World of Tanks "Personal rating of players in battle without XVM." World of Tanks "Personal rating of players in battle without XVM" Mod for showing statistics in battle

XVM - Config from Ms_Ramis - this is not just a mod, it is a complex mod that changes the interface and is designed to be useful and functional in combat, but at the same time does not affect FPS

Hello guys! In this article we will tell everyone about the benefits that one single mod in the game World of Tanks, which received the unique name XVM, can bring. And it’s not for nothing that this modification is considered one of the best, because the development team did their best and created a simply excellent thing, which was called the “deer measurer”. What does this mean? Everything is very simple, thanks to the reindeer meter during the battle, each player can see what percentage of victories all gamers have and, moreover, find out whether their team will win or not. After all, even before the start of the battle, the addition shows what percentage of the allied team will win, and this helps a lot, because it shows what strategy is best to use in battle. In addition to this, the mod contains a lot of other cookies that everyone can’t help but try and want to install.

Modification Deer gauge

As for the operation of the modification itself, we cannot help but talk about the fact that its interface is quite pleasant and convenient, which not only does not interfere during combat, but all the necessary information is in plain sight. The indicators are colored in colors that directly depend on the victory rate, which helps to visually assess the situation in which you will have to play in a few seconds even before the start of the battle. It is impossible not to notice that the percentage showing the probability of victory in battle is quite accurate and can only be wrong in some cases. Therefore, if before the start of the battle it shows 30%, then it immediately becomes clear that everyone will have to pull and only in this case is victory possible.

In addition to the reindeer tracker, the mod also includes such useful things as various game markers above tanks. There are a very large number of them and each player will be able to choose what he likes. Very useful in battle is the log of damage dealt to opponents, which will show how effectively you play right in battle. Another useful bonus for everyone will be a log of the damage received, from which you can find out who hit you and by how many units of strength. In addition to this information, you can see the type of projectile that caused damage, which also gives an additional advantage in each battle. Players will definitely be happy with the new light bulbs, which can replace the already boring standard ones. Thus, the game will become more beautiful, attractive and pleasing to the human eye. And another useful, but not the last, feature in this mod will be the display of player markers on the map and the direction of each gun.

Mod "User Meter"– shows the statistics of players in battle with three indicators: the player’s win percentage and his rounded efficiency rating, the total number of player battles. The win percentage is displayed across all of the player's armored vehicles. Efficiency rating is a qualitative characteristic that determines the effectiveness of a player’s actions in battle. You can calculate your rating at. The data is displayed on the battle loading screen, when you press the Tab button, in the middle and long list of commands (“ears”). Table of performance rating values:

less than 600 - Bad player (~6%)
600 – 900 - Below average player (~25%)
900-1200 - Average player (~43%)
1200-1500 - Good player (~22%)
1500-1800 - Great player (~3%)
more than 1800 - Unicum (~0.5%)

With each patch, XVM pulls more and more resources and many owners of weak PCs have to give up the deer hunter and other delights of this mod. But there are still caring people who make mods to replace XVM capabilities. One of them is a mod for personal rating of players in battle without XVM. It is in no way connected with XVM, it was tested on different PCs and no drops in FPS were noticed. To display the player's personal rating, the mod uses the WG rating, which is obtained using the WG API, so the rating is updated almost instantly.

The third option is the most advanced and improved option. It can completely replace the deer meter, as it is capable of displaying the following information:

  • chance of winning when loading a battle
  • a dynamic chance of winning a battle in the form of a bar under the score panel, which takes into account not only the VG rating, but many other factors and displays the situation more correctly, almost the same as the chance of winning in the deer meter.
  • displaying the number of battles, % of wins and WG rating in the ears, by pressing Tab and when loading a battle

For more details, see the screenshots below:

After installing it in the ears and damage panel, the player’s personal rating will be displayed in one of three options:

  • in the form of rating output displaying % of wins as in XVM
  • in the form of a WG rating output with the already familiar coloring from the reindeer surveyor - for those who love numbers
  • a complete replacement of the reindeer gauge is, in my opinion, the best option

Option 3 - full-fledged deer measurer with EFF rating - Works:

Introducing the first of its kind, full-fledged deer meter with performance rating output instead of WGR. This is a new development by modder VasyaPRO_2014 in which he is trying to combine all the known rating mods into one and make it as close as possible to the deer surveyor. This version already contains a very powerful and understandable mod settings file, very similar to the rating settings in the deer meter.

The mod can display the following information:

  • the familiar four-digit rating of the RE player's effectiveness (EFF), his win percentage and number of fights;
  • all this can be displayed in the loading window, statistics on Tab and in vehicle markers;

The scale by which a player’s effectiveness is determined for the WGR rating:

Mod setup:

The mod configuration file is located here:



Copy the mods folder to the game folder, confirming the replacement.

Install the configs on top of the mod in the WOT/mods/ folder, confirming the replacement.

4 years and 10 months ago Comments: 35

Many players at the beginning of their tanking career have no idea at all about statistics. After some time, having upgraded their equipment, they learn about clans, some kind of efficiency, and the like. In this article I will try to describe in as much detail as possible the main efficiency ratings, the personal WoT rating, and also provide calculation formulas.

Basic statistics of World of Tanks.

Basic statistics on the quality of a player's game can be viewed in the game or on the official website. In the game, click on the “Achievements” button on the website by logging into “My Profile” where you will find everything: from information about the financial status of your account to statistics on classes of gaming equipment. Now more details.

What useful data can be found in WoT statistics?

First of all, most people look at the win percentage indicator, which is influenced by many factors: damage inflicted, survivability, assistance to allies, teamwork, quality of play of opponents, and also to some extent.

If you do the math, each player has 6.6% influence on winning a random random battle, and the same goes for the enemy team. If a player, for example, scored 2%, then the remaining 4.6% falls on the shoulders of allies, which makes the situation worse. The team’s chance of victory will depend on whether all the team’s players can ultimately gain 100% influence, since players even with the highest statistics can make a smaller contribution to the result due to circumstances, the combat vehicle (its configuration and crew leveling). These are rather rough calculations, and it is unrealistic to accurately predict the chance of winning.

Damage dealt (DMG), what is it?

To be honest, everything here is extremely simple, you need to take as many strength points as possible from the enemy’s equipment during the battle, and you should remember that one of the keys to success is concentrating fire on one enemy. Inflicting damage as a priority is the goal of TT, tank destroyer, tank destroyer, and only then as support for ST and LT.

Without a covenant there is no success

The performance is greatly influenced by the quality of illumination, which is the priority of LTs, which inherently do not know how to live long. I don’t know why many players consider their role on the LT to be not so big, but exposure at the end of the battle can decide its outcome, so you need to live on the LT, this is the most important thing.

Personal rating of World of Tanks.

Personal rating is an indicator of gaming skills and experience, the calculation of which takes into account:
  • - Win percentage
  • - Damage caused with your help
  • - Average damage per battle
  • - Average experience per battle
  • - Survival
And the formula for calculating the personal WOT rating looks like this:
  • - total number of battles (battlesCount)
  • win- percentage of wins (real number from the interval 0..1)
  • surv- percentage of battles in which the player survived (real number from the interval 0..1)
  • hit- percentage of hits (real number from the interval 0..1)
  • xp- average experience
  • dmg- average damage dealt

There are many opinions on personal ratings, as well as questions.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the percentage of survival according to the formula is equivalent to the average experience, i.e. you can just stand and hide the entire battle while increasing your personal rating, absurd.

The personal rating also includes the percentage of hits; beginners at low levels like to shoot at houses and fences, not knowing anything about the rating, and they simply kill him. As a result, these two indicators are not indicators of the quality of the game, but simply “tits”. Boasting to your comrades that my personal rating is higher than yours is like buying cheap spoiled ice cream and showing off the wrapper. Wargaming even created a hall of fame on the official website in the “my profile” section; this indicator can only support the player morally, but is not an indicator of the quality of the game. A personal rating is used when playing in team battles, where, for convenience, a “number” is displayed next to each player and commander, so that it is easier for players to select a team “equal” in skill without looking at the statistics of each player separately. We hope that in the next patches the developers will make changes to the formula for the better.

World of Tanks efficiency.

With the help of players and fans of the game World of Tanks was created (Efficiency). Previously, to view this rating, it was suggested to install “ ” in the game; it allowed the player to see the efficiency of allies and opponents in battle, as well as the chance of winning as a percentage. Now the “reindeer measurer” is part of the .

The following indicators influence the efficiency number:

  • -Average damage
  • -Average number of frags
  • -Average number of illuminated enemies
  • -Average base capture points
  • -Average base defense points
  • -Average win percentage
  • -Average amount of experience per battle
  • -Number of fights
  • -Medium level of technology
For reference, you can look at some formulas for calculating efficiency:

Naturally, no one will substitute the data; that’s why it’s on our website.

How to increase efficiency statistics?

For those who are missing a couple of “numbers” in efficiency indicators, there are many ways to quickly and efficiently earn them. The first of them is “brain pumping” (no offense), meaning that you need to study, study and learn to play again, look, and everything like that on our website, and there are also plenty of them on the Internet. As they say: “It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight.”

And if you have no desire to study, then use the incompatibility of mathematics and psychology in favor of efficiency. The most common and simple way to increase efficiency is to pour money into the game, buy it and increase the statistics on it, but this option is more suitable if you are planning to create a twink.

Let's estimate that we have an account with 5000 battles, an efficiency of 1000. To increase the efficiency to at least 1200, we will need about 2000 battles with an average efficiency of about 1400-1500, this is quite a lot for players who have low-level equipment. If we apply the approximate formula to other numbers, the result is that the more fights, the more difficult it is to raise the statistics.

It is most effective to increase the efficiency of vehicles of a higher level, since the final indicators of the battle are much higher; in team and company battles you can increase the % of victories, but at the same time the average damage will suffer.

The best option is to assemble platoons, using various tactics will be much easier and more effective, the chance of “dragging” the battle or “bending” is much higher. When playing, you need to select the right equipment and download the right branches, watch and read the guides, they will definitely help you navigate the game correctly and safely get what you want.

Article author: Voven95
  • Update date: 12 Jun 2018
  • Total marks: 6
  • Average rating: 3.17
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  • More reposts - more frequent updates!

Latest update information:

Updated 06/12/2018:
  • full adaptation for 1.0.2;
  • Important! Since the demo identifier will be disabled on the WGAPI side and it was in the general pool of those selected for work, in order to avoid random disappearances of statistics, updating is mandatory!
  • demo id removed from reserves;
  • Retrieving data from the WG API has been significantly accelerated;
  • found errors were corrected;
  • refactoring of part of the code, optimization;

The issue of effectiveness in battle and comparison of the “skill” of players has existed since the advent of World of Tanks. There are many different ratings, the most famous of which is the Efficiency Rating (“ER” or “Efficiency”). The most famous mod, XVM or “Deer Measuring,” gained its popularity due to the ability to view the efficiency rating of players of both teams directly in battle. For some time now, it has become possible to implement the “Deer Measuring” function in battle without using XVM.

How does a World of Tanks player’s personal rating work and what does it mean?

The developers of the World of Tanks game, studio, have introduced their official version of the player rating. It is available by default in the profile of each tanker on the Tanks website and in the game. “Personal rating” is positioned by the developers as an objective indicator of combat skill. When calculating it, the following parameters are used:

  • Player win rate
  • Damage “with the help” or the so-called “assist” - on an enemy discovered by the player or on an enemy whose tracks the player knocked down
  • Damage that a player inflicts on an enemy on average per battle
  • Experience that a tanker receives on average based on the results of a battle
  • Percentage of battles in which the player's tank was not destroyed before the end of the battle

In addition to being an official performance metric used to compare Hall of Fame players, the Personal Rating has another benefit. also has the function of demonstrating player ratings in team information panels - “deer meter”, but consumes a significant amount of system resources. Installing a mod to display a “personal rating” allows you to save performance on weak computers, avoid installing unnecessary XVM functions and not having to configure the “deer meter” configuration.

Personal rating of a World of Tanks player in battle without XVM

With each new update, XVM begins to consume more and more resources, which is why many owners of “weak” PCs have to abandon the so-called “Deer Meter”. But fortunately, there were still not indifferent developers who were able to create a complete alternative to the capabilities of XVM. This is exactly what we want to show you today.

The most interesting thing is that the modification displays the personal rating of the player from WG, which means that the rating is updated almost instantly.

This is the most advanced and improved option. It can completely replace the deer meter, as it is capable of displaying the following information:

Chance of winning when loading a battle
a dynamic chance of winning a battle in the form of a bar under the score panel, which takes into account not only the VG rating, but many other factors and displays the situation more correctly, almost the same as the chance of winning in the deer meter.
displaying the number of battles, % of wins and WG rating in the ears, by pressing Tab and when loading a battle

For more details, see the screenshots below:

After installing it in the ears and damage panel, the player’s personal rating will be displayed in one of three options:

In the form of rating output displaying % of wins as in XVM
in the form of a WG rating output with the already familiar coloring from the reindeer surveyor - for those who love numbers
a complete replacement of the reindeer gauge is, in my opinion, the best option

Introducing the first of its kind, full-fledged deer meter with performance rating output instead of WGR. This is a new development by modder VasyaPRO_2014 in which he is trying to combine all the known rating mods into one and make it as close as possible to the deer surveyor. This version already contains a very powerful and understandable mod settings file, very similar to the rating settings in the deer meter.

The mod can display the following information:

The scale by which a player’s effectiveness is determined for the WGR rating:

Mod setup:

The mod configuration file is located here: WOT\res_mods\configs\StatsInBattle\StatsInBattle.json, we recommend opening it using NotePad++.

Q: How can I disable markers above a vehicle by pressing ALT (% of wins and rating)?

A: To disable markers, open the settings file, find:

//Format for displaying statistics in markers above vehicles
"marker": (
//Enable marker module
"enable": true,

And replace true with false.


Copy the res_mods folder to the game folder, confirming the replacement.