smeshariki”. Players try to put words on the board using the letters they have and get as many points as possible for them. The game significantly expands your vocabulary and allows you to have fun and usefully spend time.

Munchkin is one of the most famous "classic" tabletop card games in the role-playing game genre. Perhaps this is the simplest, most fun and exciting of a number of similar games. It is easy to learn, and even those who have never played board games before can play it. Your goal is to create the coolest and most pumped up character, capable of passing through any dungeon filled with the most terrible monsters. Usually “Munchkin” is more popular with boys, but there are also many beautiful warriors among them.

“Evolution” is a game invented by a Russian zoologist. It models the process of evolution of the animal world. Players will have to raise the most adapted creature for life - there are climate changes, and predators, and disasters such as fire and... Players, by definition, fight with each other, but you can also create peaceful “ecosystems” in which different creatures live in harmony, and the players support each other. However, no one is stopping you from raising a mega-fierce predator and gobbling up these greedy herbivores! Everything is like in real evolution... Of course, this game is already intended for experienced players who have mastered any card games.

“Potion Making” is another cooperation game, also made in Russia. Now players can feel like real alchemists. From the “cabinet of elements” they take elements and form them into various potions, and even mythical beasts, and also, of course, strive to obtain the philosopher’s stone. For each action the player is awarded points. In the final, the one who scores the most points wins. The game requires a certain concentration, but it is loved by many millions of players for its originality and logic.

“The Game” - a game based on the famous book and television saga, exists in two versions: strategic and in the form of a collectible card game (CTG). The TCG absorbed the best features of Magic: The Gatherin, Berserk and a number of similar games, while introducing original mechanics based on collecting points. It will appeal not only to avid fans of the series, but also to all fans of CCGs.


  • board game for company

Board games are gaining popularity among the youth of our country at great speed. Many people prefer this option for spending their leisure time instead of sitting in a bar. During the game, participants are transported to another Universe with its own rules and characters.

The most common role-playing game is Mafia. A draw using special or regular playing cards determines the roles of the participants: townspeople, which also includes a sheriff and a doctor, and two mafiosi. During the game, the peaceful participants in the detective story expose the mafia, which continues to commit insidious murders, convincing the other players of their innocence.

“Mafia” cannot be called a traditional board game, because the rules do not need to use the playing field. All you need is a mysterious story of the presenter, cards for drawing lots and a description of the characters. The course of the game is controlled by the presenter.

The birthplace of the Mafia is the USSR. It was played within the walls of Moscow State University by students who subsequently “spread” its rules throughout the Soviet Union and beyond. Today there are various game options with additional characters.

Famous tabletop role-playing games

Tabletop role-playing games that are currently popular are characterized by fantasy themes. Before the start of the game, the Master, or presenter, tells the background story of the future game, describing what problem needs to be solved in the game. Then participants choose their characters. Following the rules, the presenter models various situations from which the players need to find a way out. All participants play different roles, but they are on the same side. Together they defeat evil trolls, monsters, and liberate castles and universes.

Russia is also responsible for the development of the tabletop role-playing game. The rules and descriptions of the “Age of Aquarius” can compete with foreign analogues.

The game “Dungeons and”, created more than forty years ago in the USA, is considered a classic role-playing game. It is interesting both for connoisseurs of role-playing board games and for beginners. Players and characters are immersed for several hours in an underground magical world where fantastic creatures rule.

The ten best games according to our customers are the simplest, most fun and sociable. It was not easy to choose them: sales statistics speak more about the popularity of the games than about their versatility. Therefore, when compiling the rating, we also focused on your reviews. Let's check if you've played all the games on our hit parade.

1. Imaginarium

How nice it is to put a Russian game in first place in the rating! In "" you need to come up with associations for strange pictures on cards, trying to get at least someone to guess your card, but not everyone. The creators of Imaginarium, Timur Kadyrov and Sergey Kuznetsov, were big fans of the Western game "" with similar mechanics, but did not repeat it completely, but changed the scoring system and added several new rules. The paintings in the Imaginarium are also original - they were painted by Russian artists. Maybe it’s more interesting to understand the depths of the domestic subconscious? And that’s why Imaginarium is so much more popular than its Western counterpart?

“Wonderful game! Both children and adults enjoy playing! During the game, all participants are better revealed as individuals, so in addition to having an interesting pastime, you can learn something new about each other.”


“An excellent game, it’s always interesting to play, despite the fact that there aren’t very many cards in the set, you don’t get bored with them, because different moods bring different associations =)”

2. Activities

“The Elias game is not new for us; we played it “bingely” with friends at home, in the country. When the question arose about how we would entertain the invited guests, there was only one answer: Elias and Activity!”


4. Uno

“The game Svintus was liked not only by children, but also by adults. I recommend purchasing the game if you want to have fun with friends."

Galina Vladimirovna

7. Considerations

In "" you will have to think quickly, as indicated in the title. Each turn you need to open two cards from the piles: one indicates the situation, the other a letter. The first person to come up with a word with the given conditions wins a card with a letter. At the end of the game there is a tally and the player who comes up with the most words wins.

Why is it fun in a big group? Just imagine how you open the cards “weighs more than a ton” and “F”, and your friend joyfully shouts “ass”. By the way, it’s worth agreeing in advance which words are prohibited in the game.

“Funny game. We played on New Year's Eve, maybe that's why we didn't think very quickly. But the game is fun, I recommend buying it"

8. Munchkin

The best proof of the popularity of “” is the number of versions and additions. For example, our section with games in this series takes up two pages of our online store. What's good about this game? The fact is that if you delve into the rules once (it will take 15-20 minutes maximum), then you can play Munchkin around the clock, it is so exciting and replayable. Each game depends on the character of the players at the table and game situations are extremely rarely repeated. In addition, you can always buy a couple of add-ons (we already said that there are a lot of them).

For those who are hearing about "" for the first time, it is a card game in which you need to hang yourself with clothes and measure your strength with monsters. For defeating monsters you will receive levels and treasure cards - some can strengthen you, others can harm your opponents, and the universal ones can do both. To win you need to be the first to reach the tenth level, and this is not easy and terribly fun!

“The game will hook you and you will want to play other Munchkens, try them all and replay them! Keep in mind - I warned you))"

9. Bang

"" is similar in meaning to the mafia, only the action takes place in the Wild West. Also in the dark roles are played: the sheriff, his assistants, bandits and a renegade who plays for himself. Now you need to take turns taking turns drawing cards from the deck and activating their abilities. For example, a weapon shoots at enemies, a mustang allows you to get within range of a shot, you can hide behind a barrel, beer has healing properties, Indians harm everyone. To win here you will have to show both eloquence (at the beginning of the game no one knows who is for whom, only the sheriff is revealed) and ingenuity.

10. Dobble

And we will close the selection with a very simple and quick game in which all your attentiveness and ability to think quickly will be useful. The round cardboard discs have different symbols drawn on them - every two have at least one item in common. You need to take turns opening the disks and comparing them with yours: whoever sees a match first takes the disk for themselves. The one with the most wins!

"" is one of the best family games, but we added it to the adult selection because adults also enjoy playing it. And at alcohol parties, this test of attentiveness becomes even more difficult!