How to get likes in contact quickly. How to make friends on VKontakte. We use services to make friends on VK

Now many are looking for ways to boost messages on VKontakte for free. It is believed that if, when viewing your page, it is clear that you have a lot of unread messages, then the page is super popular! It’s not a shame to screenshot such a page and show it to your friends. In fact, popularity in this form is a very controversial issue, but let’s skip the arguments and move on to the immediate “topic”.

Until VKontakte switched to a new design, it was very easy to show many unread messages. To do this, you just had to mark the messages as unread and the treasured numbers would appear on the screen next to the “My messages” item. However, the design has been updated and today this feature does not work. Therefore, to boost messages on VK for free, you can only use the methods that we will tell you about.

Today there are many special exchanges where anyone can post a task for various promotions for VKontakte. Previously, it was possible to generate messages, that is, create a task for writing personal messages in VK using the Ad-Social service:

However, today this service has stopped providing this opportunity:

After looking at a dozen similar services that provide services for boosting indicators on VKontakte, we could not find one that works with boosting personal messages. Therefore, we will not consider boosting personal messages through a third-party site.

There is demand - there is supply! In VK.COM itself there are about a thousand special groups and communities that offer boosting personal messages. They are created specifically to unite people like you who are looking for ways to increase their unread private messages for free.

The top groups in this segment are called “Zozori LS”, “Zozori LS|Signy” and so on. Here you can leave a message with a request to make the necessary promotion:

Another way to receive almost endless unread VK messages is a cunning scheme to lure people with the help of gaming communities. To do this, you need to study a game, find out what keys, accounts, paid add-ons are there and offer it for free. For example, you go to a gaming group on tanks and write that you have about 100 different pumped up accounts. Let's say you write that you are ready to sell them for pennies. And then put a note - contact the PM.

So, you are guaranteed a flow of incoming messages.

Using bots to write messages to yourself

Special programs, or BOTS, can also be used to boost personal messages. Among such programs are brobot, however, you will use it at your own peril and risk, since your login and password may be stolen.

With the help of bots you can generate 100, 200, 300... or even 1 million personal messages for your page. But be careful when using this method.

The best way to show a large number of unread messages VK.COM

And finally, if you need to show a huge (any) number of unread messages on VKontakte, that is, show this number, then just do a few simple steps:

The result of cheating incoming messages using this method:

In the next article and step-by-step instructions from the “Copyright” website (site), we will figure out how easy it is to get real likes on VKontakte. Moreover, these “pluses” will be added by real people, not by bots or spam profiles.

ADVICE: We ask the reader to take this instruction for informational purposes and not as a guide to action. Any cheating is ineffective, obvious, and only brings trouble. Be careful, and it’s better not to mess with cheaters at all.

For example, the author of this article has already had his VK page blocked for using this tool, so don’t get too carried away. It is clear that you can give a few extra likes to your girlfriend, your friend, classmate or mother, but we do not recommend promoting sites and VK groups with their help.

Why is it so important that likes are given by real people and real VKontakte users? Yes, because cheating from robots and spam bots will immediately lead to undesirable consequences.

With live profiles when exchanging likes, these negative consequences will be less likely. For example, this might happen:

  • all people who put “likes” will become “dogs” after a short time;
  • cheating bots will arouse suspicion among the VK administration, and you may be blocked;
  • likes given by bots will look unreal and obviously fake.

So, you should get real real likes from real people. We will look at how to do this in practice in the following step-by-step instructions. Moreover, you won’t have to pay a penny for all these operations and bonuses.

Everything is absolutely free. And we will use the service for exchanging mutual likes. Begin!

How to get real likes on VKontakte: step-by-step instructions

Step #1

To get started, go to the page of the special markup service using the link below:

Step #2

Immediately click the “Start using for free” button and then enter the address of your VK page. The page address can be copied from the browser. It usually looks like this:*********— asterisks are your personal VK identifier.

Step #3

  • click on the address that appears in the central line;
  • we get to the VK page, where you need to like (this will be either someone’s photo, or a post on the wall, or a discussion);
  • We are given 25 seconds for this very like, so we don’t hesitate, we do everything quickly;
  • when the like is given, we return to the login page;
  • Click the “PUT” button;
  • we get into our personal account of the promotion service.

Step #4

The system also works with promotions for “likes”, but there will already be bots operating there, and we don’t want that. So, click on the VKontakte menu icon on the left (Create living for reals) and select the item “earn reals”

Step #5

Now you can earn reals in several ways:

  • by liking other people’s posts, photos and discussions;
  • by joining various foreign groups (living people like yourself);
  • by subscribing to other people's pages (also real people).

Choose any type of earning reals and get down to business. If you like, you will see a list with addresses where you can like. If you join a group, a list of available groups will open.

At each item you will see the amount of reals you will receive for completing the task. Reais are credited within 2 minutes and are displayed in your user account in the upper right corner (“BALANCE” - you ONLY need REALS).

Step #6

To start your task to get live likes, you need a minimum of 10 REALS. Please note that for each task the amount of your reals will increase. We collect 10 reais and move on.

Step #7

Again, go to the left-hand menu, select LIVE cheats for reals, select “Spend reals” - “Get likes”. If the screenshots are small, you can zoom them in by clicking with the mouse:

Step #8

We create our new task, as described in the screenshot below. It is important to fill out all fields of the form except the last one. The last line is calculated automatically. Here you need to specify:

  1. project name (any you wish);
  2. address of the page where you will get likes;
  3. the required number of likes (price multiplied by the cost, but not less than 10);
  4. set the price of one plus sign (minimum -1);
  5. TOTAL – the number of reais that will be debited from your balance;
  6. “GET LIKES” button.

When the task is created, it will be sent to be completed by the same real people who will receive your reals for it. This results in the following general scheme:

- you earn reals;
- you start the task;
— you spend reals, but get results in the form of increased likes for the page whose address you specified in the order form. That's all mathematics.

IMPORTANT: we cannot but warn you that cheating is prohibited by the VK system. If the VKontakte administration finds out about your cunning method, most likely your page will be blocked. For this reason, you should not be greedy.

Get only a few likes (within 100-200 pieces, no more per day) so that this does not arouse suspicion. Overall, be careful and don't say we didn't warn you!

We emphasize once again that your page may be blocked for cheating, so think about your escape routes in advance, indicate your phone number and email address to restore access! You take further actions at your own risk and peril!

Good news, friends - you can become mega-popular on the social network VKontakte in just a matter of days or weeks =)

However, this will be more of an appearance; a three-digit number in the friends column, alas, will not make you popular. However, for those who are wondering how to make a lot of friends and subscribers on VKontakte, and even for free, there is certainly some sense in this action.

For example, I very quickly made a lot of friends for my fake on VK (). Ask why do I need this? Yes, it’s elementary - with its help I promote my group dedicated to computer games for free.

I, in turn, need it to earn money. The scheme is as follows:

  1. I recruit as many friends as possible on the fake site.
  2. Then I begin to actively invite them to a specially created group.
  3. In this group there is a link to my website, of course stuffed with affiliate links. Everyone who registers or makes purchases through such a link brings me a small amount of money.
  4. I periodically publish announcements in the group and receive additional clicks.
  5. I repost from the group to my fake page so that it will appear in the news.

This is not the entire scheme, but only a simplified version of it, but this will be discussed in detail in another article. Of course, things can be significantly speeded up by investing money in advertising or using special services. service for making friends on VK.

However, this is far from the only goal.

Some people are stroking their pride this way) Some people use popular fakes to make money from services, like selling advertisements in their accounts en masse, and at the same time not annoying their real friends. By the way, on the forum you can also buy cheap advertising, reposts, likes, etc. to promote my groups on VK or external sites, I did something similar. But as for me, if you don’t have a decent stack of fakes, then you can make money much faster and easier on freelance exchanges if you know how to do at least something (draw, design websites, program, edit videos, promote groups in contact, etc.) , this is one of the best exchanges in my opinion and you get a minimum of 500 rubles for 1 order.

Someone, with the help of pumped up fakes, promotes groups, applications, for money or for the sake of money. Bloggers can use them to announce their articles - a couple of thousand of your subscribers will see your announcement in their news feed, and you’ll get at least a few clicks. Groups that sell goods on the Internet through subscribers. And so on, there are a lot of options.

Well, now let’s get closer to the essence of how fast promotion occurs.

How to quickly gain friends and subscribers on VKontakte

There are several options:

  1. Through the “Possible Friends” option.
  2. Through popular gaming applications.
  3. Using third-party programs and scripts.
  4. Become famous in some field and your friends will flow like a river) At worst, make a high-quality fake female, and add unique erotic photos/videos - again, the fans will flock, but such an audience is very specific :)

There is one bad news - VKontakte has a limit of 50 friend requests per day. Those. By sending out invites through “possible friends” you will get a maximum of 350 people in a week, besides, not all of them will accept the invitation, plus some will fall off over time.

Possible friends are formed from a list of mutual friends

In short, the process will drag on. In general, it’s not a tricky thing - you’ve recruited an initial number of people, and then once a day, go to the list and click the Add button 50 times until the limit is reached, periodically entering a captcha.

I also can’t describe the option of how to become famous here). So that leaves one last interesting way:

Mass increase of friends and subscribers in VKontakte groups using the service

A method for those who do not want to waste their time digging through software and manual additions - you can simply use special. there are a lot of services out there now. I like it better - it has the best price-quality ratio in my opinion. For a small amount, they will organize a quick boost of VKontakte friends for you (as well as subscribers to groups, followers, etc.)

Prices there at the moment are approximately as follows:

I do not recommend using dubious programs, especially those you downloaded for free from shady sites. There are probably Trojans sitting there that will steal your VK passwords. Good software for making friends on VKontakte is quite expensive and very difficult to use, and is not suitable for everyone.

Cheating friends on VK through applications

Suitable for those who need to make a few friends in a free way; this is done through numerous VKontakte applications.

However, not everyone is suitable - we need gaming applications where the so-called friending is developed - adding friends to receive gaming advantages and bonuses. This is a fairly popular marketing ploy among developers of such toys.

For example, I can name some of the most successful application groups for making friends - In the Trench, Tyuryaga, Metro 2033, Rules of War, Dead Zone, etc. there are a lot of them, look in the catalog with more than 1 million participants.

As a rule, it should have a topic like “Looking for friends”, “Add as friends” or something similar.

We go into it and leave our request to be added, and immediately we receive a bunch of requests) Sometimes there are no such topics in official groups, then you can look for fan publics dedicated to this application, there will definitely be a similar topic there.

What's good about this method? Because even if the limit of sent applications has reached, you still increase the number of subscribers, due to the fact that applications are sent to you, you just need to approve them) Thus, collecting a couple of dozen groups of gaming applications and sending there messages like “Add yourself!!!” you get a good flow of fresh blood)

We repeat the procedure every day, maybe even several times a day. In order not to go into applications every time and not to add bookmarks with groups to the browser, you can open My news -> Comments and you will see all the topics in the groups where you unsubscribed, you can leave new comments right here ( all unnecessary tracked comments can be filtered by clicking the cross)

This way you can add several hundred VKontakte friends every day, for free and spending very little time. And what to use them for is up to you =)

By the way, for those who need to make additional friends, you can below in the VK comments unsubscribe for mutual adding as friends + repost the post on the wall, so that more people would get here and more would be added as friends.

Hello everyone, dear readers. Vasily Blinov is with you.

Today, friends, I want to tell you how to get likes on Instagram and thereby increase the popularity of your account.

I studied everything that is on the Internet on this issue and identified the most effective methods. I also tested several services that allow you to buy and earn a lot of likes. It turns out that it’s very easy to get several hundred likes on a post immediately after publication.

In 10 minutes I managed to get more than 500 likes on a new photo.

View this post on Instagram

Thus, once in the top, your photo may be noticed by random Instagram users who are interested in the tag you used in the description.

Likes don’t play any special role other than show-off. The only other thing is that they allow you to evaluate and analyze the quality of posts. The worse the post, the fewer likes, naturally.

How to get more likes

To increase the popularity of your photos on Instagram, I recommend using basic rules:

  1. Take YOUR high-quality and interesting photographs. Don’t post other people’s pictures from the Internet, no one is interested in them.
  2. If you weren’t hooked by the photo, then hook us with the description of it so that they can give you a heart, or even better, write a comment. Communicate with the audience through the description, ask them questions, provoke them to leave a comment. Thus, the post can attract even more attention and likes.
  3. Use the hashtags correctly, I have already given a link to the article.
  4. Make your profile public and design it well. Put a beautiful avatar and tell us who you are or what you do.
  5. Like, follow and comment on other accounts and receive reciprocal actions.
  6. Try to post more often, but not too often. At least one or two a day.
  7. Make geolocation tags where the photo was taken, by the way, you can also use them to get to the top and attract attention.

Programs and sites for cheating online

The best way to quickly gain likes, however, remains special programs and services that allow you to buy or earn them for free.

These three services are quite enough to promote your Instagram, get likes and subscribers. But I can recommend others, choose to your taste:


On all these sites you can earn points for free through tasks, subscribing and liking, or you can buy them for money. Then these points can be exchanged for likes and subscribers.

program Pmgrm I already discussed it in detail in the previous article. There are complete instructions on how to use it, how to set up an auto-liker, mutual subscriptions, etc.


Using an example, today I’ll show you how to work in the BossLike service. Everything is very simple. When you register in your personal account, select the “Creat” tab in the top panel. On the left, open the “Instagram” tab and select the “Like” task (i.e., like).

Click “Create task”.

The task has been created successfully! We just have to wait for the result.

To order more likes, you need points on the service; you can buy them or earn them for free by completing similar tasks. To do this, go to the “Earn” tab.

The downside here is that Instagram has limitations:

  • 60 likes per hour,
  • 60 subscriptions per hour,
  • 50 comments per hour.

This will prevent you from gaining a lot of points quickly. After you have accumulated the required number of points, you can order a boost. At the very beginning, I clearly showed how many likes can be made this way.

That's all for me, if you have any questions, you can write them in the comments. Also subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss interesting and useful articles about Instagram.

Some users strive for as much as possible add friends on VK. For what? It's simple. It's no secret that today it is possible, but for this you need to have friends.

And the more friends you have, the higher your earnings. You can also make VK friends just out of interest.

But why then subscribers? And subscribers are necessary to increase rankings in search results. The more subscribers you have, the higher you are in search.

In this article you will learn how to gain thousands of friends and subscribers for free without programs in a short time.

There are 2 ways to make friends:

  • Manual addition;
  • Adding using a special promotion service;

How to add many friends on VKontakte

The first method is the simplest, but not very convenient:

1. From your page, go to the section "Groups" , open the tab"Search for communities" and write a search query "Add to friends".

2. We go to any community (or several) and, if the wall is open, write something like "I'll add everyone! No subscribers!".

  • Or copy the URL of the picture and paste it on the wall;

  • In a couple of moments you will see new friend requests;

You can also add users as friends who write the same thing on the wall (remember that you can send messages per day).

Just make sure that they have few subscribers - this is a guarantee that they will add you.

Publish entries in similar communities, add people like you as friends. And soon you will see quick results.

How to make friends on VK (subscribers)

The second method is more convenient and advanced. There are special services with which you can make friends on VK And subscribers.

But in In 2019, they began to block users who use low-quality, free services (for suspicious activity).

Therefore, we will consider the best service for VKontakte advertising that will promote your page high quality and fast.

Real people (no fakes or bots);

From 75 kopecks for 1 active subscriber (friend);

Targeting settings: city, age, gender, number of friends;

After payment for the order, people will subscribe to your page interested users. You can add them as friends or keep them as subscribers.

Cheating VKontakte on this service the highest quality, so don’t worry about anything: all new users may even be active on your page (like/repost/comment on posts, etc.).

That's all. As you can see, it's not difficult at all make friends on VK or subscribers. Follow these instructions and you will succeed!