Review of the game dead island riptide. Humble opinion. Dead Island: Riptide. Advantages and disadvantages

A professional upgrade of a personal computer is to leave your favorite mouse and change everything else to modern components. The monotonous and boring suicide bomber simulator required the same quality improvements. Instead, the guys decided to show the players a view of their eggs from the other side. And these eggs came out very, very rotten. The point is not that you have to deal with carrion all the way, but that... now we will educate you in detail about this matter in our review.

Dead Island Routine.

Dead Island Riptide starts to struggle with its own mechanics immediately after the game starts. Don't believe anyone who claims that over time they begin to slip in their own mechanics - they begin to slip in them immediately after the start of the game. Rows of original heroes immune to the terrible infection Dead Island replenished with a new recruit, John Morgan. Before the player gets overwhelmed by the kaleidoscope of low-key scenes and endless routine, he is free to import a saved character from a previous game. Otherwise, you will get a level fifteen subordinate, with the ensuing opportunity to distribute skill points to customize the survivor. And to the task - to mow down the infected crew of a huge ship, which is just about to suffer a shipwreck on the island of Palanai, which is located very close to the notorious Banoi.

The main thing you need to play Riptide- incredible patience. The project tests the player's willpower from the first steps. Literally. The coordination of the protagonist’s movements can be compared to a cow on ice: he starts his move smoothly, constantly sways, slowly waves his arms and generally behaves like a fairly drunk citizen. Next on the program are the much-loved missions of the same type from the original. Bring food, bring a motor, bring a pump, and kill zombies along the way. There are still no problems with the latter - living corpses constantly respawn even in places where this is impossible in principle. It's the same story with loot - empty your bags, and soon come back for new belongings, the tropical Santa Claus is working overtime.

The main thing you need to play Riptide is a lot of patience. New Dead Island It wouldn't be so absurd if it didn't pretend to be serious. The hero still breaks down after an awkward fall from a two-meter cliff, gets tired without even making ten swings of a wooden stick, and looks for rare scientific drawings, which clearly demonstrate the entire engineering complexity of wrapping a baton with barbed wire. Oh yes. The highlight of the whole Dead Island has not gone away - we can still break a steel metal key the size of half a player over a zombie’s head, or repair a boat oar that has become unusable. On the machine. For 500 dollars. At the same time, many ideas come into battle for the primacy of idiocy: where is the bill acceptor at the machine, why is the fee for repairs so high, and what does the process of repairing a broken village oar look like in general.

You don’t have to endure all this alone; it’s not for nothing that the game is considered cooperatively oriented. Five team members drive cars, sail boats and craft things for their shared pleasure. To the monotonous missions they added the courier service of one player: one of the unfortunate people turns from a rapist into a porter, who is obliged to transport a heavy load to the desired point, while his neighbors in the ward are doing what they were doing before. And what will they do after that?

To put it mildly, I don’t want to go through quests again and again. The main thing, whatever, the only thing to do Riptide- selfless extermination of walking carrion. So that God forbid not to give this bad taste at least some role-playing coloring, the authors locked the clumsy mechanics in the cage of zombie auto-leveling. You will always do the same thing. So you received the legendary purple shovel, wrapped it in a burning rope, improved the combat characteristics three times with unknown easel magic, and you think: “here it is, the shovel of my dreams, here it is, now things will go well”! The buoy floated there - you will be greeted by strengthened and matured wights who are laughing at the very idea of ​​your leveling at the top of their corpses. Of course, with this state of affairs, both the main and additional quests do not become more interesting and fascinating, and, to put it mildly, you don’t want to go through them again and again.

Again and again. Again and again. Traveling around the island by boat and quickly moving around the map, with only one goal, which in no way justifies the means - killing the dead. As if the battles weren't enough, the authors kindly add the siege of the fort - the quintessence of the process, squeezed into the narrow confines of defensive structures. Kill the waves until the cherished event occurs, which will mark the end of the routine. And keep an eye on the team members, you never know, they won’t be able to cope with the pleasure coming from all sides.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the number of bugs in Dead Island 1.5 has been reduced to the point that they no longer constitute the entire gameplay. Yes, the game does not launch and run correctly on ATI video cards. Yes, some quest triggers require a game restart. But you can easily treat this as just another exercise in your patience. As well as the fact that the character immediately grabs any selected weapon in his hand. As with crooked mechanics. As well as the dead crafting system. As well as weapons that fall apart in your hands. As well as the boring, monotonous gameplay. Like...

If there were not a single game left in the world except Dead Island Riptide, we still wouldn’t even look in her direction. The original was, frankly speaking, not a gift, but the long-awaited sequel, while working on bugs, completely demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of decent gameplay on the part of the authors. It is absolutely unclear what the guys from Techland. But their studies clearly did not include understanding the correct dynamics, refining the balance between the various game elements and improving the performance of the engine. The shelf of unplayable projects has arrived. Moreover, this is the arrival of a very serious weight category.

The main characters escaped and successfully landed on the military ship, but there they were met by the most unpleasant person - Frank Serpo. As it turned out, the disaster on Banoi was his doing. He somehow found out that the survivors were immune to the disease and ordered his men to take them prisoner. After this, Serpo began experimenting on them.
Some time later, the main characters come to their senses because an alarm has risen on the ship. The reason for this is that someone did not control something and now the infection is raging on the ship. Having reached the military Sam Hardy from the cabin, the survivors on the ship are wrecked. When they come to their senses, they see that they were on the neighboring island of Palanai, where the infected were already waiting for them.
There have been changes to the game lineup - a new character has been added. John Morgan is a military man who was dragged onto the ship because he is also immune. He is a specialist in hand-to-hand combat, that is, brass knuckles or bare hands are the best option for him to fight. In a state of rage, he attacks the enemy with his staff.
In terms of opponents, the game has also undergone changes:
- Grenadiers are mutated scientists who attack people by throwing pieces of their own bodies at them, causing enormous damage.
-Drowned - pretend to be dead while in the water, but they are very fast and agile.
- The Living Dead is a mutant who has one gigantic arm and the other normal. With his huge limb, he can hit the ground - this will cause a force wave that can knock him down.
- The Screamer is the most unpleasant and dangerous mutant, who with his scream can stun and immobilize, and at the same time cause considerable damage simply by attacking.
The game does not start from the first level, as usual, but from the fifteenth, and the player is given the opportunity to distribute skill points as he sees fit. In terms of creating weapons, everything remains the same - you need to look for drawings and create deadly weapons on a machine using raw materials.
Banoi was just the beginning, and the main characters will have to relive all this horror, but they are already prepared and full of experience. There are more of these infected people on Palanai, they are more aggressive and more deadly than they were on Banoi, and there are many more of them here.
The game has a co-op mode available, so if it’s too scary to play alone, you can invite up to three friends to play, but in co-op mode you can exchange things and it will be much more fun.
It should be noted that the game is full of all sorts of surprises. It is able to attract the attention of not only beginners eager to kill monsters, but also quite experienced players.

To make money in the gaming industry, it’s enough to follow successful trends and experiment a little. Take the currently popular theme of zombies, spice it up with an equally fashionable four-player co-op and send it all out into the open, or rather, into the open world. And to increase replayability, check out Gearbox's idea of ​​weapons generated on the fly.

This is how Dead Island came out - an untidy, slightly primitive, but still solid action movie on the theme of survival in a zombie reserve. Even after the controversial “Call of Juarez: Cartel,” the creation of the Poles from Techland was received with a bang, so the announcement of a sequel was only a matter of time. And it doesn’t matter how the creators themselves positioned Riptide - many expected it to fix bugs first and foremost.

– Did you sell a scattering specter with a charring mode to a cephalopoid without a license?
- He seemed decent...
film “Men in Black” (1997)

Repetition of what has been covered

The weak link of the original was the plot. Those responsible for the narrative did not come up with either evil corporations with biological weapons, as was the case in Resident Evil, or charismatic characters, as in the TV series The Walking Dead. In the world of Dead Island, a tragedy just happened: we don’t know how, we don’t know why.

The apocalypse has come to the island of Banoi, located near Papua New Guinea, where future heroes were attracted by a resort for the rich. Beaches, swimsuits, parties and alcohol - nothing foreshadowed trouble, when suddenly a loud party turned into an awakening in a hotel filled with zombies. It is “suddenly”, because history does not give either obvious or hidden references to the events preceding the tragedy.

To turn a living corpse into a regular one, it is enough to smash its head. It's a classic.

According to the canons of the genre, the infected infect people with their bites, and they turn into the same corpse eaters, and our four are immune to the virus... for some reason. The remnants of the survivors take advantage of this, throwing packs of courier orders to the heroes, but the global goal is simple, like the whole plot: to escape from the damn paradise, which instantly became a home for the living dead.

From abandoned bungalows and beach houses on the coast, the “brotherhood” moves deep into the island, to the town of Moresby, and then into the stuffy jungle, where an epidemic also reigns. The change of scenery was good for the game: three three-dimensional locations with different landscapes, architecture, monsters and even climate stood out positively against the backdrop of toothless dialogues and faded characters.

Skirmishes with looters remain, but now only occur in a couple of missions.

It all ended on an island with a prison, where our quartet was tricked by the military. A bit of drama, battles with zombies, the final “boss” - and now a company of immune survivors is copying the ending of Resident Evil, flying into distant distances in a helicopter with the hope that their nightmare is over, and we are left with a bunch of questions even without hints of any answers.

If you were hoping to hear the answer to the zombie virus in Riptide, then you were mistaken; the developers are only continuing the storyline of the heroes, throwing them new challenges. The helicopter could not take the fugitives far: due to a lack of fuel, they make an emergency landing on the ship of the main antagonist, let's say, of the franchise, where they are captured.

Having learned about the immunity of the uninvited guests, the villain clings to the idea of ​​​​investigating a virus worse than Weyland-Yutani from “Aliens,” and who knows how much longer the heroes would have been kept under lock and key and pills if a storm had not broken out... and zombies. Somehow, infected people get onto the decks (!) and the prisoners quietly escape, and the ship, having run into reefs, urgently unloads the survivors onto the coast.

Diamonds always appear behind the counter at the cinema. Collect them and then exchange them for money and experience with one of the characters you meet.

From this moment self-copying, if not to say plagiarism, begins. There was Banoi, there became Palanai - an island of the same archipelago, and it was also occupied by living corpses. The goal is the same: leave the danger zone. The methods are the same: hit, shoot, destroy. The same jungle and city as in the original, the same passage through the catacombs as in the original, the same “boss” in the finale and the ending as... well, you get the idea.

There are now five protagonists: the Australian John Morgan, a hand-to-hand combat specialist, has joined the company of Sam Bee, Logan, Xian and Parna. Apart from this, there is nothing to say about the character: he appears occasionally in cutscenes, does not participate in key scenes - you have to figure out his personality and character yourself, because the game will only throw in a couple of lines from his biography at the very beginning.

I wonder if this guy has a knife in his neck? Is there a special fashion for jewelry in Palanai?

If the development of key persons was not given importance, is it worth talking about the secondary ones? We saved on almost everything: texts, quests, voice acting, facial animation, textures. In one of the missions, a crazy black citizen will set your shelter on fire, in another, a person with the same face will ask for help. Not to mention that the same types are found throughout the game in the form of zombies.

By the way: our localization was done by “New Disk” and it was done conscientiously. While maintaining the continuity of the characters' names, the translators corrected the errors of the original. “Akell’s” “tramps” did become “walkers”, although there were some embarrassments: instead of the “open” button there is the inscription “talk”, which in some places looks funny. Soon, users will even be promised voice acting in the form of a free patch.

Hello, computer system unit. How are you?

A good plot in a zombie slasher is rare, but the creators of Riptide managed to set the quality bar even lower than in the original. This is not to say that the story is bad - it’s just not good, and that’s all. Not a single memorable character, not a single truly impressive scene. Of the seventeen hours of complete playthrough of the game, it is impossible to highlight anything categorically, except perhaps the passage through the catacombs, where in the pitch darkness you had to illuminate your way with signal flares.

Ten hundredth innovations

Riptide is not a full-fledged sequel, but only an independent addition, so it would be a sin to expect any revolutionary changes from the game. And so it happened: a modified interface, debugging of the engine and network code, otherwise the same Dead Island as in 2011. The developers were even modest in the game versions: if the original ended at 1.3.0, then the addon number is 1.4.0.

The main change in the game is the new island itself. Expensive hotels, mansions and resort villages are a thing of the past - the game greets us with a flooded jungle, where sparse roads intertwine with mountain serpentines and a viscous swamp. There are very few attractions on Palanai, and the rare survivors build barricades in their villages.

While at the ferry crossing, don't forget to climb onto the tower and pick up the old sniper rifle.

Later, circumstances will take us to Henderson, the largest city in the area. This is a clone of Moresby from the original, only there are even fewer living in it, and its outskirts are stuck in sea mud, as if the settlement was abandoned several years ago. In the cramped streets there is not much room to turn around: there is no working transport, and the dead population asks for passage at the cost of their lives.

This is where the imagination of the developers ends: we have two large zones (in the original there were three, not counting the prison from the last act), and several adjacent territories: catacombs, a research complex and residential buildings. As before, we can return to completed locations either on our own or using fast travel points.

In addition to cars, in the flooded jungle you will find motor boats - an indispensable means of transportation through the swamps from one village to another. Water travel is not as safe as walking in pickup trucks: the sound of the engine attracts drowned people and they run towards you in crowds - if you don’t want to be thrown into the water and pecked by the crowd, use acceleration in time.

Devil May Cry's local counterpart to Devil Trigger, the Wrath condition, can now be activated for the entire squad at once.

The remaining innovations were at least ambiguous. A certain analogue of tower defense appeared with the protection of the camp of survivors from a horde of the dead. You have the right to block passages with nets, place mines around the perimeter, and even bring a couple of heavy machine guns to then repel waves of zombies. There is no need to protect any buildings - it is enough to protect the survivors so that the infected do not get them.

The problem with the mode is that this fun is extremely forced and occurs several times throughout the plot, whereas in “Assassin’s Creed: Revelations” something similar was included in side quests, and there was only one story mission. This means whether you like such entertainment or not, you will have to go through them, fortunately there are checkpoints after each wave, and if a survivor dies, you will not be thrown back far. Fans of the genre, on the contrary, should curb their desire, because no one will let us go through the arenas again.

Defending the camp will not be a problem if you control the directions from which the zombies are coming.

To prevent the survivors from dying after every sneeze of a dead man, we were allowed to level them up by completing personal quests. Don’t expect full-fledged satellite missions - the developers have not reached the level to copy Mass Effect 2, and all tasks come down to finding objects: someone will ask you to bring a pile of scrap metal, someone will ask you to bring a few batteries.

By the way: each team member (be it your companion or an aborigine) will offer three tasks. The first two are not difficult to complete - everyone asks for “white” (widespread) things and only in the final mission they want rare parts. In order not to fail several of these tasks, complete Wayne's instructions before going to the catacombs, and the colonel's request before the battle on the roof of the cinema.

Small changes have been made to the structure of quests, and again they are straight from Borderlands: now the marker will less often indicate where a plot item is hidden or the entrance to a closed area - only the area is highlighted. More realism, yes, but finding a needle in a haystack is an extremely boring and tedious task, and yet there are almost half of such tasks in the game.

It took a good twenty minutes to find this boat, hidden in a huge village. Have you already imagined what awaits you next?

Leveling up weapon classes comes straight from the Gearbox hit. The longer you swing knives or axes, the more effective cutting weapons become. The bonuses are by no means cosmetic: attack speed and chance of a critical hit are increased, and stamina penalties are reduced. At the final tenth level you will get +35% damage.

Director's cut

If you analyze all the innovations introduced by the addition, then Riptide seems like a small but confident step forward. The creators really wanted to make the game more comfortable, get rid of unnecessary details, and the result, as they say, is obvious: a journal with a description of all the monsters encountered is placed in the game menu, consumable items (first aid kits, grenades) no longer take up space in the inventory.

But not all things were identified and cured by the authors. The mini-map, as before, does not display the topography of the landscape, and the marker now shows the exact route only at a very close distance to the target. During long transitions through the entire zone, you will often get lost in search of a passage and constantly look at the general map so as not to wander into a dead end or take a wrong turn.

These zombies are kind of lost. First he lost his arm, in a moment he will lose his head...

Alas, it wasn’t the little things that ruined Riptide. On the pedestal of problems, location design occupies third place - wander through the flooded jungle for an hour or two, and you will recognize typical corridors in the illusory open world. You will not be able, as in The Elder Scrolls, to cross the entire map at an angle of 45 degrees - all locations, like a mansion of termites, are dotted with intricacies of labyrinths, limited by insurmountable obstacles in the form of rocks, reefs and fences.

Quests receive disappointing “silver”. In terms of the wretchedness of the main and secondary tasks, Prototype 2 is difficult to surpass, but the authors of Riptide succeeded. 95% of all orders are “find and bring” requests. Someone is looking for a cure, someone is looking for a video camera, it doesn’t matter: every single task ends with hobbling to some point on the map and often does not involve mandatory contact with the infected.

The original also could not boast of an abundance of interesting tasks, but the conditions and locations of action changed more often, and the effect of novelty played an important role. Here, in tandem with the “bronze medalist”, the missions cause nausea already in the second hour of the game only because of the inconvenient movement around the map.

There is even a danger indicator on the quest acceptance screen. It is not known why it is needed if all missions without exception are very simple.

The champion among all the game's ills is the catastrophically low difficulty. You start right away at level fifteen and the character grows in rank by leaps and bounds: by the middle of the game you will achieve the fiftieth level (there are seventy in total), and the skills and class bonuses of weapons will make your protégé even stronger. As a result, even at the end of the game, the dead “break” with one or two hits, and “anger” helps to rein in the mini-bosses.

According to tradition, you can replay the game a second time with the same character, with the saved level and inventory, but the game is unlikely to change because of this - the level of monsters increases in proportion to ours, and, unlike us, the dead do not receive special techniques. They don’t even prohibit importing a hero from the original game - in this case, all the skills learned, but not the inventory, will be preserved.

Otherwise, Riptide is, I won’t say that it’s an improved, just a modified version of the original Dead Island. The game is based on carrion hacks with an emphasis on melee weapons, and this element has not become any better or worse: walkers wander in groups, flop on their backs after a kick, cheerfully lose limbs after an elegant blow with a katana. If that's your thing, Riptide is for you.

A pile of flickering corpses is the result of a weapon charged with electricity.

The composition of enemies from the original migrated to the expansion without changes, but several new individuals appeared. The Drowned are a hybrid of walkers and infected that live in swamps. Grenadiers throw toxic parts of their bodies, Screamers stun everyone within a certain radius but are vulnerable in close combat, and Brutes are physically tough but slow and helpless against firearms.

Each type of monster has a named “boss” - it differs from ordinary dead ones in increased damage and health reserves. You will meet such beauties while repelling horde attacks, during side quests or in small locations called “dead zones”.

There have been no changes to the weapon upgrade system, except for a few new recipes. As before, you can use money to repair and improve weapons, and with the help of parts and blueprints, you can supplement your equipment with the effect of continuous elemental damage. If you attach a burner to the blade, in case of critical damage the enemy will receive a burn, and the batteries and electrical tape will produce a stun gun. The modification cannot be done if you do not have drawings: you find them during your travels, buy them from merchants and receive them as a reward for quests.

The list of modifications has expanded, but there are no recipes with completely new properties among them.

The fifth character was not a trump innovation. A hero “tailored” to brass knuckles will please fans, but is unlikely to generate widespread demand - in a war against zombies, combat distance plays a significant role, so it is safer to fight with long katanas or sledgehammers, not to mention firearms and throwing weapons. The abilities of the remaining heroes have not undergone major changes.

Rewards for exploring the world also remain the same. As you wander around the island, you will meet distressed survivors - saving them will give you experience and money, and some will offer goods for sale. In addition to drawings, you will come across audio diaries and all sorts of waste paper - these things are considered collectible, and Steam will reward you with memorable achievements for collecting them.

Even zombies are no strangers to feelings. Just look how eagerly this infected person flew to us to hug.

There is not much to say about the online component - this aspect of the game has not changed in two years. Companions for co-op are selected automatically, based on similar progress in story quests. There will no longer be an imbalance in levels: a beginner will encounter low-level zombies, while for a seasoned player these same enemies will be of high rank.


On April 30, 2013, Techland announced the development of Hellraid, a cooperative slasher game for four. The creators will invite us to fight zombies and other evil spirits again, but this time in the Middle Ages, and already at the end of this year. This explains why the Poles approached the creation of Riptide carelessly, but does not justify the hackwork that we got as a result.

Descriptions of unique monsters at least somehow stand out from the rest of the bland texts.

And here we have a positive example of Borderlands, where the characters were somehow memorable and even the robots could joke and speak with different intonations, where add-ons costing $5 gave a new adventure seven to eight hours long, and the locations were truly new, and not a compilation of old ones. If the developers decided to make their own Borderlands with blackjack and zombies, they should have better understood the success of this game, and not limit themselves to copying “special features.”

And yet it cannot be said that the game is not worth the money. Steam offers us the international version at a regional price, and for pre-ordering you could get the original “Dead Island” with all the additions, as well as the “Survivor” pack for Riptide. It's a pity that the quality of the service this time was so different from the quality of the game itself.

Verdict: the same “Island”, with a recognizable soundtrack, but from a different angle. In some places it’s better, in others it’s not. There is still nothing better on the topic of zombie co-op with an open world.

Original game rating: 7.1.
Addition rating: 6.2.

Between the lines. Many are convinced that games like Dead Island are worth playing only in a cooperative. The position is interesting, but statistics strongly disagree with it. At the time of writing, only 13% of players completed the game, of which only 0.8% did it in the company of friends. I hope the developers are also aware of this data, and next time more attention will be paid to the development of single-player modes.

Vitaly Krasnovid aka Disintegration

  • Dead Island Riptide: Performance Testing
    Testing of thirteen video cards and forty-one processors in three resolutions and two operating modes.

  • at the conference website.

Aloha to all website visitors. I am with you again and inspiration has finally returned to me. So, enough of the verbiage, let's get straight to the review.

One, two, three, four, five, the zombies came out for a walk

As you know, Dead Island is a zombie action game with an emphasis on close combat. In the second part, the developers continued to follow the precepts of the first part, which was not even bad. That is, we will have to kill the zombies with fists or piercing, or cutting, or crushing weapons, and they will not pamper us with cartridges. Also, there is still a strip of fatigue that will not allow us to swing our upper and lower limbs endlessly. This aspect of the game adds a bit of realism to the game, which is very good, but when you are fighting a crowd of decaying dead people hungry for your flesh, it poses certain difficulties. Health is still replenished with food and drinks; in emergencies, you can use the first aid kit.

Now let's talk about the weapons in the game. We will come across knives, sticks, oars, wrenches, baseball bats and other construction and sports equipment in huge quantities, unlike firearms, which will honor your equipment with their presence a little more often than in the first part. Each weapon, depending on the class, breaks at different speeds, some after 3-4 fights, and some hold up well even after 10. So, you need to regularly repair your weapon, although the cost of repair is quite high, the prospect of being left without a weapon in a battle with 10-15 dead people is not encouraging. And there are as many varieties of zombies left as in the first part. By the way, the artificial intelligence of zombies has been improved. Now they are angrier and a little smarter than in the first part.

Also, the skill system remains in the game. For each level you receive a skill point, which you can spend immediately or save for later. At the beginning of the game, you can choose which set of skills you can start the game with: combat, survival, and some other set, the name of which I, sorry, forgot. Each ability is very useful, and it is advisable to level up all three branches of skills evenly. By the way, each hero, there are five of them in the game, has a certain predisposition to certain types of weapons. But despite all this, the battles become boring and monotonous after just an hour of play.

An essential element of the survival horror genre is the element of survival, that is, crafting and collecting things that are useful to the player to one degree or another. Crafting in Dead Island: Reptide plays an important role, because most of the things in stores are expensive, and you will have to rivet this or that weapon yourself. Various bags, chests and drawers contain money, scrap metal, belts, nails and other crafting items. Next, at the workbench, we, using a drawing, create weapons or modify existing ones. For example, you can stick nails into a baseball bat and you will get a very good melee weapon. Also, you can simply improve the characteristics of an item for money, which is quite expensive. In total, each weapon can be upgraded four times, but with each upgrade, the cost of repairs also increases.

Moved to another island

The game takes place on another island of the Banoe archipelago. The virus has already reached another island, near which, due to a storm, the warship to which the heroes flew by helicopter at the end of the first part crashes. There they are immediately taken into custody, because they are immune to the virus, they try to study them, but the above-mentioned storm spoils all plans. After the crash, survivors from the island find us and the whole storyline is almost the same as in the first part. Additional tasks are monotonous, and to complete them you have to wander from one part of the island to another several times.

We can drive around the island in damn right-hand drive cars and boats. True, you can’t really ride the latter, because there are quite a lot of zombies in the water and they climb onto the boat and you have to constantly shoot them down. And in a car you can have a lot of fun, press the gas pedal to the floor and shoot down zombies at full speed. The cooperative is especially pleasing. You can play alone or with four people, but it’s still more interesting with friends.

All this is good, of course, but absolutely everything that is in Reptide is in the first part. The sequel didn't add anything new.

Zombie design

Not much can be said about the graphics. The engine remains the same, so do the graphics. True, there are several changes, improved detail of the island and weather conditions. Facial animation remains at the same level, as does the detailing of weapons and characters, and the zombies still look disgusting.

The English voice acting is not even bad; the Russian voice acting, unfortunately or fortunately, is not there. The zombies' roars are quite frightening, and the sounds of bones breaking and limbs being cut are believable. A good soundtrack adds to the depressing atmosphere of the game.

Advantages and disadvantages



Hand to hand combat




All this has already happened

Graphic arts

What did we get in the end? A game with good action and an open world, with excellent battles with zombies, but with outdated graphics and has not brought anything new to the gameplay since the first part, with excellent co-op, but rather boring tasks.

Thank you everyone for reading this text, I will be glad to know your opinion on the review. Bye everyone, play good games.

Sorry it's not enough.

Let's start, perhaps, with the good, namely, that the Poles made their promises Techland held back. In the new Dead Island There are new vehicles, new enemies, and even the character development system has been reworked. Who's in the tank, let me explain - these are three branches of development: survival skills, combat skills and rage. So, the system from (which, by the way, it was a sin to complain about) has become even more convenient. On top of everything else, they added a new character - John Morgan. The location of the action has also changed and is different from the island of the first part. Palanai much darker Banoya: dull colors and eerie sounds build up the atmosphere, all this is done to a solid B level.

And now, perhaps, let's move on to the fly in the ointment. Namely, to balance. It remained without much change. Any weapon breaks with a couple of three hits. A stick, a bat, or a metal rod are sent for repair after the same amount of time. And that's bad. I personally have never figured out how hard you need to hit rotten meat to break a baseball bat in 20 hits. Maybe I just don't understand something?

One of the new bugs has been adding equalization of the level of your enemies to the level of your weapons. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, a super gun created on a workbench is no longer so super, and it’s not very different from other weapons... Yeah, that is, crafting can be thrown out. More precisely, it seems to exist, you can use it, but there is no vital need for it!

And again about the good! You don’t notice any of the listed shortcomings if you play in a cooperative. The game is still focused on playing with friends and it's still fun. The atmosphere of the new island is lost, but it becomes really interesting to play through the game, especially considering the fact that new quests have been added to the standard “fetch and serve” ones.

In the end, everything is not as bad as it could be, but not as good as it should be. The game has not gone forward or backward - it just stands still. And here a reasonable question arises: is it worth its 600 (599)