All codes for cars, money, weapons. Codes for GTA San Andreas. All codes for cars, money, weapons Program codes for all games

To activate cheat codes for GTA San Andreas, they must be entered directly during the game. You can also pause the game by pressing the ESCAPE key on your keyboard and calmly enter the code.
When entering codes, please note that if at the time of entering the code CJ is driving a car:
- if the code entered into the game contains the letter “F”, then he will simply jump out of the car;
- you enter the code "CPKTNWT - blow up all cars", then your hero will fly up into the air along with the car.

All cheats and codes for GTA San Andreas

Weapon codes

LXGIWYL - set of weapons No. 1 for amateurs (brass knuckles, bat, 9mm pistol, shotgun, micro SMG, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail, spray paint).
PROFESSIONALSKIT, KJKSZPJ - set of weapons No. 2 for professionals (knife, Desert Eagle pistol, sawed-off shotgun (Sawn-off shotgun), Tec-9, M4, sniper rifle, fire extinguisher, flamethrower, grenades).
UZUMYMW - set of weapons No. 3 for psychos (chainsaw, pistol with silencer, combat shotgun (Combat shotgun), MP5, M4, Stinger, explosives with remote control).
FULLCLIP, WANRLTW - an infinite number of cartridges and shooting without reloading.
NCSGDAG, PROFESSIONALKILLER - the highest level of proficiency in all types of weapons.
OUIQDMW - automatic weapon aiming when firing from a vehicle.

Codes for health, armor and money

HESOYAM - full health, armor and $250,000.
BAGUVIX - endless health with protection from bullets, fire and impacts, but you can still get hurt or drown from choking on water from explosions, falling from a height, or being hit by a car.
CVWKXAM - unlimited breathing underwater.
AEDUWNV - always full and never hungry again.
MUNASEF, ANOSEONGLASS - adrenaline level.

Codes for police attention

ASNAEB, TURNDOWNTHEHEAT - remove the crime level (all wanted stars disappear).
LJSPQK, BRINGITON - increase the crime level to the maximum (6 wanted stars).
OSRBLHH, TURNUPTHEHEAT - increase the crime rate by 2 stars.
AEZAKMI - elusive, will never be caught or arrested.

Codes for attractiveness and statuses

OGXSDAG, WORSHIPME - maximum respect and respect.
EHIBXQS, HELLOLADIES - maximum sexuality.
BTCDBCB - CJ is very fat.
KVGYZQK - CJ is skinny.
BUFFMEUP, JYSDSOD - CJ is a muscular hunk.
VKYPQCF - Max Stamina. Maximum endurance level.
VQIMAHA, NATURALTALENT - CJ has the maximum level of control over all transport.
CVWKXAM - code for endless oxygen. Now you don’t have to worry about running out of breath - CJ has become like an ichthyander.
BIFBUZZ - gangs have captured absolutely the entire state of San Andreas. The streets of the cities are completely empty, there is no one on them except bandits from opposing factions, who are shooting without respite.
MROEMZH - gangs are everywhere, they will surround you everywhere, even where they do not exist (for example, the Ballas in Las Venturas).

Codes for cars

AIWPRTON - Rhino tank
CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
PDNEJOH - Hotring Racer 73
VPJTQWV - Hotring Racer 07
KRIJEBR - Stretch
UBHYZHQ - Trashmaster
RZHSUEW - Golf Cart Caddy
AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
AGBDLCID - Monster
JQNTDMH - Rancher

Airplane codes

Codes for other equipment in San Andreas

Codes for vehicle characteristics and traffic

COXEFGU - all cars have nitro, but its supply is limited, so to replenish it you will have to get out and get back into the car.
CPKTNWT - blow up all cars. All cars in the player's field of vision will fly into the air.
XICWMD - all vehicles become invisible (transparent), with the exception of motorcycles. Only the wheels of the cars are visible.
PGGOMOY - perfect control. Increases sensitivity and sharpness in driving. It's very easy to overturn a car if you're not used to it.
ZEIIVG - traffic lights are always green. The green light is on steadily.
YLTEICZ are aggressive drivers. Drivers and their passengers engage in shootouts with the police.
LLQPFBN, AGRUXVHIQYH - the color of all cars turns pink. Get glamorous in San Andreas.
IOWDLAC, AGRUJRYMNOL - the color of all cars becomes black. Mourning in the state...
RIPAZHA - flying cars. Once you accelerate the car, you can take off. Controls like on an airplane.
FVTMNBZ - all cars and people from rural areas. There are rednecks driving around the cities of the state of San Andreas. CJ gets a redneck suit and a trucker cap.
AFSNMSMW - flying boats. All boats and yachts fly, although yachts cannot fly high, because... she's too heavy.
BGKGTJH - there are only cheap slow cars on the streets of SA.
GUSNHDE - on the streets of SA there are only expensive fast and sports cars.
BSXSGGC, BUBBLECARS - at the slightest collision of your car with other cars, they lose weight and fly off.
JCNRUAD - any car you get into becomes practically indestructible, and when it collides with it, another vehicle breaks into it.
BMTPWHR - the result of the code is undefined.

Weather codes

AFZLLQLL - sunny clear weather.
ICIKPYH - very sunny weather.
ALNSFMZO - cloudy weather.
AUIFRVQS - rainy weather.
CFVFGMJ - foggy weather.
MGHXYRM - thunderstorm.
CWJXUOC - buran (sandstorm).

Codes for a while

YSOHNUL - speed up game time.
PPGWJHT - speed up the gameplay (gameplay).
LIYOAAY - slow down the gameplay.
XJVSNAJ, NIGHTPROWLER - always midnight. The game clock stops at 00:00. If you die, then after returning it will be noon - 12:00.
OFVIAC - orange sky. The color of the sky will be the same as in the first screenshots of GTA San Andreas. The code will also stop the time at 21:00.

Gameplay codes

AJLOJYQY - People hit each other with golf clubs.
BAGOWPG - Have a bounty on your head.
FOOOXFT - Everyone is armed.
SZCMAWO - Suicide.
ASBHGRB - Elvises are everywhere.
BGLUAWML - People attack you with weapons.
CIKGCGX - Party on the beach.
MROEMZH - Gang members are everywhere.
BIFBUZZ - Control over the streets.
BEKKNQV - Girls... .
JHJOECW - Huge Bunny Hop.
LFGMHAL - Mega jumps.
IAVENJQ - Mega kick.
AEDUWNV - You don't know the word "hunger".
IOJUFZN - Riot mode.
PRIEBJ - Funhouse Theme.
OUIQDMW - Full weapon guidance in the vehicle.
THGLOJ - Abbreviated movement.
SJMAHPE - Recruit anyone (9mm).
ZSOXFSQ - Recruiting anyone (Rockets).
CRAZYTOWN - everyone is going crazy.
NATURALTALENT - all your skills are pumped up to maximum parameters. And yet, we recommend not to get too carried away with the codes for GTA San Andreas as you progress through the game. Try to complete the game and save without codes. After all, only in this case, having completed the entire game, you can proudly declare that you are a true player who is not afraid to face the realities of the gameplay one on one.
But if you decided to just have fun and loaded your favorite save just to get the coveted set of weapons with a few button presses and rush into battle to recapture territory from the Ballas, then these cheat codes will only benefit you.
It is also often simply pleasant to fly on a plane across a vast state in good weather, but according to the law of meanness, as luck would have it in the game it is raining or there is high cloudiness in the sky. But it doesn’t matter, because there is a code for sunny weather - AFZLLQLL, which will allow you to pilot your Hydra fighter in clear visibility or try to maneuver between skyscrapers in a huge cargo Andromada.
Killed all the neighboring gangs and got bored? Don't be fooled and just type - BGLUAWML . This code will set all the surrounding pedestrians on you, and just to spite you, they will be armed to the teeth. Believe me, a rabid crowd of ordinary people will be much more dangerous than a gang of 5 people.
Do you want to perform long car stunts? Then the code RIPAZHA is for you! With this code your car will learn to fly. All you have to do is accelerate the car and take off on it like on an airplane. Perform several tricks in the air and carefully land on the ground. For performing such an unrealistic trick, you will receive a cash reward.

Developers" or assign a specific key to open it (usually the "~" button is used). Once you can open the console, enter the cheat code there.

If the game does not have a console, then you can enter cheat codes by reproducing a certain sequence of letters or numbers from memory. Moreover, in some games you need to enter cheat codes in the main menu or its sections, in others already during the game.

The most difficult way is to change configuration files or save files in the root folder of the game. Often this may require special programs. This method allows you to change almost any parameter or variable in the game.

For some games, third-party developers create special “trainer” programs - sets of ready-made cheat codes. In order to use a specific code in it, you need to press a specific key combination.

Most often, players use service commands (cheats) to get through difficult sections of the game, less often - for online games, trying to beat their opponents in a “dishonest way.” And if this does not harm when playing independently, in online games such players are contemptuously called “cheaters.”

You will need

  • Collection of cheats and service commands – CheMAX, notepad and pen.


Download the free CheMAX program from the Internet. We install it on your computer, following the standard tips for installing new applications. After waiting for the installation to complete, launch the program.

Enter in the game search window. In the list on the left, select and activate the desired version of the game. In the right half of the program window, utility services called cheats will appear, as well as methods for activating the input mode or calling the console in the game menu. We write down the algorithm for entering cheats on paper.

Launch the required game. We activate cheat input using a keyboard shortcut or key combination. Most often, developers include a console panel in the game, which is called up using the “~” key, located under the Esc key on the keyboard. Depending on the required action to change the game conditions, enter the desired cheat into the command line and press Enter.

After making sure that the command is received adequately, i.e. the program or game does not refuse to accept it, which it reports in the debugger window (console), turn off the console and continue playing.

We enter service codes during the game. Most often, they are displayed on keys not involved in the gameplay - from F1 to F12, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down and others indicated in the description for them.

We set the parameters of the service command - we enter numerical values ​​​​for the needs of the game character.

Video on the topic


On CS and CSS sites, administrators punish the use of cheats with a permanent ban.

Helpful advice

Many game strategy codes deal with increasing certain player resources. To do this, after activating the code, you need to enter a digital value, for example, the command “add money to the player” - enter the value 1,000,000. If we are talking about the character’s health, then enter - 100%.


  • Russian game server forum with a description of the process of entering cheats

Cheat codes were invented and created for those who cannot complete all levels of their favorite computer game on their own. Codes are entered differently in each game. Let's consider several options.


Entering codes in the game Counter-Strike 1.6 The most popular computer game is Counter-Strike 1.6. There are many cheat codes and programs for this game. Download the cheat you need and install it in the root folder of the cstrike game. Now go into the game to run the cheat code. Press the Page Down key and a mini menu will appear. With the help of the cheat you can see, shoot accurately, and run quickly.

Entering codes in the NBA 2k11 game Launch the game on your personal . In the main menu, select “Settings”. Next, click “Codes” and click in the “Enter code” field. Restart the game and the changes will take effect.2ksports - unlock 2k sports team
2kchina - Unblock Team China 2k
payrespect - unlock ABA ball
nba2k - unlock improved NBA2k team
vcteam - unblock VC team

In the “Cossacks” strategy, the menu for entering cheat codes when you press the “Enter” key supervizor - battles on/off
money – replenishment
multitvar – access to all soldiers
Gods - help of the gods
AI - ability to control enemies
resources - replenish all resources
shield - super weapon

Entering codes in the Sims 3 game To enter codes in the Sims 3 game, press the hotkey combination CTRL + SHIFT + C. If the console does not open, then minimize the game and check if another program opens when you press these keys. Close it and open the game. Press the keys again. For Vista users: use the keys Ctrl+Windows+Shift+C. Some codes for Sims 3:
Kaching - adds §1,000 to the family pot
Motherlode - adds §50,000 Simoleons to the family budget
Familyfunds - allows you to set a family budget.

Video on the topic

Using various codes, you can significantly improve some of the functions and options of the game, as well as open up its hidden capabilities. With the help of these small tricks, the Turk will sparkle for users with new and bright colors.

You will need

  • -Game Turk.


The first-person shooter Turok may become even more fun for many than before. The main thing is to know which codes you need to enter for which options or secret features. If the code can be easily found on the Internet, then some difficulties may arise with its entry. Because not every gamer knows where he needs to be entered.

In fact, this can be done within a few minutes and without any special effort. It is enough to carry out several actions as accurately and correctly as possible and the hidden opportunity will become available! First, open the Turok game directory. Then find a folder in it called Config. In this folder, find a document with the following name - TurokInput.ini.

Please note that this file must be opened using a text editor (it all depends on the user's preference). In this document, find the following lines:


This configuration needs to be changed. Do it like this:

After all these steps are completed, double-check that the configuration changes were made correctly in the TurokInput.ini document. If you did everything correctly, then you can safely save the text file and close it. Now launch the Turk game on your personal computer. During the game, you need to press the page scrolling key – End, which is located next to the Delete button.

Thus, you will call the necessary console intended for specifying codes. Now you can enter codes in Turok without any problems. If the console still does not appear, check the correctness of steps 1 and 3. Perhaps something is indicated incorrectly there.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

It is better to use Notepad to read the TurokInput.ini file.

Some computer games do not have a choice of difficulty level; some players may find completing the gameplay a rather difficult task. In such cases, a good alternative may be to enter special cheat codes that make the game much easier.

You will need

  • - installed game;
  • - CheMax software.


The word "cheat" comes from the English word cheat - cheating. Initially, this term was used only by game system developers, but over time they opened public access to these codes. Most games created use a console to enter them. To launch it, just press the key with the “~” () symbol, which is located in the upper left corner of the keyboard (under the Escape key). Some games require you to enable console appearance in the settings.

Another equally common method is to directly enter codes; enter a key combination during the game or when it is paused. As a rule, a pause is set by pressing the Esc or Pause Break key. For example, in the game GTA Vice City, codes can be entered not only in the game, but also in its menu, and in GTA San Andreas the developers left the option of entering them during gameplay.

In some cases, in order to be able to enter codes, you need to perform a small operation to create a bat file or launch an exe file with certain parameters. To search for cheat codes, as well as information on how to enter them, you can use the Internet.

Some users, faced with difficulties in completing a particular game, use special cheat codes that greatly simplify the gameplay. However, if the introduction on a computer does not raise any questions, then how to enter cheat codes on Android if there is simply no keyboard in the game on a smartphone or tablet?

“Cheat” (from the English cheat) is translated as “cheating,” but how fraudulent can the use of cheat codes be called? In most video games or PC games, these codes are initially built in by the developer and represent a specific set of characters. This is done in order to test the software at the development stage. For example, using a cheat code, the developer will not go through all the levels of the game to test the last one, but will immediately get to the desired level.

Another possibility that the developers did not provide for is changing the contents of memory in a running game, as well as data that stores the entire amount of information regarding the player’s progress, or save files (configuration files). This scheme is much more complicated, but it makes it possible to transform a game variable or any of its parameters. The use of such cheat codes requires the use of special programs that are responsible for a specific memory address containing the necessary information about the character.

As a result, the player has the opportunity to use cheats on Android, for example, for weapons, “a lot of money”, “immortality” and others, which give the user the advantage of making free in-game purchases, unlocking new locations and levels, instantly leveling up the hero, etc.

How to enter a cheat code on Android

Well, if we have figured out cheat codes in general terms, then the main question of our topic remains open for now. If we use the keyboard to enter cheats, say, on a PC, then how to do it on Android devices?

Using a standard keyboard

In fact, you can use a standard keyboard to enter codes, making it possible to call it directly in the game. To do this we need a document editor program Smart Office 2(you can either in Google Play), which you need to install on your device.

Now we open the game loaded into the device’s memory (in the screenshot “”, but it could be any other game), then minimize it by swiping and pressing the “ button home»:

Then we launch Smart Office 2, click " new document"and select any document format, for example, DOC. Now press the button at the bottom of the display Edit"(on tablets, for this action, press the button located at the top " Keyboard»):

After these steps, we will have a keyboard that will not retract after we close the application. All we have to do is select our game through the task manager. This can be done by long pressing the “ Home"or, as in the screenshot (Huawei Honor 5A smartphone), the far right button in the form of a square on the right side of the display (see above). We tap on the game and when it opens, we will see that the keyboard remains in place:

Using third-party software (GameKeyboard+)

It is possible that the method described above is not relevant for your device, in which case you can use the “GameKeyboard+” application to enter cheat codes. This is a special keyboard designed for modern Android devices for comfortable gaming control.

To use this opportunity to enter cheat codes, download and install GameKeyboard+ on your Android (the application is available for a fee). Having launched the program, we see the main page and begin to act according to the presented instructions.

The first step (click on the field step 1) select the keyboard - put a tick in the line “ Game Keyboard", a window will open in which you need to confirm the selected action (button " Yes«):

The second step ( step 2) select the input method. After we press the line with the third step ( step 3) a gamepad and other control tools will appear. Some games will require you to configure them (for example, to open the inventory in Undertale). To do this, press the button “ Usage Mode" and in the window that pops up, put a tick in the line " Edit Mode«:

To remove unnecessary buttons, click on each of them in turn, and then in the window that opens, click the “ Remove". To complete the action, tap on the line “ tap Top-Right screen corner/Vol-Up…" and in the menu that opens " Select Action"Press the button " Cancel"(in the screenshot the third fragment):

If there is a need to call only the keyboard (for example, to enter, etc.), then for some device models it is enough after the first and second steps (see screenshot 1 and 2) to press the button “ Usage Mode" and check the box " Show Qwerty"(see the first fragment of the screenshot below).

After the gamepad appears, we need to press the “ Settings” (settings) and check the boxes:

  • 8-way D-Pad(8-way D-Pad).
  • Instead of the gamepad, show cl-tour by default.
  • [Vol. Up] (to call the keyboard with the “volume” button (to increase).
  • « Don't block"(for the convenience of moving the mouse pointer. If lags appear on your device, this action can be canceled).
  • « Show warning", and " Use joystick."(here checkboxes can be set by default).

Once the setup is complete, exit the Game Keyboard (the " Exit") and launch the game. If necessary, call up the keyboard to enter cheats, use the “Volume +” button:

If you need to call the gamepad, click on its image in the lower left corner of the keyboard, this action will open the on-screen cross (i.e., cursor keys), as well as the left and right mouse buttons (" buttons) A" And " IN"). To return to keyboard mode, use the " X" Pressing the back button on your smartphone will completely remove the keyboard (or gamepad).

In the settings, you can check the box to make the keyboard translucent, change the configuration and size of the gamepad.

*Note: you need to enter cheat codes slowly, strictly observing the correct case of letters, spaces and symbols.

We hope that the presented hack tools helped you in solving the question of how to enter cheats on Android. We remind you that we will be grateful if someone shares with our readers their own method, different from those described. Good luck!

CheMax (CHEats MAXimal, in Russian Chemax) is a free program with the largest collection of cheat codes for various computer games.

Getting the code for the game is now as easy as shelling pears, just download the latest version of CheMax rus absolutely free and install it on your computer.

CheMax RUS can be downloaded for Windows 7, 8 and 10. Unfortunately, the developers have not prepared releases for other OSes. But the program has a simple and intuitive interface. You can use the application in both English and Russian.

Latest version of CheMax RUS in Russian

You can download the application with cheat codes in two different versions in Russian and English.

A distinctive feature of CheMax is that the software only has codes (cheats, hex-cheats) and passwords (passwords), and no hints, cracks, etc. Cheats for games in the CheMax program have been collected for 12 years. And updates come at least once a month. And today you can download free CheMax from the official link for Windows OS.

Users are also invited to download the latest version of CheMax rus - this is a translated assembly in Russian.

The CheMax utility is the largest library of cheats, passwords and other codes for computer games, covering all game genres and dozens of platforms.

For free! Standard
check Official CheMax distribution check
check Silent installation without dialog boxes close
check Recommendations for installing the necessary programs close
check Batch installation of multiple programs close

If you intend to download a universal cheat database with the widest possible coverage of toys, satisfying a wide variety of genre and platform preferences, then the CheMax application (from Cheats Maximal) fits these criteria perfectly. This free utility contains password databases covering over 10,000 games, including which are action games, shooters, fighting games, slashers, arcades, simulators, strategies, managers, wargames, quests, role-playing games, RPGs, puzzles and many others.

Special software additions to the CheMax package - CheMax Mobile and CheMax FC (for Consoles) are aimed at mobile and set-top consoles, respectively. The console CheMax covers about fifty different versions of Dandy, Nintendo, Sega, Sony PlayStation and others. The mobile version contains codes and passwords for games from Android devices, iPhones, iPods, iPads and Samsung products.

The developers emphasize that their brainchild is devoid of all sorts of hints and other related products.

Features and benefits of the program for gamers:

  • catalog search, convenient search bar
  • alphabetical arrangement, breadth of genres
  • redirect to walkthrough instructions
  • ability to copy and print materials
  • small sizes and regular and prompt updates
  • games developed by domestic specialists are widely represented

Among the shortcomings of the program (however, this shortcoming is characteristic of all utilities of this kind) should be noted the impossibility of using cheats in online game modes, since this will create a systemic connection conflict.

The program has language localizations. The interface in Russian (CheMax Rus) exists in an incomplete version and continues to be actively developed. The utility is completely free, so you can download CheMax for free without violating any license agreements.