Manually updating windows 7. How to install any Windows updates manually. Introducing Windows Update

04.02.2009 06:29

Installing Windows 7 in update mode is intended for the following situations:

  • when Windows Vista is installed on your computer and you need to switch to Windows 7 while maintaining the operating system settings and installed programs;
  • when Windows 7 is already installed on the computer, but you need to reinstall it, saving the settings and installed programs.

1. Turn on your computer and wait until the version of Windows you have installed is completely loaded.

2. Insert the Windows 7 installation disc into your DVD drive.

3. On the Windows installation page that opens, click (Install now).

4. Select Connect to the Internet to receive the latest installer updates(Get important updates) so that operating system updates are automatically downloaded before installation (an Internet connection is required).

5. On the next page, read the License Agreement carefully and if you agree to its terms, check the box I accept the license terms(I accept the license terms) and click Further(Next) to continue installing Windows 7.

6. On the page Select installation type(Which type of installation do you want) select Update(Upgrade).

7. Please review the hardware and software compatibility report carefully before proceeding with the installation. Pay attention to the language of the version of Windows 7 you are installing. If you are trying to install English-language Windows 7, you will only be able to do this if the version of Windows from which you are running the installation is also English-language.

8. Follow further instructions.

9. Once the installation is complete, be sure to activate your version of Windows 7 with your 25-digit product key within 30 days, otherwise it will be locked. Do not use pirated activation keys.

If for some reason you are unable to install Windows 7 in update mode, use the mode.

Every month, Microsoft releases updates for its Windows operating systems and other products, which come with security improvements and fixes for all kinds of problems and errors that can harm users. Therefore, it is very important that the windows system is updated all the time, however, there are some users who are unable to update due to many reasons. For example, there is no Internet, slow speed, or you just need to take your grandmother to the village and update her computer there.

Typically, Windows updates are automatically downloaded to computers when they connect to the Internet via Windows Update. Many users find it difficult to download a patch of about 1 GB without problems and they accumulate many times, so the update amount can be about 5 GB. Therefore, we will figure out how to use it correctly Microsoft Update Catalog to download updates manually and then install them on any computer where there is no Internet. You will also have access to Microsoft Office, windows server and all Microsoft products for manually downloading updates.

  • This article will help you.

Download Windows update packages for manual installation

To download these updates, you need to go to the website update center directory . And the first thing we will see is a simple site where there is nothing except the “Find” line in the upper right corner.

The ideal way to use this page is to search directly for the name of the updates, for example the cumulative patch KB4016637 Windows 10. We can download updates to a flash drive and then install them on another computer where there is no Internet.

For example, we can click on the name itself and see the Review and information about what this update package includes.

To download the update, click Download, you will be redirected to another page where you need to click on the link and the update patch will download.

This way we can download any updates for any system, be it windows 7, windows 10, windows 8.1. We take our downloaded file and simply move it to a flash drive, CD card, or even to a mobile phone. We connect the device on which our file is located and click on the executable file itself. In a word, we inserted a flash drive into another computer and launched the downloaded file by double-clicking it.

How to use Microsoft Update Catalog if we don't know the patch

As I already said, it is better to use this service with the exact name of the update patch, but for example we want to find all the updates windows 10, windows XP, windows 7. Just enter in the search bar windows 7 and you will be given the entire list of updates for this system, and click sorting "Last update".

How to find out what updates are installed in Windows

In all versions of Windows, open the command line and enter the following command:

  • wmic qfe list

We observe our patches of installed updates kb4022405 and to the left is the installation time.

Windows 7: Open " Control panel", type in the search panel " View installed updates" and select from the list.

A common situation that many people encounter after reinstalling Windows 7 or resetting a laptop with Windows 7 preinstalled to factory settings is the subsequent downloading and installation of all released Windows 7 updates, which can take a really long time, prevent you from turning off the computer when necessary and fray your nerves.

However, there is a way to download all updates (almost all) for Windows 7 once in the form of one file and install them all at once within half an hour - Convenience Rollup Update for Windows 7 SP1 from Microsoft. Learn how to use this feature step by step in this manual.

Preparing for installation

Before proceeding directly to installing all updates, go to the “Start” menu, right-click on “Computer” and select “Properties” in the context menu.

Make sure that you have Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed. If not, you need to install it separately. Also pay attention to the bitness of your system: 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64).

If SP1 is installed, go to and download the “April 2015 Servicing Stack Update for Windows 7 and Windows Sever 2008 R2” from there.

After installing the servicing stack update, you can begin installing all Windows 7 updates at once.

Download and install Windows 7 Convenience Rollup Update

The Windows 7 Convenience Rollup is available for download from the Microsoft Update Catalog site under number KB3125574:

Here you should keep in mind that you can only open this page in a working form in Internet Explorer (and the latest versions, that is, if you open it in IE pre-installed in Windows 7, you will first be asked to update the browser, and then enable the add-on to work with the update catalog).

In case, for some reason, downloading from the update catalog is difficult, below are direct download links (in theory, the addresses may change - if it suddenly stops working, please notify me in the comments):

After downloading the update (which is a single standalone update installer file), run it and just wait for the installation to complete (depending on the performance of your computer, the process may take different times, but in any case, it will take significantly less time than downloading and installing updates one at a time).

Finally, all that remains is to restart the computer and wait for the update setup to take place when turning it off and on, which also does not take too long.

Note: this method installs Windows 7 updates released before mid-May 2016 (it’s worth noting that not all of them - some of the updates, the list is on the page , Microsoft did not include it in the package for some reasons) - subsequent updates will still be downloaded through the Update Center.

Good day to everyone, my dear regular readers, blog guests and simply lovers of all topics related to computers.

After the release of the brand new tenth operating system, not everyone installs it. Many are accustomed to the seven, and it requires less resources from the computer than the new OS. Although service packs are no longer released for this shell, they are still present on the official website on software portals. Therefore, I decided to tell you in this article how to install updates on Windows 7 manually, as well as using alternative methods. Go!

Manual method

This method works even on pirates. First you need to download the updates. Let's entrust this to the update center. So let's go to start, and then to control Panel.

Now let's move on to the section about system and security. Just left-click on it.

Then we need to enable Update centre. Click on the line that I indicated in the picture below.

On the left side there are lines with inscriptions. Select the parameter settings option.

In the next window, select the second line, as I indicated in the pic below. Then click OK.

Updates will begin to be downloaded from Microsoft servers. This may take a long time. Then the system will notify you that this process is complete and you can proceed to the installation itself.

Click on the arrow next to the clock. A small block with hidden signs will appear. We need to click this one here.

A window with detailed information will appear. It will indicate how many updates have been downloaded, what their weight is in megabytes, etc. We need to click on install button.

A progress bar will appear. You have to wait for the installation to finish.

When the whole process is completed, a button will appear, when clicked, the computer will reboot. That is, it will be rebooted.

Offline update

It may seem impossible to some, but Windows can be updated offline. Download from here- a program called WSUS Offline Update. We install it, open it and configure it in the same way as in the pic below.

If some updates are already installed, but newer versions have been released, the software will remove them and rearrange them.

Now the software will offer to download and update software important for the operating system, these include graphic modules, packages for C++, and so on.

After we have chosen everything, just press the button start. The software will again begin searching and downloading.

After that, in the final directory of the WSUS Offline Update program, from the download folder, pull out all the contents and drag them onto the mobile device. For example, it will be easier for you to install software from a flash drive if there is suddenly no Internet.

Via torrents

Let's imagine that there is a need to update the system, but at the same time everything needs to be done without an update center. To do this, download from here— client software. Once the file has downloaded, double-click on it.

Select Russian language and click OK.

Then the process of downloading package languages ​​will begin.

And in the next one too.

Now the license agreement will pop up. You don't have to read it, just click on the button continue or accept.

Choose where the program will be installed, check the box to create a shortcut and go Further.

Place two checkmarks at the top and continue.

Now pay attention! Uncheck the box asking you to install some software.

In the next window, reject a similar offer.

All is ready. A shortcut appeared on the desktop.

From here download the first service pack.

After that, open it and see this interface.

The installation process will begin.

After completing all the steps you will see a picture like this.

It happens when updates conflict with some software or system. If they are not installed, you need to find another source, download a new file from there and repeat the procedure.

Update via CMD

By the way, you can enable updates via the Command Line. It's actually very simple. It’s true that this method won’t work without the Internet. Open Start and enter the command in the line CMD. Then we give the command - wuauclt/detectnow.

I want to give you some useful tips. Updating the operating system is an optional feature. But it needs to be produced.

  • Firstly, it affects the speed of the shell. You've probably noticed that as soon as you install the system, it slows down? So, updates and service packs significantly improve the functioning of the OS.
  • Secondly, updating the security system is a very important aspect. You don't want to become a victim of hackers, do you? Therefore, this cannot be neglected.

Even antivirus software cannot protect you if there are holes and bugs inside the system itself that give attackers a chance to penetrate the operating system and take control of it.

Sometimes it happens that packages with information take a long time to install. Don't be nervous and reboot your computer. If the update is large in size, then it will take quite a long time to install. In addition, this is also affected by the hardware inside your personal computer.

If the processor is weak and there is little RAM, then all manipulations on such a machine will take a long time.

Sometimes you need to install in Safe Mode. To do this you need to restart your computer. As soon as it turns on, press F8 and we see this picture.

Now we select the first line and wait for all components of our operating system to load. Next, install everything you need and reboot again to enter the standard operating mode of the OS.

In addition, you can install updates not only from a disk image or flash drive. For this we need the official Microsoft website. It is located by the address. We need to go to this page.

We go below and see the updates that are key for Windows 7.

If you click on the additional information icon to the right of each block, we will see a detailed description of everything related to this or that update. I advise you to read all this before installation. Especially the installation instructions.

Click on the first update and go to the page with it. Select Russian language and press the button download.

Next, an interface will appear with the selection of each component from this update package. You can download everything at once by checking all the lines. Or selectively download certain software. I recommend downloading everything at once. Press the button next.

If you have read the previous lessons, then you know that the functions described in them are not available for the “Starter” and “Home Basic” versions of Windows.

And if we take into account the fact that most often these versions are pre-installed on computers that are on store shelves, I began to receive a lot of questions - How to update Windows 7?

By the way, don’t worry, the data stored on your computer will not be affected.

But still, before moving on to practical actions, read the article to the end, and if you are satisfied with everything, proceed to update.

How to update Windows 7 in minutes

The first thing you need to do is find out if you have the update package installed.

To do this, right-click on the “Computer” icon (on the desktop or in the Start menu) and click “Properties”. A window will open containing information about your computer.

We are interested in the very first item “Windows Edition”, which indicates the operating system version and service pack.

If you have the inscription “Service Pack 1″, everything is fine, you can skip the next point.

Installing an update package for Windows7

Go to the Start menu, type “Windows Update” in the search bar and click on it.

In the left menu of the window that opens, select “Search for updates”

But I think you can handle it, there’s nothing difficult about it. Once the search is complete, you can simply click the “Install updates” button and repeat this process until you have the same window (see above).

Or you can open the list of found updates, find and tick only “Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows 7”, click “OK” and “Install updates”.

Wait for the installation to complete and restart your computer. Then go to the computer properties again and see if the message “Service Pack 1” appears. If not, then continue installing updates.

Now you need to download and install the migration advisor, it will determine whether your computer is capable of migrating to the next version.

Let's launch the advisor and start checking.

If everything is fine and the update is available, then you can proceed directly to it.

Let's start updating Windows 7

First you need to download the key generator

By the way, I downloaded it from different sites, and when I started it, my antivirus began to swear, but it seems that I managed to find a clean one, and I offer it to you.

Now go to “Start > All Programs”, and at the top, find and launch “Windows Anytime Upgrade”.

Select the second item “Enter the update key”

A window will open with an input field

Now we launch the downloaded key generator.

It contains three versions:

  • Home extended
  • Professional
  • Maximum

Opposite each there are “Generate” buttons, by clicking on which you receive the key to update a particular version.

I advise you not to jump from the Initial version immediately to the Maximum version, but update in order!

Enter the received key into the Anytime Upgrade program field and click “Next”.

If the key did not pass, then click on another Generate button and try again.

Then we accept the license terms

Click on “Update”

We are waiting for the update to complete, after which the computer will restart.

If everything happened exactly like this, then congratulations, you have successfully updated Windows!

Checking activation after updating Windows 7

After updating, check Windows activation! This is very easy to do, go to the computer properties, and look at the activation status at the very bottom.

If it says that activation has been completed, then everything is great!


If, after updating to the “Professional” version, it shows that you have 3 days left, then update to the “Maximum” version, most often this is enough!

If on “Maximum” the days are also counting down, then use the activator.

Disconnect the Internet and run the file “w7lxe.exe”, wait a few seconds, after which the computer will begin to reboot, during which a black screen should appear with a system selection, just press “Enter”, the activator will do everything it needs and reboot the computer again, after which activation should be ok!


This update method is illegal, so use it only to update your home computer! Using such an operating system in offices will entail liability!