The route is under control. Route under control City clinic 175 branch 1

09.10.19 16:10:05

-0.8 Bad business

I was sent to the branch on Chelyabinskaya, building 16, building 2 for gastroscopy, since it was necessary to determine why hemoglobin did not rise above 100 units even when taking iron supplements. Thalassemia is still questionable. I was 25 minutes late, as transport was delayed, and it took me a while to find this clinic (I visited this branch for the first time, I didn’t know the area well). When I came to doctor Kasok O.I.’s office, it was 2:40 p.m., and I had an appointment at 2:15 p.m. There was no doctor in the office, and there was no one at all. In the next mini-office, someone was washing some equipment, and, apparently, they decided not to pay attention to my presence in the office. Then I went to the information desk and explained the situation of being late. To which the nurse, with a grin in her facial expression, replied that since I was 10 minutes late, there was no way they could accept me. I explained the situation to the health worker, who refused to give me his initials. Later, already in the office, it turned out that this was O.I. Vlasova. I did not receive a clear explanation why I could not be accepted! I was told (by the same nurse, I didn’t have a chance to see the doctor where he was at that time - it’s unclear) that the time limit was 10 minutes, and that 5 minutes were allotted for me, and the remaining 20 minutes were for washing instruments, and that They don’t have time for the next patient, but the computer said that the next patient was at 15:05-15:30, and my time was 14:15-14:40! In response to my request to write a refusal to accept me, I was sent to the information desk for a new appointment, which, as it turned out, would only be in 2 weeks. Was it really difficult to accept a person who had not eaten for 7 hours to undergo this procedure and was going to see them at another branch! I explained the situation, said that I have anemia, and it’s quite difficult for me not to eat or drink for half a day, but the nurse didn’t listen to anything. I was told that they couldn't see me because of the next patient, but there were 25 minutes left until that patient and my time was up! Where did those 5 minutes that were allotted to me go?! The person was late for a good reason: transport was delayed due to weather conditions, and the clinic was different - it took the person time to get to it. An 80-year-old grandmother or a pregnant woman could have been in my place. If there is humanism, then where, if not in such situations, is the time to show it? I am very unhappy with the service from these people. I will try to write a waiver of this procedure to my therapist. I didn’t sign up again.

10.10.19 14:10:39

Hello, Alina Samiulakhovna!
We apologize for the difficulties you encountered in receiving medical care. We considered it necessary to contact you to analyze the situation. We hope that during the telephone conversation on October 10, 2019, we were able to clarify all the issues. All facts presented by you will be carefully analyzed and studied. We will inform you personally about the administrative measures taken.
Thank you for your feedback, it will improve the quality of work of the staff and the institution as a whole.
Sincerely, administration of city clinic No. 175.

A project launched by the Moscow Department of Health is designed to facilitate the search for outpatient cards in the capital's clinics. During this process, the cards will be equipped with electronic tags that will tell you at any moment where they are currently located and which specialist is holding them.

An experiment with such marking was carried out by launching a pilot project in city clinic No. 46 in May of this year. More than 9 thousand outpatient cards were equipped there with RFID tags. The system actually successfully tracked their location, so that at the end of the working day, each one returned to the map storage room.

The chief doctor of the clinic, Sergei Komarov, told RG:

This is truly a very important project for both doctors and patients. The fact is that medical records do not just lie on the shelves of a filing cabinet, even when the patient does not see a doctor. They may be requested by the head of the department or the chief physician to check how the treatment is going, or by the insurance company for its examination. And when a patient comes and the card is not there, it takes some time to find it, which, of course, causes irritation for the person forced to wait. After the implementation of the project, the number of complaints about the long search for an outpatient card decreased to almost zero.

Searching for a patient's medical record now takes no more than a minute

Equipping with tags turned out to be not such a difficult task. A radio tag - a thin metal plate - was attached to each card. We installed the necessary program in the clinic. Trained staff how to use it. When a card arrives in some office, it is scanned and information about its new location immediately appears in the system. As a result, it now takes no more than a minute to establish her location.

Despite the fact that most patients in the capital already have electronic cards, the attending physician should always be able to obtain information about which specialists he contacted before in order to form a complete clinical picture, comments Alexey Khripun, head of the Moscow Health Department, on the innovation. In any case, the “paper equivalent” of the card will be in demand until the necessary information about the patient appears in electronic form. By February next year, we plan to fully provide electronic labeling to all outpatient cards in city clinics.

Equipping medical cards with RFID tags will begin in October of this year. Elina Zaitseva, chief physician of the children's city clinic N 131 - one of the two from which the dissemination of the project will begin, shared with the RG correspondent: “We are looking forward to the start of this important and necessary project. Nowadays it often happens: the mother of the child will make an appointment with several specialists at once ", then guess which of them currently has an outpatient card. And then with one click of a button we will know where to get it."

The project, launched with the active participation of the Moscow Information Technology Department, was also supported by deputies of the Moscow City Duma. Deputy, member of the commission on health and public order Evgeniy Gerasimov considers it another step towards ensuring that modern technologies come to our clinics.

№ 29 26.12.2019 13:10

I am assigned to GP 130, but due to the long illness of both ophthalmologists in this GP, I was forced to make an appointment with GP 16 - ophthalmologist A.V. Kurnoy. at 9-36 December 26, 2019 The appointment began with a reprimand that he had come to the wrong clinic. The reference to the long absence of doctors in my GP did not help. The appointment ended with a recommendation to enroll in your GP. I didn’t even bother to measure the pressure, although I made the only request to measure the pressure in my right eye.


1 2 3 4 5 5 (Excellent)

№ 28 06.10.2018 21:13

I would like to express my gratitude to S.I. Volovik. I was the first to see her. She listened to all my complaints and tears. She didn’t prescribe a single drug without a test result, gave out all the directions and said, first you need to find out what you have, and then we’ll start treatment.

All doctors would work like this, especially the surgeons of this clinic!!!

Sofya Isakovna, low bow to you and long life!!!

Anastasia Rodkina

1 2 3 4 5 5 (Excellent)

№ 27 16.05.2018 18:51

A huge personal thank you to the doctor who came to call today, his prescriptions put me back on my feet. Unfortunately, I don’t know his name, but I have gained faith in the doctor. Now it’s not scary to get treatment from others. Thank you.

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 26 12.03.2018 11:33

Today is 4! I tried for hours to call a doctor at home......

This is the help of a multi-channel phone in general, a song of 20 minutes of music and the call is interrupted. Thank you.

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 25 26.12.2017 15:06

There is always a line, even though they register electronically, you still wait in line for an hour and a half. Terrible. You're sitting here pregnant, coughing and getting sick. And then they wonder why you go to a paid one. Everything is more organized there.

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 24 26.11.2017 23:05

After removal of a cystadenoma on the liver, I cannot get a CT scan coupon for more than a month. CT is necessary for control by the operating surgeon. An ultrasound showed a relapse. This type of tumor is prone to degeneration into malignant. In this case, without drastic measures, life expectancy is no more than a year. All documents were handed over to surgeon Askerov on 10/19/2017. He said that we had to wait for a call from the X-ray department of clinic No. 175. Without waiting for a call, a week later I came to the manager. therapy to Dr. Vecherko M.E. find out where my documents are. It turned out that they still had not been sent to 175th, but were promised next week. I explained my situation. They assured me that nothing depended on them. I've been waiting for a call for over a month now to no avail. They don’t refuse me, but they don’t promise me help either. Last year I had a CT scan within two weeks. Where is the improvement in the work of the clinic as a result of the reorganization? The question is about life and death. There is no way to find out about the state of affairs. It is impossible to find a single telephone number or names of the people on whom this depends. Tomorrow I have to go again, I don’t even know who. I really don’t want to fight!

Likhacheva Inna Ivanovna

1 2 3 4 5 5 (Excellent)

№ 23 14.11.2017 13:10

I haven’t gone to the clinic for a long time, but now I have an urge. My heart began to pound. It was not possible to make an appointment with a cardiologist at the clinic on Stary Gai. I came to the doctor on duty Vsevolod Igorevich Sivkov. This doctor was sent to our clinic from clinic 175 on Chelyabinskaya to help. Imagine my surprise when the doctor, after listening to my complaints, took the cardiogram himself, deciphered it, and having made a diagnosis, prescribed treatment. I did not need to go to the cardiologist or to the functional diagnostics office. Everything was done by doctor therapist Vsevolod Igorevich Sivkov. How lucky I am that I got an appointment with such a DOCTOR. As long as Dr. Sivkov sees patients at our clinic, I will only go to him. Maybe they won't take him away from us? Thank you, Vsevolod Igorevich for your work!

Galina Ivanovna

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 22 02.10.2017 11:05

It’s impossible to call a doctor at home. They don’t answer the phone at more than one number. I’ve been calling all morning to no avail.


1 2 3 4 5 2 (Bad)

№ 21 15.06.2017 09:43

My dear neighbors in the area and at Clinic No. 16. I propose that all our complaints be submitted to the Health Committee. After all, it was not the administration of the clinic who came up with this, but the idea of ​​optimizing the services provided to us was brought down from above.

As a result, we got doctors without nurses.

You sit in line for an appointment with a coupon, you go into the office and the doctor doesn’t have a card - you go downstairs to the iron door and wait another 30 minutes for it to be found first and another 15 minutes for it to be BROUGHT to the doctor. It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to hand over cards to patients!!! Maybe they are afraid that we will see that they are making additions to our maps in order to get more money from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund? Another thought doesn’t come to mind why we can’t pick up our card.

There was an EVEN better case - during the ultrasound examination they handed over not my card, but my mother’s card. The doctor did not pay attention to the fact that a patient born in 1973 and not 1937 came to see her. I issued a report with a photograph pinned on top, and later I noticed under the photograph that my mother’s full name and year of birth were in the report. By the way, they examined my gallbladder, which was removed from my mother 20 years ago. I wonder what is written on her card now? ;)

Now patients of 6 clinics call a single number to call a doctor at home and cannot get through or get through.

Traumatology remains in the clinic but there are no x-rays!!! You hobbled with a dislocation (or fracture) to the clinic and then went to another area to get an X-ray to get a picture and with the picture then hobble back into injury - who thought of that?

And on what principle were clinics united? 80 clinic, located in our area, cannot serve us. But a 78-year-old mother was sent for x-rays to Sirenevy Boulevard (next to Park 7!!!). From Old Guy to three crossings, in the end she simply got lost and did not get to the X-ray.

1 2 3 4 5 2 (Bad)

№ 20 08.06.2017 19:56

It is impossible to reach the help desk. First the music plays, then the robot says, wait for connection, music again. And then the robot asks to call later.

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 19 07.04.2017 11:51

Why indicate clinic phone numbers that no one answers? I lost a lot of time calling the doctor. Didn't call. Indicate real telephone numbers that can at least inform you that the clinic does not provide assistance to sick people.

Natalia Nikolaevna

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 18 28.03.2017 21:06

The neurologist refuses to go to the bedridden war veteran at Staryi Gai 4/2, the patient herself is bedridden and cannot move. Nobody cares.

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 17 28.03.2017 10:31

Disgusting clinic! 03/28/17 I came in with acute pain. At the reception desk they sent me to Laura with the wording “go and negotiate with the doctor if (!) he will see you.” I came to the ENT, voach: “You see how many people I have according to the appointment! Sit, wait, in case someone lets you through.” With a fever and acute pain, I went to a paid clinic.

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 16 28.02.2017 15:43

Visit to the clinic on 02/28/17. Clinic at your place of residence, insurance policy available.

The temperature was brought down from 38 to 37.4 on their own, there were acute signs of ARVI, the receptionist refused to call a doctor to the house, they said that with such a temperature the appointment was on a first-come, first-served basis.

We came to the clinic. The receptionist refused to issue a coupon for an appointment with a doctor, because... attached to the clinic at Moscow State University.

We were forced to make an oral complaint about the actions of the registrar to the branch administration in order to receive a coupon for a one-time appointment with a doctor. Only after this the registrar issued a ticket. After which there was another hour of waiting in the general queue (with a temperature).

You will probably have to notify the insurance company that this institution does not want to provide first aid in accordance with current legislation.

1 2 3 4 5 3 (Satisfactory)

№ 15 30.12.2016 13:51

I agree with the review about the lack of electronic recording for ultrasound. Why should a working person take time off from work? Do you need to make an appointment from 08:00 to 10:00 to sign up for an ultrasound, and still have to stand in line at the reception?

Why can’t a doctor attach an ultrasound coupon through the website

Pregnant women have to stand in line to make an appointment for an ultrasound, which they then wait another month or even more. And if you need to correspond due to the current circumstances, then again take time off from work, stand in line and again wait a month for an ultrasound.

I’m very tired of this “Soviet past” with queues!

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 14 24.12.2016 09:51

I would like to invite the mayor - S.S. Sobyanin. and his deputy for social issues - Mr. Pechatnikov L., from whose suggestion this “mess” began, with his relatives and invite them to use the services of this so-called primary care clinic. These gentlemen use selected medical institutions, a stranger does not come to their house, instead of THEIR therapist..... In this regard, you refuse to call a “guest” who sees you for the first time and from whom there is no use, even after calling an ambulance. And what’s MOST IMPORTANT: THIS “GUEST” calls on the phone, asks if he is needed, writes off the policy number and that’s it. And he is obliged to VISIT THE PATIENT, NOT CALL. This is how they receive money from insurance companies for their salary, without doing anything, the insurance policy number is written down - the money is in their pocket, and the patient....., and whatever the patient is, everything is allowed and permitted. Therapist + nurse is the best option, and now from the queue to the therapist, to the queue to the nurses who are “huddling” in their “nook”, and the patient is waiting - 2nd queue, then to the queue for stamps and so on..... THEY DESTROYED THE WHOLE SYSTEM, WHICH WORKED LIKE A CLOCK, AND WE ARE THE PATIENTS SUFFERING, AND THEY ARE THE AUTHORITIES IN "CHOCOLATE". The further it goes, the worse it gets, especially for older people. I am waiting for a visit from S.S. Sobyanin, who loves to speak on air about the work he has done, and I will speak to him too...... I am sure that my claim will not see the light of day.....

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 13 21.11.2016 12:08

In clinic No. 16 Branch No. 1 of State Hospital No. 175 there is no electronic recording for ultrasound. You have to arrive at the clinic building at 7:00 to get in line at the registration desk. You have to wait outside in the rain or snow. And the coupon for the procedure is only in two weeks. To take a blood test, you also need to arrive at 7 o'clock.

My mother is 92 years old. Such patients should be visited at home, and not driven through dark and slippery streets early in the morning.

Natalia Borisovna

1 2 3 4 5 5 (Excellent)

№ 12 23.07.2016 20:57

I am very grateful to Dr. Belsky Kirill Vasilievich. His professionalism and attention helped a lot in the difficult situation I found myself in. Now I am recovering from an injury and all thanks to the efforts of Kirill Vasilyevich. It’s nice that among young doctors there are smart and caring specialists. Filippova Marina Vitalievna.

Filippova Marina

1 2 3 4 5 5 (Excellent)

№ 11 09.07.2016 15:37

I express my deep gratitude to the general practitioner Pereschesova L.T. GBUZ 175 branch 1. A real professional doctor. She will listen carefully, examine, support and, most importantly, prescribe treatment professionally and competently. The phrase, make an appointment with any doctor, hits the nerves very painfully. Today one doctor, another tomorrow. Is this right? You get the feeling that no one needs you, they kick you and that’s it. It’s good that there are still doctors like L.T. Perechesova, who care how the patient feels when they leave her office Thank you very much! You are not just a qualified doctor, you are a very good person. A man with a capital letter. Thank you again!

Ilyina R.A.

Ilyina R.A.

1 2 3 4 5 3 (Satisfactory)

№ 10 09.07.2016 11:34

Unfortunately, in my old age I need medical help more often than before. In addition, the material possibilities were different. Now it’s better not to go to clinic No. 16 so as not to get even sicker. The renovation took more than three years. As a result, there are no x-rays, no fluorography. Nurses are separate therapists separately. First, wait to see the doctor, then wait to see the nurse. Who felt bad because the therapist knew the patient. Optimization taken to the point of absurdity. I would like to tell the chief doctor that it is not the furniture that should be changed, but such workers. The motto of the clinic became - what do you want at your age. Pensioners save money for treatment. For free, you will be forced to run to different parts of Moscow for examinations, and then simply paste the results into your card and forget.

Tatyana Nikolaevna

1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 9 17.06.2016 17:11

The reception desk is terrible, they don’t pick up cards to see a doctor, you have to go to them with a coupon and wait for 10-20 minutes. Biochemistry tests have to wait 14 days for an answer.


1 2 3 4 5 1 (Very bad)

№ 8 18.04.2016 14:38

It is impossible to make an appointment with a neurologist. The therapist issued a coupon, then, with this handwritten coupon, you need to sign up for the WAITING BOOK. So, I signed up for the magic book in early April, today April 18, 2016, I decided to find out when the registration would be. The receptionist replied that They don’t know when there will be a recording because Medical cards are checked by some kind of manager before making an appointment. The question is, what does the manager check - do I need a neurologist? Why on earth is he checking this, there is no trust in the specialist who referred me? Or it needs to be checked faster! It seems that this is simply an incentive for patients to turn to paid specialists!!! At the reception they gave the phone number of the secretariat, which is not accessible. No information. Complete disgrace