Homemade signal amplifier for 3g modem. MTS cellular signal booster - how to strengthen the Internet connection

Today, almost every laptop user has a 3G (or 4G) modem, because today everyone can afford to buy a USB modem. If you are faced with the problem of constant interruption of 3G or 4G Internet, then it is most likely that the signal level in these places is weak.

Determining the reason for low Internet speed and how to strengthen 3G/4G Internet is quite simple: if the speed is low around the clock, the reason is the distance from the tower - base station (BS); if the speed improves closer to night, the BS is busy.
To begin with, find out the position of your BS and its approximate distance from you, as well as the range in which the operator works.

An antenna and amplifier will help you strengthen the signal and increase Internet speed, as well as target a less busy tower. To do this, you need one that has connectors for connecting external antennas. On 3G modems there is one, on 4G modems there are two - for the use of MIMO technology. MIMO - when reception and transmission are carried out over different channels, which helps to increase Internet speed.

So, in order to select an antenna and amplifier, you need to:
1) determine the type of network at your home: 3G, 4G or 3G-4G.
You can take measurements using the modem itself; most programs show the type of connection.
for 2G it is: GPRS, EDGE
for 3G these are: WCDMA, HSPA, HSPA+, DC-HSPA
for 4G it is: LTE

2) Determine the location of the best reception. A situation is possible when only 3G is available in the house, but if you climb onto the roof of the house, there is already 4G there. In this case, it makes sense to choose, since the Internet there is much faster. If you do not have access to the roof, then it is worth measuring the signal at the windows looking on different sides of the house.

3) Determine the signal level in decibels. There is a program for this.
In it you can block the mode (only gsm, only 3g, only 4g lte). Settings - Network (when the connection is turned off).
And look at the signal level in decibels (-90 dB, better than -105). Diagnostics - Network.
For good Internet speed on a 3G/4G modem, the signal level should be from -50 to -80 dB. If the signal level is from -80 to - 115 dB or it is 2G, then it can be increased by using a 3G/4G antenna or an antenna + amplifier.

To strengthen the 3G signal you will need:
- with one connector (there are panel connectors, there are wave channel type (“herringbone”), there are parabolic (dish)).
- HF cable (sometimes - 7.5 mm, - 11 mm, and 13 mm.) Calculate the length so that the antenna can be placed on the roof or on the side of the house from which the signal is better.
- (adapter for modem). This is an adapter from a thick HF cable to a micro connector on a 3G modem.

This circuit adds 12-20 dB to the signal level. If this is not enough to achieve a signal level of -80 dB or better, then a 3G antenna amplifier is used. It is installed between the antenna and the modem and adds another 20 dB to the signal level.

To strengthen the 4G signal you will need:
- with one or two connectors (usually panel).
- one or two RF cables
- pigtail (adapter for modem). One or two, respectively.
This circuit also adds 12-20 dB to the signal level.

If this is not enough to achieve a signal level of -80 dB or better, then a 4G antenna amplifier is used. It is installed between the antenna and the modem, and adds another 20 dB to the signal level.

The final scheme looks like this: install an antenna on the roof, tune it to the tower according to the program, lay the cable, connect the pigtail to the cable and the modem to it.
At your discretion, the modem can be connected to the router for WiFi distribution.

In a situation where there is no 3G or 4G signal, and even with an antenna it is still weak, you need to use an amplifier. The diagram looks like this: Antenna, cable, amplifier, cable, pigtail.

In a situation where the 4G signal is satisfactory and you want to get the highest possible speed, the diagram looks like this: , RF cable 2 pcs., pigtail 2 pcs., .

If you do not have the experience and desire to take measurements, look for the best installation location, mount and adjust the antenna,
then in this case our engineers who specialize in improving communication quality will help you. They will take the necessary measurements and select the most suitable set of equipment for your conditions.
Will do. In this case, you are guaranteed to receive the highest possible network signal and Internet speed, while your money will be spent as efficiently as possible.

Today there are many different ways to connect to the Internet. At the same time, it cannot be said that they are all equally effective and built on the same principle. In particular, if we talk about operators working with mobile devices, they offer good Internet connections in those areas that are located within the radius of signal transmission from towers. It is clear that the further the signal is, the more interference and interruptions there will be. Of course, the largest cellular operators try to create maximum coverage of the territories of the countries where they operate, but this is not always enough.

A 3G antenna helps to strengthen such signals from a gsm operator. This is a fairly light and simple device that does not require much hassle in setting up and installing. However, if you purchased a 3G antenna, then it is best to entrust the setup of its connection to professionals. In turn, for those who are very well versed in technology, there are quite a lot of instructions on how to create a 3G antenna with your own hands.

Where is the 3G antenna attached?

A fairly light and simple antenna in a 3G device can catch the operator’s GSM signal, both indoors and outdoors. In addition to such a device, there is usually a metal multifunctional, durable bracket and a ten-meter cable. With their help, the antenna can be attached either to a high mast or to a wall. As a last resort, the 3G antenna can be placed near a window or directly on the windowsill. Such a device is easy to transport and, when reconfigured, quickly connects to the network. Based on the degree of signal amplification, antennas can be divided into:

  • weak;
  • average;
  • strong.

Thus, one of the most effective 3G GSM antennas is considered to be the UMTS HSDPA 21 dB 1900-2100 MHz model, which is capable of providing Internet access even in areas where the signal is practically imperceptible. This device works with such mobile operators as Kyivstar, Life, MTS, Trimob, Ukrtelecom and Utel. To achieve a 100% result, it is best to use a tandem such as an antenna, a UMTS or HSDPA SIM card and a 3G modem.

The main specificity of antennas with a powerful signal amplifier is the need for their precise adjustment towards the main station of the mobile operator.

3G GSM antennas, which do not have a very good amplifying effect, are considered the cheapest. They have almost all the same characteristics as their more expensive counterparts, but are suitable for cases in which the signal source is located in close proximity.

The average segment of 3G antennas is, in principle, capable of providing Internet transmission from a GSM operator to a computer, even if the coverage level does not apply to green zones. It should be remembered that in this case the quality will not be very high and the signal may be interrupted.

You should not think that the ideal and only correct option for purchasing is a 3G antenna with a powerful signal amplifier. It is of course universal, but due to the highest cost it is not always appropriate. If a slight strengthening of the existing GSM connection is required, then a cheaper option is also suitable.

How to create a 3G GSM antenna with your own hands

Despite the fact that 3G GSM antennas are relatively inexpensive and are sold in almost any mobile communications store, if you can’t afford this thing at all, you can make it yourself.

Step 1. First of all, it is advisable to find and download a special program on the Internet that allows you to calculate a quadratic antenna in a few keystrokes. Next, to create the structure itself, it is advisable to prepare the following materials:

  • RG6U wire and connector for it;
  • copper wire, diameter 1-4 mm;
  • a small plastic cap (a cap from deodorant and shaving foam will do);
  • small sheet of plywood 120x134 mm;
  • foil;
  • soldering iron;
  • solder;
  • rosin.

Step 2. After the tools are prepared, take the wire and fold it so that you get two interconnected squares (butterfly). Each side of both squares should be 53 millimeters.
Step 3. The ends of the wire must coincide in the middle of the connection of the squares and it is they that need to be soldered to one end of the antenna wire, we apply solder to the reverse corner of the wire and we clean it all with a connector. The central rod of such a wire must be arranged in such a way that it protrudes from the connector by approximately 1 cm.
Step 4. Then it is advisable to solder the wire braid using the same rosin. If this does not work, then it is easier to solder the wire core to the side of the connector body.

Step 5. After this, foil comes into use. You need to wrap it around the plywood and punch a small hole in the middle for the wire. This will create a reflector for the antenna. At this stage it should be taken into account that the frame should be located 35 mm above the reflector. A pre-prepared plastic lid can ensure this.
Step 6. You should cut several 1 cm grooves in it. After this, we place the antenna at the desired level, about 4.5 cm. Lastly, we fix the reflector and that’s it, our homemade 3G GSM antenna is ready.

Checking antenna operation

At the next stage, we need to check how our 3G GSM antenna will interact with the modem. If the modem does not have a connector to connect it, then you can use the antenna to antenna method.

Thus, our homemade device will capture a signal from another structure, which will take on the function of a repeater. To carry out such work, you need to protect the core by approximately 10-15 centimeters from the other end of the wire that comes from our 3G GSM antenna. But to ensure the most powerful signal, a strip of foil 7-9 centimeters in size should be attached to the edge of the wire braid according to the type of circular polarization.

Many users of 3g networks asked questions, for example: “how to strengthen the signal of a 3g modem?” In this article I would like to answer this question.

First, you need to understand why your Internet speed is very low. The problems may be different, but in fact it all depends on the signal level.

Due to the fact that this data network operates at frequencies around 2 GHz, ideally the modem should be pointed at the base station and be within its visibility. In this case, the speed will be maximum.

The situation in urban areas.

If you live in a city, then, of course, there is rarely a direct line of sight to the station, and there are various buildings on the way. As a result, the signal is reflected and refracted from them, and only then reaches your modem. The result is a loss of quality and speed.

The situation in rural areas.

You might think that because there are no multi-story buildings in this environment, the signal strength must be very high. But no. In such a situation, another problem arises. There are either no villages or very far away. The result is low speed or no speed at all.

Other problems.

Sometimes it happens that the 3G signal is full, but the download speed is quite slow. In this case, thoughts arise: “how to strengthen the signal of a 3g modem and is it necessary at all?” The essence of the problem is that there is also such an important parameter as network congestion. The more users are simultaneously connected to a station, the slower the data is transmitted.

How to strengthen the signal of a 3G modem.

There are various options, but not all of them can actually help. The modem can be influenced mechanically or programmatically. But, in fact, all sorts of left-wing programs, supposedly to strengthen the signal, will not be able to help. Moreover, you will most likely download some kind of virus or something similar.

How to strengthen the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands.

The most important thing is that the device is not plugged into the back of the system unit, which stands almost close to the wall. In this situation, the signal will be very weak. Therefore, it is advisable that the computer is not against the wall, or that the modem is connected in front.

You can amplify the signal using It is about 3-5 meters long. Using it, you can find a place where the speed will be better. It is advisable to place the modem closer to the window. To ensure the best reception rates.

It is worth noting that extension cords are different. There are also about 1-2 meters long. Also the quality varies greatly. It may turn out that the signal will be even worse, since your cable does not have time to transfer data, or in general, it is USB 1.0. in 1.0. and 2.0. differs tenfold.)

Amplification of the 3G modem signal can also be done using a special 3G antenna, which is designed specifically for 3G networks, that is, it operates in the frequencies we need.

When purchasing such an antenna, you need to pay attention to such a parameter as the gain, as well as the radiation pattern. Please note that the higher the coefficient, the narrower the chart will be.

If you purchased such a 3G antenna, then you need to install it wisely, and not just like that. It is necessary to direct it to the station, and not somewhere else. Fasten it so that the pins are directed perpendicular to the Earth.

If you connect to your modem, you will sufficiently increase the reception and data transfer speed. An important point is the length of the cable. The longer it is, the worse the reinforcing properties will be. Moreover, only high-quality cable must be used for extension, otherwise it will be of little use. If you spent money on an antenna, then you shouldn’t skimp on the cable.

I hope this article helped you and you were able to solve your Internet speed problem.

All mobile operators that offer Internet access via the 3g network (MTS, Megafon, Beeline, etc.) have a certain coverage area. If you are behind it, the Internet connection will be very weak, the connection will be unstable, and the speed will be low. In such cases, you can use options that will enhance the 3g modem signal.

How to boost a 3g modem signal using speakers

The first option on how to strengthen the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands, which you can try at home without extra expenses and effort, is to use ordinary sound speakers. Mobile Internet users noted that if they move them closer to the modem, the signal level increases by 10-20%. This is not very much, but with poor connection quality it gives a noticeable increase. To get rid of annoying clicks from the speakers, you should turn the sound to minimum.

Signal amplifier for 3g modem made of copper wire

Another way to easily boost the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands will require a little more action than the option with speakers. You need to make a structure from wire and a tin can that will serve as an antenna. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Take copper wire (preferably a long piece).
  2. Open the gadget and make 5-6 turns around the SIM card.
  3. Pull the other end to the window.
  4. Take a tin can or cut off the neck of a beer bottle to create a “glass.” It will act as a reflector that enhances communication.
  5. Wind the free end of the wire to the bottom of the can.
  6. Turn the neck in the direction where the nearest operator tower is located. The increase in Internet quality will be up to 90-95%.

How to strengthen a 3g modem signal using network settings

Before making antennas with your own hands, you should try another method on how to strengthen the signal reception of a 3g modem. Some mobile Internet users do not know that by default, when the connection quality is poor, the device automatically switches to 2g communication mode, which is not possible to work normally with. In this case, the transition occurs even if there are 2-3 “sticks”. To avoid such situations, you should clearly indicate through the device settings that you only need to use a 3g connection. How to change an option:

  1. run the network setup program;
  2. select the “Connection” tab (or with a similar name);
  3. Next, the network search mode needs to be changed from automatic to 3g.

This will force the device to work only on these frequencies, without dropping the connection to a lower speed one. Some modems do not have such an item in the application interface for the device. In this case, you should look for a combination to activate the built-in command in the device instructions or on specialized forums. Each modem model has its own programmed order for enabling the option.

Boosting a 3g modem signal with a USB extender

This is not the best, but it works, how to easily boost the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands. It is well suited for people who do not want to disassemble or re-solder their device. The design works on the principle of a satellite dish. To make it, you need to buy a “reflector” (jar, bowl, CD), a 3-meter female-to-male USB cable. The creation process is as follows:

  1. In the middle of the disk, make a mount for a flash drive, or tape it with tape.
  2. Connect the cable at one end to the computer and the other to the modem.
  3. You can use a stick instead of a holder or simply attach the disk from the street side to the facade of the house.
  4. Point the flash drive in the direction where the signal is strongest.

The increase in connection quality is not very large, because the USB cable loses some of it due to its length, but still improves the connection. The mirror surface of the CD acts as an amplifier. It is recommended to use a bowl instead of a disc because its reflective surface is larger and the reception will be even better. Enameled options are not suitable; use stainless steel products.

Special external signal amplifier for 3g modem

Operators are aware of communication problems, so they are constantly trying to expand their coverage area. As an intermediate solution, for example, a 3g signal amplifier was created for the Megafon modem and other companies. This is an antenna that operates at the required frequencies, and you need to connect it directly to the device. When choosing a model, you should rely on the radiation pattern and gain.

For the antenna to work effectively, it must be pointed towards the mobile operator tower that is closest to your home. Attach the stand so that the pins are perpendicular to the ground. Please note that the longer the cable, the greater the signal loss along its length. A short cord will provide a sufficient increase in communication provided it is of good quality. If you bought an amplifier, then you shouldn’t skimp on the cable.

How to boost a 3G signal with your own hands using a repeater

The most effective is amplification using a special device - a 3G repeater. Boosting is only possible if the phone receives at least a minimal 3G signal. This approach can be called completely professional, since after installing the repeater you will receive:

  • maximum possible 3G signal amplification;
  • the maximum speed of mobile Internet that a mobile operator can provide;
  • stable reception area within the coverage radius of the internal antenna;
  • getting rid of problems that arise when the signal is weak: connection interruptions, subscriber unavailability, interruptions during a conversation, and others.

A repeater is a home or apartment, which itself is only part of a 3G signal amplification circuit. To create a full-fledged system, you will need an external antenna that picks up the cellular operator signal from the base station and an indoor antenna that “distributes” the cellular signal to subscribers indoors. All this is switched by coaxial cable. In difficult cases, boosters, attenuators, splitters and other equipment may be needed. In ordinary cases, for example, to strengthen the 3G signal in a country house or in a cottage, it is enough to buy a ready-made kit, for example VEGATEL VT-3G-kit. This kit is optimal in terms of price/quality, it works reliably and can be easily installed with your own hands. VEGATEL equipment is manufactured in Russia and has all the necessary certificates.

This article is for those, WhoI suffered with a low 3G / 4G LTE signal making it difficult or impossible to work comfortably on the Internet,and now I’m seriously thinking about improving the quality of access to the global network.

Many users of 3G/4G modems are looking for an answer to the question: - How to improve modem signal reception? How to increase internet speed to fully use online services? So, you should understand that the quality of the signal directly affects the speed of the Internet, the remaining possible limitations are the current load of the operator’s base station (BS). In this article we will describe the most popular and “popular” methods of “overclocking” 3G/4G Internet, and describe the pros and cons of each of them.

1. Stick-rope method

The easiest way to improve signal reception is by raising the modem to a height using a USB extension cable (preferably not an economical one and no more than 3 m. Otherwise, loss of connection is likely)

A primitive economy method, burdened only with the purchase of a USB extension cable and connection worries.

A low-effective solution, with a minimal speed increase of a few dB, not counting the fact that when placed outdoors, you condemn the modem to premature failure - according to statistics, after a year, since the design feature is designed for room temperature and humidity.

2. DIY antenna method

This is the next step in evolution, allowing you to increase Internet speed by making a homemade 3G/4G antenna. There are a lot of manufacturing instructions on the Internet.

+ In most cases, this does not require financial investments; antennas are made from materials available in everyday life. Some designs can actually achieve up to ~6 dBm of gain if built correctly. However, the gain of such “collective farm” antennas is low; as a rule, they cannot provide a stable signal.

Low amplification and dependence on weather factors such as wind and rain.In addition, as we wrote earlier, external placement negatively affects the viability of the modem.

3. Method "Use of modern outdoor 3G / 4G LTE antennas"

The most modern and effective, in our opinion, way to increase the level of 3G/4G signal and provide yourself with reliable Internet for many years is to use specialized external antennas. The main advantage of which over the above methods is this is high gain(up to 20 dBi and above), readiness to work in the most severe weather conditions. Even if you live at decent distances from the operator’s tower: 7, 10, 20 km. provided you choose the right antenna, you can achieve decent Internet speeds - up to 60 Mbit/s!. If you are in an area of ​​weak or almost non-existent 4G LTE signal Using a powerful antenna will help strengthen and ensure reliable reception.

Compliance with operator standards and increased signal reception coefficient allowing significantly increase the speed of 3G & 4G LTE Internet!
+ Independence from weather conditions and reliable design.
+ The price “doesn’t bite” from 1600 ₽ to 4800 ₽.

Installation according to the rules to achieve maximum results and according to our article “How to properly install a 3G / 4G antenna”. This is a completely feasible task that does not require special skills and abilities, and the result is a comfortable speed for years.