How to use the fraps program? Installing and setting up Fraps: recommendations and reviews How to properly configure Fraps for recording games

Hello friends, today there will be another useful post about how to use some programs. Agree that video is actively entering our lives, so you need to know how to record and process it. The topic of today's post is called “fraps how to use”.

Surely, you have come across this program, as it is very useful. With its help, you can record a video of any game. But, first things first, so read on.

Well, you probably got interested, didn’t you?! Well, oh well, at least that’s how it felt for me when I first found out that there was a wonderful program for let’s plays. Let me remind you that let’s plays are videos in which the authors show how to play various games.

Yes, I already wrote to play games, sorry for the gibberish, but that’s how it is. Many authors of their YouTube channels record such videos using Fraps.

This is what she looks like:

It is very simple and understandable, I think everyone can figure it out if they want, of course.

Advantages of this program (Fraps):
1. It is completely free, no need to buy it.
2. Using it you can record the passage of any games.
3. Using Fraps you can make high-quality screenshots.

The main disadvantage, gentlemen, is that it records in good quality, but such videos weigh a lot. For example, if you record a game for 10 minutes, the video will weigh about 6-10 Gigabytes. Yes, friends, exactly Gigabyte, so that they don’t think that I was mistaken.

When I recorded my game in Star Craft 2, then I was simply amazed by how long the video takes for 7 minutes. How much do you think? I will answer you: 4.6 Gigabytes. In short, this is a big disadvantage of this program, but since there are no alternatives, I had to use it.

To get started with Fraps, you need to download it. Go to so you can download it for free.

And so, download this program and install it. We see some settings:
– FPS;
– Movies;
– Screenshost.

The first line is needed to test the program. A little lower, we can see that the text is launched with the F11 button. The results of the test will be saved in a special folder, for example: C\Fraps\Benchmarks. If you are not satisfied with the storage location, there is a Change button a little higher, which we click on and indicate the new storage location for the file.

The second tab is called Movie, that is, video. Here, as you yourself understood, you can record video from games. I’ll be honest, these videos are really high quality, although they weigh a lot.

Here, everything is almost the same as on the first tab, but we see that you can activate video recording using the F11 key.

When you are in the game, you press this button – F11 and that’s it, the recording has started, everything you do there will be recorded.

Well, the last tab of Screenshost is also very important. Here you can make high-quality screenshots from the game. To do this, use the hotkey – F10.

Moreover, as you can see, you yourself can choose the format of the screen that you will receive at the output.

I don’t even know if there are simpler programs for recording video from games. Most likely not, although anything is possible. Everything is simple here, turn on Fraps, press F11 and the entire video will be recorded. They wanted to finish, pressed F11 back and that’s it, the video stopped.

Another thing is that after recording you will have to work a little more to reduce the weight of such a video. Well, this is already a topic for other posts that will definitely come.

Well, friends, cats, I’ll finish, I think I introduced you to this simple program. As you can see, everything is simple and clear, so if you go to video blogging, you will know how to record video from games.

That's it, bye everyone, good luck, write your comments, thoughts, and I'll go to bed.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

Fraps is a program that is used to record video while playing a computer game. It is suitable for games running on DirectX and OpenGL graphics libraries. The advantage of the program is that it has a free version, but you can also purchase a version with advanced functionality, or find one full version for free, just type “Fraps rsload” in Yandex. If you want to learn in detail how to use Fraps, then read the step-by-step instructions below.

How to start recording videos with Fraps?

First you need to download the program from the official website. Its free version has some limitations:

  • The length of the video is no more than 30 seconds;
  • The Fraps logo is superimposed on the video;
  • No loop recording function.

After installing and opening the program, you need to assign a button, when clicked, to start recording video. To do this, click on the “Video Capture Hotkey” field and hold down the required button (by default, the F9 button is responsible for starting recording).

Now minimize the program and launch the game. A digital value will appear in the corner of the screen - this is the number of recorded frames. To start recording, press the hotkey, the numbers will turn red and frame counting will begin. To stop recording, press the hotkey again.

  • Click the “FPS” tab – here you can configure the frame limit overlay, as well as the benchmark.
  • Frame rate or overlay – this value denotes the speed of the game and is measured in frames per second.
  • Benchmarking – the average number of frames over a given period of time.
  • By default, the F11 and F12 buttons are set for these program functions, but you can change them by clicking on the “Benchmarking Hotkey” and “Overlay Hotkey” fields while holding down the necessary keys.
  • You can also adjust the location of the overlay icon on your screen so that it does not interfere with the duration of the benchmarking.
  • To start an overlay or benchmarking during a game, press the corresponding function you need.

How to take screenshots usingFraps?

  1. In the “Screenshots” tab you can change the settings for the screenshot capture function. The image in the free version is saved only in .BMP format; in the paid version, you can also change the format to .JPEG, .PNG or .TGA.
  2. The hotkey for saving images from the game can also be changed (by default F10) by clicking “Screen Capture Hotkey” and the button you need.
  3. In the free version of the program, you can configure the automatic creation of screenshots at certain intervals, and also enable or disable the display of an overlay on images. The paid version also includes the ability to change the screenshot format.
  4. During the game, starting on the key you designated, the overlay icon will change color to white - this means that the screenshot has been taken.

Additional usage tipsFraps

  1. When using the full (paid) functionality of the program, do not forget to monitor the duration of the video you make, because not every site can upload very large videos.
  2. Don't forget that you can change hotkeys; to do this, select the function you need and press the button on the keyboard. Your selection will be saved automatically.
  3. You can change the path where screenshots and videos are saved on your computer. To do this, in the desired program tab, click “Change” and enter the correct path.
  4. To change the location of the benchmark in the corner of the screen, you just need to press the key on the keyboard that is responsible for enabling this function.
  5. Don't forget to check updates for new versions of the program.
  6. In order to find out the path where screenshots or videos are saved, open the “Movies” or “Screenshots” tab and click on the “View” button.

Fraps is one of the most popular programs for capturing video from the screen. Its success is due to the fact that it has a free version and is Russified, which adds convenience when working with recorded material.

In the main window of the program you can see 4 tabs: “Screenshot”, “Video”, “FPS”, “Main”. Let's see what parameters can be configured in each of the tabs. Let's figure out how to set up Fraps and what functions this utility has in general.


Here you can configure the program to launch alongside Windows, display it on top of other active windows, and start in a minimized state. Only the Aero Monitor function requires a more detailed explanation.

By checking this box, you will be able to capture an image from your desktop. This option only applies to Vista and Windows 7 users.


On this tab you can change the folder address where program performance reports will be saved.

You can start the scan using the hotkey indicated in the corresponding field. You can also customize the test by checking the parameters you want to test.

On the right are the settings for the overlay - an indicator with which you will monitor the recording time and its status. You can change its location on the screen or turn it off completely.


On this tab, you can configure the folder from which the footage will be saved, and also specify a hotkey to start and stop recording. The default key is F9, but it happens that it is used in games, so it is better to assign another key.

The video capture parameters are also indicated here: the number of frames per second and resolution.

Audio Capture

We should also talk about the function of capturing sound from external media. In order to hear the voice on the recording, you need to select “Stereo” in the “Sound Settings” field, and then check the “Record external source” option.

Next, you need to check your system settings. To do this, open the “Recording devices” section through the tray icon and see if the connected microphone works. This can be determined using the indicator on the right: if a green mark moves along the scale, then the system recognizes your voice.


Here you can configure the screenshot option by specifying the screenshot storage folder, hotkey and photo format.
Of course, you can take screenshots using the standard Windows Print Screen feature, but Fraps allows you to capture screen images in a more convenient way by immediately saving the finished file in a specified folder.

Features of use

The free utility has some functional limitations, among which the recording duration, which is only 30-60 seconds, is especially unpleasant.

In order for Fraps to shoot for a long time, you need to purchase a licensed version of the program.

If there is a lot of noise when recording and the system freezes, set the “Half Resolution” option on the “Video” tab and select “30 fps”. You will lose a little quality, but the file will take up less space, and the system will stop slowing down.

Files recorded with Fraps have a fairly large amount of space. Therefore, it is better to immediately delete unsuccessful footage, otherwise you risk being left without free disk space.

If you are not satisfied with the functionality or performance of Fraps, then try downloading and setting up Bandikam. This program also allows you to capture screen video and save it in an easy-to-edit format.

Many novice players are wondering: how to take not only a high-quality, but also a complete screenshot in the game - such that all interface elements, pop-up windows, etc. are displayed? As a rule, the response is a small list of programs, which is almost always headed by a program called Fraps. Despite the fact that almost everyone has heard about Fraps, not much has been written about it. And perhaps it remains a mystery for you - where can I get this program and how to use it? Now I will tell you about all this.

But why Fraps? – you may ask. – After all, there are a great many such programs! Yes, there are more than enough programs with similar functionality, but it’s not for nothing that Fraps enjoys national recognition, because it has a number of advantages - simple installation, light weight, easy-to-learn interface and a very high-quality output result. And the most important advantage, especially for users " The Sims 3"- screenshots taken in full-screen mode are obtained with the original brightness, and are not darkened, as is the case with most other similar programs.
You can download the trial version of Fraps from the program website. The free version is sufficient for creating screenshots. Double-click the downloaded file and the Installation Wizard will launch.

Click the button in the window I agree, in the next window, if you are not satisfied with the “default” path, enter the full installation path of the program in the field or select it using the button Browse, then press the button Next.

Next, click Install – the installation will begin, upon completion the button will be activated Close with which we close the Wizard window. The program is installed! We look for the program icon on the desktop and launch it by double-clicking.
The main window with basic program settings will open. Let's go through its tabs and settings items in them.

General tab – basic settings

  1. Start Fraps minimized – The program will be launched minimized (on the taskbar).
  2. Fraps window always on top – The program window will always be in the foreground.
  3. Run Fraps when Windows starts – The program will start along with the operating system.
  4. Monitor Aero desktop (DWM) – Only for Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. When you activate the function, if you have an Aero desktop enabled, you will be able to record what happens on it.
  5. Minimize to system tray only – When launched, the program will immediately minimize to the system tray without showing the main window. To call the main window, you will need to double-click on the program icon next to the clock. Works only when step 1 is enabled.

FPS tab – testing settings and FPS counter indicator (frames per second)

On this tab we may only be interested in the FPS indication.

  1. Overlay Hotkey – Click on the Enable button and press any key (or key combination) – now, when you press this key in the game, the FPS counter will move cyclically across the four corners of the screen and disappear on the fifth press. note: It is undesirable for Fraps hotkeys to coincide with hotkeys for a game, other programs, or operating system.
  2. Overlay Corner – choose in which corner to show the frames per second counter. If the counter is not needed, select Hide overlay.
  3. Only update overlay once a second – counter data will be updated once per second, rather than in real time (slightly reduces CPU load)

Movies tab – video capture settings

In the free version of the program, the duration of video recording is limited to 30 seconds, and a watermark of the program’s authors will also be superimposed on the video.

  1. Folder to save movies in Change – select the folder in which our video will be saved. Button View
  2. Video Capture Hotkey – place the cursor in the input field and press the key (or combination) that we want to assign to start the video recording process in the game. Clicking a button Disable – cancels the assignment. When you press this hotkey in the game, the video capture process will start and the FPS counter (if activated) will change its color from yellow to red. Pressing the key again will stop video recording.
  3. Video Capture Setting – select how many frames per second the video will be recorded – fixed 60-50-30, or enter your value in a separate field. Full-size – the video size will be equal to the size of the game window. Half-size – the video size will be reduced by half.
  4. Loop buffer length - Allows you to enable "pre-recording" on XX second (that is, if you press the hotkey assigned in step 2 in the game, the final video will be recorded not from the moment you pressed it, but XX seconds earlier). Convenient if you are afraid of missing an interesting moment, but it requires quite a lot of resources - leave it unchanged.
  5. Split movie every 4 Gigabytes – the video will be cut into pieces of 4 gigabytes (convenient, for example, for recording on a DVD)
    Sound Capture Settings - audio capture settings (example for Windows 7):
  6. Record Win7 sound – all sounds played on the computer will be recorded. Stereo – the sound will be mixed into two channels (left + right), Multichannel – the number of recorded audio channels will correspond to the settings of the operating system audio playback devices.
  7. Record external input – additionally record sound from the external audio input of the computer, designated as the default input in the system (microphone or line input).
  8. Only capture while pushing – “external” sound will be recorded only if the key assigned in the input field is pressed (to assign a key, click on the field and press the desired button).
  9. Hide mouse cursor in video – the mouse cursor will not be visible on the recorded video.
  10. Lock framerate while recording – FPS in the game will not rise above the assigned FPS for video.
  11. Force lossless RGB capture (may be slower) – record video in uncompressed form, in the RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color system. Produces video of the highest possible quality. Requires large processor resources and a very capacious and high-speed HDD. Not recommended.

Screenshots tab

Now we get to the most interesting part - the settings for capturing images in the game.

  1. Folder to save screenshots in – Click on the input field or button Change – select the folder in which our screenshots will be saved. Button View – will open the save folder.
  2. Screen Capture Hotkey – place the cursor in the input field and press the key (or combination) that we want to assign to take a screenshot in the game. Clicking a button Disable – cancels the assignment. When you press a key in the game, the FPS counter (if activated) will blink at us with a white background.
  3. Image Format – format of captured images. Available in the free version only BMP – the picture will be of the largest volume (in order to upload it to picture hosting, it will need to be converted to a different format in any graphics editor), but at the same time of maximum quality.
    Screen Capture Settings:
  4. Include frame rate overlay on screenshots – will show the FPS counter on your captured pictures.
  5. Repeat screen capture every XX seconds – when you press the capture key, a photo will be created automatically every XX seconds. To stop the process, press the key again.

In conclusion, let's look at the menu that can be called up by right-clicking on the program icon in the tray.

“, today we will talk about how to use the Fraps program and why it is needed on your computer.

Gamers know the program Fraps, but not everyone is aware of all its possibilities. The main function of the software is to measure the frame rate during the game. Many people are unlikely to know about using Fraps to its fullest extent, including using all the functionality. Now we will make up for these shortcomings.

Getting started begins with downloading the program from the website and downloading the application. The program is free.

Install and launch the downloaded program by clicking on the icon that appears on the desktop. Let's start studying the software.

On the " Main"("General") are just a few functions that are useful for work. In the lower left block, select the checkboxes according to your preferences. Here you can specify whether you need to launch the program together with, whether to show it on top of other windows and other functions.


More notable is the function “ FPS":

FPS— Frames per Second — frame rate

  1. You can specify where to save testing information;
  2. Select a hotkey to run tests. A very convenient feature. For example, the game does not have a benchmark (performance test), however, there is a desire to check how much FPS is produced by the purchased video card, such a function is in the software (we looked at what Software is).

During the game, when you press a hotkey, the counter turns greenish and testing begins. The next press changes the color to red and the test is completed. The average frame rate over the course of the game will be shown. Information about this will be written to a text file.

It is possible to download test results as a CSV file. The results that will be in the report:

  • Frame rate – measured in the form of per-second counting.
  • Frame time is the time (in ms) spent reflecting each frame.
  • The log will contain basic information on testing. This is the duration of the run, the number of frames, the average frame rate.
  • The testing time is displayed.

On the right side. A hotkey is selected that affects the placement of testing information. Clicking on it moves the overlay towards the other corner. Typically the Fraps indicator is located in the upper left corner.


The toys can be quite exciting and beautiful. Sometimes there is a desire to record this beauty and dynamics, then demonstrate them to friends and take a look for yourself once again. With Fraps this is quite easy to do.

First of all, a hotkey is assigned and the number of FPS required for the video file is selected. These may be modes with 60 fps; 50 fps; 30 fps. The higher the fps value, the better the quality of the video recording. But this leads to an increase in the size of the video file.

Set the recording permission. Buffer update should be left as default, and the 4 GB checkbox should be checked if you want to:

  • the video program worked correctly with a file larger than 4 gigabytes;
  • so that the video player can handle large videos;
  • There were no problems with the FAT 32 system.

About the right side. If you have a regular stereo system, there is no point in checking the box next to “Multichannel”, since increasing the file size will have zero effect.